I buy their products Chicken, Meet,Eggs and cheese. They don't use chemicals and perservatives, and the quality is amazing.I encourage you to find their goods in your area.
So on my street this week there is a house that is getting repairs and a new roof. I was watching and listening to the roofers as they worked as I sat on my porch. And eventually I ended up laughing my head off. The Crew was made up of three young Amish Men, two young black men and one skinny white male with many tattoos and some earrings.I watched them all working together....in unison, but still a motley crew if ever I have seen one. I was awed by how graceful the young Amish men were moving up and down the ladders with such fluid agility.I could not help but be reminded of the BarnRaising Scene in the movie "Witness", I could almost hear that music in my head. And then the moment was broken by these roofers....
So the Amish were Imitating their Mother " Be Careful Up on that Ladder Jacob" " Caleb hold that ladder for your brother" , it was done with a screeching Falsetto Voice, they sounded very much like Monty Python Characters, yet I know that they had never heard the Monty Python "Pepper Pot Women".....Soon ALL the workers were imitating Their Mothers....in that Voice that is SOooooo Similiar to the Monty Python Pepper Pot Women. They all had each other laughing so hard, the ladders were jiggling....even the Postman laughed as he made his rounds. And I sat there and realized, How we are not really different....not if we can laugh at Our Mothers.
"The man who claims to be the boss in his own home will lie about other things as well."
Amish Saying
If you have never heard "Pepper Pot Women" by Monty Python, this is the "SPAM" sketch.....listen to the "Women".
And THE BarnRaising Scene from the movie "Witness", beautiful music....and Carpentry...
They don't use chemicals and perservatives...
We started doing a farm coop recently that doesn't either. I'm convinced that much of the crazy ailments that no one heard of thirty to forty years ago come from all those chemicals.
"The man who claims to be the boss in his own home will lie about other things as well."
Amish Saying
So True.
thanks Beach Bum....
yeah...I think you are right...that STUFF is not good for anyone...child or adult.....( another day I will post on the Amish Autism's stats- they have NONE...there is something to the way they are doing things....)
I saw that Amish quote and I thought of the White House....
( btw I added you to the Blogroll- hope that is okay)
Enigma - I LOVE this Amish post. I wrote a post about the Amish and their beautifully non-violent, forgiving reaction to that murderer who killed their children in the schoolhouse a year or so ago,.
They are exactly what the world needs more of: pacifists who don't believe in raping and pillaging and putting poison into the land or food.
I think I remember that post actually....it is not often that people write about them....I am intriqued with all that they have to teach and share....they are good people.....
Oh the sweet Irony...GUESS what is on AMC toniight....Yup....
yeah....one of my favorite movies ever..
Both the Amish and Monte Python are cool..........did you catch that Monty Python Black Knight Video I put up to lampoon Hillary Clinton a few months ago Enigma.
BTW, i was out in your neck of the woods for about 1 1/2 weeks i was in Buffalo........it was phenomenal spending time on Lake Erie and the Niagara River.
You gonna be live blogging the Convention?
(1) Aren't we all climbing Jacob's ladder?
(2) As a native of the Buckeye state, I'm well aware of their presence there. Still, other than courtesies, I can't say that I really knew or interacted with any there. I did have an acquaintance in New York who was raised Amish. But she left for the bright lights of show biz (stand up comic).
(3) If memory serves, the Amish and the Mennonites both came from the Anabaptist sect of protestantism, and both groups were pacifist. Of course, the Baptists also come from the Anabaptist sect of protestanism. And as you know....
(4) Spam, spam, spam, spam....
yup...I will blog the convention..from my living room....
thank you for the Monty video..I think I thanked you - I hope I did....
Lake Erie in summer is pretty...still hot and humid though...
I spent some time with the Amish in northern Indiana back in 2000, where they still build furniture by hand. I have great respect for those who create fine works with their own hands. Could even have influenced my decision to get into woodworking -- well, that and the fact that I can't abide third world slave labor.
This country was a far better place when neighbors helped neighbors with barn-raisings, rather than the corrupt pink-handed moneychangers and profiteering contractors you get today. I really don't understand why people have abandoned all personal responsiblity for their own domiciles, and have empowered these predators. That's progress? No thanks!
i miss MP he was almost as funny as benny hill
Can I have that without Spam please? I don't LIKE spam.
