I am so grateful that Keith Spoke Up and said What Needed to be Said.....if you have not seen his Special Comment, you need to see it, and Listen to it. And if you are a Hillary Supporter and you have not seen it, you need to. But first you need to see Ann Curry's Interview with Geraldine......and listen to her demand an apology....it is one of the most Imperious Moments ever. Hillary has been playing a dangerous game, dividing up Our Country like her own personal cherry pie. It has been done callously with great deliberation and the percision of a vengeful surgeon. As a Woman I am sick of it, and I am sick of women I know defending her and her antics....and pretending it is not Racism, pretending she is "The Victim".
We are living in 2008, but if one didn't know better it is 1958 .....I am Ashamed of OUR Country and the low tactics we are witnessing..... It turns out that Geraldine has been Saying Her"Lucky to be Black" Statement at fundraising Events and Dinners, so she has been Saying Racist Statements to RAISE money for Hillary. What is also really bothering me is that NO Other Big Democratic Leaders have come forward Condemning the Clintons or their Race Baiting tactics. Their tacit silence is pathetic and embarrassing.
And I also have to say and I have been saying that MSNBC having Pat Buchanon on reinforcing this Rhetoric is contributing to this Debacle, this racist spectacle. I think Journalists and the Media have been playing a part in this dangerous rhetorical game is not Something that we as Americans should be embracing.Pat says it is a part of the "Game" that Bill and Hillary "play so well". People over the past 50 years have died and been killed trying to bring Our Country together, and improve Civil Rights....It was NEVER a "Game". People are not Voting for Obama because he is Black, Millions have Voted because they Want Change from this Broken Business as Usual Government.They Voted for the Man and what his campaign Represents.
The irony is that maybe ALL of us should read Audacity of Hope, the Race Chapter.....it surely shows that Senator Obama knew all along How Broken this country was and is, and it was first openly exhibited during Katrina.....No More Secrets...we as a Nation have a Problem, and let's not pretend we don't. And let's not let White Privileged Women perpetuate the Myth.
I hope and pray that Olbermann does not get Shustered for his Special Comment, so I am encouraging people to write Thank You Notes to MSNBC......What he did tonight took Courage as he Confronted the Out of Control Train that is the Hillary Campaign.
Gryphen over at Immoral Minority has the video.....
if you want to write it is Countdown@MSNBC.com.....
I will send Keith support, of course. If he gets Shustered, that's it for MSNBC for me.
Did you catch last night after the Mizzipy primary coverage, MSNBC ran an hour-long biography of Hillary, followed by an hour of McCain. Where was their bio of Obama, hmmmm? One VERY telling moment in their Hill bio was archival footage of her running a dirty campaign for Bill's governorship. She actually said going personal, getting negative, dashing out your opponent's brains, were all acceptable political tactics. And she said that back in the 80's!
Look, everyone knows Ferraro's remark was racist. Even Pat Buchanan, king of racists, knows it. The fact that she has a history of these things is troublesome.
To me, this reeks of purposeful damage. Ferraro says it publically, so it's out there. Now she can leave the campaign, but it's still out there. Hillary's people think Hill's clean because Ferraro is gone, but it's still out there. Damage done!
Thank you Enigma for saying what needed to be said about the imperiousness of the Hillary campaign's attitude.
thanks DK....
What bothers me more is that HER people are doing this at Fundraisers....that is disgusting....and that Geraldine has been using this line for weeks in events...and she WAS and Is respected by many older women- so she was a very effective tool.....it makes me sick....
But I went over to C&L and boy- there alot of People that think Geraldine and Hill did NOTHING wrong...I am stunned...What the hell is wrong with people....
And I also know that I have lost alot of readers for supporting a REAL Candidate...a man that is trying to restore OUR government to what it needs to be,.......
But Hill and Geraldine 's Comments are not just about Obama...they also are comdemning ALL of us that Voted and WHY we voted....We Voted for the BEST Candidate....NOT because he was black, purple or yellow....it was about him as a person....and what he represents...
Oh I just read over at Huff Post- Hillary is apologizing to the Black Voters......
Maybe she should start Apologizing to ALL of us- even the white men and women ....so she thinks that NO ONE Else has been offended ???
Put 2 + 2 together. Bill Clinton hired Jessie Helm's aide to destroy the welfare system. He hired Dick Morris because of racism.
Remember how quickly Clinton fired black cabinet members? Very fast.
The Clinton's lived on myth.
I remember...and I was never a Clinton fan...I know what you say is true....me I am always Hoping that People have learned.....but I watch...
