" Ring Around the Rosie,Pocket full of Posies,
Ashes, Ashes Ashes, we all fall down. "
600 year old Nursery Ryhme written during the Black Plague.
I got a phone call from a friend this week, he needed to talk....I sat by an open window and listened to little girls playing and jumping rope and singing while he talked. They were innocently singing "Ashes , Ashes". Their little voices hung in the air as he poured his heart out.He is younger than me, he talked about what an awful week he had. He talked about his brother finding out that he had Lung Cancer, his younger brother.He talked about how they grew up together, how they always took care of each other and how they took care of his mom. He talked about the trip to the Doctor to find out about the diagnosis.He said that the Doctor told him he has six monthes to live. He was stunned at the limited amount of information he was given. As a nurse I am stunned, and was worried, why he was not told more , or given more information. He was handed ONE Sentence, a Death Sentence. I sat and tried to think of what to say, what to offer, what to ask, but mostly I just listened and let him talk.
He asked me What he should do, I said he should keep being a Brother, because that is what his brother needs more than anything......Time is a Gift.
So I have spent the past few days thinking about this. Do we teach our children well enough ? Do we teach our Children how to take care of each other ? Do we teach them when to take care of each other ? Considering our Broken Health Care System , maybe we need to teach how to take care of our families, like Basic Care Giving Courses? And maybe we should be teaching these starting when children are in grade school.
And then on TV this week, the MSM has been showing the Horrible Video of this poor woman who died on an ER Waiting Room Floor. I watch that and I think WHERE is the Humanity ? The Empathy ? What the hell happened to us, that a person would lay on the floor for hours and NO One would offer comfort or a kind word ? Or Any Kind Of Care? And yet the MSM shows the video, like it is astounded, yet entertained. I want to see some Kick Ass Journalist asking HARD Questions of People that work there ?
I was taught that What Goes Round , Comes Round. So I am left wondering have people been taught to Not Care ? To be detached ? Is Our Humanity actually Lost ? Or are we Humanity Starved ? Does it have to be Taught ? Nurtured ? Or do we just sit back and wait to see What Comes Round, or The Footage of the Next Humanity Starved Moment.
Because in the End We All Fall Down....and at some point we should decide that we will be there for each other.
Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young " Teach Your Children Well"
"How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these."
George Washington Carver
Followup on the Fallen Woman:
THE TRUTH about the woman" on the floor", abandoned waiting for "Care" at the Kings County Hospital in their Psych ER.Her name was Esmine Green, she was a mother of eight, she was only 48 years old. She was from Jamica. She was waiting for care, she had sat in that waiting room for over 24 hours. Atleast 6 bystanders saw her on the floor, and atleast 4 Employees saw her on the floor, including two security guards, and 2 Nurses.The Hospital says that all employees involved have been fired. As a nurse , I am beyond disgusted and angry about this incident. Video is posted below.
Great post, Enigma. And it's true, this is a big concern these days. People just aren't caring for one another the way they once did.
Thanks Maui...
in a way it is a little disjointed....but the same questions have been wandering around my brain and my heart.....it started with the Broken post- I am confused are we broken? or is this the norm?.....I don't know any more...
I think you have seen through to the heart of the matter. The care & love & respect for life starts at home. It should then be reinforced by the school system and the child's peers. Those who aren't raised in this manner need to heal themselves, or maybe a societal intervention is necessary. Of course, that would take a caring society (sigh).
On another topic, stop by and see the beautiful "Arte y Pico" award you've earned. Your blog is full of good art & music & thoughtful discussion. You don't really have to do anything with it unless you feel like it.
thanks...hmm, an award...lovely...can I put it on the mantle? thank you....I have not been good at being round this past week....I will be over ;-)
This is going to sound crude, but it's now what I call a "I have mine, fuck you" society. Even when times are bad, there's that mentality that everything's fine if people have what they desire, and not give a thought to those who don't.
I hate it with a passion.
you don't have to apologize- cuz you nailed it- that is is what IT IS...sadly....but there is alot of THAT going round....Looking out for Number One...period...
and yeah, I hate it too...
There's no money in compassion.
And that's all that matters any more.
This is one of my main complaints about those who claim to have more compassion due to their beliefs then do others of different faiths, or no organized faith at all. Often their compassion is reserved for those who are just like them. Same color, same religion, same country, even the same financial means.(The poor are not as important as their next door neighbor)
Everybody deserves exactly the same amount of compassion. Whether they be black, white, young, old, American, or Iraqi. If we truly respect life, we must respect ALL life.
Watching people walk around that poor woman on television broke my heart. As does watching the people of China suffering from a devastating earthquake. As does watching a father carrying the lifeless body of his son through the streets in Iraq.
We need to take care of each other. If you have, then give to those who have not. If you are strong, protect the weak. If you are intelligent, educate those who are ignorant. Being truly human means being unselfish and opening your heart to others.
And Enigma, perhaps nobody exemplifies that as well as you do.
All of us benefit from knowing you and calling you our friend.
It struck me that as that elderly black woman, a mother of eight children fell and died alone in a crowded Hospital waiting room, that those truly dead were those that passed by with barely a casual notice. We must take care of each other and any within our reach. MandT learned that the hard way through twenty years of plague.
The sad thing- she was not elderly she was 48 or 49.....Somebody's Mom....from Jamica....and this was the "care" she recieved....I am beyond horrified....and yes, we must take care of each other....we must...and we must do something about our Compassion Famine...
thank you...you wrote exactly what has been tormenting my soul...and were so right...I mean did the same people that walked by her, or the nurse that poked her with her foot, did she go to church?
and it is about RESPECT- you are right- it is not just about Compassion- and maybe that is what I missed.....thank you for what you wrote...
very well said and this post
made me realized how much i loved playing marbles - go figure
I think there are good and bad in every field. I have met compassionate medical people and rigidly indifferent ones the M.Dieties, as a one friend calls them. It's all about the training and hiring those who are will to go the extra mile to help those who really need it. "Do no harm" is not good enough, "Do unto others..." is better.
I think what really bothered me was that ALL the people in the video behaved in this manner, now I know some of the others are patients....but really....your term"M.Dieties" is interesting....and accurate...and you are right, Do No Harm means nothing....
thanks...I used to love playing marbles..but I think I might be losing mine....
I missed your comment- I apologize....hmmm, so you think money is the root of this evil...( that is what they say you know...money is the root of all evil)....you might indeed be right...and how sad is that..
thanks for your thoughts as always....
I can understand firing the staff, but it seems like putting lipstick on a pig. The hospital's problems are systemic, and have been occurring for years now. That one death is caught on camera means that it's a little more difficult to run away from the responsibility. But blaming staff instead of policy is really a cowardly solution that fies little.
Then again, had the woman had access to better health care she might not have collapsed in the first place.
Has your friend heard about this:
Thanks Marj::
I will look into this..and pass it along to my friend...and his brother..thank you so much....
the whole thing still really bothers me...disgusting....shameful...
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