** Originally Posted 11.24.07 , reposted and moved to Monday Night 11.26.07**
*{Click the Title: This YouTube is called What John F.Kennedy would say to George Bush, it is Profound , it is Disturbing, It must be seen. The Photo is from our Friend in the Northwest, it is JFK at Love Field in Dallas, the Crowds reaching to touch him, to touch Greatness.}*
" When we got into Office, the thing that surpised me the most, was that things were as bad as we had been saying they were" John F.Kennedy 1962
Many of us remember Greatness, remember where we were when we heard that the Light had been snuffed out of our Dreams and Hopes. I was merely a child when he died, and I remember it clearly. As we watch all these Democratic Candiates on the Election Trail we find ourselves looking for Greatness, for Hope, for Courage. We find ourselves reflecting on the words of this great leader, the man who was the President that was Destined to greater Greatness. I find myself looking at these Candidates, do they project Strength? Do they speak Bravely of Needed Change? Do they confront The Truth ? Do they Acknowledge that OUR Constitution is In Trouble ? John F. Kennedy would have acknowledged ALL of these issues....he was doing it over 40 years ago, and with the help of YouTube you can still hear his Words, his Wisdom, his ability to Speak the Truth.
"The Great Enemy of the Truth is often not the Lies, deliberate, contrived, dishonest, but the Myth, persistant, persuasive, and unrealistic. Belief in myths allows the comfort of opinion, without the discomfort of thought."
I think JFK would have realized that Mr.Bush is living a myth, that he is trying to be comfortable with the Mythical False Legacy he has created that has cost millions of lives to be lost and damaged.
There is a Book on sale at Borders right now, that you need to see, and buy for $4.99, it is called "Remembering Jack", by Jaques Lowe,, It shows John F.Kennedy and Robert F.Kennedy , and the family during those early 1960's, it will remind you of those days, and it also has quotes from the family. Robert F.Kennedy Jr wisely points out that those photos keep his history intact, and help him realize his part of that time in History.
I am asking each of you to take a photo of yourself and write what you would tell President Kennedy today ? And when the Candidates come to your town, think of him and Robert Kennedy as AG, and realize that there would be NO discussions of Torture, and Illegal Spying, and Constitutional Abuses,Gitmo...Ask Brave Questions , Ask Questions that JFK would have asked. This is NOT a time to Show Fear, this is a Time to be Brave, for ALL of us.
I am a citizen that stood up and blew the whistle on a company that was doing horrible criminal damage to land, soil, animals, water and people. And it was knowing Endangerment to the People of one small County, and the Federal Government was given ALL the Data and Documents of the Damage, and Investigations were opened, and then Mr.Bush came to Power. And my life became Hellish at best. I was put on No Fly LIsts, and Phone Lists,and my mail was disrupted, all because my little Non Profit studied Environmental Health Damage from a Company that was friends with the Bush Family. I was told by a Senator's Office in 2004 to Hush and Keep Quiet because Executive Decisions had been Made. I shipped my belongings across the Country, and when the Pod arrived it had been opened and a Letter was Inside From Homeland Security, saying that it had been checked for Explosives. The Homeland Security Operatives STOLE: my Science Books, Including My Books on Rachel Carson and Madame Curie, and Chemistry, and My Books on Religion and Buddhism, and My Books On the Kennedys, both John F.Kennedy and Robert F.Kennedy. They even Stole My "Profiles In Courage" that John F.Kennedy wrote.
The Line indeed has been crossed when a Patriotic Mom and a Nurse has been labeled as an Enemy and placed On LISTS, and There is indeed Fascism endangering Our Country, over 300,000 people have been labeled like me to spied on at Will in the Name of "Security". More than 80,000 can not fly. Look at your Friends, your neighbors, and tell me, WHO would you put on a List. Who would you think Deserves Less Freedom? The Student next door ? The Lawyer down the Street ? The mom who volunteers for the ACLU ? WHO?
"Profiles in Courage " was written before JFK was President, it was written about Eight Great Americans, not just about their Courage, but about their Codes of Honor, their Integrity. And in the 1964 Special Edition, that was stolen from me, was the Famous Dedication written by his brother Robert that said ," This is not just Stories of the Past, but a Book of Hope and Confidence for the Future, What Happens to the Country, to the World, depends on What we do with What Others have Left Us." For many years I have carried that quote and the quote below in my pockets because they give me Strength and Hope.
"The Chinese use 2 Brush Strokes to write the word "Crisis". One Stroke stands for "Danger", and the other "Opportunity".In a Crisis be aware of the Danger,but recognize the Opportunity. "( April 12,1959) John F.Kennedy spoke these words before he was ever elected President. We are as a Nation at a Moment of Crisis, let us Face the Dangers, and see it as Our Last Great Opportunity to Save Our Country. Start to look at the Candidates and ask Hard Questions And Listen for Courage, Integrity, and Truth. Our Future is in Our Hands.