Sunday, May 31, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Late Thursday Night Thoughts.....

My Apologies...I have not been blogging much...there is a reason, I have been wrestling about sharing some things....and I will explain over the weekend...Thank you for your patience with my sporadic posts ......I found this photo of the White House...I love that it looks hopeful....but yes, the skies are in no way mellow....More tomorrow....
Senator Sherrod Brown perdicts Universal Healthcare by the end of the year....
I hope to hell that Sherrod Brown is the title to get to the Plain Dealer article...
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Senator Burris not so innocent in his relationship with calls revealed....
Click the title to read about Senator Burris's mess...
Monday, May 25, 2009
Happy Memorial Day.....

To all that serve and families that serve....we need to get them Home...and out of the senseless mess that George and Dick all that have served over the years...and to those that have lost folks....may we take a day to remember and honor that...I remember my cousin Bobby who flew in Vietnam and is buried in Arlington .....and my Uncle Stu who helped Germany and was one of the first to see the Death Camps and who lived with PTSD the rest of his years but was truly a wonderful soul.....Namaste.

The Story of Pete Seeger and the song ( and the Marlene Deitrich version is below)....( via Youtube)
"On July 26, 1956, the House of Representatives voted 373 to 9 to cite Pete Seeger and seven others (including playwright Arthur Miller) for contempt, as they failed to cooperate with House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) in their attempts to investigate alleged subversives and communists. Pete Seeger testified before the HUAC in 1955.
In one of Pete's darkest moments, when his personal freedom, his career, and his safety were in jeopardy, a flash of inspiration ignited this song. The song was stirred by a passage from Mikhail Sholokhov's novel "And Quie Flows the Don". Around the world the song traveled and in 1962 at a UNICEF concert in Germany, Marlene Dietrich, Academy Award-nominated German-born American actress, first performed the song in French, as "Qui peut dire ou vont les fleurs?" Shortly after she sang it in German. The song's impact in Germany just after WWII was shattering. It's universal message, "let there be peace in the world" did not get lost in its translation. To the contrary, the combination of the language, the setting, and the great lyrics has had a profound effect on people all around the world. May it have the same effect today and bring renewed awareness to all that hear it."
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Military Suicide Rates still rising...( why does this shock anyone-it makes sense to me)
Click the title for the full wapo story......sadly it needs to shared...
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Friday Night Thoughts and Music......

This Memorial Day....maybe do something to Remember those that have done things to help this country, there are many that work to help this country, I don't look at Memorial Day as just a Military Holiday....Whether it be a teacher that works extra jobs to buy crayons for her students....or the college kid around the corner who just joined the Peace Corp....or the retired policeman up the street who takes in stray dogs....or the VET that has come back and is discouraged about work but does Odd Jobs in the Hood and works as a bagger at the market.....Memorial Day is about Honoring people that have Served....There is more to it than burnt hot dogs at a picnic and a noisy parade....More than 30% of those that are homeless are VETS, and this week local TV stations had fundraisers for Military Families....very sad I give to the local foodbank for Memorial Day....and look for other ways to give Something Back.....
At this point ....we all have to still willing to give to Heal the Bush heal the Empathy Deficit that has been created and festered for 8 years.....
Neil Young and The Boss " All Along the Watch Tower"....
I am back blogging on schedule...6-6 had a nice long visit with his dad....but now life is settling back down...and back to getting Silent Fallout done by July...and back to blogging...there is plenty below....Torture updates, Tent City Updates and the Guerilla Gardener and of course we are busy rooting for Lebron and the Cavs.......and more.....have a good Friday....
An Update on some of the Sacramento Tent City Folks that have been moved into Permanent Housing....

McClatchy has an update about the Relocated tent city folks...and how they are coping. I have been trying to find updates since earlier in the spring when Mayor Johnson said that the Sacramento Tent City was to be shut down, or atleast they planned to stop new residents from coming. The shelters in that city are still turning away folks, so where they are going is a huge question....but atleast one mayor is trying to confront the challenges that the increasing rate of homelessness brings with this economic the title for the article.
McClatchy the Only Newspaper that has the Guts to dissect Cheney's Fearmongering piece of Drivel Speech....

In the opening paragraphs Strobel and Landlay really tear into the speech- sentence by sentence exposing it for what it is .... a speech of full of lies and holes by a failed dictator...Do click the title and read the whole thoughtful assessment, and if you want do read the full text of Cheney's speech below at the bottem.
"Former Vice President Dick Cheney's defense Thursday of the Bush administration's policies for interrogating suspected terrorists contained omissions, exaggerations and misstatements.
In his address to the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative policy organization in Washington, Cheney said that the techniques the Bush administration approved, including waterboarding — simulated drowning that's considered a form of torture — forced nakedness and sleep deprivation, were "legal" and produced information that "prevented the violent death of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of innocent people."
(1) My first question is this....if Cheney was so damn paranoid that he only felt safe to ORDER Torture from his secret Cave or lair ? His Bunker ? BUT now he is out daily preaching about the Wonders of Torture- can we ask for a Competency Hearing for him ?
(2) So Condi has not come out and backed him ? but did try unsuccessfully to defend torture to 3rd graders at a school....Has Anyone come out and joined his Torture Defense ? Anyone ? ( and I notice that Meyers and Rummy are silent as well ? and yes even the Dubya....or hell even Gonzo ?)
(3) Isn't Cheney facing charges down in Texas because his Prisons that he runs are doing "things" illegally ?
(4) Wasn't Wittington the Lawyer he shot in the Face- wasn't he on the Prison Review Board in Texas ?
(5) WHY has no one like Frontline or 60 minutes ever investigated whether Cheney is a psychotic criminal ? seriously ?
( Here is the full text of Dick's delusional insane bizarre speech....)
Gitmo Solution ? Hardin Montana offers a title to read more...
On Countdown two nights ago an actual solution was brought forward by a small town in Montana that has an Existing Empty Prison.....
More About torture, according to this Article from an Interview with a Witness....waterboarding is just the tip of a pretty ugly iceberg....

