This is a nerve wracking time here in the US, these Fires are devastating. More than 500,000 families ( atleast 1Million people) have been evacuated and or displaced, and for how long no one knows. How many will have Homes to return to is another story in itself. So many of the Readers, and Commenters of this Blog are from California and I too used to live there, so I ask that you continue to pray for their safety and wellbeing, and that they are cared for, and pray for the Safety of the Firefighers.And yes, if you live out West Think of ways to give to your neighbors down the Coast, or if you an offer food, or shelter, they will need places to go. This is going to be a long week of Battling these Fires.....and yes, Pray for Rain.....or as Proud Progressive said in the Comments on the Fire post below...Do a Rain Dance. Dance.....and pray...
*[Click the Title: Jewel "Hands"]*
I have to say that the Blogger Community is so wonderful- the most amazing group of people- so far we have had the Bloggers and Readers donate shelter from all over: Oregon, Washington State, Canada, New Mexico, Colarado, Texas, Arizona, and yes, even my beat up old house has room and beds....and soup...So far all contacts are making do and getting up the Coast. But it is good to have a Safety Net in place...Thank You Folks...we will see what happens...namaste.
**** {email me if you have other song ideas or to offer shelter , or updates: enigma4ever@earthlink.net}****
beautiful picture...and as i don't watch the news i didn't know about this tragedy...i know it was horrible windy here yesterday...but no fires
i'll see what i can do - hugs!!
Unbelievably beautiful picture Enigma!
The fire is continuing to destroy without abatement. It is being compared to Katrina by many of the talking heads. It may even turn out to be worse, at least in terms of property damage.
Thanks...both of you...I might move the picture to the top...it is beautiful,.,,,somehow soothing....and in a way....we all have to believe that the good people there will get through it...
and yes, it will be worse than Katrina..
and we all need to accept that..and be prepared to do what we can...
this is Our Country...and they will be Katrinaed like NOLA...abandoned by the FEDS...
It was better reading your post, than reading about what Glenn Beck said about CA.
Ahhhh Renegade...I have a thing or two I would indeed love to say to Glen Beck....ahem...none of which is suitable for this blog ....thanks good to see you.....
( I moved this post up to the top- I would not watch the smoke at the top my screen anymore- it just tugged at my heart too much...but I will keep updating the Fire Post...)....
Nurse, we are way, way away from the fires, but not away from the fire zone. A few years back we had a big canyon fire nearby and we had to get the hell out of our house. Fast. We were out for hours, not knowing whether our house would survive or not. ONe house on our street did burn. When we finally got back, all the doors of our house were open. We figured either firemen or the police went through to make sure no one had stayed behind.
We're on red alert. No one is allowed to park on our winding narrow hillside streets, so Engine 44 and company can get up the hill if necessary.
Hopefully no one or nothing will ever put out your fire, Enigma!
We see the fires even in Australia though we have our share of them too. Nothing more scary than a fire driven by a high wind.
Global warming is well underway. Worse, much worse, is to come. Cheers.
Some rain and cool weather would do us well.
I am in no danger where I live but my dad is close to evacuating and some of my friends already have evacuated.
Fingers crossed that the high pressure system that caused these dastardly Santa Ana's breaks up overnight tonight.
Polshifter...Glad you are okay...let us know how you are ..and keep us posted...stay safe...and yes, these winds need to die...but when...
Daniel: wow...thanks...you make me blush...I know you have fires down there too...I know global warming is the real thing...scary...I love the new Avatar...namaste...
Newsguy....I am glad that you are okay...please take care..( thanks for sharing your fire stories...)
Hi enigma4ever, I will not bring up Glen Beck. I was stationed at El Toro in the 80's and I know about the Santa Ana winds and the fires. I pray that everyone is OK and that things get better.
I had news yesterday of friends being evacuated in San Diego. The story was they would be put in tents in a downtown hotel. Sounds odd, but in an emergency...
I haven't heard anything since, but at least they are safe.
Wonderful post, Enigma! We had to evacuate early yesterday a.m. but were able to come home last night. So many were not so fortunate. I have myself and my little animal family intact and I feel very fortunate. And I was so overwhelmed by all the phone calls I received through the day...friends offering shelter if we needed it, at a moment's notice ready to welcome me and my roomie and our travelling zoo into their homes.
Although my immediate area appears to be OK for now, the situation keeps escalating throughout the county and beyond, with more and more evacuations ordered. I hope to god conditions begin to reverse.
Thanks for all of the concern from everybody!
Yes, Mi casa es tu casa
I'll come and pick up anyone who needs a place.
Prayers and powerfulpositive energy to all affected in any way.
It is not getting any better today. They really need a break in the weather. I cannot imagine where all of these people will go and where they will work. For many it will be like Katrina, folks having to pack up and just move to a new town and start over.
Pursey: They really do need a break...from weather, heat and the winds really need to calm, and that is not yet in the forecast, and they still need rain...
Spado: thank you for sharing of spirit and shelter...
