Okay so here is my Kitchen ( yeah if you scroll this whole month I am showing my little nest, piece by piece)....tiny little cutting area, my old stove...I love this kitchen....See the EMPTY Coffee Pot? yup..Empty!!!!...NO Coffee...Due to really bad Gastritis and Reflux ALL month and yes, it started with some kind of evil stomach crud at the beginning of the month ( in plain English I am an Acid Factory, I could cause damage)...I have had to eliminate a number of things I truly LOVE...including Coffee, strong black tea, oranges, tomatos...HOT Food, Wasabi,Chili, horseradish...I come down in the morning and I just end up standing staring at the Coffee Maker.... Sigh....
*(And yes, I do need to go to the Clinic and yes I am living on the joy of TUMs and Mylanta Lemon Creme Shooters...geeez Prilosec is damn expensive...and no I the nurse who does not have health insurance grumbles on...)
And everyday for lunch I make Cold Rice Noodles...Have you ever eaten them cold ? with a Smidge of salad dressing ? Really good.Shred some lettece and some carrots.... I use Chop Sticks that makes it more interesting. ( You can do this with Top Ramen too, as soon as you have cooked them , you soak in ice cold water, makes the noodles nice and firm). Yup...Cold Food...and Smoothies...
Things I am Pondering:::::
(1) So this is totally off subject...But do people in their 40's date ? How do they do it ? I am really curious....I think there should be classes to help people in their 40's get back on their dating feet, with assignments and mentors...gee wouldn't that be interesting....( and no please do not send my name or email into the harmony people...)
(2) Does anyone else think the "Polls" that the MSM keeps announcing are totally Bogus ? ( McCain up by FOUR ???WTF?)And they said that they are really close...WHO are they calling? ( Okay I am in Ohio...I have not seen a Single McGramps sign- nope NONE...)I mean do I need to move to Europe to feel like I am part of Something Real ? jus sayin'.....
(3) So there is talk that OBama is picking his VEEP ? Who do you think it will be ? Who are you rooting for ?
(4) Do you think that Teddy Stevens will Face Jailtime ? or will he get pardoned by Bush ? ( Scroll down see the Indictment Press Conference on video). Also Gryphen over at Immoral Minority has more on the Teddy Situation...as he covers all Things Alaska.
Your Wisdom for the Day:::
( from Maxwell Gladwell 's Book" Blink", really amazing book about the power of Intuition and Listening).
"We have, as human beings, a storytelling problem. We're a bit too quick to come up with explanations for things we don't really have an explanation for."
One More Thing::: I do have a Commentary crossposted up at Peace Tree and Sirens Chronicles called " More Than Words".Both Blogs are beautifully edited and amalganated with so many amazing writers contributing.....There is also a post there today by Spado about "The Longest Walk" that is signifigant and inspiring.
But do people in their 40's date?
Yes. Take that brave step. I'm almost forty and my girlfriend is older than I am.
If you go the online route like I did, don't do Yahoo Personals or eHarmony. The first one stocks their dating pool with fake profiles and the second costs too much and doesn't allow same-sex dating.
About the dating classes...Learning Annex has classes but I haven't looked recently to see if they still have them.
Let us know how it goes!
McCavein's "base" is just performing its normal function, which is to plant ideas in your head that have no basis in reality. Just look at how much they've crowed about the "success" of Iraq. That lid will be blown off soon enough. The McCavein thing, I'm not sure we can do much about.
Allow me my conspiracy, but I have a theory: re McCane's rising poll numbers -- they're bogus, but in order to properly steal another election, he must keep close to Obama in popularity in the various media outlets so as not to arouse too much suspicion, hence, the MSM's plugging him as a viable candidate.
Also: While still a valid means of assessing elections in places like the Ukraine, Uganda, France and wherever, I wonder if MSM will once more make the mistake of quoting exit polls in this country this election?