Do click the title and read the rest of this Raw Story article....I have been thinking about this alot....maybe instead of wishing Cheney would go away- maybe we should all call Fox and demand a Town Meeting so we could ask questions...since he is soooo talkative these days..Maybe have a bunch of folks dress up looking all American in Flagpins and pearls ask WHAT else was done besides waterboarding ? Maybe ask about the Trash Buckets full of ice ? read the article....
Mother Jones great article about the Bushies Torture Architects and the Problems with the Memo's Release....
Many have already seen this...but I forgot to post earlier in the month....worth the read...and frankly not so shocking anymore....
WTF moment of the Week::: About Closing Gitmo- Mueller pulls a Bullshit manuver to undermine President Obama....
Click title and read the Raw Story post on Mueller losing his damn mind when speaking about Gitmo and WHY the Detainees, POW's can Not come to the states ? So my question is has been drinking the Cheney Koolaid ? Did he hit his head ? WTF ?
( I mean plenty of people have been imprisoned in the States...even some with Terrorist Issues- Timonthy McVeigh ? the Nichols Brothers ? the 1993 Trade Center Bombers ? ....)
( I mean plenty of people have been imprisoned in the States...even some with Terrorist Issues- Timonthy McVeigh ? the Nichols Brothers ? the 1993 Trade Center Bombers ? ....)
The Guerilla Gardener.....inspiring and sensational....
BBC has started to cover more..... giving support and publicity to the activity....
I have linked Richard Reynolds blog to the Title...if you want to read more about his work in the UK and London...this is my favorite project he did....Sunflowers at Midnight in front of Parliament....amazing...
( He is so inspiring....I have not been gardening much....long story....will explain later,but basically gave up the back yard to the family next door with two small children...but I watch this and realize all people need some Color some Green even some dirt in their lives....)
Scotland's Wind this and then someone explain to me WHY we could NOT have Windfarms in Every State here ?

WOW Snippet from the Guardian Articale, click the title to read the whole article...:::
"Both projects would significantly boost Salmond's plans for half of all Scotland's electricity to come from green sources by 2020. The interim target – to generate 31% of electricity from renewable sources by 2011 – has already been surpassed, officials said.
Salmond said Scotland had the theoretical potential to generate 60 gigawatts of green energy, ten times the country's peak demand, because of its geographical position."
CBS 12.07.07 Wind Energy Story ( texas)
( President Obama's Stimulus package does have funds in it for Wind Energy, which is a good investment and will create jobs for those upgrading the grid , but also for building turbines....)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
YouTube ....Library of Congress Channel......WOW.....
Okay I know I spend way too much time on is something cool and educational...enjoy....
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Best Commencement Speech Ever, if you have a young person in your life , share this...truly inspiring.......John Legend ( click title to read it)
John Legend at University of Pennsylvania, May 2009...he talks Truth...the Real Truth of what Our Children and Young Adults grew up with the past 10 years....the Lies about the Money, about the War, WMD, even torture, but he also carefully explains our leaders and the Media all played a is up to all of us to find Our Truth....and Soul Power.
And ponder this....10 years ago 1999 John Legend graduated from college....and look how far he has taken his life in 10 years.....
he had faith, hope and compassion and vision....this is him singing at the 2008 DNC Convention with a full choir " If You're Out There "....
He is truly a Truth Seeker and Speaker, and he was awarded a CNN Hero Award for 2008, this was him singing the same powerful song on CNN.
But the best version of this song ( which embodies alot of what his Commencement speech embraces ) this is John singing it on Real Time with Bill Maher the last weekend before the Election....
(( This Video, about activism in the Sixites is about Fighting for Change, again using the same is powerful....about Standing Up, about being a part of History....About Facing the Truth, even in it's ugliest raw form....but it is also about how we face the Truth Together, we are Empowered......))
And finally this version below is my favorite version of the from November 4th 2008 11PM EST.....around the world...I know these past few monthes have been very very hard...and at times discouraging....but I also know that the past two years we all fought for Something Better....and for Change....and it took Millions of us to do it...and it was in many ways a Battle....I think about that Unity and that hard work, and all of those people joining together...and even though we are in a Depression....I know we can get through it....I know that....
And ponder this....10 years ago 1999 John Legend graduated from college....and look how far he has taken his life in 10 years.....
he had faith, hope and compassion and vision....this is him singing at the 2008 DNC Convention with a full choir " If You're Out There "....
He is truly a Truth Seeker and Speaker, and he was awarded a CNN Hero Award for 2008, this was him singing the same powerful song on CNN.
But the best version of this song ( which embodies alot of what his Commencement speech embraces ) this is John singing it on Real Time with Bill Maher the last weekend before the Election....
(( This Video, about activism in the Sixites is about Fighting for Change, again using the same is powerful....about Standing Up, about being a part of History....About Facing the Truth, even in it's ugliest raw form....but it is also about how we face the Truth Together, we are Empowered......))
And finally this version below is my favorite version of the from November 4th 2008 11PM EST.....around the world...I know these past few monthes have been very very hard...and at times discouraging....but I also know that the past two years we all fought for Something Better....and for Change....and it took Millions of us to do it...and it was in many ways a Battle....I think about that Unity and that hard work, and all of those people joining together...and even though we are in a Depression....I know we can get through it....I know that....
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
A Beautiful Filly wins the Preakness...the first in 85 years....
and Calvin Borel won again.....He knew he had to ride her....he was right.
This is the ad that ran all week about the Showdown between Rachel Alexandra and Mind that Bird.....
This is the ad that ran all week about the Showdown between Rachel Alexandra and Mind that Bird.....
Friday, May 15, 2009
Friday Night Music....Something New...Something Old...
Airborne Toxic Event...."Sometime around Midnight"...(Click the title to see the Whole String Version, or watch the small club version below- both amazing....)
1997 Rolling Stones with Lisa of the best Live Versions of "Gimme Shelter"...
1997 Rolling Stones with Lisa of the best Live Versions of "Gimme Shelter"...
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