Bluegrrrrl: thank you so much for sharing, we are so glad that you are okay.....please stay safe, and know that you are in your thoughts and prayers.
Cartledge: May you your friends be cared for, even if the circumstances sound odd, at the Racetracks, people can take tents and pets....which is creative and odd, but apparently works.( The DelMar and Fairgrounds & Racetrack is the one I know of).
Let's Talk: well, I do think that there is indeed a warm place in Hell for MrBeck....and about the Winds...they are visious...cruel...
Much love and light to all of those out there...we are rooting for you...
I think those who are able to take in families until they can get back to their homes or at least, find something more lasting until their homes are built...well, it's nothing short of wonderful. It's so good to see we still have a sense of humanity in this country. Many people around the world hate us and say we are selfish...but when it comes to a tragedy, we pull together and do all we can help to support our neighbors.
Thanks enigma! You're an angel!
Mary Ellen: thank you for your words, I think that in these times , that we are offering aid and see it provided for our friends and neighbors in California, none of us could watch or witness a Katrina Event Ever Again. We have refound our Humanity, our Hope and our Hearts....regardless of the Evil Heartless Criminal Regime.
Continue to watch these events and monitor what we can do to help our Neighbors....our Friends...
They do not see rains but the winds have died down and they see the end so that is good. Anyway you know my line of thought and that disasters will used be to Bush's favor and his relentless drive for WW3. This will stun you but keep smiling.
Ignore my stuff but read Act 1-6. Why can we not get this out. The idiots have to know this. Relentless drive for WW3
Patriot: I don't know what will happen with the Winds- it is still a matter of Heat and Humidity...and there are still hundreds of 1000's of normal americans that will need food, shelter, and jobs, and will need our care and attention...I think most of us are well aware that Bush or the FEDS provided sqaut...
so I will be honest WWII is that is not my concern or focus right now, but I will send folks over to your blog to discuss...I think there are times we need to look at what is happening in our country- whether it be Children without healthcare or 49 million without insurance, or a Disaster of Mammoth Proportions. I think that Bush is mentally ill, I have said that consistantly, and that his drive to WWIII is just him and Cheney sitting in the bus...
Patriot- they have had NO traction on it at all, and we should not give them any- we should be speaking of them with disdain and speaking to the matters effecting millions- Bush has had NOT one interview since his pissypantedbullying threat- have you noticed...and then he went to some military school and gave a little speech this week..pissed that the Ca. State would want AID....People, Real people see him for the fraud that he is...and the lying failure of a leader is once again revealed with this HUGE disaster- 400,000 acres - that is horrific- farms, businesses....and he "decides" to drop in tomorrow.....he is pathetic...And once again the world has witnessed his insept heartless attitude, this am he signed the NEEEDED Emergency Mandates...and he seemed Bothered, pissy, no compassion...just incovenienced...( and cheney was asleep duing the conference).....
So there you have it...but on this blog, so many have offered food , housing, etc...We the Bloggers are Heart and Soul what this country is made of...I have already been a refuggee....still am...and I still have Faith in the Real People...just not my govt.
2008 We will get this country back into OUR hands...of Real Americans..and we will find that shredded Consitution .....
Have Hope...
Enigma, you're so right when you say the Bloggers are the heart and soul of your country. What an amazing network of people. You will prevail.
I am just heartsick at what is happening in California. It's almost as if the whole state is on fire. I hope other folks do what they can to help.
Another of the agents at our Travel Agency reports today that she is right between two of the fires - so far, she's not had to evacuate but she's ready. She looks right down on the Camp Pendelton fire. It's really hot. The haze is unbelievable. There will be a slew of respiratory infections, because everyone has been breathing smoke, and everyone is slightly oxygen deprived.
Most people will re-build. People choose to live here. It really is a choice. We contend with draught, then fires, then torrential rains which cause mudslides in the fire-ravaged areas. It is ALWAYS earthquake season in California. But it is also ridiculously beautiful, and so people will rebuild.
I have clients flying into San Diego today from Montreal, just off a cruise. They are scheduled for two nights at a hotel in San Diego before getting on another cruise. However, many of the hotels have tents set up in their lobbies, and other evacuees in the rooms. I can just picture these ladies getting to their hotel and being told "Sorry. Due to the emergency, you are fucked." And they will react in their typically self-centered fashion, and scream and yell, because they fall into the category of Ugly American.
Anyway, it's not over yet.
"We must all hang together, or, surely, we will all hang apart." -- Ben Franklin
Fred: that is the truth isn't it...( I would have loved to "hang" with Ben)
Diva:Thanks for your updates..I read that Camp Pendleton has two fires and that I5 was closed part of the day...what a mess....I hope you are doing okay..protect your airways, and I am sure that everyone is O2 deprived...wet cloth over your face when you are out and about I hope.....I love your description of the "Travelors"..they are in for a bit of a Reality Check....I miss Ca., I would come back in a heartbeat...it is so beautiful...burned , scorched or shaken....all beautiful....
