So I wrote last week about "Curbside Shopping"...and the wonders...so far this one wins it for the Summer....It is a 1940's Machine....not sure of the maker, very difficult to ascertain, but I love that it says " MODERN HOME" on it, and yet it is so Vintage and beautifully painted. The Machine's case was battered and filthy, but the machine was pristine, and perfect working order, the pedal and tension had been repaired and the Light rewired.So I have been able to make cushion covers and fix 6-6's clothes.
Now the Chair...ahhh, that was set out to the curb and fairly battered...now it has fresh paint and cushion and our cats love it....And I have 3 others I am painting to match it....
Total spent...3 dollars on paint. ( I use "Mistake Paint', that the hardware store sells at discount to get rid of it).
Hey, I used to have an old sewing machine (no snarky comments, please) that was useful as heck. I sewed toys for my sisters, hemmed pants, and re-upholstered car seats with it. (Alas, no women to help with such things, apparently.)
It was made in the fifties, and built like a tank. I lost it in a fire, and can't buy anything new made without ticky-tacky Chinese plastic parts and such.
Good for you, e4e!
Oh, yeah. Dig that turquoise paint! You realize there are still hundreds of bathrooms around the country that were tiled in that color? That and a putrid shade of pink.
so sorry you lost your sturdy machine...isn't it amazing how the old ones are built so incredibly strong....I LOVE the paint on this....( now I would not like a bathroom like that ..)BUT... My son loves this color- I painted his room with it...it was called " Old Hawaiian Paradise" ( funny huh?)...It looks great with his Black and White Posters...esp the Led Zeppelin one....
ONE more thing DrKNOW....
I taught my son how to sew...I think it is a great skill to have ;-)....and yeah, I have helped a few folks with the reholperstery of cars...
Yours is a magical place, and I love your taste. I envy you to porch a bit. No, a lot. i have a small deck, but it's not covered. And so no place to park my antique bike except next to the gazebo. Winter I'll try to squeeze it into the tool shed.
oh thanks...I am so lucky to have this porch..I have not had one in many many years..so I was so happy to have it...the first time I saw it it was full of snow and ice....I love your bike...hmm, it's not covered- maybe you could get one of those Setup Tents- the kind people have for picnics- I saw them for 19 dollars at Walmart- the lightweight kind - you know ?
when I moved here it was far from magical...it was 10 below..and mid winter- the Loft Apts I was living in downtown with my son - the owner got foreclosed- so I litterally had weeks to find a new place and it was January 2007.....and so I found this place...walking and searching for days...and it needed a TON of work...it was unreal...giant holes in walls, NEON paint on the walls..and piss everywhere....I worked very very hard for monthes.....and I treasure it...all of it..and now my current landlord is having money troubles....Soooooo we wait and hold our breaths.....as long as I can make my son a home....that is all that matters to me....see I am a pack rat - I can live anywhere....
But thanks for what you said....so nice ...come and visit anytime...I put it up to share ;-)
I've been sewing all my life. My mother always had an old metal singer. Still the best machine I ever used. I have a new model and its just not the same. What a great find for you!
I know....I know...when I took the dirty stained lid off I just about had a stroke...so so beautiful...and that it works so well...I am soooo lucky.....
yup..those old singers are made to last forever...
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