Friday Night....
Another Hot Steamy Night by Lake Erie.....So here is what is going on....I have to get my computer fixed this weekend...I am sure I will be in and out... there is much good stuff below...Some Humor, some wisdom from Mandela and Others...and other goodies....So Browse and Explore....and for your Soulfood....Some Music...and a Clip from "NO RESERVATIONS" ( Tony is going to Saudi Arabia this Monday night on the Travel Channel). Down Below is a trailer for The Dark Knight, it is an amazing movie- the Best One of the Summer ( although Ironman was also wonderful). ( Let's be real- you won't find me at MAMA MIA this weekend , and if I have to hear godamned ABBA one more horrible time some horrible thing might happen to my poor little TV...those blasted ads are on every hour, I feel a polyester rash and wine spritzer hangovers just hearing it....)
I am going to work on my SILENT FALLOUT book this weekend...and later tonight I blog over at PEACE TREE.....
so talk to me....let me know what you have going on.......Have a good night...be good , share the Iced Tea....( I found Fresh Mint while hunting a skunkette with Lily Dog tonight...so that will be going in the Oolong tea ).
Friday Night Music: "Come Talk to Me" , Peter Gabriel......( because I needed some Bagpipes and Drums damnit...)
And A Video for 6-6,my teenage son....Bowie "Heroes" ( Thank you for taking me to Dark Knight)
Mandela Wisdom::::
"There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children."
"There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living."
"There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered."
Nelson Mandela
( Happy 90th to Nelson Mandela ....may we learn from this Brave Man's Wisdom....)
Hi E ~ You asked! We are in the midst of a triple whammy, economy/job wise.
• My job will announce next week what employees get the axe- it is not just a layoff, it is a severance package.
• My Husband's workplace layed off 600 people 3 months ago & yesterday announced 1400 more employees will lose their jobs. Most in Indiana- whole plants shutting down. They tried to put a positive spin-- 100 jobs will be "added" to the Oregon site-- meaning people transferring from Indiana.... they are tweaking the math- overall it is a major loss of jobs. Don't know how things will shake out if the industry/economy does not improve.
• My son's workplace had a patent lawsuit they lost & a potential injunction to stop making product. He works for a different company as a security guard, but he may be guarding an empty building.
* My Sister has not yet put my Mom's house on the market & my patience with that has reached the boiling point. It has been ready/cleared for over 3 months (sat empty for a year priot to that).
Don't know how long it will take to sell it, but the fact is it will NOT sell if it is not listed. Too busy to take care of Mom's important business- but time for golf. Grrr.
Lots of things on thin ice.
I hear you friend...I am so sorry...Times are very tenous...all over...It sounds like it is hitting hard there.....I have been hearing from folks all over though...I have no idea where THINGS are better???
I am blogging about Cleveland...tonight at Peacetree...I don't know how much longer I will stay here, and I decided I don't want 6-6 going to college here- I will explain more later..and the job and housing situation are behind horrendous here....and my hood is going through some definent changes that I don't think are good....( here we have blocks and blocks of empty houses...and they are being aucioned on Aug 2nd, for under ONE thousand dollars- and NO I am not kidding....and we know that this will ruin my hood..I found out today....) And I have not been able to find FT work, and NO jobs with ANY benifits.......
I am sorry your sis has not listed your mom's house...she needs to do that....anything to help it sell....
Hang in there Friend ..we will get through this...
You know, I've seen that same picture of you somewhere, but in black and white. I didn't realize that you have red hair.
Mandela's one of the few iconic people in the world who has maintained relevance for that length of time. I was listening (on the radio) to someone from SA the other week talking about a national issue, and of course invoked his name in the discussion (even though it wasn't really about him).
Hard to believe he's ninety, now.
I can not believe he is 90 either....Such Wisdom...and all that he went through...and if only we can learn from it...My grandmother shares his birthday...and we used to celebrate it together...she died before his became president- she would have loved that....
(yeah, I am a read head...yup....a friend wanted to see me- so I decided to go ahead and put the photo up...I am trying to decide if I should change my avatar to the photo..I have had the current one for three years...)
Sorry to hear the neighborhood is making a major change- but certainly having no decent employment is a big factor as well.
I see lots of ads for RN's in our local paper- some with signing bonuses.
Where are you thinking of moving to ~ or maybe you have not gotten that far yet...?
I am Open to ANY and ALL Ideas at this point...I am looking...I am especially looking at States that have lots of Education/Films Schools/College options....probally staying on East Coast for now...
NE...BUT seriously...looking at ALL options....
( Nurses here are paid what I was making 10 years ago...)
For any newbies here- 6-6 is my teenage son- almost ready to go to college- he wants to work in film- editing, music etc....film school....( wants to make movies like the Dark Knight...) So my goal is to get somewhere and establish In State residency.....to save money..and be able to apply for grants etc in that state...
We are all on thin ice, it makes life so peculiar. Hugs to you Enigma.
Hugs backatcha The Diva...
about that thin ice...if we all are within reach...we will get through..and hold tight....and we skate quietly....
no one falls through if we reach for each other....
We are having the traditional rainy Alaska summer. Just like the "good" old days when I was a boy.
My daughter arrives today at noon. I am excited and I spent over an hour talking to her on the phone last night as she sat in an eerily empty terminal waiting for the food places to open so she could get something to eat before her flight.
And yes Enigma we will DEFINITELY be going to see The Dark Knight when she gets here. (I would already have seen it if she had not made me promise to wait for her.)
