So it is the Forth....I am ashamed of Our Country and this Regime at the Helm.I am sad that we have troops in Iraq, I am sad that we have wounded VETS here at home, and I am mortified daily by the Crimes of King George from Torture to Shredded Cosntitution to Illegal Wars...When I was a little over 30 I got pregnant with my son, I got pregnant on the 4th of July....I know this because Mr.Enigma and I both were working 2 jobs, and so we used to have Date Nights.....so yes I do know Exactly when I got pregnant....I was pregnant with my son and marched in Anti War Rallies against the First Gulf War....I still have my ANTI War Peace Buttons, and now my teenage son wears them....
When he was about 5 monthes old I took him to watch his first Independence Day Fireworks over Lake Union in Seattle....and I watched his big eyes light with Wonder.....And I prayed that there would be no more Wars....

Lake Union In Seattle , with Fireworks....
So here I am all these years later....and here we are being run into the ground by this War Mongering Regime....we are Broken and Broke and I am a bit confused What we are to celebrate.....or honor ? I have my flag up- hung real low....and I will make my son something special...and I will comfort the critters when the Fireworks go off....But later tonight I will light candles and pray for Peace.....
The Posts below are about the 4th , each one is different....One is about Videos honoring this day, including Poor Pathetic King George Got Heckled for the War Criminal that he is at his own little private Bubbleboy Event.....and some music....and my favorite anthem is here below.....
Marvin Gaye sings the Star Spangled Banner 1983 ( NBA Playoffs)
You sound a little down my friend! Yes we have been run into the ground but it is the 4th of July our Birthday! Please go outside and enjoy a hot dog and dome fresh air. It truly is wonderful! Happy 4th of July!
ahhh very astute..yes I am down...I have a stomachbug...so no hot dogs....and it is beautiful out...and that is nice...but I am not so sure what we are celebrating...I used to always make a cake for today.....( I make a Cake every Christmas too...it's a thing...)
but otherwise....
You have a good forth.....take care...
Happy Fourth, E. I love that you put some thought into these videos, went out and found them, then posted 'em here for all to enjoy.
Always a huge Marvin Gaye fan, this was new to me. Loved it. And I'll never forget the first time I heard Hendrix play the National Anthem on his guitar. He did things with a guitar I'd never heard before. Absolutely blew me away. (Maybe the drugs helped?)
Renee Martin's version of the Star Spangled Banner seemed so tame. I mean, where were the freakin' bombs bursting in air? The rockets red glare? How are we supposed respond to such hope and mellowness? (TY, TY, TY!) I'd heard the news story about this performance, but you found the video for all to see and enjoy.
Finally, IS THAT BUSH VID FOR REAL? I mean, you sure it wasn't a "Dub" over of Bush's voice? If real, ya think maybe that's the first time he's ever heard dissenters challenge him?
Of course, the irony was nice; of him lauding free speech while those in the audience trying to practice it were being carted off by the police. Bush is what he's always has been -- a punk, a bully and (soon!) a has been.
Thanks and, oh, yeh, feel better!
Hey there Happy 4th to you and the Mrs and that lucky Dog.......I wanted to find videos that meant something...since this holiday has dissolved into Bad Beer Ads, and red-white-blue Chinet plates from China.....
I love Marvin Gaye, esp in the summer..or when it is raining or I am cleaning...or anytime ;-) I remember this Moment- so I went looking for it on Youtube....now the the funny thing is that I had a Bassatt for years- Abby- and she used to sing the National Anthem ( or try to- mostly she used to yodel and howl to it- ANY version....) so for years I was always looking for different versions of it on tape or CD or film....we figured it out watching Basketball and Baseball games and she would sing with the Anthem...and if she missed her moment she would sit in front of the TV and wait....( and we used to reward her with icecream and cookies...that might have helped).....Anyways I was happy to find that Marvin Version....
And the Renee Marie song- well, the way the Media hyped it all week- you would have thought she used the EFF word...and my son and I both noticed that they MSM did not actually Ever Play the song...
so off I went to find it driven by curiousity- and then to hear it and it was actually a beautiful song.....
So Some of this I started putting together last night...BUt then this afternoon I saw the little Moment on CNN when King George had a bad time at his own Picnic...and I was like damn- I am getting this for the blog....now that video when I posted it- had been viewed ZERO times and was only up for 19 minute when I posted it...so I will be curious HOW many times it gets seen today...and Bush got called a Fascist and a War Criminal at a Patriotic Event- I was so proud of those people....good for them....( My son pointed out that it was probally an Invite only repug Event- so really good for them).
