The Rising.....
So Why the Boss tonight...Because....
{{{{{ Here is why.... Bruce Springsteen,The Boss, will be playing an acoustic concert Sunday at Mall C to kick off a rally for Barack Obama.Obama will be in Cleveland Sunday campaigning in a crucial swing state right before Tuesday's election.Tickets are not required but people are asked to RSVP on Barack Obama's website.Gates will open at 2 p.m. and the event is expected to begin at 3:45. Michelle and Barack Will be here......( and yes, when I saw this messege texted on my phone this afternoon after work I was running around the house with absolute betcha !! }}}}
So Come On Clevelanders and Ohio Folks Show Obama and Michelle and The Boss the Love.....
My apologies...I posted a video below THE WRONG video about Joe the Plumber- a silly country music song...I am so sorry- I need to the find the right one...I pulled the sorry..
Friday, October 31, 2008
6-6 chose this....excellent for the werewolf- that is the best part....
Samuel L.Jackson tells it honor of all the beautiful couples I have known...this really sums it up....
{ Stolen from C&L and about 8 other blogs.....)
{ Stolen from C&L and about 8 other blogs.....)
Friday ...10.31.08...4 Days to go....BEST YARD SIGN EVER...( stolen from Skippy)

Want to buy ONE? click the time someone steals your Obama sign- maybe just put one of these up ? Click down there is a good Halloween Post...some tidbits about the Election and also about other political Naked Sushi blog has food goodies for the Holiday....Obama is going Home to spend Halloween with his girls...
I will be in and out today, and phone banking this weekend..and working...BUT I wanted to give you this song today. The Song is "I Believe", song by Fantasia , when she won the American Idol Contest in 2004. My son and I loved her that year, we were living on one room of a dilapidated rooming house on the California Coast, every week we would put extra money on our Phone card to Vote for her. She had depth, soul and such courage, this single mom from the South....This song really moved us, inspired us, and gave us hope that year.....The Video is the night she won...and it is beautiful....I don't know about you, BUT I DO BELIEVE....
If you need Some More Hopemongering....visit my Obama Music Video blog, It will cheer you right up...and keep you going...
Obama in Missouri Last Night...thousands showed up ( will try to find the number...)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Don't you love Halloween ?.... The smell of the pumkins with candles burning, and the crackling leaves, and burnt Smores....and the little ones in their costumes wandering around the neighborhood with their pillowcases full of candy...
I love decorating my porch- making Pumpkin People, with straw bodies ( like scarecrows)...When my son was 5, I decorated the porch to look like a Pirate Ship...complete with Pirates ( Pumpkin headed), they had Hooks, and patches, and were sprawled in drunken splendor across the porch ( and I dressed as a pirate, and embarrassed my son)....Other years I dressed as a gypsy and read palms when I handed out cookies and candy ( the readings were so funny , kids love to be told they will be famous ..or rich..)
I used to take my son to parties, we would take hospital glove and freeze water in them- makes wonderful Frozen Hand Ice Cubes to put in the punch, and then there were bowls of eyeballs ( peeled grapes), brains ( cold spaghetti), bowls of snot ( yellow jello), One year he wanted to be a I made him a car....another year, it was a robot ( he won his first Contest in that one- he was wonderful , complete with lights and bells and buttons, it was a wonderful constume).....and of course Batman...( that was the same year his friend Mack dressed as Casper, sadly her mom made the Head Part TOO pointed, so people thought she was a Klan Child....the shocked faces were priceless....sorry , but they were...)
As a child I was really good at making my own costumes...A Basket of Laundry ( from an old laundry basket with holes for legs and arms), A Dollar Bill -I was dressed in George in the Center, and when I was in Nursing school I was a "Table For two", that one also won some awards....I miss those days....and all of that Creativity... So Get out there be Creative..and have fun....If you want to try some wonderful treats click the TITLE....
Halloween Music ::::The Monster Mash....
My Favorite Pumpkins....Puking Pumpkins...

It started as a joke many years ago....but I really love them..I collect photos of them..and also have tried different ones....I know it is silly...don't forget to check out the YES WE CARVE site....
Obama Halloween Video...very very funny,based of fighting the Geezer RoboCalls...( thank you Skippy)
( I got my first RoboCalls this week- damn they are awful....)
Read the article linked to the title. I know I should be reassured by this....and yet- it's the Bush what the hell does it mean ? ( Since he fired the 9 US Attorneys....I don't trust him to value Justice...especially since it is an Election...he cares more about the Machines getting it right...)
Senator Ted Stevens is a Convicted Felon, but he is also DELUDED and WHY he says he is NOT a Convicted Felon...
Omg...this is rich....Uncle Teddy says that UNTIL the Appeals Process is over, he is not really a criminal...that he did NOTHING wrong....Well, gee what is going to happen when he is sentenced....????My Alaskan Friends please send him to the Big House soon, when you Vote Begich in....thank you..
Yeah....great ad....Do you have Repug Relatives who like McCain....Well, HOW do they feel about a Palin Presidency ???The Organization that made the ad is linked to the title....enjoy the's powerful...SHARE and steal this video...
( Just to clarify, I am not into Fearmongering...but I admit it- this woman makes me sweat bullets..the idea of her anywhere near the nuke codes....????)
( Just to clarify, I am not into Fearmongering...but I admit it- this woman makes me sweat bullets..the idea of her anywhere near the nuke codes....????)
Thursday Post....5 days to go...