But the Clintons were always "bigger" then they were....really ,.....and as inner city ER nurse...and an AIDS nurse under Clinton.....I know that his administration was more Republican than most people want to admit....and now we are seeing the fruits of that era....
Oh great Joe Scarborough has come out this am.....Joe is sitting there spewing that MANY women support Geraldine and Hillary----- I almost puked...He is being Soooooo Offensive...what a pig....he is being an ass..and he is purposefully picking a fight with Keith ( probally wants his timeslot back...)
I only wish that, in light of Keith's conquering the 8 PM prime time cable ratings, NBC allowed him at least one Special Comment a week on NBC Nightly news.
Even I'd watch that mainstream media bastion if the threw a couple of Keith's comments out to their larger audience.
And I also loved watching Pat Buchanin's face as Rachel Maddow gave him a dressing down on the Dan Abrams show following Keith.
(I was never an Abrams fan, but as he now runs MSNBC, and backs Keith, I'll cut the guy some slack.)
Geraldine Ferraro is a racist heifer.
It's not an accident the Borg Queen sent her out to stir the pot and put fear in the hearts of older, white women vis a vis electing an African American male president.
I am also following Keith Olbermann's stunning fall from grace following his brilliant Special Comment.
Hillary's Harpies adored Keith at 8:45pm. By 8:55pm, Keith was public enemy no. 1 and now they're out to get him.
Never in my life have I seen a more despotic, vicious group of people than 90% of the Borg Queen's supporters. They're completely insane.
Ok, I'm going to anger absolutely everyone with this comment, so here goes:
#1 - I fully support my Senator in his bid for the Presidency. I believe the time has come for a man like Senator Obama.
#2 - I agree, to a VERY MINOR extent with the exact wording of PART of Ms. Ferraro's statement - that he would not be getting the attention and all that he is, were he not black. Just as she got a lot of press, a lot of limelight and a lot of coverage when she ran with Walter Mondale (first woman on the ticket as VP). You will, however, note, that SHE LOST. Just getting the exposure is not enough to win or lose an election - but what you DO WITH that exposure.
I'm always - ALWAYS - disgusted when a candidate or "leader" pulls the Racist Card out of their sleeve. I do not know if Ms. Ferraro is truly racist. I don't know her well enough, and her statement - much like Jimmy the Greek's - is one SINGLE statement out of many years of life, and may not be the measuring rod of her entire psyche.
Is Senator Clinton a racist? I don't know her well enough to answer that one either. Her campaign seems negative, and some of the rhetoric seems targetted with racial overtones - but that COULD be me looking for something and seeing that which is not there, like a "ghost hunter" looking at photos the cat licked.
Rather than calling this a huge issue and further dividing the party, I think that perhaps this should be quietly dismissed, and prudently remembered for consideration if FURTHER instances erupt. Otherwise, I think we're just letting the media manipulate us again.
I just uploaded it to my Blackberry so I can watch it later at work. Sounds like it's going to be a good one...
up until ferraro's overtly racist remarks- camp clinton was slyly using muslim in place of black. they are honing in on one of the only glaring differences in the two platforms and to me- for women especially and so called feminists at that- to defend this- disgusts me to no end. i guess i wonder what it is going to take for america to get really tired of this. barack obama is as fully qualified to take the presidential nomination as hillary clinton. if she can't win on her 'experience', then she needs to gracefully go the hell away without stooping to pandering to the base.
both camps have gotten into the habit of having lower rung staffers deliver the political dirt. the difference is- when it is over the top or over the line- obama's staffers are gone. hillary hedges until she can't hedge anymore- and calls stuff 'unfortunate.' anyway, thanks for putting this out here enigma.
All during the Olbermann Special Comment I kept hearing Clintonistas screaming media bias and 'can Keith!' so it ruined it for me a bit.
Glad he said it but I am wondering how long before Hillary contacts GE and demands that Keith be given a time out...
Interesting....actually within hours here on the East Coast - she issued her FIRST ever apology- now I admit that she ONLY apologized AfricanAmericans....( she owes ALL of us an apology.....) but I am wondering if some of her Sponsers and Fundraisers are on GE's Board....??? that was a first- and ONLY two things speak to her right now- MONEY and VOTES....it was an odd turn....but I wrote to MSNBC within minutes last night....I really don't want to see Keith hurt for it...and actually Dan Abrams followed right behind him carrying Forth THE messege....( sadly Pat Buchanon behaved like his own bigoted self...as usual...disgusting...) and then this am Joe Scarborogh proved what an biased piss of ......he can be ,.....But seriously MSNBC has been part of this Evil Hill Game and it was time for Someone to say SOMETHING......
it is one of his most amazing Comments ever...and it needed to be said.and HOW he said it was something...he was definently pleading with her to stop it....
