"The Chinese say that Water is the most powerful element,because it is perfectly non resistant. It can wear away a rock and sweep all before it. "
Florence Scovel Shinn
{Click the Title: Rob Thomas & Santana " Smooth" }
The Snows are FINALLY melting here by Lake Erie. ( I hestitate to say that as soon as I do you know it will snow ). That means that my basement is flooded again. I am on a hill, and there is seepage from above me on the hill, and it seeps into the Basement. So if I go down to do laundry I put on my boots and sweep it down the drain....and while I sweep I think.
I have been trying to not Blog about Hillary,not "Pile On"......But as a woman her Antics have been really bothering me. I was raised by Southern Women, they taught me about having a Code, Having Integrity, Having Dignity.Southern Women from Kentucky and West Virginia are different.... They were lessons that I took to heart, how to be a "Better Woman". I was taught to Be Strong, Be Brave, but still be a "Lady". That means having manners, even in difficult circumstances. It also means having Empathy and Compassion. And Sharing Wisdom and Honoring yourself and others. It also means that No One is Lesser than you, and you are no better than another. These were women that knew how to drink bourbon, beat men at poker, and play the piano, and Speak Truth.
My Aunt May lived in Downtown Baltimore, she was a "Performer". She sang, did opera and Vaudeville, taught Voice later in life, and by 1930 BOUGHT her own Brownstone ( the same Brownstone that she lived in during the 1968 Riots). She also had traveled all over and to Europe, and performed and also posed for artists. She had many that loved her, but she said she did not need one man. She was fiercely independent, she was her own woman.
" Don't ever Compromise Yourself, not even once ". She used to say this, and when I was eight, I had NO idea what she meant. Now as a woman long grown up.....it makes more sense. Thanks to her, and her raw wisdom, I went to EPA Hearings, I was a Witness, I spoke the Truth. I filmed, gathered data, and wrote 7000 letters, and numerous reports. I did ALL of That because a Big Chemical Company Broke Federal Laws, they were criminals, .....and they hurt my neighbors. I faced Big Evil when I did this.....But I KNEW that I had The People, My Neighbors in my heart, and Truth on my side. But Aunt May taught me that This Strength would give me the Courage to always Speak the Truth....And the Truth can not be Compromised , Ever.
I have thought about Aunt May, and that she taught me that being Strong was valuable, for me and those around me. She taught me there was nothing I could not do, and that as a girl or a woman it was ALL up to me. BUT she also taught me that sometimes people around you are disenfranchised, and you need to do what you can to help ..... Speak Up. And also to Speak Up when Someone is Not Being Fair...... Not being Truthful.
So as I sweep the Dark Waters to the Drain, I think .....There are Times in your life, that you have look inside yourself, and find your Power and Speak Up to Powers that are Unfair, Untruthful and Disenfranchising....Speak Truth To Power.....Once again it is up to Bloggers to tell the Truth, it is too painful for the Main Stream Media .....The Power is with the People. It is a Sacred Time.
{ Click the Title: Rob Thomas "Smooth", I would always listen to Rob Thomas and Goo Goo Dolls and Tears for Fears....as I drove to EPA meetings...I had death threats going to those meetings....somehow listening to music riding with Santana, or Rob Thomas I did not feel so worried....I remember those car rides vividly....the rains....the music...things like that Imprint on your soul...}
" We Don't Need More Heat in Washington, We need More Light" Senator Obama 2.23.08