So yesterday was Huge, Obama rallied in three locations, and his Infomercial aired at 8PM and then he was on John Stewart and also his rally with Bill Clinton at 11PM in Florida was aired on MSNBC....and other stations. ( I will find the Bill Clinton Speech).....Here are two videos below to keep you going and also I have the infomercial below....
Kids for Obama:::
Obama 10.29.08 In Raliegh NC....Wonderful...
Meanwhile in McCain event ( cough...gag...)..NOT...he had to Bus Kids in to the Event...and THEN Joe The Plumber was a NO the video...cuz the best part is that McCain Just Assumed that he was a lucky rabbit that Cindy would pull out of her pocket...really strange....Cringe worthy...
Huffpost report:::Students were Bussed in ???( so of the 6000 at the event- more than 4000 were students...that are not voting for McCain....5 days before the Election- shouldn't he be drawing more ?
""A local school district official confirmed after the event that of the 6,000 people estimated by the fire marshal to be in attendance this morning, more than 4,000 were bused in from schools in the area. The entire 2,500-student Defiance School District was in attendance, the official said, in addition to at least three other schools from neighboring districts, one of which sent 14 buses.This happened -- as if a reminder were needed -- less than a week out from the election, when the heat of the campaign should be drawing record crowds.""
American Stories, American Solutions.....(29 minutes 10.29.08)
Beautifully Done....and well worth the time to is about us, all of us. Big City to Smalltown...we are all hurting...
( So this is the same day McCain and his thugs are saying Barack is Un-American...really? really ????)
( So this is the same day McCain and his thugs are saying Barack is Un-American...really? really ????)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Wednesday .....6 days to go..
Meet Charles...Favorite Obama Volunteer...( have Kleenex)

This book is available to be ordered at the Library or the bookstore, it looks wonderful....
TPM Central Polls from Tuesday Eve:::
Here's our daily composite of the six major national tracking polls. John McCain has chipped away slightly at Barack Obama's lead in today's polls, but Obama is still ahead and remains at over 50% support:
• Gallup: Obama 51%, McCain 44%, with a ±2% margin of error, compared to a 53%-43% Obama lead from yesterday.
• Rasmussen: Obama 51%, McCain 46%, with a ±2% margin of error, unchanged from yesterday.
• ABC/Washington Post: Obama 52%, McCain 45%, with a ±3% margin of error, unchanged from yesterday.
• Hotline/Diageo: Obama 50%, McCain 42%, with a ±3.3% margin of error, unchanged from yesterday.
• Research 2000: Obama 50%, McCain 43%, with a ±3% margin of error, compared to a 50%-42% Obama lead yesterday.
• Zogby: Obama 49%, McCain 45%, with a ±2.9% margin of error, compared to a 50%-45% Obama lead from yesterday.
Adding these polls together and weighting them by the square roots of their sample sizes, Obama is ahead 50.6%-44.4%, a lead of 6.2 points, compared to the 51.2%-44.0% Obama lead from yesterday.
Hope Changes Everything::::
More to be posted during the day....
1PM Obama in NC...point out how Childish McCain is...45 seconds..
Meet Charles...Favorite Obama Volunteer...( have Kleenex)

This book is available to be ordered at the Library or the bookstore, it looks wonderful....
TPM Central Polls from Tuesday Eve:::
Here's our daily composite of the six major national tracking polls. John McCain has chipped away slightly at Barack Obama's lead in today's polls, but Obama is still ahead and remains at over 50% support:
• Gallup: Obama 51%, McCain 44%, with a ±2% margin of error, compared to a 53%-43% Obama lead from yesterday.
• Rasmussen: Obama 51%, McCain 46%, with a ±2% margin of error, unchanged from yesterday.
• ABC/Washington Post: Obama 52%, McCain 45%, with a ±3% margin of error, unchanged from yesterday.
• Hotline/Diageo: Obama 50%, McCain 42%, with a ±3.3% margin of error, unchanged from yesterday.
• Research 2000: Obama 50%, McCain 43%, with a ±3% margin of error, compared to a 50%-42% Obama lead yesterday.
• Zogby: Obama 49%, McCain 45%, with a ±2.9% margin of error, compared to a 50%-45% Obama lead from yesterday.
Adding these polls together and weighting them by the square roots of their sample sizes, Obama is ahead 50.6%-44.4%, a lead of 6.2 points, compared to the 51.2%-44.0% Obama lead from yesterday.
Hope Changes Everything::::
More to be posted during the day....
1PM Obama in NC...point out how Childish McCain is...45 seconds..
Voting Lessons for Our Children...Enigma's Voting Story Continued...

