"Hope is like a road in the country; there was never a road, but when many people walk on it, the road comes into existence."
Lin Yutang
So we are all nervous...these are not good times...we all know the Economy has been in tatters- for a long time. It is nice that the MSM and the Government finally are getting caught up. Nice that we are not being called "Whiners" this week. And to be honest, the Government and the MSM needed a Reality Check, because us, the real people have known for over a year that things are going in the wrong direction....and now we just need to remember to keep talking and thinking together....so we can get through these times. And yes, Bush was doomed to Break this Country the whole time. Can any of us name ONE Business Venture he succeeded at ? ahhhhh nope.
I will be back later today....It is steamy here by the Lake. 90's...so I am going to sit here and drink Lemon Creme Mylanta Shooters and work on my Book...
Need Something to read ? SIRENS CHRONICLES has many great new posts up, and the magazine form is easy to read.....And then down below there are many goodies, so have a sit, and some lemonade and stay cool.
Music that is soothing....good with Mylanta Shooters....
Music is another old Summery Wonder :: Steely Dan "FM"
2:30pm Financial update:
Indymac is being investigated by FBI for possible fraud.
Yesterday CNBC ran the Hearing with a split screen..I wish they did that today it was helpful...
( has anyone seen if the FEC Chairman Chris Cox has given any kind of statement ? just curious..)
E, enjoy your drink.. I'm thinking off making myself a spritzer..anything not diluted will put me to sleep in no time and what's the point?? (unless you want to fall asleep that is [g])
good luck with your Book as well, good for you to stay disciplined..writing is a tough thing to do.. I go back and forth on it myself (screenwriting yikes)...
Hey, there's nothing wrong. ; )
I keep thinking, he can't Fuck it up an more than he has, and Bingo, here we go again! ; (
I couldn't believe his sound bites last evening. It's incomprehensible.
And so it goes.
Today and the next few are what make me miss the bay area bunches.
Damn it's hot!
Hope all is well for you and your son! ; )
Coffee Man:::
Good to see you...Damn it is so friggin hot...I could make you some scrambled eggs out on the front walk??? geeez.....make yourself at home, I will head your way this eve,.....
yeah...yesterday- was watching CNBC, and they are showing the Numbers ( ouch) and then the hearings and then Bush all on a split screen....Bush is saying everything is fine..( shit really? what the hell was he smoking ) and then Bernanke says that yes we are indeed in trouble....
And so it goes ....yup...
Hey there friend...is it hot enough for you ? lordy....
I am sitting here eating popsicles in front of the ol fan....( 6-6 has the AC...but it really only cools one room- it is a little Baby AC....)...
The book is on the blogroll- Silent Fallout & Watery Lies- although I am probally dropping the Watery part of the title - I think TWO words are just easier...mentally....so yeah...I should be opening more chapters this weekend...write me- I would love to talk to you about screenwriting- my son is looking for a good program on that...enigma4ever@earthlink.net......
take care folks...stay cool...
Hey E~ It's been 90 something here- too damned hot for me. I have to head to the park pool to get some relief.
Bush would have us believe everything is just fine.....
It was nice of him to clarify that he is NOT an economist. We noticed!
For some reason (maybe it is just my computer) suddenly the you tube tings are not showing up in the screen.... there is a blank space, but not loading.... anyone else having this issue?
it has been happening off and on all day...I have not a clue why Youtubes are acting up...sorry...
It is sooooo frigging hot...
And yes indeedy Bush was just an idiot....and is ...and will always be...
Oh wait about the Youtube- I forgot to say it is mostly with FIREFOX, it is better with Safari...
I about flipped when I heard Bush say that the country needed to stop and take a breath over the economy. I wish he could understand I can't, I've got to worry about gas prices, food prices, and paying for m kid's dental bills. My wife and I aren't that bad off but we ain't liking the way things look. Just wanted to stop and say hi, got you listed at my site.
Beach Bum....
Hey there..good to see you...and you are right- Bush does not get it- that families are in turmoil....badly...because of ALL the other things - to him it is just "gas"- he does not get that EVERYTHING is more- fuel for home, heat bills, even a box of cereal or a jug of milk are TWICE of what they were a year ago....it is the CULMLITATIVE EFFECT....combined everything with lower wages and trying to get to work- it is too much....
the little people don't matter to him- never did....
sigh....158 days to go....deep breath...we can do this....we can...
I will add you to the blogroll ;-)
It's gonna be a long campaign season. Hope the antacids hold up.
The Gram/McCain connection is disturbing. The New Yorker thing is, um, interesting, but when the swift-boating comes into play, we'll see worse.
Perhaps it's wise to buy Mylanta in bulk.
looks like our monsoons are gone, so the heat is back ... 102 today, no beach in site, but nice eve dog walk ... I brought a spray bottle of refrigerated water to keep spritzing dog & us. watching Bush stumble over HIS definition of "bail out" today was painful. He can barely say the words. Tonight Steven Colbert named him Alpha Dog of the Week -- very funny. can't find the youtube.
hope it gets cooler...maybe tomorrow....spritzer is wonderful idea for you and pets....Steven was a hoot tonight...and the RUSH was nice too ....
yeah .....the connection and then MCCain trys to distance himself...bunch of "whiners" my ass...and yes I am sure there will be more swift boating.....long hot summer to still get through...and Mylanta - I will buy the biggest I can find...
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