But hey friend...Have a good 4th...eat a good hot dog...have fun with the Dada Family and take care out there..
enigma my sweet rose...
I hope you and 6'6 had a safe and Happy Fourth of July.
Yes, some true patriots called the Decider a War Criminal and also accused him of bringing Fascism to America.
Don't you just love true Patriots?
I do.
God Bless you and 6'6.
Anon P:::
Bless you too friend...hope your 4th is lovely and safe...that one video made the whole day ...and yes, those Patriots that spoke out at the Event- Thomas Jefferson would have been proud of them....
have a good weekend...best to the lovely Kitty...
take care....
Peace my friend, the greatest of gifts next to love. With peace comes abundant life. We've become a country that thrives like vampires on the blood of others. It's not pride I feel this 4th--- it's a profound shame.
Hi enigma, we feel the same way and I think alot of people do too.
Hope your tummy is better,and maybe next July the Fourth will be better.
Love Marvin, outasight !!
Well E, nothin like getting PG to the sound of boom-BOOM-BOOOMMM!!! I saw those fireworks up in Seattle, 1977 or 78. Next day we took the ferry to Orca Island. Fun, but no PG for me!
And oh my, my old Labrador sang the Nat'l Anthem up until she went deaf this year. She would've loved to have Abby join in!
But yeah I'm questioning what we are celebrating, too. It does seem like a cardboard version of the Fourth. Like we are going through the motions.
i hope your weekend gets better my friend. i know EXACLTY what you are saying --- this whole regime and tenor in the air is just overwhelming -- and there is a good chance it wont go away after Jan 21
as for I am ashamed of Our Country
i guess you can never be first lady
best wishes
just b safe and have fun folk
Hope you feel better today! celebrate being and having 6.6! Every day is a blessing so celebrate tomorrow today! Have a nice day!
A little late, but hope you had a good one, and that you're feeling better.
I remember marching for an anti-war rally on Times Square on the eve of the first Gulf War. That your son wasn't even born then, and is a teenager now, really marks the passage of time, huh.
I thought the video in the last post said it all. Governor Bush proclaims that the nation believes in free speech, and has Secret Service arrest those who speak freely.
To whom, or to what, do you pray?
Just curious.
David Duff
that antiwar peaxce button gone be worth something
especially if u can get rumsfeld to sign it lol
very funny....I think I will pass on the Rummy signature...( I think that would decrease the value)....
hmm, it does not matter to whom or what I pray.......I just know that spiritually it is good some of us still value Peace...( and since you are curious..I am a Buddhist.....I was raised Quaker...but I value all religions and spiritual journeys)...
I know....marching for peace seemed so simple..now it seems ages ago....my son was not even here yet....( and yes King George had a crappy 4th...to bad..hope his birthday sucked too).
you can tell this is not my favorite holiday ;-)
wonderful video- Marvin singing...
Distributor Cap:::
ahhh, so I can't be 1st lady....LOL....thank you for understanding Exactly what I am saying..I am not a Un American...I just hate seeing what we have become...
I hope that you had a good holiday...my gut is still a wreck..but ce la vie...
Hope all is well your way......yeah Seattle used to have great fireworks...ahhh another Singing Dog....I miss Abby's yodeling....I am sure one day there will be another yodeler...hugs and wags to your doggies....
ahhhh, yes., think many are feeling it....but I am glad that the Marvin helps...
yeah...I hear you..and agree...yup....we need Peace...and only fools dont' and can't value it..many hugs to you friend..( give that Bodhi some extra love)
Are you okay, my dear? You've been a bit quiet, so I am just checking in with you.
Sorry I've missed the party. My dog is so distressed by the blowing up money and the big orgasmic KABOOM of middle-aged men setting off the Rocket's Red Glare, we're having a little breakdown.
[waving high from the Nation's Capitol]
whoohoo, access to the computer...am I glad my dh has a notebook..hope all is well, it's a whirlwind 'tour' though we're not going hogwire wanting to see everything..plenty to see and have seen..our 5 yr old has been taking pictures (digital) so there will be LOTs to delete when we get home..however, she managed to get a good shot of the Hope diamond..there's a good girlie!![g]
sorry I have been so quiet...son's computer was on the fritz...and so had to lend him my laptop ;-) And yeah....I am a bit quiet....( I also spent the past two days sorting out IRS stuff...sooooo I feel like I am losing time...) But I will be round soon...
oh good for you DC and photos...lovely....We will look forward to those pics and stories...
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