There are lessons for all of us this Election.There has been alot that has happened in the past 8 years, much has changed within us and around us. This Election is more important than ever for so many people.There are no Second Chances,this is no time for the comfort and solace of apathy, because there is too much at stake and too much damage. This is our last chance to repair what has happened and mediate any of the Damage. There can be no Healing until this Election is resolved with Honesty, and Justly.
Much has changed in the 8 years since the First Bush Election. I was overwhelmed with the damage at an odd moment last week, as I cleaned a closet and stumbled across a dusty old London Fog Rain Coat. It was an odd moment filled with chilling memories and deep thought. I was filled with the memories of my son, a Sick Chicken, my Bassatt, and Voting. Eight years ago it was the coat I wore to vote for Gore, in the pocket there was still a crumpled "I Voted Sticker". I stood in the rain for hours with my friends and neighbors from little Northwest Neighborhood and waited to Vote, with my son by my side. My Husband stood ahead of me in the line about 100 people between us. Another neighbor ordered Pizza for the line after we had been there for about an hour. We all laughed at our creativity to have pizza delivered.
It was a wonderful Northwest Neighborhood full of college students and working people, teachers and nurses, and young lawyers, and community organizers. Thinkers and Dreamers and wonderful neighbors. In the years to come I would learn that only one of their Votes was counted that fateful night......Only One. ( and it was not mine). Yes, I would learn about Caging.
That night I walked home with my son, and he sat out on the porch with our Bassatt Hound Abby and sat by the cage of our Wounded Chicken we were nursing. He sat and told Henrietta all about Voting and how he had voted with me in Every Election. He was 9 years old, to this day he claims he "remembers" Voting for Clinton. She sat with her bandaged head and looked at him with her bright beady eyes full of trust and love. I sat on the front porch bench and listened to him explain about Voting and the Constitution. I realized that he understood and appreciated the process. That Damp Rainy Night as it started to rain, I was filled with pride as my son taught a Chicken about The Value of Voting. As we went inside he covered her cage with the raincoat, and Abby licked her injured head in a Good Night Gesture. And we all went inside to drink Hot Coco To celebrate The Vote. And by Morning ......all those "Lessons" would be thrown to the Wind.
By 2004 my son and I would living many miles away, and the night of the Vote would be long past. But we would learn about Caged Voting. In California I had trouble registering as my previous Vote of 2004 could not be located, so I was forwarded to an Investigation by the Justice Department Rep in a Senator's Office, and ACLU and Human Rights Organization. I learned in June 2004, that my Vote like most of my nieghborhood had vanished, the Only Vote found from that fateful night of 2000, was that of Mr.Enigma. The Investigator asked me if I knew the other Voter of my street, and I said yes, but that was the only Vote she could find that was registered or counted. I have written before about how disgusted and stunned I was. My son said, "well, atleast we know now that they are problems, and you reported it, so it can't happen again."
So I voted again in a new place and my son went with me. And I have written before, that I again have not been able to verify That Vote either. Something so simple has now become Something that haunts me, worries me. Yet now I am no longer alone with this fear. We now know that in both Elections Thousands of People were Discounted and rendered Invisible.There are books and studies about people being disenfranchised, it is no longer a silent hidden problem.
This year there is a difference. Senator Obama's Campaign has worked hard to improve Voter Rights and address problems for Voters. I had read this on his site and even heard him speak about it. And I was impressed, and my son was moved by it. Said "See , this is someone that takes this seriously." I nodded and agreed, and offered my own reassurance. But I still was only half hearted. Well, low and behold My Registration ran into Problems again. The First week in October, I learned that the State site had me registered and the County site did not. I assumed that my Divorce and Name Changes and 2 Moves had caused problems ( as it had taken the Social Security Administration under Homeland Security over 20 Monthes to "correct" my records.)
I emailed the Obama Campaign and while driving to the Election Center, A rep from the Campaign called me back and asked for details of my situation and said that they knew there were problems in Ohio and if I had any problems to call them back and they would send a Lawyer to the Election Center. This was the first time in 8 years ANYONE had offered Help or acknowledges that this Problem Needs Fixing, that it Matters. I thanked him, and told him I felt Invisible Again. He reassured me that Obama has lawyers and Voting Advocates ready , that No One should experience that Again. No One. No One should feel Alone and Invisible.
I drove to the Election Center and fixed the problems with my registration, after parking a mile away and walking to the Center. I watched ACORN helping people register outside at a table, helping people fill out the Form and explaining What they needed to bring with them to Vote. ( and now weeks later the GOP has targeted this Advocacy Group as something Evil and Illegal, yet that is far from the Truth).
As I stood and stroked the battered old raincoat in the Closet I realized how naive I was, and that in the years to come I would learn so much, about Caged Voting and people being disenfranchised, and how such a Moment could alter the History and Lives of Millions...I remembered watching my 9 year old son and how he sat on the Porch that Damp Night in November 2000 explaining to a Chicken about Voting. He told Henrietta that Voting Required people to be Brave, not a Chicken, and he laughed. He told her how Voting Brings Changes in Times of Trouble, but that it is a Chance for Each and Every Citizen to have a Voice. But he also told her how through the ages people had Fought for this Right, and that it is a Right worth Fighting for. That Night he asked " Is it a Right Worth Fighting For. " I had said Yes at the time. But now as he is almost a man, I know now more than ever, that Right is Worth Protecting and Fighting for, and never taking for granted.Lives depend on Our Votes.
Beautiful Video by Bet Williams about Voting for our Children....
Updates sent by others about Voting:
Click the title to read article that Dusty found....And Read more about the Voter Fraud Myth that the Repugs have been trying to perpetrate...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Tuesday ...7 days to go....

It's been a LONG road...for all of us....but there are only 7 days to go.....I know everyone is tired....but the end is in sight....I will post more good news through the day.....
A Snippet of Good News for Ohio Voters { TPM Central) :
"Poll: Obama Ahead in Ohio, Way Up On Early Votes
A new SurveyUSA poll gives Barack Obama a 49%-45% lead in Ohio, with a ±3.9% margin of error. The key number from the internals is that 22% of the likely electorate has already voted, and they've gone for Obama by a 56%-39% margin, with the two candidates tied 47%-47% among the remaining 78%."
2 PM LA TIMES snippet::
Los Angeles Times | Oct. 28, 2008 | 2:01 p.m. PDT
"Obama leads McCain in Florida and Ohio, poll finds:
Democrat Barack Obama is leading Republican presidential rival John McCain in two battleground states, Florida and Ohio, where voters have more confidence in his ability to handle the troubled economy, a new Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll has found. In Ohio, a state that has been battered for years by unemployment and plant closings,Obama is leading McCain among people likely to vote, 49% to 40%. In Florida, a state that was considered a likely win for Republicans not long ago,
McCain is trailing, 50% to 43%."
Your Obama Videos for the Day....First one is called "American Promise"
And Now for Some Reggae for Obama ( stolen from Poetryman)
Another Video about The Rising in this Country....really welldone.... and inspiring....
The Map...

