When I first heard that Hillary's NEW Strategy was "The Kitchen Sink", I was puzzled, what did THAT mean. I picture my clean little kitchen sink.....that would not be worth throwing at ANYTHING. And then I started thinking about it...it is ALL about HER, and she WILL THROW ANTHING....but somewhere along the line it was NOT about you and me, and the VOTERS and OUR Country and WHAT we all have been through.
At some point it became ALL ABOUT HER.....and that means she will do whatever she needs to do, regardless of WHO it hurts. As a Nurse it is a quality that one looks for....it is a Symptom of Narcissism. The Symptom also means that she does not care WHO or HOW she hurts those around her, because she ONLY cares about herself. I am sick of people making excuses for her, that it has been "her Dream", and "What a brave woman she is". Those arguments went out the window for me a long time ago, because now her Vision does not include States where she has been or the States that did NOT Support her. That means there are atleast 27 States that she regards as Meaningless.
So I realize now that HER Kichen sink is indeed full of Rovian Antics, More Hatemongering, FearMongering, and Lies. So really what is going on is WE THE PEOPLE indeed are smelling the Stink of More Republican Entrails...and that is why it stinks So Bad. And that is why she has NO regrets Sliming Senator Obama, and yes, this is what makes her an Embarrassment.IF she is so proud of McCain, fine, she can run with him. She should never be Praising a Loyal Bushie, unless she is running as a Republican.
The Obama Campaign has asked that HER and Bill's Records be released, this is NOT a Witch Hunt, it is called VETTING. ( A process we know that the Bush Whitehouse destroyed, but is needed to create Transparency, and assures that we never have a Secret President again.). Also Due to MANY financial Questions ( iel. her January Debts, and her having to lend the Campaign 5 Million Dollars before Super Tuesday, this is a reasonable question.). And yes, the Clinton Foundation Records are also a Reasonable Request, if there are any questions that The Foundation is Funding her Campaign- that is not legal.
The Odd thing is WHY if she has Such Valuable Experience from having lived in the WhiteHouse, WHY aren't those records being shared ? Wouldn't that help her Campaign ? Why the Secrecy ?It makes NO sense. People who act like they have Something to Hide, Usually do.
This is WHY we need CHANGE, NO MORE OF THIS. WE are better than this......and clearly she is not. I have been writing letters to Democratic Leadership that come Fall, I would NEVER Vote for her. I meant it, and I still do.I don't trust her Judgement...at all. Down below I encouraged others to write letters to the DNC and tell them HOW YOU FEEL. WE THE PEOPLE need to speak Loud and Clear.
*{ Click the title , it is the song "Which Side Are You On" by Natalie Merchant , hat tip to Crooks&Liars, it is a Great Thinking Song....and pretty damn poignant right now } *

this just dots the i and crosses the t
thanks Betmo,.....
Obama Final Numbers :
I've said that I have no dog in this fight but to see the dirty tricks and lies Hillary is displaying is just shocking.
She is even said that only she and McCain has experience and Obama only has a speech from 2002.
I guess if she does not get the nomination, then she will not support the Democratic nominee.
Hey Lets':
it sounds like she will support McCain at this rate.....oye...
Maybe she's just, you know... fighting.
A Hillary Monster's aide yesterday derided Mr Obama’s victories in “boutique” caucus states rather than the hardscrabble terrain of the rustbelt, saying: “Obama has won the small caucus states with the latte-sipping crowd. They don’t need a president, they need a feeling.”
Well Fuck You Hillary Clinton.
That is no excuse to be using the Rove Playbook, NONE....and sliming up the Democratic Party and Process....It is not Presidential that is for sure..."figthing"....No, I need to Correct you- she is susposed to fight the Repugs...not complimenting McCain....and smearing Obama...in many years of watching I have never ever seen a Democratic Candidate behave so poorly against a fellow Candidate...
odd that MOST of the those "latte" States, are like Cowboy States, REPUG and RED, and pretty Whitebread, Milk Drinking, BUD Land...and people NOT earning Over 50,000 ( gee it just does not make sense does it ???) Alaska, Idaho,Utah,Wyoming, 29 States.....and definently NOT all Latte Democrats...Sorry Hill has it ALL wrong...WE THE PEOPLE are speaking up loud and clear...and let's be clear...HE DID INDEED WIN TEXAS....EVEN THOUGH THE MEDIA FORGOT TO MENTION IT...
You just identified yet another Republican in our midst, posing as a Democrat. That's real big in Congress, these days.