A method that somehow mysteriously failed in Ohio in '04 where all such polls indicated a Kerry victory, it left experts to scratch their heads and scurry for an explanation of the strange breakdown of their (formerly) most reliable means of forecasting the winner.
After the 2000 results in Florida, I think we can forever scrap this way of predicting election victors. Obviously, Americans exiting polls are devilish to the point of lying to mislead the media into declaring false winners. (NOT!)
But that's just a theory.
p.s. Love your kitchen. I was immediately struck by all the wonderful color. ¡quĂ© colores!
The polls are as bogus as McCrazy's supposedly "maverick" approach to ruining this country.
) Does anyone else think the "Polls" that the MSM keeps announcing are totally Bogus ?
Ha ha! and Ha ha ha!
You have to laugh sometimes, and any notion that the MSM is accurate and unbiased or even truthful always seems to be comical.
(1) Perhaps you might consider putting the coffee maker out of sight. No sense torturing yourself.
(2) I have had cold rice noodles in restaurants. They're often served with peanut sauce, around here.
(3) Your ponderings
I would suppose people in their 40s date. I haven't. But I've never dated a lot anyway.
The poll numbers actually don't surprise me in one sense. What I do find interesting is the very open and ferverent support for Obama. When last in Ohio, I saw oodles and countless oodles of pro-Obama signs in the wealthiest, most conervatively Republican neighborhoods of Cincinnati, and only a couple of McCain signs (along with a single, and I do mean only one, Clinton sign). To me that is significant.
(3) I'd say Sen. Edwards and Gov. Sebelius would have to be on the shortlist.
(4) It's very possible Stevens could be acquitted, convicted of lesser charges, or given probation. I can't yet picture him in a prison cell doing serious time.
Appropos your second pondering.
E4E... that a nice tidy kitchen you have there. We have one of those in my home, but it seems like the only time I use it is when I need to grab something from the fridge.
Frankly, it sucks for you that your stomach condition won't allow you to enjoy the spicy stuff. I thank my lucky stars daily for having a digestive track strong enough to endure those foods and being raised in a culture that tested it daily. (Note the past tense of that last statement.)
As for your ponderings, wait for it...when you least expect it that special someone will come.
On polls...the only one I care about is the one I participate in on the first Tuesday in November. All others are subterfuge.
Not sure who Obama will pick, but given how Cheney has changed the role to be more a more active participant, he will need someone who can take a leading role in developing his administration's policies. Edwards? Kucinich? I don't know. Just tossing names.
The Teddy Stevens story is a diversion by the Republicans to make it appear that they're the party of ethics and justice. Teddy will not face jail time -- he's 84. He will probably find Jesus and apologize for his sins publicly drawing attention away from the real problems we face.
Ok... now you know where I stand...
(Nice blog.... :^D )
I'm totally relating on the coffee elimination. I had to quit it after the surgery because the antibiotic mouthwash used with coffee would apparently discolor my teeth. It's the worst part of the whole process. Cozy little kitchen there.
Love the kitchen...so warm and nurturing. It lends itself to a cup of tea. I was told, btw, that mint tea is very bad for reflux.
Dating in one's 40s? Honey, life is too short to dictate any desired activity by age! If that is your wish, go for it.
Obama? Wish I has that crystal ball. I have no idea but think it will NOT be Hillary.
Polls? None are completely accurate...depends on too many variables, but most have a + or - of .5%, even in very controlled studies, which media ones are mostly not.
Stevens sure deserves some kind of consequences. I'd rather see him doing community service, a hefty fine and picking up trash by the side of the road or something to actually make amends. Either way, his life as a politician is over.
