For weeks the Talking Heads have been saying that Obama needed to give a speech that would end the racial tensions of this campaign. I thought that was absurd, if anything WE as a People, a Country need a Real Discussion about Race and What it Really Means. I have thought that and blogged on it numerous times since Katrina, that it is one of the Bigger Elephants in the Living Room. ( Sadly I think Poverty is the other Big Elephant in the living room).
Today Obama seized his moment and gave one of the best Speechs ever on this issue and the Struggle we have as a Country. But he did not put the issue to bed, instead he opened up the Dialogue for all of us to talk about Race and the Tensions we all have and are trying to face.This showed Leadership and Courage, but also Strength and Grace in a timely precise way that can not be denied or ignored. It showed WHY people line up for block and hours to hear this man. It showed that out of Pain and Hardship, Wisdom can transcend even the harshest of Critics in the Worst of Times.To be honest at this point in our History when Millions are So Disenfranchised, and during a Wretched Ill concieved War and Economic Hardship, at Our Most Broken, is the perfect time to have this much needed Discussion.Recognizing Our Pain and Speaking with such Clarity and Wisdom is Why Obama is Presidential.
E.Pluribus Unum. Out of Many We Are One.
Please watch the Speech, it is linked to the Title.
*{ Also Gryphen over at Immoral Minority has the full speech- NBC version- no CNN ticker on the bottem, and also the full transcript on his blog....}*
When I first downloaded this Video of The Speech this afternoon ....it had a 205 views.... within 4 hours , it is over 205,000 views....please share it.
( the chances of MSM re-airing the whole speech are slim...but it is better seen in it's entirety...)
it is more than memorable...it is Meaningful.....
Saw it this AM. He did exactly the right thing, not only addressing the horrible reverend's sermons, but opening up the entire issue of how we are still viewing race in this country. It was very important how he handled this. I think we are looking at a great president in the making, a real statesman. It really touched my heart when he brought up his own grandmother's attitude. Thanks for linking the WHOLE speech because it's about so much more than race.
I was surprised CNN showed the whole thing live. Since then, only snippets (good snippets, but not as powerful as the whole speech). I hope they rebroadcast -- maybe on Anderson Cooper tonight. 37-minutes is not too much for the public to hear. MSNBC devoted devoted a whole hour to Hillary on MSNBC, followed by another whole hour of McCain on the night of the mississippi primary.
i guess i am wondering still- what was so horrible about what reverend wright said. i am perplexed. no one denounces the limbaughs or the o'reillys or the hannitys or the savages- for the racist comments that they spew- yet, when a person of color says something off color in frustration- lord a'mighty! america will crumble!!!
do we white folks all have a case of the vapors? are we all still sitting on our verandas sipping juleps and fanning ourselves with a handkerchief? we need to grow up- big time. we need to listen and take any of the frustration that poc express to us- and we need to suck it up and take it. and after that frustration is spent- we need to listen and talk and have real conversations about what we can do as fellow human beings to pull together and get through the aftermath of bushco's regime. there are hard times ahead for america and a nation divided cannot stand.
I posted the video on my site and I have watched it twice so far. The damn thing is transcendent.
I was not old enough to see John Kennedy's "ask not what your country can do for you" speech, or cognizant enough to appreciate Martin Luther King Jr's "I have a dream" speech, so for me this is the most amazing speech I have ever listened to.
Even if by some cruel fate Obama does not get the nomination, this speech will make him far more historically important then Hillary, or Bush, or Bill, or even Reagan.
Let Hillary dare attack the emptiness of Obama's words in the future, she will be laughed all the way back to the Senate.
If you have not watched it then quickly visit the link above and watch it immediately. You owe it to yourself to be inspired.
I was fortunate enough to hear the speech live and think it does rate up there with Kennedy's and King's speeches. I was around for both. This was a major American speech and should go down in history as such. My only concern is that people will only hear whatever snippets the news shows decide to show. Thank you enigma4ever for posting the complete "document".
Missed the speech but most of the commentary has been positive, except neocon lover Dan Abrams.
I linked the speech...because the Media probally won't rerun....sadly...the whole speech addresses so many issues....issues that are not going away.....Sadly they are not issues that someone like Dan Abrams can understand- he now is running his show in a Cartoonish Comic book style ( just look at the graphics....oye)....Just to let you know it went right over Wolf Blitzer's head too...Both of them have the journalistic integrity of a baked potato....
Thank you for what you said- that means alot that you HEARD that...and I always try to post the whole thing- I hate when the Media cuts things down to Soundbites...
transcendent is a word that says it all....
I don't think that I can judge just snippets that I have heard...I do think that what Obama said is true that this Minister speaks from a different time and era....but the words are his words, not Obama's and painting him with the Minister's words makes no sense....One of the Churches that I have gone to here- I don't agree with everything- but I think Obama also explained something very different- culturally inner city Black Churches are very different....there is fire, passion and much emotion....and celebration....I would rather hear other speaches by Wright- before I would ever judge him or what he said- ( Now Hagee, or Pat Robertson or Falwell- those "ministers" have said MUCH worse I think....and been embraced by this current Repug Regime...but the Media never said a word......)
