Yeah....great ad....Do you have Repug Relatives who like McCain....Well, HOW do they feel about a Palin Presidency ???The Organization that made the ad is linked to the title....enjoy the's powerful...SHARE and steal this video...
( Just to clarify, I am not into Fearmongering...but I admit it- this woman makes me sweat bullets..the idea of her anywhere near the nuke codes....????)
She has been scaring me since the moment I laid eyes on her. McCain choosing her on the spur of the moment makes him seem nothing but lunatic.
I didn't like what I's just all summer I have been thinking there is Something WRONG with him....I think he lacks judgement and temperment to be prez....BUT I also really think he has either some dementia or Organic brain syndrome or even Melanoma Mets....I think there is something wrong with his brain...seriously- he met her ONCE- he had never met with her alone until the day that he offered her the job....and he had ONE other phone conversation with her....that is NOT enough...he KNEW NOTHING about her....scary...
oh I will be right over - how did I miss that ???
thanks ;-)
Very scary halloween vid. Hah! The thought of sarah in charge! She can't even manage her kids or her wardrobe. She appointed a city administrator who "ran" Wasilla while she was mayor. It was another first for that little city. Usually the mayor acts as city admin for small town. She did little but create political divisions where none had existed before.
In governing Alaska, she decided to rip off the rest of the U.S. by extorting money from the oil companies for the state fund. What do companies do when their costs go up? They pass along the increase plus a profit. So all the rest of US paid in the form of higher energy prices in order for her to add to the Alaska state fund.
OK, all old news, true, but still, just thinking sarah in charge of anything on a national level, brings to mind her style of governing. I'm not sure she is qualified to run an outhouse, much less the white house.
Palin is dangerous. We don't need her near the White House.
Hey all the fact that this ad is running here in Ohio blows my mind...really amazing....and right during the eve news hour...
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