Some are Still up in my neighborhood....2 in a 4 block area....

BUT many have ended up in the trash.....

And Some are still on old Lady Lawns ( that is the Truth....)

And Just to Clarify "Old Biddy " Vote in my neighborhood- is OVER 85.....
Last week walking to the store, I ran into one of my older neighbors, and she was putting her Lawn Sign in the Trash.....With great Flourish of Disgust, and I spoke with her....She said " I never thought I would be so disgusted with her, I used to be proud of her. I waited for her to run all these years, but I did not wait for THIS!!!" I nodded......She had been someone that I had met canvassing back in February, and I was amazed at her level of disgust....
As I headed on to the store, She yelled after me " That Obama Fellow is going to be Okay". ( I smiled and rubbed the Button on my winter jacket.....). So I guess the tide has turned...and things are Changing... Even in Hillaryland.
*{Click the Title " The Tide is Turning" }*
I know this is not polite....the dog photo....but I have actually seen a dog do this- and yes it did make me laugh....sorry...
Me, too (seen dogs do this). They are mostly MY dogs on our walks, but hey, they are leashed & pee where they want -- it's not like I give them orders. In 2004, they ruined a neighbor's "W" sign, soaking it repeatedly until it fell apart, practically disintegrating on the lawn.
I don't mind the dog message, we call them pmails here - messages for dogs that come along later.
What concerns is that the core flutes are disposed of properly. Don't want any dolphins chocking on the flotsom. :)
I love dogs.
Dogs know.
Hillary08 signs are suited for this.
Well this is good news.
You know once Hillary loses the old biddy vote she is done!
Done I say!
My sign is still in my window. As part of the "old biddy vote", we aren't going anywhere.
More good polling news!
Rasmussen reports the Borg Queen has tanked 15 points in Pennsylvania since March.
Support for her slipped from 52% early in March, to 51% in mid-month, 49% a week ago, and 47% today. During that same time frame, support for Obama has increased from 37% to 42%.
If the Borg Queen loses PA, I predict she'll withdraw before North Carolina.
Working hard on Obama's campaign here in Indiana. Our local office just opened on Saturday. They were expecting about 80 volunteers. Close to 300 showed up! It was fantastic! Ran into a very good old friend I used to teach with. Word is all the Dems in the building I used to teach at are for Obama and a few of the Republicans too. Good news. Hope and change! I've got to go have lunch with those ladies! Maybe Indiana will go blue in November for the first time since 1962. Yes we can! Great song! Always love your posts. Check out the video at my place if you get a chance. It made me smile.
Yahoooo, I am so proud of you and all of your work there in Indiana...and Such Good News...I will be over to your place tonight....Yes We Can....
ahhhh the Queen...and her numbers...you would think that they would tell her that her Tanya Harding Kitchen Sink strategy is not working...I am glad I gave you a chuckle...
Jamie: I have to say this- unless you are 85 and have been yelling at the neighborhood kids or the college kids- you are NOT A BIDDY....and I fully support ALL signs in windows and on lawns...( we actually still have some Ron Paul signs up around here too....I just thought it was interesting that some people are re-looking at Hill and how she has acted as time goes on...that's all....( but I also know that you and I are still friends....unless you were voting for McPain....that would be a whole another story ...yikes...)
Gryphen: I just know that here- in my neighborhood- the only Hill Votes were elderly women .....we are talking over 80.... but the amount of signs here has really gone down...( there was alot of bad sheniagans here , it kind of makes sense).
truthfully dogs pee where they pee- and some are pickier than others...
soooo they ruined that "W" sign...ahhhh...that is such a shame...hehe.....you are sooooo funny...
I've seen nothing but Obama signs in Cincy, even in the affluent neighborhoods. Actually, I did see a couple of Hilarys, and one McCain, but the Obamas have a clear advantage.
I just want to get to the General Election..I fear the Democratic party is imploding with all the hostility between the camps.
It saddens me to think that people would get so nasty with each other over two candidates that are almost mirror images on most of the issues.
Of course the difference is the candidate and his/her personality. Hillary is eons away from where Obama is right now as a person..as a human being.
I tire of the nasty war of words between the Hillary supporters and the Obama supporters. I don't like Hillary's tactics but I wouldn't mind spending an evening talking to her in front of a roaring fire, listening to her talk about many things.
People need to remember that she is human and subject to human frailties, like greed and all the other nasty sides we humans exhibit on occasions. Her desire to be President overrides her decency side methinks.
I fear she will tear the Party apart. Its like if she can't get the job..she doesn't want Obama to get it. And that is so wrong on many levels. sigh..
I am so worried that she is tearing the party apart....I have trying to not be too hard on her- but I don't like Lying...and well, some of her other tactics....I just want the focus on the issues....( but I guess it is too late for that...) and I agree , I just want to move forward and focus ahead...esp on McCain ( BTW I did look for a Dog doing the mccain piddle dance- but no luck....)
and you are right it is all runamuck at this point....sorry...
I removed Some Spam - just to let folks know that I don't allow spam here...
You know , now that you mention it- there are no McCain signs here- I have not seen one....at all- the WHOLE primary season....I did meet two supporters when I went canvassing for Obama....I did meet Repugs who were voting for Obama...ONE whole family- and they were so funny- they came to the door- the whole family- begging for buttons....( and they were Lifelong repugs....I was so amazed by them...they were very nice about it....and NOT nice about McCain....they called him McBush)
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