This UK article tells more about Poverty here in the Us, andadmits that we in America are in trouble...more than OUR media wants to admit. The Sheer Numbers tell the Truth. 8000 Losing Homes a day, 47 Million Un-Insured. 50 Million Under-Insured. 250,000 Homeless VETS, 15 Million Children Living in Poverty....Unemployed, 6.2% to 7.7 % varying from State to State...2 Million to 3.7 Million are the latest numbers, 2-3% of our Population....The Name of the Article ?" America 2008: the Great Depression".....And we have a President who can not even say the "R" word.We need a Leader who Can Work On Recovery Plans....and who has Studied FDR....that is the Reality.
In the meantime...Give what you can..when you shop, Beans or Rice or Soup... each and every time you shop leave in the Bin by the door.....every little bit helps. We have to take care of each other.

Another Piece of the Poverty Portrait of America includes Tent Cities Forming all over....Today I am showing Some in Seattle....The tent cities are mostly under-employed or working poor , and yes, many that got foreclosed or lost their Housing, or can not afford to rent. Watch the Video of this Seattle Tent City....there are thousands of these all over the Country....
In Seattle they have named them after the Mayor...calling them NickelVilles...
You can go to Youtube and watch there are many more videos, just type in Tent Cities and you will and more.
Another Video that takes one's breath away is this one From Ontario, California:
When You Vote....remember seeing the Tent Cities,Families living like this, No One deserves to Live Like This...No One......you are voting to help them have a better life.
And McCoot does not remember How Many Houses he has ??? Now That is Un- American....
Gutwrenching. I saw a clip of another tent city in Nevada. Each one, someone had also propped up a US flag over the compound.
It is a bitter scenario.... proudly displaying the flag of their country, that is betraying them.
It also makes the Wall Street bailout harder to swallow.
Does the government know what it is doing?
Well Duh! The Decider has screwed this country up in legendary ways.
The soundtrack of the pouring rain in the close of the 2nd clip-- if you've ever been caught in a downpour while camping, is no fun. Tents on flat ground flood and leak and stay damp.
A tent is no shelter from the storm.
thanks fran..
you were brave to watch this...
every week I am going to post different places....to show people it is families and that it is ALL over...
thank you for your thoughts and having heart...
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