I couldn't get the vids to work for some reason but that is funny. I wish everyone period could get along and have fun. There is no reason not to. Viva La Differance! Funny you mentioning Monty Python I posted with my story their song Always look at the Bright Side of Life!
The Amish have ridiculously good food.
I know I know...I got hungry watching "WITNESS" last night ;-)
I think we get along more than we know....I am sorry the vids did not open- try again ;-)
( I think I remember your video....I have had Monty on the brain all summer)
you don't like spam ????really- have you ever been to a SPAM carving contest ? Great Great fun...would be great for the artist in you....
yeah....almost as funny as Benny Hill- Benny Hill is a whole different kind of funny....( ALOT of Monty Python is on Youtube...I will check for Benny Hill)
first an apology...my comment to you earlier went into the nether lands ???poofed by Blogger- sorry..I just realized it was not there....
YOUR bowls are amazing.....I hope that people buy them ? do you sell them ? you should they are beautiful.....they remind me of Navajo art and also very much the Amish
....their work is amazing....
I found an Amish rocker in the trash this summer( Curbside sale) that I am still fixing it up....but the basic structure and construction is so simplistically beautiful....
Not everyone appreciates what you say about HOME....and tending and taking care of it....and we know the rest of the Predatory story , it will hurt many sadly....a hard lesson....
Witness is one of my all-time favs. The German dubbing threw me off, at first, but that'd be authentic to some groups, I'm guessing.
The german was something....MOST of the Paramound clips have been pulled off Youtube...but some of the German clips are stlll on, even bloopers....I had heard that most of the Barn scene is not actors but Amish....So maybe that explains that there really is some German footage....I will have to have 6-6 research that....
I could not believe I got to watch it again...it was a nice treat....
Quite an interesting compilation.
It's easy to forget, the Amish are against violence. The Quakers express themselves more politically.
The problem must be on my end because I just went through your prior videos and same thing they start then just stop. Must be my connection. I will shut down and turn back on!
I was raised by a Quaker grammie...she was wonderful....she taught me alot- it was the Sixties, Civil Rights....the War....and yes, they were very politically active....
But there is a quiet simplicity that really moves me about the Amish...and the scene in the Movie Witness when they confront such Huge Violence with Solidarity and standing silently together...it always makes me cry....because it is so beautiful..(6-6 pointed out that THAT Scene is like "Tank Man" in Tinnamen Square...it is a striking moment of symbolism...)
About the Compilation...I have started blogging short threads , "Thoughtpieces" I call them....because I think alot of life is just watching and pulling the threads of the lessons together...that the smaller lessons matter....more than we know....
It was my connection. I just watched them. Witness is one of my favoeite movie. One of those you never get sick of. I have to laugh! There is so much of that movie I like I wouldn't want to have to pick a favorite scene!
oppps....sorry...we bumped into each other....About the videos,
(1) I run in safari or Firefox, I do know Firefox just updated- make sure you did the update- some folks are having people trouble with the old Firefox.
(2)check you video card
(3) also try going to Youtube- do let me know if it is just HERE....and if you can run fine on YouTube- then there is something wrong here....
Let me know...hope that helps....
Thanks Enigma! I just listened to that kid again, tell me why! Very emotional tell me why! Take care!
What a great scenario you witnessed. Nice to see people of all types getting along so well.
Love the Monty Python Spam skit.
E4E, no problem. I always follow up on my comments, but many bloogers never bother to respond -- you never fail to do so. You're such a sweetheart.
As for the bowls, no one has any money to spend on such frivolities. I'd make less than 25 cents an hour if I sold them around here. Even worse on eBay...
glad you were able to see them...and yes the "tell me why" vid is so moving....you take care too....
my neighborhood is full of wonders...most are...I think ;-)
and damnit there are times we just need some SPAM...I meant Monty Python...
ahhhh....thanks for following...I view the comments as we are sitting around my kitchen having some coffee and talking....so I do try to follow up...I know it 's me..anyways..your bowls are so beautiful.....they really are...Have a good night...
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