Wednesday, December 20, 2006




Wed. afternoon 3pm



I have to write this, I am horrified to see the Media start to hump the President's Demented Agenda to give his GI Joe plan more Sacrificial Flesh. Please find your Journalistic Integrity and know this, you too have sons and daughters that can be sent in harms way and FOR WHAT ?

In recent polls 71 to 75% of Americans, WE THE PEOPLE are AGAINST THE WAR IN IRAQ AND IN STAYING THERE, MUCH LESS SENDING TROOPS. We believe that OUR OCCUPATION there is adding to the escalation of Violence and Unrest in this region of Civil War.


Anonymous said...

Leaving message all over the place. :-)


They finally got Sheila on and she was having a horrid time. Contact Craig at

Craig, CBob, or Brian will figure out what is happening.

Anonymous said...

P.S. Apparently the most common reason is the setting on your pop up blocker.

Peacechick Mary said...

Oh dear, trouble in blogger world.

As for the mainstream media - I hope they wake up in a cold sweat knowing that they could have saved the lives of so many and didn't do anything - all for a dime.

enigma4ever said...

Thank you Jamie ;)
I hope things work out- thanks for trying to get help. My popup thing should not be a problem.

Now back to the MSM how they can sleep at night is beyond me...

Pursey Tuttweiler said...

I am fed up with these idiots playing politics with other people's lives. The media swings a little against the Pretzlenet and then they all lob back in his corner. We cannot send more troops to Iraq. This is madness.

enigma4ever said...

Hey Pursey- yup at a News Conference he said GO SHOPPING...WTF????
he is effin nuts....

Pursey Tuttweiler said...

He can kiss my big white bouncy butt. I am not going shopping, so there, Mr. President!

enigma4ever said...

I know ???? Shopping....???? WTF?? ( on another note I do have some ideas of some fairly rude Christmas gifts I would glady send the White House ;-)

Anonymous said...

Does this surprise you ... and guess who supports it aside from the lapdog corporate press ?

Robert, "Yes Man" Gates who said publicly the other day the U.S. must win in Iraq or risk being embarassed globally.

Sounds like "Stay The Course" to me. Hate to gloat but I warned everyone what to expect from this man several weeks ago in my last column before Christmas, "AMERIC'A GATED COMMUNITY."

In it, I described Gate's checkered past of conducting the secret and illegal war in Nicaragua financed by money obtained from U.S. arms sales to Iran. At the same time, he was supplying Saddam with satellite photos and other intelligence data.

Gates was playing Iraq off against Iran in hopes they'd destroy one another. Afterwards, it was anticipated the oil companies and private contractors would move in, rebuild the countries and demand long-term concessions to the oil fields.

Does any of this sound familiar today ? Gates knows all the dirty deals cut with Saddam and Iran in the past. With Saddam's death sentence, the only problem left to clean up is the leadership of Iran who can still blackmail the Bush family.

Enter Robert Gates, who in his position as Defense Secretary will proke a war with Iran. His actions will be a further bonanza for the Pentagon private contractors, oil companies and the investors in the Carlyle Group but sadly bring more grief to American/Mid-East families whose children will be sacrificed as pawns in the pursuit of greed.

"Starry, starry night ... They're not listening still. Perhaps they never will."


Anonymous said...

Cosmic's got the goods on Gates! My only surprise was why Bush said he had never met with Gates until his name was floated as a rummie replacement. Oh yeah, must be like he never met Abramoff or Kennyboy. There's a long list of guys that have f*cked up America on his watch that he never met. Oh! But somehow he seems to think he's met with many dead soldier's families. I wonder if they remember meeting him?

I think his delusions are something English King George III (the mad one) would recognize. He was famous for once having told his driver to stop the carriage so he could converse with the King of France. The driver was loathe to point out that the "King" was just a lone tree by the side of the roadway. I wonder what the King and The Tree of France conversed about. I bet it was still a more coherent conversation than OUR King Geo has with other heads of state. ~~ D.K.

enigma4ever said...

DK, you are right Cosmic has the Bead on ol'Gates...shit are we screwed or what...I am going to need much stronger coffee to get through this week..that is for certain...

meldonna said...

I'm going to need something stronger than coffee, e. But even just in our circle of friends, I notice a coelescing, if you will, of views. Namely, Bush and Cheney ain't going to change course whatsoever, and the only way to start getting our troops home is to fire those two bastards.

I went on about this back over at my place, and also something that truly spooks me: Spreading the war, goading Israel into bombing Iran, or doing it ourselves, is bad juju, folks. And the main ones who want just that spend WAY too much time reading Revelations. Including our Decider-n-Theif. God save us all from evil men.

Jeez! I got to get something cheery posted on my blog soon, before my head explodes.


On another subject, I'm sick and tired of Blogger and their "improvements". They're worse than Microsoft lately. I don't need all their bells and whistles, I just want to say what I got to say and go about my happy day. Is that so WRONG?

Anonymous said...

those in the media must have forgotten david bloom and all the other journalists from around the world who have died or been injured. perhaps when their own son's and daughters are cannon foder they will locate their balls

enigma4ever said...

Sadly Anony what you just said is the truth...David Bloom should not have died over there at all- it was just wrong...
and the same for all of the other journalists.....and yet for some reason the MSM isn't covering how this is even more dangerous for journalists than Vietnam.....( I could list the ones that are wounded as welll..horrible waste as far as I am concerned)