No chili!! Ahhhh. As for 40's dating, I would think maybe taking some fun classes to find people with like-minded interests. Maybe. That or prostitution. HAH! I kid, I kid...
ahhhhh yes, see you understand :-(
See I think classes too...like adult learner classes...( I am serious they should have a class on how to re-enter the world...) prostitution- HA!!!- oh my....well...I see Someone does indeed have a wicked sense of humor ;-)
thank you...I appreciate that...it is cozy...and I have my tea and spices all set ...and mint tea- I did try that....yup...but still too much acid...about the dating, my son jokes that I will live alone and have a house full of cats ( as nice as that sounds ....it is also NOT how I want to end up....maybe I should just open a commune ?)and I love the idea of Teddy picking up garbage by the road....hehe
I know you too are missing the coffee and real food too...I am sooooo sorry....I think this ulcer/reflux thing might mean I really have to change what I eat for a LONG time....I live for nice strong coffee and oranges and oh the Hots...oh well..ce la vie..
ahhhh, see you were raised that way eh? or someone was a terrible cook and you had no choice ;-)
Oh , I love that you named Kucinich- wouldn't that rock ...and the party of "ehtics and values" , boy loo where the past 8 years of "Values" has gotten us...omg....hideous isn''t it?? and yes I am sure Teddy is looking for Geesus...make me laugh.....thanks for coming- and yes, I am glad you like my little old blog...
hey there...yup...I don;t know who is on the short list....but I would say that it is NOT who the MSM keeps picking...I loved what you wrote about Ohio...see I am in the North- and the number of Obama signs has been huge- ALL over...and very few Hill signs..and I am serious I have not see a single mccain sign not one...
and yes,,,,you are right...I should put CoCo my little Coffee machine Friend away ( yes, I name things- the washingmachine, the car...etc)...
ahhhhh you are right- we need to laugh more...MSM is a joke...they are not real journalists anymore...silly me
Yup...The "Maverick", boy that word really turns my stomach now.....
ahhh, glad you like it...yup...many a fine post has been brewed in that kitchen....and about the colors...I had to paint really BIG Bold Colors- the colors underneath were beyond Hideous....the kitchen was Prison Mint Green...sooooo it became Sky blue....every room was worse than the next..and I painted every single room in the whole house....I am seriously thinking of even painting the basement ;-)
omg you made me laugh- a WHOLE new name for the maverick..holy cow....we do have alot for him now...yup his base, the "depends " crowd...
okay okay...thank you ...hmmm be brave..okay...and you found someone in their 40's...oh that is encouraging....up I need a Learning Annex..good thinking...
Okay folks....off to walk the doggie..But thanks for the input...I needed some food for thought...
You know it's funny, but I too think that MSM wants to paint it as "close"....and yes, I do worry and dread WHY they do that...and yea, we should just throw polls out the window at this point..
Yumm, love cold noodles! Also good with toasted sesame, scrambled egg strips, and thin sliced deli ham strips.
You have a really cute kitchen. I am sorry you can not enjoy a cup of coffee. I don't know what I would do. I really wish you would get down to the clinic. Have you thought about an ulcer? I would hope to hell you are not still dealing with the problem you had a while back.
1. I think 6.6 would agree he has a pretty Mother and you should be dating or at least talking. I wouldn't recommend online I just do not trust people but There is no age limit to happiness!
2. I think the polls are as bogus as McCain. Since he was advised to use Rove we are back top the lying underhanded divide and conquer Politics that got Bush in and served him. It is working again and ah I better shut up!
3. I understand he is vetting Kaine, Bayh, and Biden and looking at Sebelius as well as Nunn, Dodd, and Hagel. I would like to see Hagel!
4. Stevens should be facing jail time. He has lied a long time but the feisty old Bast** Republican will keep lying and He will get away with it!
Take care of yourself and have a nice day!
I'm sorry I just heard McCain mocking and comparing Obama to Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. I am so sick of that scum!
OH I'm sorry about the stomach....yuck! But I DO LOVE your kitchen...it has so much attitude....but then I wouldn't expect any less from you.....I love the picture over the stove...that is an awesome touch.....you've given me some ideas...thanks!
Dating in your 40's....well I met my hubsband when I was 43..and we met on line...yup the old online thing...lots of toads...but gosh when you meet the right one....nice very nice...
