I am busy working and also trying to winterize my home this weekend, so I won't be blogging as much as I like on a weekend. But since it is getting cold, I have to get this done ( You know the routine, sealing windows, putting away fans etc)....I am still worried about California and the Fires, I wish I could send them our rain....But while the fires continue, I have been humming this song all day.
Cheese Cucumber Soup
( serve with Garlice Bread)
2 English Cucumbers Sliced
one small container Sour Cream
1 Cup Vanilla Flavored Creamer ( less fat, but still seems creamy)
I package KNORRS Leak Soup( powder)
Half stick butter
I cup water ( add more if needed till consistancy creamy)
1 teaspoon Worstshire Sauce
1 teaspoon Honey Mustard
Garlic Powder
Dash of Nutmeg
Cheese: shredded, Havarti, Sharp Chedder, Monterey,Smoked Goulda totalling One Cup, mix in even amounts, some can be bought already shredded.
Stir over a low heat, until bubble appear, then add the shredded cheese. When it is well mixed, sprinkle Nutmeg on top.
Holy cow, just reading about all that cheese made my mouth water!
"Cheese Cucumber Soup"
Yuck! (Sorry: it's the cucumber. They are decidedly evil things.:)
But the Pic is awesome!!
I'm not sure I'd go as far as evil; but soup?
Call me old fashioned, which is kinder than most people call me.. If I was winterising I'd go for I'd go for a thick, hearty minestrone. Now that is a good 'stick to the ribs' Anglo Saxon soup. Even if the Italians got to it first...
That sounds like a really unique combination of ingredients. I love the cucumber, but always combine it with other chilly ingredients. Dare I try this?
Doesn't cooked cucumber kind of taste like fresh zucchini? Plus the Leek Base would mask any lingering cucumberness ... for those who are cucumber dubious.
So enigma your using John Ashcrofts Terrorists preparedness kit.
Duck tape for the windows and doors to keep the WMD's from compromising your home.
I hope you didn't pay to much for it as I don't think it will work. LOL...LOL...LOL..
Boy I'll tell you I don't miss the Cold or Snow anymore. I guess my old age just can not handle it like when I was much, much younger.
Keep warm and ....
God Bless.
well i hope you warmed up your living space this weekend...and thanks for the musical interlude this monday - hugs!!
Cheese cucumber soup that's different. Isn't it funny, it seems like yesterday it was the heat.
a little political treat :)
You put me to shame...all this preparing for winter. I'm in the middle of a big project to redecorate my kitchen (stripping and painting the cabinets, new countertops-the works), and here I am, sitting on my computer.
Ok...I'm inspired. I'll get to work.
Thanks for the soup recipe. I LOVE soup! :-)
Mmmmm...sounds yummy. Dieting though:(
Did you get my email? I worry that sometimes is doesn't get through. People are always saying they didn't get it. Anyway heres my address just in case.
"Inspiration comes forth from within. It's what the light burning within
you is about, as opposed to motivation, which is doing it because if you
don't do it, there will be negative repercussions. Motivation is making
myself do something that I don't really want to do. Inspiration is
having the clear picture of what I am wanting -- and letting Universal
forces come into play to get the outcome".
Not a huge fan of cheese. Dairy is contrary to evolution.
OK. sorry to leave a downer here, but the item of the day is waterboarding as discussed by the Senate Judiciary Committee as they question Judge Michael Mukasey on his views. He can't decide if waterboarding is torture, which is like deciding whether the Pope is Catholic or nor, or whether the bear...never mind.
Point is, an excellent piece has been written about waterboarding by a military veteran who has done it, he says for training purposes. The link is at
Get this from Small Wors Journal:
If that doesn't work, I have the link posted on my site.
I'm also getting things ready for winter and praying it isn't like our last one, but just in case...
Soup sounds good. I'll try it. Thanks for the recipe.
The Eagles: Any Song, Anytime. This one especially.
Where the hell are you???
Yeah I'm w/Robert. What up?
"What's the quickest way out of a negative attitude? Have something ready and waiting that you can immediately and genuinely appreciate.
"How do you find the hidden value in any situation? Look for something to truly appreciate.
"When you seek to find things to appreciate, what you'll discover are hidden treasures upon which you can build great value. Look for what you can appreciate, and you'll find positive, powerful tools that will pull you forward.
"Get in the habit of starting each day by thinking of something for which you can be thankful. Then, whenever you catch yourself falling into a negative thought pattern, you'll already have something positive toward which you can redirect your thoughts.
"Each time you meet a new person, make it a point to find something, at the very outset of the relationship, that you can sincerely appreciate. Every time you find yourself in a new place or situation, look first for what you can appreciate about it.
"Find something to appreciate, and your effectiveness will increase dramatically. Find something to appreciate, and you'll uncover real treasure".
Ralph Marston
Hey, kiddo. You okay? Let us know you're okay.
Where's our Saturday Night 11/3/07 music & yummy recipe? We miss you, Enigma!
Yes, like Josie said.
In our thoughts for sure.
love that song!!
and I love the sound of winterizing homes (not that I ever need to do that on this end of the contintent)...
SoCal is bouncing back! woke up to a thick fog this a.m. and moisture everywhere. funny how easy it is to take things like that for granted...
Hey enigma
Just wanted to drop in and let you know I have been having major computer problems and lost all my info except my web site. I lost all my email addresses too.
I am getting ready to watch the Colts and Patriots so good luck if you're a Colts fan like Robert, take care, and stay in touch. Namaste!
That looks yummy. I've got a nasty cold right now, but once I'm ready for cheese, I just might try it. It even looks simple enough for me to make.
5am ....VERY late sunday night...Here it is very late sunday night the first weekend in November...FINALLY have resolved my Internet mess and server difficulties ( sounds like such a simple problem- like a waitress with a bad attitude...) New post up this AM....Combine a this Technical problem with a Mini Typhoon- the Loss of Someone Dear and the Loss of Someone special coming to visit...and combine that with Stress of Trying to get A Real Job...and I took an unplanned Week Sabbattical...And I am so Sorry....Because if anything I did need to blog this past week...
Thank you for the wonderful messeges...and nice inspiring quotes...and thoughts....Much love...thank you..
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