My governor is having a little scandal swirling around her and I have been working with the Obama campaign up here.
So all in all it is a mixed bag for this liberal blogger.
Peculiar is one way of looking at it, heh.
Don't sweat - ha ha - the humidity, I think it's actually supposed to cool down slightly. One good thing about work, functioning air conditioning.
You are something as usual! You know, Mandela is right and it is amazing, the way you experienced and looked at things once and then you look at those same things and you react to them totally different. I would credit the change to age and maturity. Hope you guys are staying cool!
Hope you are cool too....age and maturity....well I certainly hope ;-) hope you are grilling corn over there.....with lots of butter...
Randall :::
I am hoping that it does cool down...I think you are right...it is the humidity that I gripe about more ;-)
AC ....ahhhhhhh now we're talking....
Ahhhhh, so the daughter is coming....wonderful...and you are such a good dad to stay on the phone like that....so sweet...and you are going to love Dark Knight...oh, and be sure to watch ALL the trailers in the beginning...there are some really increcible ones ( WATCHMEN, The Day the Earth Stood Still ). Ahhhh your gov has some problems eh? Whelp I will be over to your place and learn more....4sure.....so keep smiling up there,do a little dance in the rain and send it my way...it will cool things ever so nicely.....
Mandela was only recently taken off the terrorist list by act of congress.
yup..last month ...Condi Rice finally got around to taking him off...in time for his Bday....he should never have been on it ...but a million are .....it's absurd...
woowoo..oops, [g]never mind me..just responding to the hair [winkwink] looove the colour..
and Tony's going to Saudi?? Hey..been there done that!! I would love to see that episode but we have no cable unfortunately. When we still had cable, his was one of our favourite shows..east coast humour (and who can forget the 'nicotine' icecream a collegue made for him especially..a chef out in Cali)..he's more adventurous in trying out foods than I am but if you're lucky enough to be able to stand hot food, you're pretty well set to explore world foods. Of course, there's always trying monkey brains! (lonely planet 'Ian' had to eat monkeybrains somewhere in Mongolia..and oh yea..he's vegetarian but of course couldn't be seen to be rude LOL!!)
E..if you know of a way for me to see that episode of Tony in Saudi..I'd love to know. I once had lunch saudi style in a saudi man's house with a bunch of asian expat friends.. a big round plate with Kabsa (rice dish made with meat or chicken) and oh yea, we had to eat and scoop with our left (LEFT LEFT!!) hands..there were other dishes and they were delicious. It was not just the food but eating it the old fashioned way that made it a cool experience..)
Well, Ingrid-
I did post the two selected clips below- but after the episode I would bet a big part of the episode will be on the YoUtube? It 's funny but when they said they were doing Saudi- I thought of you....the girl who is his hostess entered a contest...(that clip is below too)...) I am sorry you don't have cable...I know how that is...I am really grateful for Youtube- it has alot of what I love and clips and even whole PBS episodes .etc.....hang in there....
Saudi...hmmm, I am curious what the food will be , other than a lamb on a spit....
Hey there friend.....Yes, I took my teenage son to see Batman, and it was amazing...really good, so welldone, ALL of it...special effects, Music OUTSTANDING, really well written....and yes, about Heath Ledger- he is so good, he is unrecognizable- I say that because it is really something.....not like any Batman Character that I have ever seen....And it is not like any Batman movie I have ever seen, my son wants to make movies...so he spends alot of time studying all of the elements from music to editing...and WHO works on the films ( he can tell you who the extras and cameos are etc)...BUT this is even better than the "Batman Begins" movie.....
Maggie Gyllenhaul is wonderful in it too ( MUCH better than Katie Holmes)...and Micheal Kaine...well my heart be still....sigh....
( for me the music made it....)
ALSO Do look at the Party scene for Senator Patrick Leahy- he was great !!!
I hope you and MrsSkippy like it...
Now about Mama Mia ....Here is the thing...It probally will be a great movie- there are alot of wonderful people in it....MY problem is ME- back in the early 90's working in an AIDS Hospice in Seattle we had one fella who I adored who had to hear ABBA EVERY DAY..over and over..for many monthes....and we would play that CD for him.....but when it was all said and done....and he was gone....I missed him...BUT I also was truly sick of ABBA....and so now when I hear them I am kinda sad and sick....( and it does not help that the MAMA MIA ad is on every 10 minutes on TV)....
So I hope I did not sound snotty .....that is really my silly problem with the movie...it actually looks really good...
Actually, the avatar and the photo look strikingly similar.
ahhhh that was a nice thing to say.....gee....3 years ago I let my son pick my avatar....he was 13 , he wanted to find "an old hippy"....but this reminded him of a" hippy looking over her shoulder"....and that is how the avatar was chosen....kinda silly....
wish i could live as long as Nelson
I hope you do too...and that you keep sharing your wisdom with us...
I have to laugh! Every time I see that picture of you I feel like you're looking at me. Hope you are staying cool and all is well with you and 6.6!
well, here's looking at you kid !!! I am trying to figure out if I should change my Avatar ? what do you think the same old one or the photo ?? How are you over there ?
Change your Avatar! To me the one you have was representetive of you anyway! Your picture though is wild if I have to tell you!
Okay Patriot..
so photo? or the Athena Avatar?
( wild?? really...too funny)
Photo of you! I like to see who I am talking with personally but your picture is something! Like I always say, I will shut up!
hmmm, well Patriot, your opinion really does matter...
I think it is good to have a photo too...makes it more real...
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