I too hope that other stations and shows air the whole thing- or even cspan- but I do think it is up to us too all send far and wide - if each of us send it to 10 people- think about it.......The power to spread this messege is up to us....We are the Media that shares what matters...
Words Can Heal.....and this man is teaching us that....
The man is simply amazing.
So HOW INSANE is MCCain ?:
that is quite a Question....please don't let us have to actually find out....( he should be his own DSM IIII classification)
BTW I have a post down below- called "McPain and Dick" that you might enjoy....
I will confess that I don't yet know the answer to "How insane is John McCain?" but it is a question I will be dutifully investigating over the next 8 months.
Right now, my latest guess is "seriously insane." But I reserve the right to change that to "completely mental," "no seriously he should be in a padded room" or "well, he's just.... it's kind of sad how insane he actually is, we really shouldn't make fun."
Well...I will be sure to watch your revelations....
Did he score points for the Al Queda Oooops today ?
( ie was that worth One or Four Straight Jackets? )
I'd give it two straight-jackets, enigma4ever. He gets points for lacking a basic grasp of foreign affairs, but I'd like to see him combine it with some genuine anger and possibly some curse words before I'm ready to bestow the ultimate prize of four straight-jackets.
The speech was amazing. Obama laid it on the line. So much for the critics who say he hasn't been "tested".
I think I agree...and he should get Extra Thorazine Points for Saying the Al Queda Ooooops in a Foriegn Country....
( Should I add you to the Blogroll Here ? )
Hey there friend...
Amazing speech wasn't it ? How's the ankle ?
( BTW I need to ask is Gathering Pebbles the right blog to add to the blogroll ? ..Blogger is stll giving me a hard time to work on the template)
Oooops Angie:::
the thorazine comment was about McCain for the Insane McCain friend....sorry for the Confusion...
now about the Speech...it was so incredible..and a very important speech....we all needed that....
what teenage son said....6-6
" wow...amazing speech...."Just Words Hillary????"...
See I told you the First Amendment was the most Important"
( I said what?)
6-6:" See the Pen is Mightier than any weapon or gun.....His words proved WHO is stronger"
Talking about race video
I watched CSPAN today and I am shocked that so many people just did not get it or they were swayed by the negative talking heads.
It's just a shame that we fall for a lie and watch our country go through so much hurt because of it.
We hear a man trying to be open and truthful with us and we spew hate and misunderstanding.
Thanks for adding me to your blogroll. Bicycle Built For Two is a blog that my husband and I started that is our solely "political" blog. However, my hubbie doesn't post on it much and I've been neglecting it lately. I think I'm coming out of my winter "stupor" and plan to post on it much more regularly. You're welcome to add it to your blogroll. I'm renewing my efforts with my thoughts on the war on this the 5th anniversary. My ankle is doing much better. I stayed off it most of the weekend and the swelling and pain went down quite a bit. Whew! Thanks for asking.
I will add the Bicycle Blog too..( how nice that you can blog with your Hubby- that is so cool).....I am glad that your ankle is better...
I am curious if you mean CSPAN am call in show- if so-I guess I am no surpirsed.....and I know the talking heads didn't get it....over at OBAMA"s website there is much about the effect- mostly journalists and papers...but also politiicians and reading the comments...amazing...
thanks- actually I think you are new here, but I always LINK the Videos to MY POST TITLE.....so the Video is here.....promise...
I have heard conservatives praising this speech. I have heard many intellectuals praising this speech. I find it a little disconcerting that the majority of hate directed at this speech seems to be coming from Hillary supporters. I have read many of them claiming that the speech held no substance when in reality, it is one of the most substantial speeches in history. This is Obama's "house divided" speech, this is his "I had a dream speech", this is his "ask not what your country can do for you" speech. This speech needs to be required reading in future textbooks. I heard one commentator say that this speech needs to be looked at again and again. He said it will go down in history as one of the most important speeches in history. I believe the odd part of the pro-Clinton "non-substance" group is the fact that many pundits worry it might go above the head of the average Joe American. How can something that might "go above heads" be considered non-substantial?
This transformative speech should propel Obama into the presidency. A man like Obama only comes along once in a lifetime.
Thanks for posting on this. I went up to post on it last night after watching on YouTube and was rendered speechless and otherwise wordless. What power and integrity.
Thanks, Enigma, I'll watch the whole thing now that it is late enough here at work that no one will care if I turn up my volume to listen! I have heard wonderful things about the speech and I think it was exactly the right thing to do. What I like about Obama is, unlike Hillary, he is willing to grab the bull by its horns and say something when there is innuendo and stupidity going on.
it is amazing..I have watched it now 4 times each time I HEAR something I missed and it is a treasure- it is like the I Have a Dream Speech....I have had pieces of it in my head all day....and in my heart....and then reading SO MANY others said the same thing...Conyers Post over at Huffpost is beautiful....
it is Something....and when you go hear him in Public Speak - this is how it effects you...after so so many years of Lies....it is huge...thank you...Nice to see you...
It is amazing...and powerful....and even people at the Store and the Bustop were talking about it today...it has broad reach....the pundits are just mad that he is blowing their scripted moments...he is very much HIS OWN man...and yes, he is Historic...you are right.....thank you for your beautiful comment....nice to see you...
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