Arthur C.Clarke died this week....An Amazing man, writer, thinker, explorer,historian, anthropoligist,scientist...There are many many memories associated with this man. When my son was about 4 we got hooked on his Mysterious World Show on the Discovery Channel. And then later we watched 2001 Space Oddysey over and over.Thanks to YouTube many of the episodes of Mysterious World are watcheable.The episode about the Crystal Skulls was a favorite.....still is. Thanks to Arthur....my son and I sat down and while snuggled on my bed watched episodes that were thrilling and though provoking, and with his fine mentorship we were able to discuss Reincarnation, Magic,UFO's, Aliens, Black Holes, and more....And for my young son the World was Mysterious but Inviting.
It opened his eyes and soul to the wonders of Science and other Peoples and Cultures and the magic of History.....and it began a conversation that goes onto this day.
Clarke settled in Sri Lanka, because his soul felt connected there and he loved that land and those people as his own....He understood Connections and helped us all appreciate them in a new way.He was fascinated with the Heavens, I like to think that he is out there looking down....and that Space is All he Dreamed it would be.
**{ Click the Title: Duran Duran "Save a Prayer", in it are some of Clarke's Favorite Sacred Places ...I watched that video with my son many years ago, and he realized that it had Sri Lanka in it, from watching Clarke's Mysterious World....}**
Arthur C. Clarke was a brilliant writer and as you say, "thinker."
The ending of 2001 continues to spark discussion and debate to this day. Everyone has an opinion and no one agrees which makes it fun and says something about Clarke's vision.
I think his death barely got noticed...and he was a Great Man....Thinkers are sacred......even in these Dark Times...
It's true.
Compare and contrast the reaction of the MSM and the popular culture when Heath Ledger died?
The young man was a very talented actor and appeared in the ground breaking film, Brokeback Mountain, but you almost thought there would be a national day of mourning declared.
At this rate, when Madonna dies, people will be jumping off buildings.
You made me laugh....When my son was little every March we used to give out our OWN personl Albert Einstein Awards....and when my son was 8 we gave it to Clarke...( it was quite an affair, a nice dinner, and many library books and videos,movies on the Honored Guest...)...What is funny now- that at that time I was trying to teach my son that we need to Honor Great Thinkers......I never realized that NOW there is a HUGE vacumm of those kind of Honors....and sadly maybe even Thinkers... I hope not.....
( you mentioned about Heath...you know it's amazing I write trubutes and eulogies here all on this blog all the time (Peter Jennings, Superman and His beautiful wife, Debroah Kerr, Rosa Parks, Dan Fogelberg, Steve Erwin, Even people that died in Katrina etc etc)....maybe I should just create ANOTHER blog for Eulogies...
Our Media today has failed all of us miserably...maybe at this rate we should just write them their own eulogy....
Clarke certainly made his mark on the 20th Century, and illustrates how the thought of progress relies on the imagination.
Enigma, just catching up over here and I didn't know Arthur C. Clarke had died! Thank you for posting it, as you are right, it got no play in the media that I noticed. I have always been a big fan of science fiction so of course was very familiar with his work.
I also loved it that he lived out his life in a wonderful part of the world that he felt connected to - I had read about him awhile back and was happy he had found such a great place to live out his years.
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