Obama: ONE VOICE Video
From the Streets of Chicago, to Barbershops and House By House....We have come to Know This Man, and Chose Him to lead us out of the Darkness of these Eight Years.....Thank You so much to Everyone....

& THE CROWDS GO WILD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They were claiming a victory on early morning news here today. Me, I wanted to wait for something more official.
Great news!
Ahem, Presumptive PRESIDENT Obama!
Now I really start to worry about Obama's safety.
On the other hand after Montana the popular vote will be Obama's and now Hillary may have lost the opportunity for a V.P. slot.
Personally I don't want her anywhere near Obama as if she was the V.P. and something did happen she would then be President and everything Obama worked for would be destroyed.
I hope he don't offer her the spot. It was said that if he did offer her the spot that she would turn it down.
Also that he could not put another woman on the ticket. I would not believe a word she says as she is a two faced liar and would go back on her word.
In other words she would turn around and accept it and then Obama would be stuck with her. Because if he then said no it would split and destroy the Democratic Party.
I hope he don't believe a word she says for not only his sake, but ours as well.
Take care and...
God Bless.
yes...I hear you...I too worry....but all of us sending him light and Energy and prayers and being vigilant - that helps...NOW I have to say that ALL of us need to demand that the Media play the ENTIRE tape of what Bill Said to the reporters about Vanity Fair over on HUFFPOST...where he blames ALL of Hill's Problems on Obama- WE all need to listen to it...And make the Media Play it- because it clearly show that the Clintons MUST Not run with him....
thank you for your wonderful Support and caring...
Wow..thank you..Hill still has NOT Conceded- she has NOT decided....what to do...
WOW....History..someone should tell Hillary...
Here's a post on the person we talked about yesterday.
A dangerous person
What a nut case this person is.
God Bless.
No concession in her speech.
She just will not go away!
OMG....What the Fuck was that???? unreal...
She is in this ONLY for her....
she has no intention of leading these people to the Truth...she is a Total Narcissist....OMG....
Russert and Brokaw are both stunned...
About the VOTES that she said that she had more- actually only 3000 seperate them....and it might be nil after tonight....
HISTORY was made tonight- and She did not even acknowledge it- and so she hid it from her supporters by putting them in a basement...and cutting them off from the world....and then Pretending that she is Still Running For President...
And So here we sit on this Beautiful Day- and She has taken the VP Position Hostage....this is pathetic....
Okay...it is 10:08 Pm and Barack and Michelle have entered the Excel...and the 20,000 people are on their feet....He looks calm...poised...Let's See where he can take us.....
Ok, so I am a bit previous... At least the unofficial tally gives it to Obama.
Not sure what you are going to do with a couple of used Clintons.
Barack is rocking St. Paul!
I think we will need to find a way to help them to the Exit- he won it all, ALL Numbers, the Money, the NEW Voters, the YOUNG Voters, the old, the Independents, the Repugs, and People Desperate For CHANGE....
Hill is Not Change...and the Deception she pulled tonight....omg... Obama is speaking and trying to repair her damage...and trying to Unify us...
I will put the speech up later...
he is a very wise man and truly a gifted leader...
I will probally watch this again on cspan..
17,000 inside..and 15,000 outside....he began his speech so gracious thanking everyone..and all his staff and volunteers and voters and workers....beautiful speech...Bless him for trying to persuade people about Hillary...( those people were clearly shaken- and knew that she had not conceded...)
Massive Crowd embracing him and his messege....
PBS was talking about the Hill speech-- what is the point of her talking with the Super Dels & "making her case now"....
the response (too funny)
The problem is the train has already left the station.
Meaning Obama won.
I don't know why that analogy is just cracking me up. Maybe the visual in my head.... of someone still yammering on about the fight & the train is gone.....
it is a good analogy....MSNBC, they were all stunned...
She said:" I am going to take back the Whitehouse" she said this...I don't know what will happen..she is holding her supporters and the Country Hostage For WHAT she wants..
She reminds me of the Queen in Alice in Wonderland...she makes NO Sense...
The Murdoch press here downunder is running the headline: It ain't over till the 'first lady' sings'...
Hill 's words are being discussed...
"I am taking my 18 Million People..." They are NOT hers....they do not belong to her, she is NOT their Empress, and they do not live on an Island and work for her...Obama won fair and square...by ALL Metrics...she is in debt..and has only limited support...
and she is determined to rip this party apart..she needs help to the door....It will be up to the Party Elders to Fix this...and take her and Bill aside and have a talk- GORE and Carter...and All of them...
really good title....I don't know what will happen- she does NOT own those people or those votes..she is supposed to lead those People to Unity...clearly that is NOT what she wants to do...THIS is ALL about HER...
We did it!
The American people did it!
Barack Obama did it!
Now, onto November and victory!
Let's savor this win.... I LOVE DK coining the phrase
Presumptive PRESIDENT Obama
lets make that a commonly used phrase...
it does roll off the tongue with ease....
Presumptive PRESIDENT Obama
PRESIDENT Obama ~ nice ring to it.
Barack is the President already to me.
All of this silliness: conventions, fall race and the General Election, is just a huge, "let's get on, folks!"
Okay Fran and Christopher ,
Presumptive President Obama...I like that it does sound good..
President Obama sounds even better...I watched him speak to those people tonight- 17,000 or 19,000 ( depending on the source) inside and THEN 15,000 outside they ALL showed up for him...just like US, they will follow him Anywhere, he is a TRUE Leader.....
He has Integrity and Dignity and Greatness....and WE helped him reach this night...and make History...