It is about Leadership....REAL Leadership...and sadly about US as a People....what and how we talk to each other and ABOUT each other...I think many White people don't realize that we have a problem in this country....I live Urban- and I realize that this problem is bigger and worse than I ever realized....and as a white woman I think it is important to speak up when I see other white women being racist- even if it is subtle...because no matter HOW subtle- the damage can be great...and has a snowball effect....to be honest none of us really said anything when this started in back in South Carolina...and in a way this passive silent response enabled the Damage and the Comments to Grow....
Geraldine was saying this LUCKY phrase in Speechs to RAISE money for Hill....so her Diminishing HIS Status, his abilities, and his Record and doing it with a Racial Slur is Unacceptable.....and Disgusting...because NONE of us knew she was doing it ....attacking HIM personally as a black man and getting MONEY for it....to give to Hill....Think on this....Suspose she said " Hillary is a Rich White Woman that is WHY she has COME so far , She has sure been Lucky....." Wouldn't that offend you ?
AS much as I don't like HOW she has acted I would not want to hear that kind of talk about her as a PERSON.....does that make sense?
And as someone that lives urban I have to say I KNOW no "Lucky Black Men".....the men I know have worked VERY hard to get a good education, help their community and their families and find good jobs.....NOT one of them I look at and say oh, he is so lucky......It was a Ludicrous Foolish Disrespectful statement....that she repeated over and over...It was said Deliberately.....and with conviction...
It is said to realize that an Icon has such a mindset....that is dangerous and divisive to OUR party.....
Please know as a woman I am more and more ashamed of the Women that say and act in this manner....
Oh that is a great idea....write to NBC....He is more eloquent and timely than MSNBC can ever know....and if Countdown was not on we all know that we would not watch MSNBC at this point...or most people I know anyways....thank heavens for Youtube so we all can rewatch him...it has made all the difference...
so sorry..I forgot you in that thread....I had to write this...I have been viewing Obama as Someone that is Above this kind of shallow race baiting tactics....that he is someone that is running a clean campaign....but.....BUT.....I also started thinking about WHAT and HOW she said it- and that she said it OVER AND OVER to raise money....and I thought about the men in my neighborhood and I started thinking about how WHAT she said is offensive to them and how they hear it....and how she diminished ALL of Obama's hard work and his accomplishments- all with one sentence...It was and is disheartening...and I saw that you blogged on it to.....thank you.....
Can you even believe the Hillbots?
They want MSNBC to fire Keith Olbermann for daring to exercise his 1st Amendment rights?
They're deranged: delusional: whacko: and in need of psychiatric help.
I think that they are clinging to Something mythical....and it has indeed become a Greek Tragedy......Keith spoke to her and in a way a Victory was scored.....Hill FINALLY apologized for what should have been stopped 8 weeks ago...and he busted her...let her know that SHE is breaking the DEM party....I am sure the Hill Women are freaking out...( I ran into a bunch at Huffpost and C&L and they were indeed rabid....foaming at the mouth....shame on them.....it is not 1958 when their behavior would be embraced...)
Write MSNBC and support Keith.....my son and I wrote...so I am encouraging everyone I know....Numbers speak...
But you know what?
The Borg Queen still hasn't apologized for her lethal, pro Iraq war vote.
The day she does, you know she's pulled the last pantsuit out of the hat.
Tomorrow I will have a piece up about well organized, pro-Likkud forces working to destroy Obama's rep and bury him.
It's a stunner.
Obama has good people working for him ....all of them experienced and capable...I trust them- all of them....I also think they have done a good job managing Hill's reactionary manipulative Rovian Tactics.....( I am not sure what a prolikkud force is - but I am sure that yes she has more Geraldines in the closet...) What is sad is that yesderday Obama had a really good presser- Military presser planned- and her Geraldine mess ruined that.....
Keep the Faith...
I am not "Pro" either candidate as you may or may not know. I wrote a couple posts related to this, here, then here. I respect your opinions, but please don't let yourself be caught up in the racism game, no matter who started it. If either candidate needs to use racism to win, then I can't see them doing much good for us.
This is no little faux pas. this is a glimpse into the vile, toxic, low down discriminatory, crossed the line, excuse me your campaign is imploding kind of event.
