Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Michael McDonald - On Christmas Morning LIVE

Now I am sorry Ladies but finding this under the tree would not be too bad would it ?
A man in a tux singing soulfully ......
( People say silver ain't sexy...I have to disagree)
Yup, no problem....

Eggnog at the Cafe this am.

I think I need to hang some Mistletoe here too...

Have a good Tuesday...New Post up later..


Peacechick Mary said...

Nah. Not for me. You can have him. I get the next pick?

Spadoman said...

I got a lot silver and I like egg nog??!! :-)

enigma4ever said...

Mary: Definently you may the next pick....( oh- did you mean the Man or the Song ? ...silly me..)

Spado: Wow...good to see you...ahhhhh You are a Silver Fella- well do help yourself to some Nog- on the House ;-)

I wrote to Mary offline- the thing is I first saw Micheal McDonald in concert in 1977- when I was just a teenager- and so It is rather a long time thing- but with silver hair- whoa...sigh....Oh, well the Great Crooners always have women to sing to....

Anonymous said...

He's not bad, heheh. I've got nothing against the silver. Had quite a thing for the J.Peterman actor on Seinfeld myself. Now how many silver-haired women get the same positive response? ~~ D.K.