and more from Fran go ahead , click and read....
Monday, October 27, 2008

Will post more links as the news comes in, Huffpost linked to title.
ABC News is reporting, Snippet:::
"A federal grand jury indicted Stevens, 84, in July on seven counts of making false statements, for allegedly lying on U.S. Senate financial disclosure forms for the years 1999 to 2006.
The jury of eight women and four men deliberated for five hours Monday before returning guilty verdicts on all seven counts.
Prosecutors claimed that Stevens accepted $250,000 worth of gifts, primarily from now-defunct oil services company Veco Corp. and its former CEO, Bill Allen. Among the alleged gifts was the value of a home renovation project that transformed the senator's Girdwood, Alaska, home from a quaint cabin to a sizeable house, a $2,600 massage chair and a Viking gas grill.Each charge carries a maximum five years in prison and $250,000 fine. U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan will sentence Stevens in January."
So here is my Question does he Drop Out or Keep Running as a Convicted Felon ??? Here is some information about other Felonious Politicians....
"Ted Stevens is the first sitting United States Senator to be convicted on corruption charges since New Jersey's Harrison Williams on May 1, 1981. Stevens, who has represented Alaska in the Senate since 1968, was found guilty on seven counts of making false statements on his Senate financial disclosure. Williams, who was completing his fourth term, was convicted on nine counts of bribery and extortion charges connected to the ABSCAM scandal. Five U.S. Senators have been found guilty of felony charges; Williams is one of two Senators in U.S. history to serve in prison following a conviction.
If Stevens is defeated for re-election next week, he will become the longest-serving U.S. Senator in history to lose his seat. He'll break the record set by Warren Magnuson, who lost his seat in 1980 after 36 years in office. And if Stevens wins, and then leaves office (either through resignation or expulsion), Alaska Governor Sarah Palin would pick his replacement. Palin could pick herself."
{{{ I hope this is Wrong????Sarah Palin could Pick HERSELF !!!? oye...}}}
(( Gee will Anyone ask Palin about that 520 that she ran for Teddy ? and hey, let's hope that Teddy does not get sentenced until AFTER 1.20.08...we would not want Bush to pardon Teddy.... let's hope that he can bunk with Duke Cunningham...that would be nice ))
So the Question is Does Sarah Still have "Respect" for Teddy still ??
Obama's Speech in Canton,Ohio Today "Closing Arguments"
Obama never went to Court when he worked as a Lawyer...but WOW....he can really "Close"....Final 6 minutes of his speech today...( the stock market went up 209 as he spoke...then McCain spoke...and it dived.....Again.)...Watch..
( Nice that today the cable stations showed the speech- funny they can not show the HUGE weekend rallies for 100,000 but they can show the smaller venues..what is THAT about ??? Today McCain gave another small event in Dayton- over the weekend he gave events at small school gyms- for 500's event again was about 500 squished in on one side of the gym....he kept stumbling and trying to say something about "re-distributing wealth" but he was having a difficult senior moment).
AND look....Ohio is still looking BLUE...
( Nice that today the cable stations showed the speech- funny they can not show the HUGE weekend rallies for 100,000 but they can show the smaller venues..what is THAT about ??? Today McCain gave another small event in Dayton- over the weekend he gave events at small school gyms- for 500's event again was about 500 squished in on one side of the gym....he kept stumbling and trying to say something about "re-distributing wealth" but he was having a difficult senior moment).
AND look....Ohio is still looking BLUE...

Then it was Monday...8 Days to Go...

This Election is alot about What do YOU Believe in ...What do you hold onto ? What keeps you going every day ? What makes you think about Our Future ? If "Hope" was just a "word" we would not have a Man on the Moon, or airplanes or even a car to drive...or electric power or running water.....Hope has Fueled Many Dreams and many Futures...Many Immigrants when they got off at Ellis Island all they had in their tattered pocket....was Hope.
Inspiring Obama Music for today...."Ready to Believe"...
"Reason to Believe"....sobering but real...Linked to the title...
GOP Pissing Money Away on Expensive Crap.....$150,000 on Designer Clothes is just part of WHO they are as a party...Nothing New...

Read the Huffpost article and about the absurd stuff that the Repugs spent money on...such foolish people wasting their wonder they are having money troubles....Well, maybe now they can send Teddy Stevens a Gift of those decadent chocolates to celebrate his Corruption Trial...Perfect gift for a Convicted Felon...
Assassination Plot against Obama and African American Students uncovered.....
Assassination Plot uncovered, here is a snippet more about this plot: very concerning that Obama's Secret Service Detail not notified about this .....Click the Title, to read more...More to be posted later..
Sunday, October 26, 2008
More than 100,000 Show Up To See Obama in Denver....

DRScott...requested a wonderful here it is "Ain't No Stopping Us Now.." So don't Stop NOW....get out and VOTE....lives depend on it ....for ALL of us...I put up the George Micheal Version of the song...(some of the 70's versions are too scratchy audio wise...but you can send me better versions if you want).... if you click the title you hear a woman singing it in an Obama Rally Line...really wonderful....
Monday Endorsement tally rises to 194 to 82 see more here...
Sunday Morning.....pumpkin carving, global hope, and more....

So if you want to learn about the YES WE CARVE site, just click the Pumpkin over on the sidebar...and get carving..and take photos yes, down below more Obama videos, some inspiring and others are new, from around the world...and a couple of articles too...I will be back later after I find a NYT and a Pumpkin latte....
Sunday Obama Videos...from All over...And Around the World...
These Beautiful Videos is from Obama Supporters from around the World...on Bridges...Bridges to Our Future and to Each Other...It started as a Project by Americans for Obama in France, and it turned into so much more...6 Million Americans live and work abroad. This project truly spans the globe.Here are two of the videos from the "Bridges for Obama " Project. Please share with people...they are both so beautiful...Our Neighbors and friends and fellow supporters...just a bit further away.
From Youtube:
Bridges for Obama: American supporters of Sen. Barack Obama have been staging rallies abroad at world-famous bridges to show support for the Democratic presidential candidate and his pledge to span old political divisions.
The Obama Song (World of Friends): Japan-based American musical artists created and performed this song to celebrate Sen. Obama's historic candidacy and to inspire us all to change the world. Distributed by Tubemogul.
From Youtube:
Bridges for Obama: American supporters of Sen. Barack Obama have been staging rallies abroad at world-famous bridges to show support for the Democratic presidential candidate and his pledge to span old political divisions.
The Obama Song (World of Friends): Japan-based American musical artists created and performed this song to celebrate Sen. Obama's historic candidacy and to inspire us all to change the world. Distributed by Tubemogul.
So Bush is trying to help McCain and the GOP steal ANOTHER Election....this state is a frigging Nightmare...unbelievable.....660,000 New Voters have registered in this state since January 2008...and Bush is trying to disqualify over 200,000, wow....seems like he and the Repukes are really focused on that NUMBER..wonder why...I am one of those that registered here THAT Number....NO ONE is taking my vote again....ever...2000 and 2004 was plenty for me....NO MORE....
Really Wonderful Article in The Guardian : Obama as told through his Friends Eyes, and Growing up...
The Guardian tracked down childhood friends, as well as people who watched him grow up to be the man he is today....from Jakarta to Boston to their own words...and what they saw as he became a man...on his way to greatness....
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Saturday Night Music....( yeah...more Obama Music...)