This is Sabrina Harmon posing with a Corpse, A CORPSE....there were 400 cases that WE the American People NEVER heard about....and yes, CORPSES ....from Abu Gahrib ???? and WHERE else ? Black Prisons ? Gitmo ? Sabrina posed with atleast 8 (that I found photos of.)....There are MORE such photos, there are the ICE incidents, there are the Women and Children that were Held on the Shower Wing of Abu Gahrib IB,- WE need to KNOW WHY.....WERE PEOPLE TORTURED IN AN ATTEMPT TO GET THEM TO FALSELY CONFESS TO CONNECT IRAQ TO AL QUEDA OR 911 ??? ( Click the title to learn more about Sabrina and ALL the crimes that went on in Iraq , that was Ordered by the Bush Regime and Carried out by Contractors in Iraq).There was much focus on Abu Gahrib and the "bad apples " and Lindy and a Leash- SOMEONE needs to ask about the Corpses ???? And about families held ? and People Held in Trash Cans of Ice - and YES, there are Photos...... About the Rapes, of young girls ? At the Prison? About Medical People needed to Stitch up the Dog Bites ? And yes, about the Corpses......And WHO Ordered ALL of This And Which Contractors "Handled" the Orders ?
( if need be do I need to post the rest of the Photos that I have found and that were sent to me by VETS ???......)
President Obama has Broken his FIRST and Most Important Promise. Torture is NOT who we are as a People. The Bush Regime Tortured in OUR Name, there MUST be Investigations, TRUTH and Prosecution. On his 3rd day in Office President Obama did ReHonor and Resign FOIA Laws and Signing Statements that Bush had destroyed. ACLU has worked on this situation for many years, this is about Telling the Truth to the Public. Demand to see the Torture photos, if the Administration wants to withold the photos of the Soldiers - that is their choice....BUT the Rest of the 2000 Photos should be released. The Congress and the Senate already saw them Privately in 2004, so that makes it a Cover Up. 400 Cases of Abuse of "Misconduct", and how Many Corpses ?
I as a Nurse KNOW that Medical People were used to assist with People Being Tortured, I am not backing down, Torture was committed in all of OUR names.....The World Knows this and that International Laws were Violated.
And let's be honest....there are Many Troops that Know the Truth, and the Iraqis Know the Truth, and So does the Bush Regime......It's time we ALL knew the Truth.
Support the ACLU....Support their work for the Truth....and Call the White House. The Phone Number is on the sidebar.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Single Payer Health Care Battle is On....Senators to Debate THREE Possible Health Plans for America BEHIND CLOSED DOORS THIS COMING WEEK ??? WTH????
And meanwhile, this week the Behind Closed Doors Manuvering began ......Real News has the video of How Single Payer Advocates were excluded from the Meetings in DC this past week...and it continues this week, do also read the Huffington Post article linked to the title.
And here's the thing- ALL of us that worked for President Obama remember hims saying this...we need him to Remember US...
Watch this Mike Farrell Video About Healthcare For All...
David Swanson Explaining Single Payer ( Please watch- priceless).
And here's the thing- ALL of us that worked for President Obama remember hims saying this...we need him to Remember US...
Watch this Mike Farrell Video About Healthcare For All...
David Swanson Explaining Single Payer ( Please watch- priceless).
Stand With Dr.Dean....We as a Country NEED Healthcare for ALL...
So I have been watching bits and pieces of the Hearings in DC....Somebody tell me WHY there are NO Single Payer Advocates? And WHY No Nurses and Doctors have been asked to join these Hearings ???....
California Nurses Are Organizing around the right Message: We all Need Healthcare NOT Insurance....IT IS THE ISSUE....go to their website
Sadly they are the ones trying to help bring the Single Payer Issue to light, and that meant this week getting arrested in DC as there were no Single Payer Advocates at the Meetings this week. Do take a look at the website linked to the title, and see the California Nurses are very focused and organized in their approach to what is broken about our Health System.
Broken Healthcare STILL in New Orleans....
Over three and half years after Katrina the Health Care system in NOLA is still crippled....Still...4 minute video says it all.
So How the Hell Did BUSH Rape and Pillage OUR Social Security ? Think About WHAT is paying for Iraq Folks....Think real Hard.

The Last two years Bush and His Cronies ( including McShame) kept saying that Social Security Needed to be Overhauled- yeah, well, What if THEY already had ???? What did they do with the Money the past EIGHT years ??? Where is ALL that money ? And I am not buying that the past 8 monthes of this Hellish Recession " Caused " stress on the Social Security System ......I do think 8 years of a HUGE Illegal War might have been Funded by OUR Money, ALL of our Savings and Money ....There is No other reason that in 8 years it should be Broke....Unless it was and is Already Broken. Click the title to read the LA Times Article.
There must be War Crime Trials.
( And this is WHY the Health Care Mess must be Fixed for ALL NOW......)
Tuesday Night Update and Music....

I am still on hiatus, trying to care for the Fellas, and working sorry but while Company is here....I have to take a little Break from Daily Blogging.......This time next week I will be back as usual....but blogging this week might be sporadic...Meanwhile Some Music...New Artists...
Ben Taylor Band...."Time of the Season"....
Lykke Li performs an acoustic version of "I'm Good, I'm Gone" for LiveDaily Sessions during the South By Southwest festival in Austin March, 2008. ( She is very talented..came here from Europe and started as a Street performer.....she is 23 and from Sweden...and definently one to also check out her other songs on YouTube).
Monday, May 11, 2009
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Moms are Superhero's Without the Capes....
Did Seattle Lay Off 3300 Teachers ? By Sending out a Letter ? What the heck ?
Click and read this article from the Seattle PI and try to grasp that 3000 teachers are about to spend the summer wondering if they have a JOB,.......and ask yourself is THIS how budgets are being balanced across the Country- with Layoffs at Schools ? Does DC have a Clue ? If you live in such a place - call your reps- send them THESE articles....and yeah. this is WHY Newspapers matter...they report the Damage in these times...
Friday, May 08, 2009
Friday Night Music....Steamy Night in Cleveland, how about some dancing music ?
First Some Earth Wind and Fire.....( in honor of the Cav's who well, are frankly on FIRE.....)
And Some More Earth, Wind and Fire...."Fantasy"
And of course Lionel Richie..." All Night Long"...
Time to let Marvin sooth your soul and speak some Truth...the kind of music you turn the lights down low....( the longer version 9 min)...
*( Mercy Mercy linked to the title.....have a good night.....)***
And Some More Earth, Wind and Fire...."Fantasy"
And of course Lionel Richie..." All Night Long"...
Time to let Marvin sooth your soul and speak some Truth...the kind of music you turn the lights down low....( the longer version 9 min)...
*( Mercy Mercy linked to the title.....have a good night.....)***
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Thursday....spring rain,lilacs and my fellows...things that matter....

So there is plenty to read below...I am a bit distracted....6-6 has his dad if I am not round much...I am fixing snacks for the fellows.....You know this Cat Stevens thing is STILL on my mind...Should we start a Petition to Get Artists, Writers and Activists Purged from The Watchlist and the No Fly List ? What do you think ?.....
The Peace Train...because I am Still on a Cat Stevens Jag.....
FBI's terror List- slow to correct after audits- adding or subtracting names from watchlists...

