"A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination."
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."
Nelson Mandela
{{ Wisdom First by Nelson Mandela....Nelson Mandela turns 90 this week, and Condi Rice has promised to
remove him from the US Terra Watchlist.....Well, that will be a good Birthday Present !!!}}
It is Sunday...
I will do what I do every Sunday, Clean the Kitty Boxes, Sweep, and make Pancakes ( aka Burning the Cakes).
I think alot of us are Worried ( Just to clarify- that does not mean we are "Whiners", that means that we have a brain and think and know trouble when we see it...) There is alot to worry about right now...( I know that many are still reeling from the IndyMac Shakedown on Friday and wonder what is Next...) But in the Meantime...
So I am offering up some News, some Humor and some Videos below......( And scroll down further there is the Beach Series and more goodies..)
(1) McInsane is still on his deluded McBush Path, dismissing the Financial FUBAR that we are facing, and that was only part of his Really Bad Awful Week ( more at Huffpost, Raw Story and Crooks&Liars).....
(2) California is still Burning Up ( and I go to bed Nightly and think that we need OUR Guard Home NOW, before the Hurricanes Hit, and first it was the Floods and now the Fires, what is next Locusts? ).
(3) The Where in the World is The Turd Mystery has been solved ( yes, Karl Rove missed his Hearing Invite this week because he was out of the Country, he made a trip to Crimea and Sweden, so my next question is WHO is he working for and WHO is paying him to travel to such odd destinations ? ) I would love to see him held in Contempt...but I am a dreamer..
(4)The video of the week is still the Sweet Little Librarian that had a Constitutional Run In with the McCain Mandhandlers because of her McCain=Bush sign.....( apparently there will be TShirts and Coffee Mugs with this Logo on the market soon- good).
(5)Mini Round Up:::
Mauigirl has really good post up examining the issues related to Obama and FISA....that is worth a read and some heavy thinking....
Robert at "Left of Centrist" has a New Video up and Other Wonders....
Utah Savage posted Little Feat this week, and really brought back a slew of Summer Music Memories.... give go her a big Hug and some Cornbread....
And Betty Cracker is really cooking this week too....
And last but not least, it is Skippy's Blog Birthday this week...so go and give him much love....
And Now for your Sunday Music....Little Feat "Apolitical Blues"
{other great Lowell George and Little Feat Songs, "Time loves a Hero","Dixie Chicken"....}
If you know of other MUST READS this am email me at enigma4ever@earthlink.net, especially if you have informative blogs on the Mortgage Mess or Money Issues of Blogatopia .....and Hey What Other Great Summer Music should I Post this week ??? I think we will need alot of music to get us through the Heat of this Summer .....
Thanks for the mention, E4E.
Here's a song that came out when I was but a wee child, but it reminds me of Carefree Childhhod Summers, instead of Watergate Summers:
Mungo Jerry - In The Summertime
Yea, it's old and tired -- aren't we all. ;-)
Check out those 'burns.
I love that song...
I remember having a Snow Cone Stand and shaving Ice with that song in the background.....we used to shave the ice with hand shavers in time to the music...
( end of week one we made our first $$$ discovery- go to grocery store and they sold shaved ice by the bag- and stick it in a cooler....no more shaving...it took us 4 days to figure this out....we were outside the Pool- and a nice - very cute hunk of a guard delivered the first bag.....we felt grateful and embarrassed all at the same time....he must have felt sorry for the skinny waifs out there shaving ice and burning up in the sun....yup....good summer memories....we were cool though- first Stand in Balitmore to have Bubblegum and PB&J flavored Ice Cones...)
( DrKNOW...those are serious Mutton chops...whoa)
I reminds me of youthful innocence -- something long abandoned.
waifs? Convention has it that you have to be of marriageable age to be a waif - I don't think you qualified.
Okay that song that you mentioned came out the same time I had my ICE stand- I was like 11 or 12....so I was NOT marriageable at that time...and yes I was waif like....skinny leggy geeky sunburned 11 yr old...LOL...
Doh! I used to use the expression nubil waif to describe (the more aggreeable) dates. I had a McCain moment -- it's the nubile part I was thinking of, not the waif. You most certainly could have been a waif. Just as I can be a moron.
When that song came out I fixed TVs and 8-track tape players for teachers at school and the public. I guess we all were budding entrepreneurs.
I'm gonna go breathe paint fumes now...