Obama tried to go for a walk in his old neighborhood while visiting his grandmom....he looks so sad and thoughtful in this photo....and so good to see a Future prez in Flip Flops....I hope he had a good visit with her....
"Vote For Change"...really like this song...been humming it all day...
"We Are With you" Obama Song by Bet Williams, an Obama Mama, that wanted a song about our Children,and with Children singing.......really good...
Sitting here watching Football....and waiting for SNL to start early...have a good night....(if you want a Laugh I put Bollywood Obama linked to the Title...go will make you smile...I love Bollywood anything....and here is DL Hughley on WHY it's time for a Black President he is funny and right....
The Curse of the Hockey Mom is Upon Us....don't let the Moose Princess near your rink...

Her First Hockey Puck Moment....she was heavily Booed, even shielded by her children....NOW she again attends yet another Hockey game ( just like a true Beauty Queen, undaunted....and hair done)....And AGAIN Something goes Wrong...a Player gets injured due to the First Lady Carpet on the the title to watch....What the Puck is wrong with this woman??? is she Cursed ? ( Quick !!! someone call that Witch Doctor Minister....)
The Palin Princess has lost her and watch...
Saturday Blog Round Up.....

Speaking of Pumpkins...Be sure to check out the amazing Pumpkins at the YES WE CARVE site, just click the Pumpkin over on the side.....they have so many wonderful ones and some really funny ones too....they are from all over.
If you want to read more about different GOP Voter Suppression and Legal Efforts in numerous states....TPM Muckraker is covering it all.
Then there is Distributor Cap.... he explains the Wallace Shadow in this campaign in a wonderful post, but he also has been blogging up a storm on the ill McCain Campaign.
Fran has plenty on Palin other wonders, and then there is Dusty with plenty on Acorn and more.
Really wonderful Spanish Obama ad...he sounds so cool when he speaks Spanish...
And then Another Obama Montage Video with beautiful photos..."We Belong"....
More later today........
Friday, October 24, 2008
Christopher Hitchens on Hardball today, questioning McCain's Stability, is he Senile ? Stable? Watch....
I have been saying this for monthes, as a nurse I am worried about his Stability, and whether he has Something effecting his Brain, either Senility or METS, of some sort of brain dysfunction....scary to watch, his moods shifts, his facial expressions, his cognition, and his irritable misperceptions and responses....Hitchens describes it as "Weird"....I can not believe I am agreeing with Hitchens...Maybe he has changed since he was water-boarded ? or is he looking at things with a new perspective....
Friday 10 Days to Go...

“The Change we want must come from within.”~ Jim Hightower
Yesterday I blogged about the beautiful Barns in Ohio...I was inspired as the last time I went to the Orthodontist with my son, I sat with an Amish Family and they said that they and many Amish are Voting Obama....In my post yesterday I blogged about please put your Obama signs up and decorate your cars and houses.....So here is my Obama sign, that has been in my yard since January.....had to pound it in ice and hard dirt, and dig away the snow when it got buried....It still looks fine.( don't look at my messy yard ). Scroll down there is plenty here.....Keep the Faith.....and be good to each other...
And then we have the CBS Poll 52% to 38....WOW.....WOW.... and click the title to read the NYT Endorsement....
The Tinklenberg Campaign in Minnesota is starting a new ad campaign and in recent polls is now ahead of Bachman, but is giving Bachman a run for her is Al Franken...Minnesota is very interesting.. read more here, "Bachman fighting for Political Life".
and watch the video:::
And if you are watching the Electoral Map...take a look at this...

Be sure to read all the great new State data and look at their analysis at guys are math wizards...
And another great Video "In the Air Tonight", with video and audio of Obama interspersed with photos from all over the country...I keep posting these because they remind us of WHO we are ....and what has been happening on this journey....all
over the Country.....
Great Obama Music...."Right Here Right Now"...great photo montages..
And then we have Zydeco From Down Louisiana Way....( thanks Hillblogger)...Gumbo Cajun Style...."Oui, on peut -- Yes we can!" OBAMA ZYDECO FROM LOUISIANA 2008! Music and Lyrics copyright 2008 Dirk Powell, Crying Bayou Music, BMI..Filmed at the Whirlybird in Opelousas, Louisiana.....Musicians: Dirk Powell, Christine Balfa, Jeffrey Broussard, Zydeco Joe Citizen, Corey "L'il Pop" Ledet, and Linzay Young ....
more News and Updates later...have a nice day...
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The Bogus Story....That the McCain Campaign Staff pushed on the MSM....