Anyone else betting that there are MORE than 24,000 Incorrect Listees ? Because to be honest I think it was also very much like Nixon's Enemy List.....but do read the link and see more of the details in the NYT post about it....I have a Reuters article that is linked to the title that is worth the read too...
Sadly this is so pathetic and paranoid that there are STILL 400,000 people on the damn list, including activists and writers.....It was OVER a Million...but many more need to be Purged....we all know it...right ?
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Wednesday Songs and Some thoughts....Sublime to Soulful...
Cat Stevens Song with a very sweet homemade video....
( and yeah, the guy does look like the guy from Harold and Maude...really the way I do hope Obama's people take Cat Stevens off the No Fly List....he is so talented ....still...)
And now for Something Completely Different...
So I get home last night late from work...6-6 says that Idol was on....and it only "kinda sucked " ( which was him being generous...) and so we stay up and talk..and he told me to relook at the highlights of the episode on Youtube- which of course I did...I have nothing nice to this point I praying that Paula medicates the Danny ( who I think is indeed talented ) did "Dream On"...Now I have to say that Dream on is a very special song....I bought my very first Real Rock album because of that song....I was 10, that song haunted me for many many days....and years....
So THIS is HOW the Song is Supposed to sound...
So yeah....there are some interesting articles below...About Condi and the 4th grader interrogation, the Cav's, and John Edwards downfall, and more.....I am "distracted" this week- my apologies...
( and yeah, the guy does look like the guy from Harold and Maude...really the way I do hope Obama's people take Cat Stevens off the No Fly List....he is so talented ....still...)
And now for Something Completely Different...
So I get home last night late from work...6-6 says that Idol was on....and it only "kinda sucked " ( which was him being generous...) and so we stay up and talk..and he told me to relook at the highlights of the episode on Youtube- which of course I did...I have nothing nice to this point I praying that Paula medicates the Danny ( who I think is indeed talented ) did "Dream On"...Now I have to say that Dream on is a very special song....I bought my very first Real Rock album because of that song....I was 10, that song haunted me for many many days....and years....
So THIS is HOW the Song is Supposed to sound...
So yeah....there are some interesting articles below...About Condi and the 4th grader interrogation, the Cav's, and John Edwards downfall, and more.....I am "distracted" this week- my apologies...
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
WHERE WILL" AMAZING" HAPPEN THIS YEAR ????You have to even ask ? It's Cleveland Baby...It 's all about the Cavs....and King James...
watch the video....
So it's all happening here....Lebron has set this town on fire....So I am watching the game when I get home last night- the end of the 3rd quarter and Lebron and the Cav's are taking the Hawks down in style... and the Dumbass Announcer says " Well, this poor town needs THIS, there is an exodus going on here, people are leaving in droves, it's empty and what with all the jobs leaving and it being the Foreclosure Capital of the Country, it's good these poor folks get a little distraction...."
Me Screaming at the TV:::
" Well, yeah you dumbass and we don't need some frigging sports announcer in a 2000 dollar suit blabbing about how BAD it is here DURING A DAMN GAME !!!!"
( my apologies to 6-6.....)
So yeah...the Cavs are on FIRE and they are going to win this Damn Thing, they beat the Pistons- made em look like a lost highschool team...The Cavs' play with Heart and Soul because they know this brokenhearted town loves them !!!
Nuf said....
( and yeah , if I am slow on the emails or blogging...well, yeah...I am hereby "Distracted"....)
So it's all happening here....Lebron has set this town on fire....So I am watching the game when I get home last night- the end of the 3rd quarter and Lebron and the Cav's are taking the Hawks down in style... and the Dumbass Announcer says " Well, this poor town needs THIS, there is an exodus going on here, people are leaving in droves, it's empty and what with all the jobs leaving and it being the Foreclosure Capital of the Country, it's good these poor folks get a little distraction...."
Me Screaming at the TV:::
" Well, yeah you dumbass and we don't need some frigging sports announcer in a 2000 dollar suit blabbing about how BAD it is here DURING A DAMN GAME !!!!"
( my apologies to 6-6.....)
So yeah...the Cavs are on FIRE and they are going to win this Damn Thing, they beat the Pistons- made em look like a lost highschool team...The Cavs' play with Heart and Soul because they know this brokenhearted town loves them !!!
Nuf said....
( and yeah , if I am slow on the emails or blogging...well, yeah...I am hereby "Distracted"....)
Stunning Dan Abrams interview with Gonzo and Ashcroft, Bush's Lawyers

Okay....I would love to see video of this intervier...oh how I wish I had been there..Anyways.....there are some Holy Crap Moments in this read the whole thing linked to the title, but ALSO do look at the flow of questions- and here is the really odd thing- it was a fairly conservative Repug group- they should have been appreciative of Gonzo and Ashcroft- but not the flow of Questions and WHO got the Applause- it is Stunning.....They were rallying Dan on...amazing :::
PAGE 2....Ashcroft basically explaining HOW a president can Change Laws::::
""JA: I believe there’s been a law change since some of these memos were originally written. And I think if the president wanted to, he could withdraw and discontinue things, maybe predicated on the change in the statute, which was endorsed, I think, by the Republican candidate for president and in the legislative process as well, as the members of the Senate generally and the House, and signed by the president. So, it may well be that there is a minimization of the potential damage here that could happen based on a discontinuity, but I think that General Gonzales makes a point that’s worth understanding.""
( well, love how he calls Gonzo "General Gonzales"????what.....Gonzo was White House Counsel when many of the Original Torture Memos were written and the torture started...General ??? and how Laws could be changed....all that has to happen is the President Sign it ???)
And Do read ALL of Page 4, Dan asks Key Questions about Waterboarding and BOTH men give incredible answers, even when confronted with OUR history as a Country.
Basically please do read the whole thing...We need Dan Abrams back on MSNBC....he is more astute than Gregory or Dodd... BTW he did a stellar job last year during the Election....I used to love his late show with Rachel Maddow and Ron Reagan and his little jazz band- very cool...
John Edwards is in more trouble...Federal Investigation kind....Ouch...and then Elizabeth is On Oprah...Thursday....
I know that those of us that supported Edwards , all the way back to 2004, well, let's just say it was stunning realizing that he is a narcissistic jack ass....there , and I was being nice. It's unforgivable what he did to Elizabeth while she was battling cancer....( I don't want to hear any comments about he needed "intimacy" or some other such drivel....) But on another level we all never talkied about it, but he also took all of us for such a huge risky ride, like the person who drinks a whole bottle of Jack Daniels and then we all climb into the car...It was bound to be a very bad bloody ride and end very badly.... We all are Very Very Lucky that the National Enquirer did Investigate him....IF they hadn't - we could well have a President McCain and VP Palin.....yes, you may now go spew lunch....but seriously, it is the Truth....
Poor Elizabeth....I am glad that she built a Big House...that gives her space away from him....
Poor Elizabeth....I am glad that she built a Big House...that gives her space away from him....
Empty Homes in the Rust Belt :: Foreclosure is way of life....
This is a good article about Empty Homes in the Rust Belt and how many have left and why.....and yeah, that Foreclosure is a way of the title to learn more...
Monday, May 04, 2009
Monday Morning Smile....Enjoy...
Hundreds show up to dance at the Liverpool Station One Morning in how the Riders react...Beautiful....This was the First "Life is For Sharing" Event....( 2 minutes )
THIS is the 2nd one...13,500 people showed up to TraFalgar Sqaure , thinking they would be dancing....But...wait.....hang on a are going to sing " Hey Jude " together....( this was just last week- April 30th, and is still being edited- this is the May 2nd release- 4 Minutes- a bit choppy- but good....touching...)
and yeah...scroll down for the Weekend Swine Update and other things the end of last week...but I just wanted to give something nice first....instead of being the Doomsday Nurse...have a good day...good start to the week.
PS....I do have a tiny bit of good news...Watergate Summer ( the Best of ) is being published ( of over 4 years of Blogging the Bush Regime and my random stories as well) and also Silent Fallout, they both should be out by Fall....some really wonderful people are helping make that happen....But do know that it might effect some of my Blogging here...but I hope me if you want to learn more...
Quick Note:::
I am updating the Blogrolls on the Side so they are easier to read and access News etc. Please email me if your blog isn't there or you would like it to be- or if you have some ones to reccommend..thanks.
THIS is the 2nd one...13,500 people showed up to TraFalgar Sqaure , thinking they would be dancing....But...wait.....hang on a are going to sing " Hey Jude " together....( this was just last week- April 30th, and is still being edited- this is the May 2nd release- 4 Minutes- a bit choppy- but good....touching...)
and yeah...scroll down for the Weekend Swine Update and other things the end of last week...but I just wanted to give something nice first....instead of being the Doomsday Nurse...have a good day...good start to the week.
PS....I do have a tiny bit of good news...Watergate Summer ( the Best of ) is being published ( of over 4 years of Blogging the Bush Regime and my random stories as well) and also Silent Fallout, they both should be out by Fall....some really wonderful people are helping make that happen....But do know that it might effect some of my Blogging here...but I hope me if you want to learn more...
Quick Note:::
I am updating the Blogrolls on the Side so they are easier to read and access News etc. Please email me if your blog isn't there or you would like it to be- or if you have some ones to reccommend..thanks.
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Weekend Swine Flu Update 5.1.09 -5.3.09.......Tonight the Number is up to 245 confirmed cases , 35 States ( the Labs are catching up the numbers)