E & Dr Know, I remember Mungo Jerry, too. My brother used to do a spot-on immitation of him that cracked us up, especially blowing into a jug & shh-shh-shuhing for sound-effects. All these years later, I realize he messed up the words a bit. He had inserted something about "turn on 25" which we all thought referred to LSD-25. We were no innocent waifs, nubile or otherwise.
Someday, Enigma, I'll have to tell you how your "burning the cakes" remark reminds me of King Alfred the Great. or you can google it since I can't link for my life.
RE: King Alfred the Great
A popular legend originating from early twelfth century chronicles, tells how when he first fled to the Somerset Levels, Alfred was given shelter by a peasant woman who, unaware of his identity, left him to watch some cakes she had left cooking on the fire. Preoccupied with the problems of his kingdom, Alfred accidentally let the cakes burn and was taken to task by the woman upon her return. Upon realising the king's identity, the woman apologised profusely, but Alfred insisted that he was the one who needed to apologise.
Alfred the Great
Okay quick update::
( DRKnow and DK I will get back to you....)
So 12noon..
CNN FDIC is saying 90 banks are in trouble,on the problem list and the FDIC won't release the list-shit....WTF???? that is not a small amount....okay so how many of these bottem feeder predator companies were hooked to how many banks? because that is what this is all about- either way we the people are going to get screwed...is there going to be a run on the Banks ???
Should there be a run? Probably.
Will there be? Naaah, the media will frantically allay the pubic's fears and your taxes will replace the funds that were defrauded by avaricious agents who have already absconded with their portly commissions from the overblown smoke and mirrors housing market.
"We don't need no stinkin' regulation or oversight, Trust Us."
I do, really. I trust these pink handed money changers to rig everything they get their hands on and to steal anything they can get away with.
I quit doing business with banks just about 10 years ago. Screw 'em. I trust the crackheads in Midtown more... (more than most bankers, brokers, lawyers, judges, and politicians.)
After hearing that on CNN this morning, I spent time at FDIC.gov to see what they have to say. They are adamant about not releasing the names of banks KNOWN to be in trouble. The most they do is refer you to private companies (like A.M. and Bankrates.com) that do their own research on bank stability.
A general bank run would sink the U.S., you know it and they know it. But WHY they would purposefully keep the names of specific troubled banks secret is a crime in the making. People deserve to know if the bank they are dealing with is in default, especially if they have deposits with that bank that total more than the FDIC insurance limits. And boy-oh-boy, FDIC is only good for a certain number of failures before it is bankrupt, too. So ..... back to the taxpayers, hunh? This is where McCain would like to lead us, just like the S&L Keating years ago.
It is also about protecting the Banks that helped with the predatory lending-so the thing to do is Google your bank and CountryWide...that will give you an idea of whcih banks are Trouble- so the first two that are heavily linked to Countrywide- Wash Mutual and Bank of America....that is a place to start....
and that is just based on what I have seen here in Middle America- Banks have been closing here for monthes...and no one has said a word....that says to me that the Trouble was in the Pipeline the whole time....
DrKnow::ooops I meant to comment back to you....Crackheads in Midtown- so do they have a branch near by Lake Erie? or should I just go ahead and slit my mattress to put my bags of nickels....
we have a lot to worry about but we will stick together and be okay!Polishifter posted that New Yorker cover and believe it or not that is still our most immediate problem. Beating these lies and it is not satire.
Hope You relaxed and enjoyed those burnt pancakes. put a smiley face on them and bananas in them and next time and enjoy!
Hey Patriot::
I was thinking of posting on that very issue...but maybe I will just send people to Polshifter- I am furious about it...it is so respectful and tasteless and feeds the anger and angst of an already uncomfortable worried environment...I don't remember them ever doing this another candidate and candidate's wife...it is Racist and rude...Shame on them...He said he has NO response- what the hell can he say or do- it is a matter of ignorance and it is up to all of us to set the truth out there and tell the Truth...
I don't care what they say that was designed to screw him! I am sick of this Bush scummy low life politics. I am sorry it is here to stay.I don't know if you want to shifter's but he has a big picture but not much to say!
I said enough there but I am very angry and am back to just shaking my head. You just relax and take care!
This Scummy Politics, Propaganda is now the Playbook, THE standard...MSM blinks and nods in a approval and acquiescence...
Okay back to watching NO RESERVATIONS and shaking my head in feeble disgust...
let's do some Mylanta Shooters and call it for the BS that it is - it is...160 days to go...
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