( researched all eve 10.23.08 and factually corrected on 10.24.08 by MSM )
Many of us had Major Concerns about this story....Partly because of THIS photo, but partly because of the actual story.
And we met on Blogs last night and did research and asked questions..because we were disgusted and worried that this was some kind of story being pushed for Benifit for McCain....the girl clearly needs help...but we were worried that McCain's people Pushed a Horrific False Story....
(1) Her story does not hold up- and she refused medical care at the "scene", and did go the next day to get care. Very strange that a young girl, even out of vanity or trauma would refuse medical care for a facial injury.
(2) She was in PA for the Campaign, she said, yet the PA campaign people did not ever verify that or make a statement.
(3) She is traveling from Texas, and yet checking her campaign Blog, she has not blog posts on PA.
(4) Her Twitter account, shows a 3 hour Gap, 8-11PM, and she was supposedly looking for a Bank of America- yet there are NONE for 100 MILES.
(5) She said it was a Male with a Black Tshirt, yet it was 43 degrees, NO Coat ?
(6) The Photo raised many questions, the eye injury looks more like a shiner or actually inky makeup? the eye itself has no injury or swelling ? and she fell on her face she said? her whole face should have had swelling, and the tissue and the eye should have had broken vessels. The "B" looks like it was done in a mirror? It is Backwards and not sharply carved, it looks like it could have been scratched, or abraded with a fingernail. It is very hard to carve a "B" with a knife ( try it on chicken - we did), and WHY a "B" ? ( an "O" would have been easier).
(7) The area it occurred there are no Cameras ? or other witnesses? Suspposedly it is a busy part of town, with a Cop Bar right across the street....there should have been witnesses.
Ashley Todd, of College Station, Texas, was using an ATM at Liberty Avenue and Pearl Street just before 9 p.m. Wednesday Night....when the attack supposedly happened.
atodd: Oh the blog I will be making soon... Its been a rough night #litf08
Thu, 23 Oct 2008 03:52:58 +0000
atodd: Pretty sure I'm on the wrong side of pittsburgh
Thu, 23 Oct 2008 00:45:59 +0000
atodd: Stubbornly searching for a bank of america to avoid ATM fees.
Thu, 23 Oct 2008 00:23:21 +0000
atodd: This traffic in pittsburgh needs to go away!!!! #litf08
Wed, 22 Oct 2008 23:04:06 +0000
atodd: Jammin to 80s rock baller #litf08
Wed, 22 Oct 2008 20:06:05 +0000
atodd: Wondering if my mad constitutional right debating skills will get me out of this speeding ticket I'm waiting to see the judge about.
Wed, 22 Oct 2008 15:47:51 +0000
atodd: @KatMayne yeah- and in ohio a guy named jimmy john listed the local jimmy johns sub shop as his home address... Acorn..hehe #litf08
( Twitter account)
According to WTAE's news exchange partners at the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Ashley Todd, of College Station, Texas, was using an ATM at Liberty Avenue and Pearl Street just before 9 p.m. Wednesday when a man approached her and put a knife to her throat. ( Before 9 PM ???)
By 4PM 10.24.08 The story fell is more that Huffpost and TPM Central are reporting as of 10.24.08, a McCain staffer PUSHED the story to the Media- before properly vetting the story or checking the authenticity with Police and Hospital Officials, but were eager to tell the Press HOW to tell the girl's story with Racial undertones and the Obama slurring. But last night the Repug site were casting the story as " Obama Supporter attacks McCain Campaign Worker". But here is the Truth about "the story", now Known to be fabricated.
"McCain Communications Director Gave Reporters Incendiary Version Of "Carved B" Story Before Facts Were Known
By Greg Sargent - October 24, 2008, 5:12PM TPM Central
John McCain's Pennsylvania communications director told reporters in the state an incendiary version of the hoax story about the attack on a McCain volunteer well before the facts of the case were known or established -- and even told reporters outright that the "B" carved into the victim's cheek stood for "Barack," according to multiple sources familiar with the discussions.
John Verrilli, the news director for KDKA in Pittsburgh, told TPM Election Central that McCain's Pennsylvania campaign communications director gave one of his reporters a detailed version of the attack that included a claim that the alleged attacker said, "You're with the McCain campaign? I'm going to teach you a lesson."
Verrilli also told TPM that the McCain spokesperson had claimed that the "B" stood for Barack. According to Verrilli, the spokesperson also told KDKA that Sarah Palin had called the victim of the alleged attack, who has since admitted the story was a hoax.
The KDKA reporter had called McCain's campaign office for details after seeing the story -- sans details -- teased on Drudge.
The McCain spokesperson's claims -- which came in the midst of extraordinary and heated conversations late yesterday between the McCain campaign, local TV stations, and the Obama camp, as the early version of the story rocketed around the political world -- is significant because it reveals a McCain official pushing a version of the story that was far more explosive than the available or confirmed facts permitted at the time.
The claims to KDKA from the McCain campaign were included in an early story that ran late yesterday on KDKA's Web site. The paragraphs containing these assertions were quickly removed from the story after the Obama campaign privately complained that KDKA was letting the McCain campaign spin a racially-charged version of the story before the facts had been established, according to two sources familiar with the discussions.
The story with the removed grafs is still right here. We preserved the three missing grafs from yesterday:"
So as Many of us suspected...the "B" stands for Bogus.....
Thursday....11 Days to go....Barn Storming and Wall to Wall Obama Love...

Here in Ohio there has been a movement to decorate Barns for has been really moving, and the Barns have been photographed and filmed....really special....Very creative...Hey, I am encouraging everyone to decorate your Cars, your Home, your Garage, your Windows..whatever you have and then post it on your blog..I am posted mine tomorrow...I have to tidy my flowers around my yard sign....But look for it tomorrow... Click the Title " People Get Ready"....and 2 videos below are very inspiring......I am still lying low.. please do send a card to Obama's Grandmother if you have a chance ( address in post below), there is also some humor and ACORN updates and more..Take care of each other......Have Hope.
About the Painting of Barns in Ohio....very inspiring,..with Obama's Words....
New Video ....( from Ohio..) really beautiful....Urban Buildings are also getting painted here...
More good news about Registered Dems there are more than ever.
More good news in poll numbers today....
and NEW EXCELLENT OBAMA OHIO NUMBERS..... Other Ohio News Brunner the Sec of State has been hit with cyberattacks and Threats....
Big 10 Polls are Amazing...
Illinois...............Obama 61% McCain 32%
Indiana..............Obama 51% McCain 41%
Iowa..................Obama 52% McCain 39%
Michigan...........Obama 58% McCain 36%
Minnesota..........Obama 57% McCain 38%
Ohio..................Obama 53% McCain 41%
Pennsylvania.....Obama 52% McCain 41%
Wisconsin..........Obama 53% McCain 40%
More On BIG 10 Map:::

About Grandmothers....Sending Prayers to Obama and his grandmother...