Enigma's Swine Flu Update Blog has updates daily click or see Button on Sidebar, there is much good info from Lancet and Other Health Resources etc.
Disclaimer::: I repeat what I have said, that we have 50-52 Million in this Country, with NO Healthcare and NO Health Insurance, these people need watching and monitoring, they are at risk in this situation. Also Our ER Systems and Public health were dealt a Blow by the Bush Regime- losing 30-40 Billion Federal Funding PER YEAR was slashed from the Teaching Hospitals Budgets in this Country. They are not equipped on ANY level to cope with this kind of situation. WHO is worried about those that are Impoverished and LACK care- these 50 million HERE they fall into that category. But our DHHS and Emergency Preparedness has been broken for 8 long years on this kind of Health front-sadly.
I do think that President Obama has been trying to work with a Broken system and put together the DHHS again- but time wise this was not great, he did speak about the Situation in his Saturday Address....and it is nice to have an Educated , competent president speak to an emergency. Watch his Saturday Address here.
Also the Incubation Period has yet to be fully understood and scientists are trying to ascertain. Do read the Articles below from the Hopkins Global Physician and the Lancet Doctors as well. Also do take a glimpse at my Swine Flu Blog- MANY good links and updates there.
I talked to a school teacher tonight at work and she pointed out some relevant facts:::
(1) 435 Schools Closed NOW, and for many kids- this is where they get 2 meals a day, and also a nurse checks on them medically- some have NO other access to ongoing care.
(2) MANY parents can 't take off work right now, especially in homes that have already lost income or their parent works somewhere that is downsizing- WHO will monitor and check on those kids ? Are they are more risk now ?
(3) Some of these schools also had to close, because Not all Schools have School nurses anymore- some schools share if one school closed- a sister school would have to close.
(4) She also said- wisely- IF all these schools are closing the CDC needs to come forth with the Actual Numbers of Children infected under 18 and Hospitalized- because she said maybe it is worse than we know- we should ask- but schools are not being told either- and she also said that very little information has been properly relayed to teachers, they have been researching on their own.
(5) and Lastly ALL states are slashing their Budgets right now- in almost every state- there have been massive layoffs in Education, Teachers to Custodial Care ( that we need more than ever now ) and of course yes, nurses per school.
Hopkins Global Doctor is interviewed for Voice of America.
BBC has Interviewed Lancet Physicians to answer Our Questions....excellent read.
Consumer Reports has an entire page on Swine Flu, excellently done. ( Some of the Snippets from this page are in the Comments and have been forwarded by Happy in Nevada...really wonderful.)
BBC has More about WHO 's concerns, and that it has now spread to 18 countries and 900 are confirmed. The Mexican Numbers are still fuzzy.
The Guardian has a great article exploring the WHO"S concerns about Impoverished Nations....
Meanwhile in the States it is up to 245 in 35 States, and the labs continue to catch up to the Situation, 435 Schools to remain closed this week. CDC has extended the Incubation phase, up to 2 weeks, so schools will stay closed for two weeks while they are cleansed. I am still trying to determine the Hospitalized numbers and ages.
"US flu tally jumps to 245 as labs catch up////By MALCOLM RITTER – 40 minutes ago
NEW YORK (AP) — The tally of confirmed swine flu cases in the United States jumped Sunday to 245 in 35 states, but officials said that's largely from catching up on a backlog of lab tests rather than a sudden spurt in new infections.
The new count reflects streamlining in federal procedures and the results of tests by states, which have only recently begun confirming cases, said Dr. Anne Schuchat of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.
Because states are now contributing their results, and because there are many cases to analyze, "I expect the numbers to jump quite a bit in the next couple days," she told reporters Sunday.
Beyond eating into the backlog, the new number also reflects that "we do think this virus is fairly widespread," she said.
"Virtually all of the United States probably has this virus circulating now. That doesn't mean that everybody's infected, but within the communities, the virus has arrived."
LA Times Article (late Sunday Night) about WHY Immigrants deserve Medical Care....
Saturday Night Insomniac Concert...Tonight,...The Ladies....
Before I go to work tomorrow I will post my Swine Flu update and some other news...but for tonight...Just sultry lovely women to sing to you to sleep...
The Amazing Angie Stone " I wish I didn't miss you" Because she is soulfully stunning ...sadly I can not Embed her videos...also Sophie Hawkins is linked to the Title for the same reason....
And last but not least the Carly Simon, and her children "Coming Around Again" 1987....on Martha's vineyard...Ben and Sally are both singing sweet....
The Amazing Angie Stone " I wish I didn't miss you" Because she is soulfully stunning ...sadly I can not Embed her videos...also Sophie Hawkins is linked to the Title for the same reason....
And last but not least the Carly Simon, and her children "Coming Around Again" 1987....on Martha's vineyard...Ben and Sally are both singing sweet....
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Saturday Night Amazing.......President Obama Shoots Hoop with the Ladies, the U.Conn Huskies...
April 28th, President Obama shot some hoop with the ladies...So good to see a Hoop at the Whitehouse...the Funny thing is that I have waited years to have a President that appreciates is a game all about's that ONLY Teamwork can win the game...But watch our President...he could indeed Play ball With Anyone.....even Ladies in heels on the South Lawn....
Want More....Everyday I read the Whitehouse Blog, so that I know what is going on....matter of fact it's amazing...Click The Title for the White House Blog or you can always find it on my Sidebar, the Photo of the Whitehouse with The Beast heading towards it- that 's it....
Want More....Everyday I read the Whitehouse Blog, so that I know what is going on....matter of fact it's amazing...Click The Title for the White House Blog or you can always find it on my Sidebar, the Photo of the Whitehouse with The Beast heading towards it- that 's it....
President Obama 's Saturday Address, includes his Address on Swine Flu...
( So nice to have someone educated and calm in charge isn't it ?)
Run For The Roses....Have a Great Derby Day...
Dan Fogelberg.....( live 2003...)
Video How to Make a Mint Julep
This Years's Derby 2 Minute and 29 seconds- the last 50 seconds is amazing...::::
For any that don't know it....I have a real fond place in my heart for Horses...all Horses...if you click the title you can read why... " The Story of Luther" that I posted in 2007 on this blog....on another level ....I grew up in Baltimore....( and my Kentucky heritage Or something...)But I used to love to watch these races and the horses and I have been to a few too....( drunk in the infield wearing jeans and mud shoes and drinking cooler drinks and eating egg salad sandwiches....not with the swishy crowds in the stands wearing ostentatious hats and looking absurd......In the summers we would also gather for the Derby and make Mint Juleps and that would require many pounds of ice and bags of mint julep, and making gaudy TP hats and yelling at the TV.... So I have two Day at the Races Triple Crown.Stories...Here is one... I call it "Tube Top Women and Honey Pot Brawls"....
1979 Preakness....
( God help me if my sister ever sees this she will kill me...but here it goes)
So in late Seventies I was living in Baltimore. going to school.....I had a big old 1966 Cherry Red Oldsmobile Cutless with creamy white interior with a bitching sound system...and I loved going anywhere in that was the only time I ever offered to pick folks up at the airport or take my 79 year old blind great aunt lingerie shopping ( hey,she had a "boyfriend")....So I was used to doing favors in that whale of a car....
So my sister invited her "Boyfriend" ( I use that term loosely as she always had atleast three) up to Baltimore....and take her young fella " Dash" from North Carolina to watch the Preakness...... So I said off we go to the Big Event.....and we sit in the Infield...which is nothing but brawls, women in tube tops ( it was the Seventies..) .....more brawls at the Honey Pot Line....and people falling out of Lawn chairs....and more women sitting in broken lawn chairs eating KFC out of big drippy buckets and yelling " Dwayne, bring me another beer Hon, and find me my smokes ".....and then the end of the day the Tube Top Chicken Women as we called them brawling at the Honey Pot......( pay attention to these lush scenic details as it is important later..)
So.....Now almost to the End of the Day....Dash, sweetheart Southern boy that he is...says in his way, " Oh dang, I forgot my wallet and I want to bet one for you sis, can we go get it out of the car ? ".......So I say, " well, sure..." ( To this day he sounds like Bill Clinton in my mind...) Anyways...So we go out to the car.....and we get his wallet....but we can not find the ticket to get back in to the Racetrack....AND the race is about to start in 20 minutes....THE race...and there is not enough time to get to anywhere to watch a bar or anything...So then we see the Place we will watch the Race.... A HUGE 24 Winnebago is parked at the end of the lot...and there are fine folk there with more lawn chairs and much food and liquor....So Sure enough I wander over with Dash and he honey talks our way into their group ( It was an interesting group , like 20 Larry the Cable Guys...but real real nice)....and yes, we all piled into the Winny to Watch the Race....and we had a Great Time watching the Race in the Pimlico Parking Lot...
So we get home that night....sunburned like fresh bacon and my sister says " Did you have a good time ? "..."Oh yeah " says Dash ...." It was quite an experience"....My sis says " well, we are KNOWN for This Race...I bet the Horses were beautiful" and he says "Oh, yeah...I bet they were " ....She looked puzzled...but she then said ...." Well, I can't wait to see the photos".....and Dash looked over at me with Mock Horror..." well, I won't be here for that " and then he laughed....and gave my sis a hug...
NOW...Why would Dash give me THAT look ???'s why.....
So NOW....The thing is.... That morning my sister had given me her camera and said "Please take lots of pictures"....( because Dash is a Photography Major or photojournalism or something)......Sooooo, we did. ALL day....ALL of it...the women in the Tube Tops....the Honey Pot Brawls....and the Women in tube tops eating KFC with the buckets nuzzled on their laps....and then we even took photos of the Party in the Winny in the Parking lot....BUT there was not a Single photo of One Single Horse...much less a race....
So 7 days sister comes banging on my apartment door with a packet of photos in her hand " WHAT THE HELL ????THIS is what you and Dash did at the Races...Biggest Day in Baltimore... and you took photos of THIS ???? are never ever to be a Tour Guide for MY boyfriends it ???"
I mumbled something like " but Dash does take great photos".....
So Christmas 1978 Dash received a VERY interesting Christmas Card from us, and yes it was one of His Photos blown up.... we signed it "Your Baltimore Women ".....
Video How to Make a Mint Julep
This Years's Derby 2 Minute and 29 seconds- the last 50 seconds is amazing...::::
For any that don't know it....I have a real fond place in my heart for Horses...all Horses...if you click the title you can read why... " The Story of Luther" that I posted in 2007 on this blog....on another level ....I grew up in Baltimore....( and my Kentucky heritage Or something...)But I used to love to watch these races and the horses and I have been to a few too....( drunk in the infield wearing jeans and mud shoes and drinking cooler drinks and eating egg salad sandwiches....not with the swishy crowds in the stands wearing ostentatious hats and looking absurd......In the summers we would also gather for the Derby and make Mint Juleps and that would require many pounds of ice and bags of mint julep, and making gaudy TP hats and yelling at the TV.... So I have two Day at the Races Triple Crown.Stories...Here is one... I call it "Tube Top Women and Honey Pot Brawls"....
1979 Preakness....
( God help me if my sister ever sees this she will kill me...but here it goes)
So in late Seventies I was living in Baltimore. going to school.....I had a big old 1966 Cherry Red Oldsmobile Cutless with creamy white interior with a bitching sound system...and I loved going anywhere in that was the only time I ever offered to pick folks up at the airport or take my 79 year old blind great aunt lingerie shopping ( hey,she had a "boyfriend")....So I was used to doing favors in that whale of a car....
So my sister invited her "Boyfriend" ( I use that term loosely as she always had atleast three) up to Baltimore....and take her young fella " Dash" from North Carolina to watch the Preakness...... So I said off we go to the Big Event.....and we sit in the Infield...which is nothing but brawls, women in tube tops ( it was the Seventies..) .....more brawls at the Honey Pot Line....and people falling out of Lawn chairs....and more women sitting in broken lawn chairs eating KFC out of big drippy buckets and yelling " Dwayne, bring me another beer Hon, and find me my smokes ".....and then the end of the day the Tube Top Chicken Women as we called them brawling at the Honey Pot......( pay attention to these lush scenic details as it is important later..)
So.....Now almost to the End of the Day....Dash, sweetheart Southern boy that he is...says in his way, " Oh dang, I forgot my wallet and I want to bet one for you sis, can we go get it out of the car ? ".......So I say, " well, sure..." ( To this day he sounds like Bill Clinton in my mind...) Anyways...So we go out to the car.....and we get his wallet....but we can not find the ticket to get back in to the Racetrack....AND the race is about to start in 20 minutes....THE race...and there is not enough time to get to anywhere to watch a bar or anything...So then we see the Place we will watch the Race.... A HUGE 24 Winnebago is parked at the end of the lot...and there are fine folk there with more lawn chairs and much food and liquor....So Sure enough I wander over with Dash and he honey talks our way into their group ( It was an interesting group , like 20 Larry the Cable Guys...but real real nice)....and yes, we all piled into the Winny to Watch the Race....and we had a Great Time watching the Race in the Pimlico Parking Lot...
So we get home that night....sunburned like fresh bacon and my sister says " Did you have a good time ? "..."Oh yeah " says Dash ...." It was quite an experience"....My sis says " well, we are KNOWN for This Race...I bet the Horses were beautiful" and he says "Oh, yeah...I bet they were " ....She looked puzzled...but she then said ...." Well, I can't wait to see the photos".....and Dash looked over at me with Mock Horror..." well, I won't be here for that " and then he laughed....and gave my sis a hug...
NOW...Why would Dash give me THAT look ???'s why.....
So NOW....The thing is.... That morning my sister had given me her camera and said "Please take lots of pictures"....( because Dash is a Photography Major or photojournalism or something)......Sooooo, we did. ALL day....ALL of it...the women in the Tube Tops....the Honey Pot Brawls....and the Women in tube tops eating KFC with the buckets nuzzled on their laps....and then we even took photos of the Party in the Winny in the Parking lot....BUT there was not a Single photo of One Single Horse...much less a race....
So 7 days sister comes banging on my apartment door with a packet of photos in her hand " WHAT THE HELL ????THIS is what you and Dash did at the Races...Biggest Day in Baltimore... and you took photos of THIS ???? are never ever to be a Tour Guide for MY boyfriends it ???"
I mumbled something like " but Dash does take great photos".....
So Christmas 1978 Dash received a VERY interesting Christmas Card from us, and yes it was one of His Photos blown up.... we signed it "Your Baltimore Women ".....
2 AM Insomniac Concert.....Tonight it's The Blues...Blue Jean Music from the 70's....and more...