Did you hear that Hillary and Barack, in an act of incredible selflessness, are getting married?
All the details on Dangerous Creation.
Meanwhile, hang in there guys and gals, surely something good will happen soon.
Woo Hoo!!! Obama won Wyoming.
Sorry to hear Ohio is getting ls getting slammed w winter storms. Relatives in western Ohio say a huge storm has hit.
Hope you are keeping warm.
Never mind about Hill & Rove & the kitchen sink analogy-- it's down the drain for them!
Looks like Karl Rove is advising more than McCain.
When I did my post on the President Issues Mass Arrest Warrants I had not yet heard Barak.
At that time I like many others thought that Hillary was the chosen nominee and used her as a reason Der Fuhrer would not allow any Democrat especially Hillary to have the power to arrest him.
After hearing and seeing Barak I to have felt he is the one to restore our Constitution and Honor both here at home and abroad.
I will never vote for Hillary. Maybe its a good thing Nader got back into the race. A vote for him is way better than either a vote for Hillary or McCain.
As and usual my disclaimer. That's if we have elections.
Keep up the good work and ...
God Bless.
Excellent Points! You know the usual phrase is "she threw everything at him but the kitchen sink". It referred to a very angry housewife throwing things at her husband after a big argument. It implied the frustrated housewife spent all her time in the kitchen & was therefore throwing things like dishes & glasses & silverware & mixing bowls & pots & pans & canned goods & old food items from the fridge. But she couldn't throw the kitchen sink at him because it was a permanently installed piece of plumbing & couldn't just be picked up & thrown. Personally, I find this whole analogy very demeaning to women & therefore quite appropriate for Hillary. Elizabeth Edwards pointed out many months ago, she is the worst candidate for women. Bringing out an old phrase like this, from the 50's, is just embarrassing.
In addn to Clinton not releasing tax info (waiting for April 15th is a crock), the Clinton Library is blocking access to pardon records from his adm. Why? If she wants to claim his 8-yrs in the WH as part of her experience, why is this being sealed? Did she personally have something to do with some of those questionable pardons? just wondering...
Hi there! It's been a while and we just wanted to drop by AND leave a comment this time. Although it took some measured thinking we joined the Obama camp, back in Jan. ----and thank you for the many excellent pro Obama articles that helped us decide. I left the Democratic party because of Bill Clinton and was suspicious of Hills, even wavering at times to see if she was her own woman. But, lately, even that generosity is now moot. The same old Clinton attack machine is back in full gear. I hold them responsible for Samantha Power's purge. She is one of the most astute political minds in America. We knew her work from the Kennedy School days at Harvard. The bad Hills is back in force through Carl Rove-like surrogates.We feel that the Clinton nomination must be stopped at all costs or America will experience very little change from the current Bush epoch.
Hillary is dirty! Bush and Rove have set the new dirty, underhanded, standard of Politics and she has learned it well. She doesn't care about being honest or doing the right thing. Only winning! She has really turned me off. She doesn't care about the party only herself!
You have to assess what did Bill Clinton accomplish in his 8 years? Dismantling welfare and continuing Reaganism.
Obama is not rotten like Clinton as a person. It is time for you to really examine what he stands for.
Hey all....I need to get caught up...been having alot of internet troubles....sorry..
I agree that Clinton was one of our best Repuglican Presidents....and for people like me- shool teachers and nurses - our lives were no better under Clinton...
I am not sure what the last sentence is about...I feel like I KNOW Obama and his wife pretty well, I have done alot of reading, watched most of his speechs on cspan ( CNN does not show them at all...)..and after seeing both Michelle and Obama speak and also listening to how my son feels I feel good about supporting Obama....He has integrity- his foreign policy and stance on Iraq and his Belief in OUR Constitution means alot to me as a Citizen and a person.....and as a mom...
welllll tell me how you really REALLY feel...I think you nailed it...
Good to see you....thank you for what you said...and everything you said is so true- the Clinton Machine....embarrassing and awful to watch....and I agree with you about Samantha Power....she is brilliant and actually she spoke the truth..."off the record" , I feel bad about what she said....but I also know that is incredibly smart...and will land on her feet..I hope...I have read her book...and writings...she is an amazing mind...