THIS is OUR Night and HIS Night...We will CHANGE DC...and OUR Country...This is OUR time...
{{{{ Superdels keeo flowing in even tonight..2219 ( and this is without Edwards dels etc...) }}}}
now I told my friend and neighbours (most of them are Obama supporters) that if Obama becomes President, I'll apply for citizenship. I tell ya, they'd be at my door come November to make sure I keep my word!
cheers everyone! salut! proost! prosit!
Heh guys, We are wildly stoked here, and share your sentiments regarding Hillary, the sleezey bitch will not go away. We are praying that Barack does and will not cave into political pressure to have her as VP, she is a dangerous woman. However, right now I am looking for a copy of that speech, manoman he brought the freakin house down. this only happens once in a lifetime, well, we had JFK and RFK & MARTIN but we were pretty young. So, I guess the third time is the charm.
Wonderful speech from Obama. Very classy as always. Unfortunately no congratulations from Hillary, and let her crowd be uninformed of him clinching it. Very un-classy.
Hey friend...Wonderful Speech- I will post it- later tonight soe we can watch it again....
Hey there - yeah some kind of Night wow....and yes, manoman that was some kind of speech..beautiful...and the Crowd was with him...thanks so good to see you...
yeah...we do need you to be a citizen...comeon over..we would all sponser you ;-) We will make him OUR president..we will...for all of us..
Late Night Footnotes::::
Ariana Is on Larry King tonight- beautifully speaking...and explaining HOW we get to Unity...and what Kind of Moment this Really is...and that Hillary did not even acknowledge it...
Even Gergen said that this NIGHT should have belonged to Obama....period...she did not try to unify the party...and that was wrong...Lanny Davis is sitting smirking...Gergen explains that this is not the right way to proceed...attemtping to strong arm the Presumptive Nominee...
Obama 392 and Hill 2 Something....
Obama Camp has tried to call her twice to congratulate her and no return call....ahhhh Hillary did speak just now at 12:21....He said we should talk...and she said " That will happen soon"...
Dan Abrams, Rachel are trying to figure out what happened...and Chuck TOdd and some other really lovely smart woman who I don't know......Chuck is explaining that Obama Supporters are mad at Hillary...Now he also pointed out that Hillary supporters are mad at the press, bloggers etc...he might be right...
( the Late show he has on- has nice jazzz)
ONE thing I have to ask....What happened to Andrea Mithcell- literally she went to cover the Hillary Camp tonight and we never saw her again...it was very strange...
392.5 for Obama...Superdels..
292.....for Hill......
Obama did win the Popular vote...as well as the Dels...and all the numbers...and metrics...
Ms Fouhey Her backer is on and said that she was supposed to acknowledge HIS win, and his numbers, that earlier in the day and clearly she did NOT give that speech..... Micehlle Barnard pointed out that she wants to be the Pres, and that she does not want to be VP...that is not what she wants....Michelle is pointing out that her supporters are full of anger and that she rallied that again tonight....
Dan is saying that she is totally detached from reality....
She becomes a sidehow..and said I don't really know what she wants...and Chuck pointed out she only has leverage for so long....
Obama's site is crashed- to much traffic- and the Speech video also was overloaded....I am going to post the Speech- so off I go to find it..
politics and logic don't often go together, but Hill's lack of a credible it strategy is mind blowing.
It is one thing to admire someone sticking to their guns, but not at the risk of destroying everyone else.
Seems like that final lapse shows the real danger she presents to the world.
Once again I had to do a Hillary post. And yes its not flattering.
It looks like no matter what happens now she has further split the party and if they don't rein her in there will be no Democratic Party come November.
Well its time to say good night and...
God Bless.
In St. Paul the line of people to hear the speech of Obama's, was authentically a mile long. Did that make the news?
I found it:
Okay, and a little partee musak for you guys:
P.S. Thanks for all the updates, amazing. We only get like two TV stations, all the news I get off the internets, so of course, we are missing all the interviews, etc. THANKS !
First- I live blog Interviews and AfterShows Because I know that not everyone has cable so I feel that is my way to keep folks informed. ( Of course I had a Hillperson email me that I rant and ramble on here- I don't - I know exactly WHAT I am doing by posting snippets from 3 stations that many don't get...)
Thank you for the wonderful Links....
I will add that to the Posts- I will make sure People KNOW...
We will OverCome this- we will find a way- don't worry...the Obama staff KNOW Hillary and Bill- some of them even used to Work for them- they will find a way to get to a Workable Solution- in the past 24 hours they have consistently shown WHY they are not meant to in the VP slot- lack of Graces, Manners, and Leadership...I will be over to read you post friend...
the thing is that ALL day she told her Staff, her writers, and contacts that there was a Concession Speech Coming Tonight- and that is NOT what happened...her contacts were interviewed on Cable tonight- they were completely blown away- She just gave her Regular Stomp Speech the one that she has been giving since ??? ( I have seen that speech atleast 4 times- yes I watch her- always).
AND those poor people crammed into a basement with NO Cellphones or contacts outside- they had no idea that Obama had won...I imagine some people will not be happy to learn they were used as pawns at this Theatrical Event- Kabuki theater....
I have posted the Statement from the AM when Her Manager stated that there would be Concession when she reached The Number...
AND I have posted The Obama Victory Speech....
NEITHER McCain or Hillary Acknowledged Obama's Amazing Win and Victory- as an American I am embarraassed by both of them, and especially by Hillary.I am YET AGAIN ashamed of her lack of Manners and Good Graces.
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