So tonight....I have been watching Youtube and some CSI Miami ( I am Sooooo perdictable...) and I mostly realized that I am acraving some softshell crab sandwiches and really cold beer and The Blues, I am talking some BB King , John Lee Hooker and Billie Holiday....and Some Little's a mood. This has been a helluva month, between the sucking economy, and the Mystery Flu ( which yes, as a nurse I have been blogging because I am seriously worried about millions without healthcare) , and the Damn Torture Issue ( which keeps me awake at night)......Sadly the Free Health Fair I was supposed to work tomorrow- that I got off work for- it has been canceled due to flu...ironic.. thousands waited for months to come and get their heart meds, and glasses and teeth pulled, and now it's gone....not going to happen.They have Nothing to look forward to now..It just makes me sad, it was the one thing that I looked forward to....that would make a difference...Damn.
.... So scroll down there is plenty below....or hell, pour yourself some bourbon and have a Listen.....I'm a helluva a DJ...
John Lee Hooker and "Boom Boom Boom"
"Hobo Blues" linked to the Title..
And then we have some Seventies Music......"Blue Jean" Music....
Pure Prairie League " Amie"
"Our House " Crosby Stills and Nash.....
Little Feat Lowell George with a Dream and " Sailin Shoes"...and then there's the best one....
Lowell George, Emmylou Harris and Bonnie Raitt singing "Dixie Chicken".... Anyone who was around in the Seventies remembers Lowell George and his soulful funky voice and the bongo drums and the Blue jeaned beauties that would sing with him and melt when he played slide guitar....
And for some reason, Sugarland Life in a Northern Town........
James Taylor, John Legend and Jennifer Nettles " Shower the People"....
And the Finale....Very Special Version of" Can't Find My Way Home" ...if you liked Blind will love this...
Some like the Mark Knoffler,Eric Clapton, Nathan East version... and some like it with Stevie Winwood....
Early Morning there was a CALL IN Request from our Michigan Friend Walking Man...." Peter Green Fleetwood Mac"....this " World Keeps Turning" ......and a big thank you.... and a little morning song back-at-cha....
Fleetwood Mac.... "Hypnotized....with really beautiful scenery ......and finally Stevie Nicks and Lindsay Buckingham ( on Dave Letterman 1997....making peace...) " Landslide"...
Friday, May 01, 2009
Danny Gans gone at 52....RIP....
To my friends out West, I am so sorry to see someone young and talented gone....
May First Swine Flu Update.....Alot is Breaking today on the Hog Farm Connection ( so this post has been imported from my Swine Flu Blog)