Thanks for what you said...wow...you nailed it about the Kitchen Sink...and I agree- there is some stinky stuff afoot about the finances...AGAIN....and yes, I am sure that there is plenty she wants hidden.....but this is not what we need more secrets and hidden things...oye...
thanks for sharing...and yes, I understand and agree with you....all the way...( although I can not vote for nader...I don't think I an vote for Hill...nope)....there are alot of Military that want Obama too..and want these elections...remember that....
yeah...I think Rove is working overtime...and you know Bill Clinton thinks he is "brilliant"....cough...gag...
thank you I am nice and toasty thanks to this new heater...I am very lucky...Hope your family in Ohio is okay- has been a wicked weekend....
yeah....nothing worse than more liebermanns in our midst....ouch....
Well I can only hope you are joking...at this rate Hill could join the McCain ticket and I would not be shocked at all.....but thanks for being so humorous...
Someone else pointed this out to me... Notice how Obama wins BIG in Caucus states (huge margins), but in States with electronic voting machines Hill comes out ahead.....
you have to admit it is worth investigating.
It is agonizing to have to wait till May 20 for Oregon to vote.
~ so glad you have a new/functional heater in this heavy winter weather you are having.
that is a good point...and definently worth some research.....
I am so sorry that you have to wait to vote...what a drag....but at this rate...FOR sure Every Vote counts....so I can not wait to see what Oregon does....
about the heater...I love the heater...I talk to it when I do laundry , I have even named it....yes, Henry....( hey he is Hot....) but seriously I am gratefull..very..
I am very sick of the dirt flying around courtesy of Hillary and her minions.
If this is what it takes to fight the Rethugs..then what do we do? Because that is a serious question at this point..the Rethugs WILL toss everything at whatever Dem gets the nod and I don't know if Obama has what it takes to handle those smarmy bastards..but its very obvious that Hillary can play dirty politics with the worst of them.
Natalie Merchant is one of my very favorite artists. Her voice just sings straight to my heart. This song is awesome. I picture the early union organizers including women who had lost everything - husbands, fathers, brothers, children and time for their families and themselves to the Corporate Bosses.
After the tactics of Clinton's campaign, we will never be the same party again (for the worse) if she gets the nomination. I also feel we will never be the same party again (for the better) if Obama wins. I said all along I would vote for whoever the nominee is, but lately I don't know if I'd be able to do that.
I mourned the loss of Samantha Power from the campaign. I heard her speak recently and was blown away by her passion, compassion and intellect. I believe she was a real asset to Senator Obama.
Angie pointed me here....so glad I stopped by. I just blogged about my issues with She Who Must Not Be Named.
I can't even believe the press gives her the time of day. Actually, I *can* believe it as they're all in the same mindset...winning (ratings or campaigns) at all cost (including helping the Republicans win). I guess I can't believe real people will give her the time of day. If her antics at this point cannot convince the DNC how polarizing she is, I don't know if the Party is really ready to change much. Unfortuanate.
I just made the connection about Samantha Powers....Angie and I went to hear her speak about genocide, and of course she let us all know that the biggest change in efforts to stop genocide is putting Obama in the Oval Office! So very sad she isn't part of the campaign any more. I hope when all this is over and Obama is sworn in (please, please, please), she'll be able to come back on the scene.
Awesome blog. Will be adding your link! peace.
yes, change is good and inevitable..i wish you much peace my friend...
It was nice to see Obama put those blatant lies about him serving as Hillary's V.P. to rest.
Sometimes the arrogance of the Clinton's is just too much for me to stomach.
I am so sorry...it is too much..I agree...and yes, it was good that Obama stated and reminded everyone that he is running for Pres....
I wish you Peace too friend....we all need some...
Hi.....good to meet you too....I will come over to your blog too...I am sad about Samantha...I think she was just voicing Frustation...I don't think she ever meant to be quoted....I think there is a big difference between Geraldine and her making Remarks at Fundraisers, and what happened with Samantha.....At this point I feel like Hillary will do anything to win..anything...sad to watch....and sad what she has done to the Democratic Party...
I agree, I don't know what I will do, I don't think I can vote for Hillary- I really don't.....and I think that she has broken the Party....and it is so sad...this was the year that we were suposed to Unite and take back the Whitehouse....
I think it is one thing to UNITE and Fight Repug Dirt- but we should not have this Kind of Dirt IN OUR OWN Side...that is the part that bothers me....Hill has been using Rovian Tactics on one of our own- and a man with integrity- a good guy.....there is no reason- other than she is power hungry...it is despicable..and I really don't KNOW how we Unite after this...I wish I did...I believe in Unity- esp Fighting the Repugs...but she has been acting like a Repug.....ALot of this reminds me of Bush smearing McCain back in 2000....how is that for Irony....
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