Press Conference held at about 2pm, and details released by the Dept of Justice Matthew Frederick.As of 5pm No Statement has been released by Senator Stevens or his office. More is updated in the Comment thread for Now. Countdown should be interesting tonight. ( Originally posted at 1pm after I found it over at Gryphen's, he found out first ).
*** Update::: 5:40PM Teddy has placed a Statement on his website declaring his Innocence ....go to Huffpost to read more.( be prepared to laugh....seriously it is laughable...he doth Protest Tooooo much...)
Whoo-Hoo! And I heard this breaking news first right here on Watergate Summer.
Hey there..
I don't know if that is WEST or East time???
( might be west coast..)
but still Yahooooooo
1:45 PM
Teddy's JD Press Conference::::
( FBI, IRS>CID [seattleoffice)....)
7 Counts..."False Statement " Indictment ....
FELONY counts ( 1999-2006)...Grand Jury...related to Disclosure of Gifts....Dept of Justice and IRS investigation...
yup....VECO is named....substantial amounts of labor and materials....(VECO renovated his house....remade it )....OTHER gifts Viking gas range..."automobile" exchange....total gifts ::::> $250,000, they were not filed at all....."VERY beginning of Criminal Process on these allegations and charges....this is a Grand Jury Indictment- so now the investigation continues ( there are 7 other convictions...including VECO reps and Alaska reps- including Tom Anderson).
( for those that don't know VECO is a company in the NW- that provides Oil Services...and engineering services, huge employer in Alaska and Wash State....they are not in the business of renovation of homes ) Why they are not Bribery Charges with this indictment is questionable.
He will be allowed to turn himself in...
CNN is still covering live, MSNBC Andrea Mitchell dummcluck that she is has switched away from the JD presser....
I will watch CNN and update..
Matthew Frederick of JD gave presser..
excellent! I was so sick of McCain talking about the pork and using that stupid bridge as an example when talking about Obama and pork barrel spending knowing the guy is a Republican.
Maybe Stevens can escape through a series of internet tubes...
there you go...in his little orange jumpsuit ;-)
yeah,,,,let's have some GOP scandal...alright...
The Intertubes will not be kind to Mr.(ex-Senator) Stevens. But...
You realize that this could well be a red herring to distract from "other issues." (McCain, Bush impeachment hearings, etc., etc.) Now the "Justice Department’s Office of Public Integrity" can proclaim that they are "tough on crime" -- even thought this has been ongoing since 1999. He's a burnt offering...
It has been going on for a Long time Drknow....
and it did indeed start in 1999....actually I think that Old Teddy probally thought he was in the clear...
( but alas I think Old Duke has been sitting in the Big House spilling his heart out...)
and actually the charges could have been much worse.....and still could get worse ;-)
Yeaaay ... justice will be served (I think) to Stevens! Couldn't happen to a more worthy fellow. When the AsstAG (Frederick?) gave the rundown of some of the "gifts", I was disappointed the wine wasn't mentioned. Remember the FBI young guys carrying out large boxes full of rare expensive bottles of wine?
As far as justice for all the other WH criminals? Well, let this serve as a warning. The ICC is bringing in Radovan now. I know the U.S. has carefully exempted itself from ICC, but I still have hope.
ahhh the wine...well, those were not really gifts ....( they were just stolen...jus kidding....) Actually they were carried out for prints...to be honest I was surpirsed there were full bottles ;-)
Whether it will also be tied back to other issues ( abramoff and Duke Cunningham is what I am waiting to see...or the Brent Wilkes angle....the VECO angle is a very very big deal...and that VECO is an OIL Company engineering firm....)
I did not realize that the other 7 that were already indicted were ALSO convicted- that is trouble for Teddy....oh my ;-)
Saying that Stevens is guilty is like saying that the mafia is is involved in drug dealing and other nefarious activities. These rich guys think they are immune from the laws that bind the rest of society.
Thanks for posting on this...
Sure thing ...sure thing...and yeah....makes watching the Sopranos mere childs play.....these guys would have called Nixon an amatuer....
Lol, bradda.
This is curious. I'm not sure what to make of this, yet.
gryphen over at Immoral Minority has lots more on this ( he is our great Alaskan Blogger)
Stevens went to court today- he pled NOT guilty and asked that his trial be move to Alaska...the judge will try it in Wash state...and it will start Sept 24th...
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