"It only take one person to change your life- you." Ruth Casey
It has been storming off and on today...that cools it off for a little while, and then it gets Steamy again. I wish I lived near a Little piano bar....I would walk down ang get a Ice Cold beer...( and I don't really drink beer)....The Heat has given me a ferocious headache....that and I called the IRS yesterday to chat about my missing Stimulus Check.....I will blog that tomorrow...not today....I have been too hot to do anything other than tidy up and walk the dog and nag 6-6....and move the limp cats from room to room...There are more thunderstorms rumbling in the background...I am off to find snacks for 6-6...Have a beer for me...
Okay so for tonight....here at the Piano Bar, Brenda Russell singing... Have a Good Night....
I have not yet been *stmulated* by the guvmnt either. They are released by Soc number order
so we won't be stimulated till the end of the month. So I guess we are *unstimulated by the guvmnt* together. Sigh.
Sorry it is sooo hot there- it is rainy & cool here, not behaving June-like at all.
I like the song.
Sorry for your heat issues. That is why I live way up here, I hate the heat!
I hope you are getting some nicer visitors and e-mails.
You deserve a break.
Take it easy.
Thanks Gryphen and Fran...
Well, three storms today and finally it cooled off...it is now so much cooler....I don't know how long it will last.....
I called about my check...and that "date" thing they put out -well, it is not quite that simple....I will not be getting stimulated until end of July it looks like....so much for doing something nice for 6-6...( I was going to get him something special and fly his dad here...)
oh well....such is life..
The stimulus check that people are going to use to pay off debt? No, I haven't gotten mine, either.
I am writing a Post on it here and at Sirens tomorrow morning....I had a very illuminating conversation with MrIRS yesterday....( yeah, most people are planning to do things like pay off their Fuel Bills etc..)
Stimulus shcmimulus! BandAid on a gaping head wound...
yeah..I know...but I the ever Hopeful one was really looking forward to the "check"...now I will just believe it when I see it...
I did blog on it above- has a number to call and all- hope that helps...
thanks...the heat will be something I get used to...sometime the first few weeks take me a while....but there are others that have it worse....like the flooded regions....and yeah., I love this song...and even watching the bar I felt cooler...
I looked up your NW forcast- you all are due or 70's and SUN by the weekend...
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