The First Story that I reccomend to read is the Latest in Huffington post that explains MORE about the Connection between the HOG Farms in Mexico, that are US owned and their connection to this Outbreak. This story also explains that Scientists are looking at a similiar Hog strain outbreak of 1998. ( I will continue to call it Swine Flu here, as it is scientifically presenting as virus that is related to Hog Waste Practices. I will not call it what the Hog Industry wants it called.) Do read the article as it brings up that there may indeed be more of an American Connection, and more is posted in the Comments- including whole interviews with Virologists about WHY it is "Swine Flu".
"In an interview with Science Magazine, the CDC's chief virologist, Ruben Donis' essentially confirmed the reading of the current swine flu strain made by New Scientist: that it evolved from a strain that cropped up in U.S. hog farms in 1998."
This WSJ story connect the Germ Dots and explains the actual sleuthing that went on and is ongoing tracking this Virus. Really well done.
In the US 300 schools have closed due to symptomatic children, and to protect other children until results come in.There is an actual lag in getting test results, as the swabs are sent to the State and then sent to the CDC labs in Georgia. Schools are taking a precautionary stance, if they have children that have substantial symptoms and are listed as probable by their Doctor, then schools are closing for up to 5-7 days.In many cases this is involving school nurses making weighty decisions, and school districts that have limited nurses are actually closing more schools. Many parents are wrestling with decisions about sending their children to school, or keep them home.
This LA Times article tells how hospitals all over are stressed with overflow due to the Swine Flu, sadly I think that many people sitting in a ER Waiting room is creating more of a mess. In the UK they have people phone their doctor, self quarentine and the tamiflu is phone prescribed and shipped via courier to their homes, this makes more sense. In other places Seperate facilities and entrances are set up for the Flu Patients.
Harvard shut down it's medical and dental school this week,
after a resident came down with swine flu.
Finally we have some Some Real Numbers out of Mexico. 300 Confirmed Cases ( last weekend they were saying over 1000, so this is different.
But we still don't know anything about the Cases, age, gender etc.
More about Swine Flu across the DC region and the Whitehouse Aide to Secretary Chu that did acquire the illness.
More schools in California close due to Swine Illness.
On a local level I did find numerous stories of local pharmacies running out of tamiflu and relenza, I am not sure about how it is distributed, but this is something to watch.
In Texas an entire district was closed due to flu and the schools sanitized. yet the True numbers in Fort Worth of illness remain undetermined.
BBC has more about the World Reaction and response and cases.
Across the Globe Middle East is still taking drastic measures in Egypt, by culling pig herds.
For people abroad Sky News has set up a fairly complete Travel Advice Page for those wondering how to protect themselves.
The Guardian has great article about lessons from the 1918 Spanish Flu could be a good teaching tool.
On another front some people are researching the questions about Hog Farming and the Hygiene practices, Border Explorer has a thought provoking post on it. And Nature Network has more about this current outbreak that is worth reading.
3:30PM LA Times has article about how School Closures might help decrease the spread.
Great New Map that Tracks Swine Cases and Has Information ( gender,ages etc).