Josie: thank you for your thoughts...and we are an amazing comunity...thank you ...you are a part of it too....( even though you are Canadian ;-)
Our hearts go out to the evacuees. This disaster will not be solved quickly or easily. I'm afraid insurance companies may do what they did post Katrina, deny claims or just bail out of the area.
A little footnote about donating to the Red Cross-- you need to earmark the donation S. Califirnia fire/disaster relief or it can be put in local general coffers. The Red Cross is an excellent organization--they have been on the scene in Cal. for days already while the Feds remain clueless or wrapped up in bureaucratic red tape. The Red Cross also takes a very small percentage for their administrative costs. Oregon R. C. just sent down more crews, prepared to stay for 3 weeks.
Yes Der Fuhrer is going there tomorrow to get his photo taken at another disaster and its only costing taxpayers $12,500 dollars to go and another $12,500 dollars to leave.
That's the cost for Air Force One every time it takes off with the Decider.
And all California will get is lies like those citizens in NOLA got.
I'm glad that those who blog and all Californians are faring better the the poor people in NOLA.
As someone said NOLA was poor and Black while California is White and rich.
So maybe they will get some relief, but I bet they would have more relief if the Decider stayed away.
God Bless.
Anon: I don't agree with you....even though you are a friend...First off, California is coping better, BECAUSE they learned from Katrina, and they worked hard to make sure that they could take care of themselves in spite of the FEDS, but this is not over......this is only the Iniitial Disaster Preparedness Reponse, they were organized and prepapred, and sadly they also have had lots of practice, due to Fires and Quakes....BUT they are not ALL rich or white, far from it...they are Many Nationalities, mostly middle class, or lower middle class, yes , some were rich but of the 1 million displaced , most are people, like you and me, and Diva and Bluegrrrrrl, and just normal folk....Ca was the only place I have ever lived where people took care of each other in Storms ( I lived by the sea)....there are also many immigrants, and also many military families in that area...So I have to correct you...so sorry.....
Fran: Thanks,.....and I think I did post below about RED CROSS DONATIONS MUST BE SENT TO SOUTHER CAL... I volunteer for them,,,,have worked many storms.....Even here in Ohio they are sending nurses etc, I won't be going this round....they do good work...esp with Disaster preparedness issues, and now that FEMA has been dismantled by Chertoff's Homeland Nazi Dept. .....it is up to the Red Cross to help...also the Humane Society is doing good work helping with animals there.....thanks fran...
I'm sorry. Once again I was unable to convey what I meant. I know that there are many poor or middle class people living in California.
I know also that they are better prepared to cope with natural disasters more than many other states can.
What I was trying to say was that maybe because a lot of money flows to both parties that they would receive better help than those in NOLA did.
As you know by checking your site meter I'm from Florida and if you recall we got better relief and response from the Federal Government mainly because the Decider's brother was our Governor or we would have been treated exactly like NOLA.
I pray that we do not see the death that we saw in NOLA, but I know that Der Fuhrer will do more for California than he would otherwise do because a lot of money flows out of it. Both to the Nazi party and the Democratic party.
Also this is just another photo op for him and will have the same effect that it had in NOLA by distracting those trying to do their best by all the security that will be traveling with him.
So once again I'm sorry if I was unable to convey what I meant and you took it the wrong way.
Also I consider you a very good friend and I want to let you know I understand with emotions running high and many of our friends being in danger it is easy to mistake what one tries to say. Sometimes it just never comes out right.
God Bless.
Anon: we are fine...as always..we are discussing looking at it...I agree there are always lessons that come out of these situations....and dialogue...thank you for clearing up my worries about what you were trying to say...and yes, if the Hurrycane had hit Boca Raton- well, we would have seen a WHOLE different reponse....I just want to make sure we understand....most of us that come here...we know who we are...Dome People...and that is why we always take care of each other....thanks AnonP...
You kow, there is an Iraq component to the California Firestorms. Our National Guard is at 50% strength in California because they are deployed in Iraq. So as I noted on my blog, we are paying billions for them to be over there, when they should be over here, helping put out the fires and helping people recover from the fires.
An excellent account is at ThinkProgress, which I quote in its entirety at Rado Boys...
Prayers for those in harms way.
CA blog commenters not immediately affected by flames are reporting lung congestion.
Like others, I fear their next challenge will be insurance companies, who proved their worth after Katrina.
Thank you, e4e, for your wonderful posts on this tragedy.
I'm glad to see people of good will responding to the crisis in a better way than Pat Ropbertson, who claimes the fires are God's judgment on them.
I wonder if Beck and Robertson realize that several of the counties involved voted (by a slim margin) for Bush.
Does that still make it God's wrath?
I didn't think so.
Anyway, my friends Emily and Cooper at The Motherhood have helped establish a clearinghouse for information, etc.
Their blogging days started after Katrina when they did much the same thing.
here is the link to their blog which has all the information.
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