{{ Originally posted 10.20.08}}
Obama is spending time with his grandmother in Hawaii today and tomorrow....
All of us have grandmothers in our lives...or had grandmothers in our lives. They hold a special place in our hearts and help us become better people. It is the little things...walks on the beach, fresh warm pie, prayers at bedtime, clean warm sheets that smell of sunshine,new shoes for school, and a shoulder to lean on when things don't go quite right. They are the difference between growing up confused and grounded. They help us to grow stronger and share their wisdom like lemonade on the patio....They are a gift.
Obama is rearranging his week to go see his grandmother in Hawaii. She helped raise him and care for him and his half sister.In his books he talks lovingly of how she nurtured him with her Kansas Ways. She was born and raised in Kansas, and later worked on a Boeing Line during WWII while her Stanley went and fought in the war.She went to University of Washington while she worked on the Bomber line. By 1960 they had moved to Hawaii, and his mother would go to school there and fall in love with the Student Barack from Kenya. Madelyn was a brave woman , for she started working in banking in Hawaii in those early years, at a time when not many women or white women went into Banking in the Islands. She later became one of the first Female Vice Presidents of a Bank on the Islands.She was admired as a businesswoman. Obama on the Stomp has talked fondly about how she went without so that she could help send him to school and college.He talks about how she helped raise him and his sister Maya.
Her Birthday is October 26th, she will be 86.As Obama suspends campaigning to go be by her side and be with her this last birthday may we send prayers, and light the Spirit of Ma halo and Obama, his sister Maya, and his beloved "Tutu".
Photo of Barack Obama with his grandmother...Madelyn Dunham...

There can be only one song to give...sung by a Hawaiian..."Somewhere Over the Rainbow" - Israel Kamakawiwo Ole'
Many Obama supporters are sending her a postcard. Here"s the address (From DailyKos).send ONLY postcards. Please send best wishes so they know how much they are loved and appreciated by so many Americans.
Mrs. Madelyn Dunham
In care of: Obama for America
Honolulu Headquarters
1050 Ala Moana Blvd Ste D2690
Honolulu, HI 96814
And Now Something Completely Different.......and silly.
Micheal Palin For President....very very funny... If you are a Monty Python must see....and of Course...John Cleese has an Opinion On Palin...enjoy...
And One More Thing...the Chris Matthews
And Chris Matthews eviscerated McCains Campaign Talking Head Miss PuffinHeifer or whatever her name is....
on Wednesday afternoon ( is she like a retired Stewie or what ?? and she is so Prozaced she makes Laura Bush look gloomy...or maybe it is just more years of Beauty Queen Bravado with vaseline teeth and the botoxed brow....or she suck Nitrogen before she comes out....she is giddy with glee as she mentally fumbles....)...and then later that night Tweety was on with Craig Ferguson...Here he is with Craig..and he is still talking about the Whole Palin VP Debacle...he is sooooo done with her. WOW....
( in case you missed it Palin Explaining to a Reporter WHAT a VP Does this week... She has had 7 weeks to read the Job Description and the Constitution.....this is what she said in July to CNBC which is not much better.....
And One More Thing...the Chris Matthews
And Chris Matthews eviscerated McCains Campaign Talking Head Miss PuffinHeifer or whatever her name is....
on Wednesday afternoon ( is she like a retired Stewie or what ?? and she is so Prozaced she makes Laura Bush look gloomy...or maybe it is just more years of Beauty Queen Bravado with vaseline teeth and the botoxed brow....or she suck Nitrogen before she comes out....she is giddy with glee as she mentally fumbles....)...and then later that night Tweety was on with Craig Ferguson...Here he is with Craig..and he is still talking about the Whole Palin VP Debacle...he is sooooo done with her. WOW....
( in case you missed it Palin Explaining to a Reporter WHAT a VP Does this week... She has had 7 weeks to read the Job Description and the Constitution.....this is what she said in July to CNBC which is not much better.....
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Wednesday 12 days to go....

I am still battling the Sinus Infection From Satan...seriously...fell asleep blogging last night woke up 13 hours later...feel like Rip Van Winkle here....There is plenty down below....don't forget to read the post on Grandmothers and send Obama 's Grandmother in Hawaii a post card...the address is in the post....IF you click the Title, there is a chuckle video and down below something a little more inspiring......I am going back to bed....take care of each other...
DK Sent this really beautiful video "Presidential Soul"...Song is "A Change is Gonna Come" by Sam Cooke is more on it:
Photos of Obama interchanged with photos of the challenges we face as a nation. Shows there is greatness in the man, not just in his words. Reveals compassion, intelligence, conviction, strength of character and devotion to family -- all qualities one would hope for in a president. Choreographed to Sam Cooke's "A Change Gonna Come" mixed with excerpts from Obama's June 3 speech. Photos from Associated Press and Detroit YES.
And another Obama Video..a new one I stumbled on..."It's Our Time Now".....
Music Video with real people showing their support for the next President of the United States, Barack Obama.
Jim Hayman, by Rob Tomaro......Nicole Waters, Artist

Neiman Marcus ???SAKS 5th...??? What the hell.....I am sorry BUT what kind of Hockey Mom "shops" like that....Did the RNC think that they could dress her up and trot her out in Jimmy Choo's and Prada and that would woo the Vote ???? I am stunned....they should have taken her to the Wasilla Walmart , the Fall Fashion line was there in August....Hockey Mom my sweet ass....Puck That.....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bluegal Started this with a lovely TJMAX outfit......BUT I too think that we can dress her via Wasilla Walmart...So here it is an Outfit...for under 75 Dollars....complete with Heels...

But seriously....LATIMES did a piece tonight on what 75,000 dollars will buy at Neiman Marcus......
How a Real American First Lady Dresses and teaches her daughters....
NOW McCain makes a statement regarding THE Clothes,snippet of Huffpost Article::
"The McCain campaign and RNC's pushback to revelations that they purchased $150,000 worth of clothing and accessories for Sarah Palin has been, primarily, that it was money well spent.After all, the Alaska Governor's image has graced countless newspaper covers and been featured prominently on television newscasts. Politics, the argument goes, is a superficial business. "She needed clothes," said McCain.
But what has some GOP operatives shaking their heads is the missed opportunities that that $150K represents. Had the RNC forgone the clothing purchases, they could have put more mail in mailboxes, more boots on the ground, and more advertisements on air."
SHE NEEDED CLOTHES.....quick Someone set up a Registry for her at the Wasilla Walmart !!!! She NEEDS Clothes...The Empress Has NO Clothes....
YES WE CARVE.....( You just knew that Someone would think of this- perfect thing to do this weekend)

This one may be my far..but I think this weekend might have to get some carving tools out...and mutilate some poor pumpkin...I usually post Puking Pumpkins...( that is my favorite...BUT...this might be more fun this year..)...( thank you JB for sending this to me...perfect....and Ingrid..I think this shows I have some humor left...for today...)
Thank heavens that Schoolhouse Rock was around when we all grew up....So the RNC spent ALL that MONEY Dressing her up...they didn't think to EDUCATE her WHAT THE VP DOES ???? ( I would send her a Copy of the Constitution...BUT I don't think she reads..) There is a whole series on the Constitution....WOW....that should help her out...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Then it was Tuesday....13 days to go...

"Courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can't practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage." Maya Angelou
( this quote made me think of Obama....and yes McCain....for very different reasons...)
Paul Krugman writes about the Real Plumbers of Ohio....
My other Favorite Posts of the must go read Distributor Cap.... he really nails it....
And Monday Endorsements went up 112 to 39 ( 26 papers that backed Bush in 2004).
More Updates throughout the day....
5PM Update::
PEW 53% Obama to 38% McCain...
CBS Poll 54% Obama to 41% McCain....
TPM Central Poll Update :::
• Gallup: Obama 52%, McCain 42%, with a ±2% margin of error, compared to a 52%-43% Obama lead yesterday.
• Rasmussen: Obama 50%, McCain 46%, with a ±2% margin of error, unchanged from yesterday.
• ABC/Washington Post: Obama 53%, McCain 44%, with a ±3% margin of error, the same as yesterday's numbers. This is the second day of the ABC/WaPo tracking poll, and the first day we're including it in the Composite.
• Hotline/Diageo: Obama 47%, McCain 41%, with a ±3.4% margin of error, compared to a 47%-42% Obama lead from yesterday.
• Research 2000: Obama 50%, McCain 42%, with a ±3% margin of error, unchanged from yesterday.
• Zogby: Obama 50%, McCain 42%, with a ±2.9% margin of error, compared to a 50%-44% Obama lead yesterday.
Adding these polls together and weighting them by the square roots of their sample sizes, Obama is ahead 50.5%-43.1%, a lead of 7.4 points, compared to the 50.5%-43.7% Obama lead from yesterday, when the ABC/WaPo numbers are included in yesterday's total.
This AM on Morning Joe Chuck Todd explained McCain 's losing ground game::
Then this Afternoon Bill Maher sets Chris Matthews straight about Joe the Plumber....and More.
Come to Ohio and Volunteer....if you can..great video...the video just shows Ohio....and what has happened here....
Monday, October 20, 2008
Then it was Monday....

Here it is Monday..after an amazing Weekend...scroll down for all the latest on the weekend, the Endorsements, the Awesome Rallies, and more...this is a tree in my hood..I have been taking photos of it every few days....Saturday Night while walking the dog...the leaves were Salmon and the sky a beautiful lavender.....really beautiful....had to share....
Repugs who participate in the ACORN attacks could be prosecuted... read more....
And so there was the arrest out in California of a Repug for Voter Fraud..the REAL thing.... and well deserved.And then it was discovered that McCain's Campaign has employed a KNOWN Vote Suppressor read more and wonder WHY the MSM is not reporting on this.
And what kind of nurse would I be if I did not blog about the HEALTH of the Nominees...and yeah, you know I have HUGE questions about Palin's "health" and also McCain's "health" more here as the NYT finally relooks at the issues...
And then there is the Endorsement Tally ( which right now is like watching the Cavs play with Lebron running the court for 30 minutes straight)......and yeah 115 -38....WOW....
Greg Mitchell explains why this Endorsement Battle matters so much.
American Prayer...
Hope Changes Everything.....
• Gallup: Obama 52%, McCain 43%, with a ±2% margin of error, compared to a 51%-44% Obama lead yesterday.
• Rasmussen: Obama 50%, McCain 46%, with a ±2% margin of error, compared to a 51%-45% Obama lead from yesterday.
• Hotline/Diageo: Obama 47%, McCain 42%, with a ±3.4% margin of error, compared to a 48%-41% Obama lead from yesterday.
• Research 2000: Obama 50%, McCain 42%, with a ±3% margin of error, compared to the 50%-43% Obama lead from yesterday.
• Zogby: Obama 50%, McCain 44%, with a ±2.9% margin of error, compared to a 48%-45% Obama lead yesterday.
Adding these polls together and weighting them by the square roots of their sample sizes, Obama is ahead 50.1%-43.7%, a lead of 6.4 points, compared to the 49.9%-43.9% Obama lead from yesterday.
5:30PM Final Comment of afternoon::
Wolf Blitzer who must be as dumb as a box of rocks ....posed this question " Has Tina Feys' Protrayal hurt Palin 's image"....oh how he makes me laugh...Wolf, you dumbass,. the ONLY person that has hurt her image- is Sarah Palin....phew...I feel better now that I have said that....
Keith has Special Comment on REAL America tonight on Countdown..
Block the Vote Story from the Rolling Stone....Greg Palast and RFK Jr.

You all know how I worry about all of this...the Suppression..the Caged Votes ( of which I suffered twice in the past 8 years..) and then there is the ACORN mess this time...and Registration Battles ( here in ohio and 12 other states...)....I hate having to say read this...but read it...and check on your registration TODAY...
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Then it was Sunday.....

Obama in Kansas City yesterday...75,000 ( the St.Louis Rally earlier in day at 100,000)
Obama has been working hard this weekend...talking to The People....and so has Biden and his wife Jill.People are showing their support...on the ground and in donating, even though times are tough people gave 10 and 20 dollars....and it added up to 150 Million in September ( click the title to read about it...)
Really Beautiful Videos of St.Louis Rally, there are tons up today at YouTube.
Video of St.Louis:
175,000 Came out to see Obama this weekend...they stood in lines for hours to wait to hear him...and listen to him speak about Our Future..and how we get there...Financially this fall has been the worst since the Depression, and yet people dug through their pockets and purses and millions gave....150 Million to this Movement in September, this Campaign...this is about supporting a Man that Can Lead..and that they believe in.....NO ONE can take that away from us...OUR Future is in our hands, I look at these photos and video and I see us, these people are all of us....It is time to take back this Country, OUR Country after 8 years of Hell....
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