Please see this New Google Map it tracks the virus as it travels from place to place....( hat tip to Fran for finding this...) Click the Title....really interesting...Still trying to determine if it is accurate or up to date- so it is in test mode right now. I have already been told of some issues, and check you area and see if it is accurate...
First 100 Days of the Obama Whitehouse ( Photoshow on Huffingtonpost) ....really wonderful....

You know I still wake up everyday and can not believe that Obama is President....that we made this happen...and yeah, the first 100 days have been so full of so much ....and there has been little chance to enjoy that this is WHO is in the Whitehouse...leading our country....I am the title to see these wonderful photos of Our First Family.
Friday 5.1.09 Swine Flu Update....( at New Swine Flu Blog)

So here's the thing, since last weekend Swine Flu consumed this blog. So in effort to focus on multiple issues, I moved most of the Swine Updates to a NEW Blog and also will post there daily. So Click the Title and go to the New Blog For Daily Swine Flu Updates, and it is also on a Button on the Sidebar, has good information and updates. As a nurse I am committed to covering this medical situation and monitoring it, as my main concern is that as a Nation we have over 50 Million UnInsured and UnderInsured without Healthcare facing this situation. So when one looks at it from that perspective it is serious.
Huffpost does have latest today about the Connection to American HOG farms in Mexico, and some more news that may connect this back another hog strain of 1998,and yes, this virus is indeed connected to Hog Waste Practices.
Ron Reagan Interviews Robert Reich on Air America about our ecomony and where we are.........

I have been listening to more and more Air America this winter and "spring"...this interview was wonderful, and I really wish MSNBC would think about having Ron have his own show....but what do I know....and Montel added to their line up has been really interesting...and well there is always Rachel...( anyways look over on the sidebar and there is a Radio Button- link to it and listen to any of the shows...) Click the title to hear this Ron Interview.
And Robert has an excellent blog where he discusses all things economic, but he explains it in a way that makes so much sense....this week the Car Industry Mess...
Ron Speaking his eulogy at his Dad's Funeral Summer of 2004....Watch the Last TWO minutes Very Closely....he is sending Bush a Messege about Men in Politics who use their Faith or religion to Further their Political is a very telling 2 minutes...and beautifully was brilliant and not a standard Eulogy in any way....
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
and Speaking about Stem Cell Research at the 2004 DNC Convention ( now remember- this was a contentious summer, Bush was campaigning heavy, and he and Ron did not hit it off, and Ron spoke out bravely at his Fathers Funeral- helluva Eulogy, and the Stem Cell issue was hot even that summer- thanks to Bush...and all summer Different Repugs were begging Ron NOT to speak at the DNC....this was an act of Courage...
Speaking of Radio...Some Insomnia Music for you....."Old School Freight Train"....
hmmm , if you like that , how about some Dar Williams.... and then there is always Ben Taylor singing "Wicked Way", who truly is the best of Carly and James.....sigh...enjoy....
and if you really like Ben Taylor...." Time of the Season".....amazing remake of an oldie...
and if you really like Ben Taylor...." Time of the Season".....amazing remake of an oldie...
About Torture....Let's Put it this way ...We Are going to Need a Much Bigger Bus...

With the two posts below about Torture revelations it is becoming clearer by the day- we are going to need a Bigger Bus..maybe even another whole Bus.I really think that President Obama is using the time to let the Information sink in to the American Public, and I think he is watching the reaction and gaging the reaction and angst. He is a wise thoughtful person with an intact moral compass, but he also recognizes that our country has been through 8 years of trickery and propaganda. But Now some of the "Leaders " ( or misleaders...) are starting to vocalize about the "decisions" , whether it be foolish pride or defensive posturing time will tell...WHO is a part of THIS Bush Legacy. On Wednesday Night when President Obama spoke about WHO we are and our Moral Past and History and also about other Leaders who faced grave times, I was struck that this Issue is not going away.....not at all. It has now begun to fester like an open wound with new seepage daily.
So WHO would you put on The Prison Bus ?
Bush, Cheney, Rummy, yes, even Scooter, and Gonzo, and this week Condi climbed on, WHO else ??? Ashcroft, Addington, Campbone ? Bybee, ? and Harriet Miers ? Yoo ? Ari Fleisher ? Tenet ? Porter Goss ? Micheal Hayden ?and Rove ??and ???? Jay Garner in charge of prisons- 2003?, The Contractors ?,Mitchelle and Jessen, Paul Bremer ?......
Update:::: 5.3.09
So today it was revealed in the NYT that there was squabbling among the Bush Regime Leadership about the role of Torture and How to do it.....and Ashcroft and Gonzales even think it will be needed in the Future....
Boehner in his new Youtube video takes fearmongering to whole new level....

So on his youtube site he has posted his latest piece of crap video...I am soooo embarrassed that he is from Ohio....anyways the latest "creation" is called "Do you Feel Safer" and is unreal- such fearmongering will amaze you, but also the number of lies....and the music I am pretty sure is stolen from Batman ....but 58,000 boneheads have watched it the title.
( WHO the hell is paying for him to make these professional shitty videos is my question? so here is my question if he stole the music- or borrowed it illegally- Youtube will take away his audio- so if anyone can figure this out let me know.....)
"THE DARK SIDE", Must Read Book for the Weekend...

This book is amazing...and must be read this summer.....It does detail the Contracted Torture issue. It covers many of the Sick Details. ( Here there is a waiting list for the book- over 60 people in front of me...they even had to order more copies). Click the title to learn more.....This is "protecting our country", this is about a Conspiracy to do horrible things- with multiple entities involved in the Process- Whitehouse, Contracted Companies, and JD, and CIA, and the Military.
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