E4E, I am Puerto Rican, so spicy food is pretty much a staple. But I married Irish and though she be a lovely, darling lass, let's just say her taste buds are not quite as discerning as mine.
Ahhh Spartacus:::
I hear ya.....I swear there must be some Thai or Mexican blood in my veins...I Love HOT and spicey...peppers..curry...you name it......( I am of Scottish descent..soooo I should be loving potatoes etc.....NOT....) I went to England a few years back...and so sorry but the food there is sooooo boring...But I am sure she is lovely....you all just have to eat out more...or maybe you cook for her ;-)
Smalltown RN::::
oh thank you for the encouragement...and knowing that it is possible to navigate these waters...I was dating in my 20's and then married for almost 20 and so here I am bumbling along...and it was fine until my son pointed out that it is well....as he said "geezz if you become a catlady I dont think I will come home much"...which is a joke cuz he loves critters and cats as much as me....
oh the old Coot is just up to his pranks...what a pathetic thing if you think about it....its sad...and it's only wed there is still time to spill applessause and pass gas in front of the Sausage house ;-)
Okay to answer you- the gut is damaged from the Incident a few years back- esp the esophagus- yes....and so should I really be eating wasabi- welll probally not..and yes, I really do need real medical care...and yes I do have an apppointment with the free clinic- who are packed up solid...and yes. Hmmm, Hagel- now that would be interesting...and yes indeedy it will be a miracle if Teddy faces any jailtime- but hey a girls' gotta dream right???
have a good day there :-)
hmmm sesame seeds - that would be good...and scrambled eggs....
One more thing
Smalltown RN:::
Oh about the kitchen...there was no chopping area- so I made one that is next to the stove- with a shelf, and slab of granite ( stone stores have remnants- and you can bicker), and then the shelf above the stove is an cd rack turned sideways and stained- and I put my favorite spices and teas there...the picture is one of my favorite things- it was in a throw out pile at Target next to Customer Service- I gave them 2 dollars for it- and painted and glued the frame black..( the frame was broken- that is why they were throwing it out). The Lamps next to the painting are little blue blown glass- again sale bin for a few bucks....and then there is a Laughing Buddha- to bring luck and good fortune to the kitchen,..and the chef....and who needs it ;-)
Well! Loads of questions here.
Love the kitchen.
As for coffee- the one vice I can still have-- is it an option to go with a LOW ACID coffee? Not trying to torture you... but Trader Joes sells a Fair trade Organic Low acid coffee.... maybe you could have at least once in a while?? If not, sorry- not trying to lead you astray.
For me I have to try to avoid CARBS- especially the high glycemic index carbs... so the noodle dish would be off limits for moi. Or my blood glucose would skyrocket.
Older folks can & do date-- the trick is to find others in the dating pool. Getting out there socially may just be the key.
Polls- Having been in the research industry... they manilupate the questions so people don't know if yes means no or vice- versa. Either that or they might ask if everyone else fell off the planet earth & it was taken over by aliens, would you vote for an alien or John McCain?
Even then, I would think the aliens have an edge....
Obama Veep- Safe to say it ain't gonna be Hillary or Geraldine Ferraro! Too bad Chuck Hagel is a republican. Barbara Boxer might be good.... but who knows? I like Maxine Waters from S. CA, congressperson for 17 years-- but could America handle a black pres & VP???? (in the 21st century)...probably not just yet.
Stevens- He might get something similar to what Scooter got-- a little jail time, slap on the hand & off to retirement for him. He probably gets to keep the Land Rover gift he's in trouble for.
That's enough pondering for now.....
But do people in their 40's date ?
A co-worker is 44 and he has hit the online dating sites and scored bigtime. Online dating had given him a pretty deep avenue to meet new people were before it was hard for him to meet ladies.
Does anyone else think the "Polls" that the MSM keeps announcing are totally Bogus ?
