So this summer has been winding away ....and I finally got around to working on my backyard dirtpile...it will be an Oasis one day......I will have photos up tomorrow. As I dug through the dirt, with the humidity running in my ears I kept thinking about Molly Ivens...how much I miss her especially in the summer, her razor sharp humor, her insight, her wisdom....Then I sat and drank some Mint Tea, and listened to the" Barnkickers" (click the title to hear them)..and then we had a mini Thunderstorm and I went inside....So here is Some Molly Ivens for you...I tried to find some of her wisdom that might be applicable to this Election cycle...(oh and yeah, I changed my Avatar...let me know what you think....I needed a break from Venus)
I will be watching "NO RESERVATIONS" tonight at 10PM on the Travel Channel..I can not wait to see Food in Saudi Arabia....Have a good night...
And Now for your Molly Ivens Wisdom::::
• There are two kinds of humor. One kind that makes us chuckle about our foibles and our shared humanity -- like what Garrison Keillor does. The other kind holds people up to public contempt and ridicule -- that's what I do. Satire is traditionally the weapon of the powerless against the powerful. I only aim at the powerful. When satire is aimed at the powerless, it is not only cruel -- it's vulgar.
• I believe that ignorance is the root of all evil. And that no one knows the truth.
• You can't ignore politics, no matter how much you'd like to.
• It is possible to read the history of this country as one long struggle to extend the liberties established in our Constitution to everyone in America.
• What stuns me most about contemporary politics is not even that the system has been so badly corrupted by money. It is that so few people get the connection between their lives and what the bozos do in Washington and our state capitols.
Another Summer Song.....The Stones "Waiting on a Friend"
Monday Night Question ::: "STONES OR BEATLES...and why?"
And Some Mark Knopfler "Brothers in Arms".....
Tonights photo...Sunset at Golden Gardens , Ballard, Seattle......
Okay so the Avatar is changed as a test....I think it looks like an ad for transfusions....so let me know if I should put Venus back....
(1) The avatar is fine.
(2) Stones or Beatles? I say flip a coin. If "Sympathy for the Devil" comes to mind, use it in a discussion of W.
(3) I really would be curious to know what Ivens would have thought of this particular election cycle. Now that I think of it, I'm going to see if I can find anything she's said about Obama and McCain.
Thanks for the Molly Ivins redux. I really appreciated her last quote especially (I actually STILL know a few people who will vote for McCain, so weeding my garden is not complete. ~grin)
The new avatar looks great!
(1) avatar- was a big deal for me...took me over 2 years to ever even post one photo..I am actually VERY shy..seriously...so I was having a mini avatar min crisis....I am much better now- and a friend, the talented "dada" cropped the photo- so it looks so much better....
(2) I love Sympathy for the Devil..but I have used it over and over..so I was looking for Something a bit Different...also Paint it Black and Gimme Shelter....yup....and yes, we can dedicate all three to McBush...
(3) I did look about Molly....to see if she wrote anything about Obama speaking at the Convention in 2004....I wish she was still here- boy she would have so much to say about McCain, and Rove etc...let me know if you find anything...
there you are..yes, you did a great job on it...it looks much better....
opps Blogger cut me off right in mid sentence...yeah...about my garden, I have been weeding and trying to fix it up most of the summer...and the first batch I planted got burned up...the heat this summer has been wicked..so some of the seeds even cooked in the ground ( that is okay they were just pumpkin)...well, I know some will Vote for McCain ( after all I live in Ohio where people think Obama is a muslim....oye)
thanks again dada....it looks MUCH better....
Stones. If not for the music (which I prefer) - for the fact that despite challenges and changes, they stuck together. They didn't disband the group.
The Beatles had that option and chose to let their petty differences destroy them.
Here's to hoping the country can be more like the Stones (without the drug arrests!!)
I love the new avatar! How could you be shy, you gorgeous, smart funny one?
My friend Nick, the history prof, gave me Molly's last book for my birthday last year. Yeah, Molly would have had plenty to say about McCain, and I think she would have loved the fact that so many young people are engaged in this political season. And I bet she'd be mighty pissed at Pelosi for taking Impeachment off the table--what a dumb fucking move that was.
oh thank you....
About Molly....sitting there sweating with the humidity that was enough to make wall paper peel in a pile of Dirt I thought of her...and her wisdom...Now I had gone to the dirt because of a McDumass presser in the am yesterday....and not because I am all mad at him....BUT because I am reallly peaved at the damn media the way they fawn all over him....you know the way they fawn on him - WHY aren't they falling on all the Broken Wounded troops....lord knows they could use the concern and attention more than him with his Sugar Daddy Wife....and his Graham Cracker $$$$ "Advisor"....
And I could think is was that Molly would have a TON to say this summer...no doubt about it....
And so Utah- I need to say that one of the reason that I keep encouraging YOUR Writing, especially ALL the Women that tell the truth- and with razor sharp wit, and insight...Dusty, you, Red, Fran, Diva, Betmo, Maui, Blueberry, Ingrid....KEEP AT IT......
( I know I have forgotten some names...my head hurts from walking the dog in the sun....but you see what I am saying...)
I met and spoke with Molly at a women's peace workshop a few months before she died. She was so ill she could hardly sit on the stage, yet she was scaldingly funny and wry as always. I sure miss her.
thanks for sharing that...I am always moved to hear how she effected people and moved them...
All right now that is an Avatar!
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