Sunday, October 19, 2008

Some Interesting things are happening at McCain Rallies.....People are confronting each other about Racism...

This Video is from Virginia....and a Anti Muslim McCain person got confronted by other conservatives about his words, actions and rotten bumper stickers....amazing...I watched this and it actually gave me some hope that Ignorance can and is being confronted...even in odd Redneck Moments...Muslims are Americans too...( so are Wica's, Buddhists, Atheists and Buddhists....and it is about time people starting remembering...)


Jackie said...

Enigma, this "confrontation" looks staged to me.

Sad, really. That there are some Republicans who are ashamed that the McCain campaign is operating in such a heinous way, but they don't feel they can talk about that shame in a straightforward manner. They must "stage" educational/PC moments.


enigma4ever said...

you might be right...I don't know..the truth is I just don't know enough conservatives to know .....but I do think that maybe some of this offends some people...atleast I hope that is so...

this I know..that like you said alot of this behavior is shameful..disgusting...

No One should be ashamed of their community work or their religion in this country....

Jesus was a Community Organizer...