Yes and no, I don't think the MSM are hitting all the people who only have cell phones and I do think a lot of people are scared poop-less over the times we are living in so many may not have made up their minds yet.
Beach Bum:::
now see that is encouraging...meeting folks is challenging..so good for him...
Now that is a really interesting about the phone issue- esp the cell issue...
yup....tried that..Paul Newman's coffee...but this is a case where I need to really tough it out...( hence the whining on my part..sorry)....
ooooops kitty battle....be right back...
sorry...yup...and yeah...VEEP it won;t be hill or geraldine..that is for sure...and yeah- I think a pardon lies in teddy's future..sadly....
okay off to watch the damn news and hear the stupid MSM puditheads spin McGramps stupidass new ads...
So sorry about the coffee (et.al.). A huge storm knocked a local city off the electric grid--some homes for as long as 5-7 days! The one thing people couldn't get along without was coffee. It helps us cope with all the rest: dating, McGramps, redecorating on a dime, etc.
Thanks for a lovely, refreshing post.
funny...I do blog about the little things of life curbside wonders...and noodles...and Curry and the garden..anything to offer some Soulfood for us as we cope with these Criminals at the Helm....ANYTHING....I can not blog the crimes and corruption every day...I can not..and I also worry about our hearts and souls...because these past 8 years have been hellish...
but oye...no coffee and no grid...that would be too much ;-)
Thanks Skippy...my best to Mrs. Skippy..I will toast her with Lemon Creme Mylanta...or the Strawberry Creme Maalox ;-)
( Would that be the purple pill??? I will ask for it at the Free Clinic- I go next week....I hope it works...the OTC stuff is not doing it ;-(
Sorry the acid is still bothering you. Prilosec OTC has recently been undercut by Omeprazole (generic for Priolec which is generic for nexium). Omeprazole at Costco is $19 for 42-pills. Supposedly 1/daily, but to equal nexium doseage, you'd have to take 2/daily. And you cannot miss a day, just because you aren't feeling the burn at that moment!
Love the kitchen colors; you are a painting genius. everything is pirstine clean, too. you will never see a photo of mine, NEVER! I hate my gas stove & so I ignore cleaning those grate-things until I can't stand it anymore. I miss my electric one-piece glass cooktop -- one swipe & it was all clean.
Re: dating classes for 40+ ... well if they are taught by that No Reservations guy, the classes will be full ... better sign up early.
oh be still my wittle heart...if he was teaching them ....lordy...
About the Kitchen....when we moved in it was horrendous...and the stove did not work and was caked ith brown kook..and had not been cleaned for over 4 years....the tiles- were this odd gray color and the Walls were Prison Mint Green.....so I painted...the walls...Indigo Blue...the tiles black and white...( and yes , it is possible to paint tile) the stove I scrubbed it - it took ever 20 hours to get it clean and in working order, and I had to paint part of it too....and as I wrote above, I put togethter a chop slab or granite, and an old CD shelf for spices and tea...and the painting was a trowout at Target- because of a broken fame...so for under 30 dollars I saved my kitchen from looking like something that looked like a Condemned photo....it is cozy and works....clean? hmmmm sometimes...
oh, I am on the Generic Prilosec...Skippy mentioned nexium- so then I was trying to figure out if that was better...but this is only week one...and twice a day....( once a day does nothing..) so we will see how it goes...
Dating in your 40's? God I hope so. I am thinking about taking a cooking class and going to some wine tastings. The whole puter hook up thing is kinda not my style. There is just no substance in it, imho. For the gays's that method is more about "hook up's" and not about a relationship. Thanks for your kind post on my blog yesterday. Divorce sucks...
traveling man:::
yeah....I was married for 20 years..and yeah in my 20's I was great at being "single"..now I suck at it...and I have not a clue...so I read watch alot of movies...and think too much...and in some ways- yes...divorce sucks....but we all take care of each other we get through it...right?
hang in there...many hugs...
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