LIke the wicked witch of the west, Hillary is melting meeellllltiiiinnng
Sorry to hear you are still sitting On Some Kind of Very High Fence....I think it must impair your Vision of recent Events...I still think if You read the "Audacity of Hope" it would help you make up your mind....BTW there is a Great Chapter on Race in that Book that explains HOW damaged we are as a Country regarding this issue- and Katrina was only part of the Problem...the other part of the Problem- is People pretending there is NOT a problem....Katrina did not happen because People in Government Abandoned the Poor and the Black In NOLA- it happened because Nationwide there is a Damgerous Mindset in the Country....and because Racism is Alive and Well.....
Sorry, But I have to Respectfully disagree with you....this is NOT about being caught up in the "Racism Game"- there is NO SUCH THING as Racism as a Game- shame on you.....didn't you live through the Sixties- Geraldine and The mismanaged desperate Clinton Campaign are trying to Racially Smear A Senator, a Civil Rights Attorney that has taught Constitutional Law for over 10 years....and worked to Serve His Community and his Country for almost 20 years......
And meanwhile they Stck Geraldine out to Racially Slur Him AT PRIVATE COUNTRY CLUB TYPE FUNDRAISERS- THAT 'S RIGHT SHE MADE BIGOTTED STATEMENTS TO RAISE MONEY FOR HILL.....and they had Bill AN EX President being an attack dog ( not very presidential ) comparing him to a Black Candidate of 20 years ago and then they let Ben Johnson do HIS thing about IMPLYING Drug Use ( that is Slander btw)...It has been an incessent onslaught- in Ohio they even had ad where they Made HIM blacker ( along with the Muslim Email crap).
If we as WHITE people let the Clinton Campaign USE Racism to make her LOOK Lily White- then Shame on ALL of us.....I live Urban...and what Geradline and Hill has done is about ALL of us and about my neighbors and Friends.....Not just about Obama and his supporters....
He has been Consistant with a Messege of Hope, Healing and Unifying Our Country. His Campaign has been about Unity...and Hillary has been running this Campaign Dividing this Country into little pieces....
Tread Lightly friend.....you spoke before you thought- or bothered to really read MY Post above ( and the Kitchen Sink Post)...and next time read it with your Heart.....and your eyes open....
Hi enigma
Don't worry about Olbermann he's fool proof. Knowing we have a media driven agenda it is to be expected that they try to whip up confrontation and interests. I was afraid that this would turn into a race issue when Obama first declared and it has.
Race, sex, Religion, nothing matters to me but doing the right thing. Barack is the right person for the job not Hillary or McCain. That is all that should matter but it does not.
Damn I missed the spanking session!
I would only add to what Enigma said to future that it DOES matter who started the "racism game" as you call it and why they did so.
It is very clear that the Clinton campaign decided that to beat Obama they needed to split the party by identifying him as the "black" candidate in an effort to polarize the voters, and that is shameful on a level that would make Karl Rove look like a cherub by comparison.
Hillary is risking destroying years of work the Democrats have done to improve race relations in her selfish bid to be President. How is that defensible?
Obama is trying to bring us together and Hillary is trying to tear us apart.
So who do you want to run this country?
BTW Enigma I forgot to thank you for the hat tip at the start of this thread.
Thank you.
Fran,Patriot, and Gryphen:
Thank you for contributing to this thread...It has been a long heated and frustating week....I want to see the Media and the Candidates talk about WHAT matters....REAL issues, not the issues and situations that Hillary and her Lifetime Movie of a Victim Campaign have sabotaged....
I can only hope and pray that True Reason at some point intervenes and maybe some Party Leaders will speak some sense to Hill's Campaign, but at this point that is a pretty thin hope...
I think Obama's Campaign has been handled with Dignity and Integrity....Grace under Fire....
Obama answered the questions about this Rev. Jeremiah Wright controversy at Huffington Post.
I also posted it on my blog.
Damn I hope we are done wasting the voters time with this nonsense.
He is not responsible for what his Minister says...good heavens...( ironically what the Minister said is true...just he said it in a very ugly way....)
Poor Obama...nothing worse than making trouble with his minister...on another note- 6-6 pointed Something Funny about this- "Well, Hill's People can't say he is Muslim now- can they?"
this week can not end SOON enough.....
I had heard Obama was going Abroad this month sometime- I hope he does- People HERE need to see that Europe and Asia and Japan LOVE him....People need to see that this Man can Heal us OTHER places...( cuz Hill won't let the Healing even begin here).....
New Post up..
I am not feeling very inspirational today....sorry...
I've spent quite a bit of time in the Queens district that Ferraro represents. I encountered a lot of people who honestly believe that African Americans get a free pass at everything, all the time. I'm sure she's used to saying this all the time, behind closed doors. I don't know whether she truly believes it or not. But her sentiment isn't exactly unique, and it isn't really new to the mediasphere.
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