"To Sin by Silence, when they should protest makes Cowards out of men."
Abraham Lincoln
"Are we Still Broken ?" So I have a neighbor down the street that I run into walking the dog. An older fellow, WWII Vet who is wise, sarcastic and pissed. He makes me laugh, he makes think. His caustic wisdom is as insightful as it is painful. We have discussed everything from the GI Bill that was not good enough for McCain to Iraq to Oil to Hillary to Obama to Home Foreclosures to Fearmongering.Here is a smattering of some of his wisdom.
" I may be an old Fool, but I am old enough to know that I want Someone Young at the Helm. And I want someone that will tell me if the Bus Is Broken...which it is." He says this with a wrinkled smile.
"And you can bet this election those Damn Repug Fools will be trying to scare us with some kind of Terror Tomfoolery".
"Nixon would have called these Criminals Real Crooks".
So last weekend, he is out working on his yard and I eavesdropped on his conversation with his neighbor, the retired teacher, the Hillary supporter. He was making conversation with her as she took Hillary sign out of her yard. She was complaining that it was an Awful Process, and that she was going to put the sign back in her yard during the Denver Convention. And she told him that she was not going to vote.
He stopped what he was doing and stared at her jaw gaping, eyes huge.
"You are kidding me right?"
"No, I am not, I am not voting. I can not be part of this process any longer, so I just won't be. It was her Turn, Not His."
I watched him get flushed and he had stopped raking and was staring at her hard, I knew that he was going to have to say Something. I watched him take a deep breath and get ready to let her have a piece of his mind.
" Now I have to say. I have known you for some years, but you have me a bit confused. You mean to say when I went and fought the Evil Germans who destroyed their country and many other countries, I was not protecting Freedoms of ALL Americans ? Only Some Americans? And that I was not protecting People that Value the Right to Vote ? Or the People who believe in the Constitution ? And those poor kids over in Iraq right now, WHO is going to Vote to get them Home ? Because you know McCain will leave them there forever, because in his mind, this is NOT as bad as Vietnam. So in this America, that is "Our" America, it is only a partial thing, like sometimes you feel American and sometimes you don't ? And you can pretend that Other People, like me and kids in Iraq don't need your Vote or need you to care ? That is the most Selfish Thing I have ever heard."
He sighed and then finished, " When my nephew gets home from that Hellhole, I will be sure to tell him that not everyone wanted to help get him home."
He looked at her hard, put his rake against the tree and went inside , mumbling about his BP meds.She just stared at him. I continued picking up dog poo and would not look her in the eye, I figured she should be alone with what he said to her. She had been thoroughly schooled and his words hung heavy still in the air.
John Cusack was on Countdown last week and he asked a really poignant question. He pointed out that if you are not an Activist now, when would you be ? It is a really good question. We are beyond Broken at this point, and we are not going to get infinite chances to fix any of this. The Bush Regime fearmongered us and warmongered us , meanwhile they have broken every single system that we need as a Nation to survive, from Foreign Diplomacy to Infrastructure, to Justice to Energy, to the Constitution to Healthcare.
We are so Broken that the Bigger Question is , is Our Collective Humanity Broken ? Is Our Vision Broken? Because Myoptic Apathy does Kill.....If you don't believe me, I have my Neighbor, The WWII Vet who will tell you about what Germany Looked like after Hitler created a nation of people who were not "involved". Admitting we are Broken is one thing, deciding to Do Something about that is Another.Our Future is in Our Hands.
This video was on my mind the whole time I wrote this...."Come Undone" by Duran Duran...
The art is "The Homecoming" by Norman Rockwell. This post is crossposted over at Sirens Chronicles.
Oooh I like your WW2 neighbor. He sounds like somebody it would be fun to talk to.
Do you know who else was impressed by John Cusack? My daughter and she even gave me a great compliment on my post about it.
By the way she told me yesterday that she is joining the Marine Corps after Obama gets elected. Not the news I wanted to hear.
But I love her, and that means I am supporting her. Even though she is trying to age me faster then nature intended.
Keep up the good work. November will be here before we know it.
Oh Gryphen,
I am so sorry about the Marine part of this...you know how I feel, and I too have had this conversation with 6-6 over and over....
About November....it can not come soon enough....
And my neighbor...he is Something....and when he speaks, he really speaks....and I always listen...
Great post!! Your inspiration and excellent posts will be the death of 'silence'! Peace MandT & Bodhi Dog.
Bravo for your WW2 Vet neighbour!! In Holland we still love them for it too!
It all boils down to the only way people seem to feel comfortable communicating these days; bumper stickers. "if you haven't been appalled, you have not been paying attention".
Amen to that..
Thanks Ingrid and Mandt....I have wonderful neighbors.....It's funny I walk the dog...and listen and watch...and learn....Who am to argue with this man that has seen more than me....( I love that he never uses the Bush Name...he calls him the "Damned Fool"....)
Holland eh? .....thank goodness that the Countries that suffered Hitler's Destructive Insanity learned from it....
problem is everybody aint pulling boot straps at same time
and nobody wants to lay down for other to walk on their backs
yup that is part of the problem...empathy is about being about to walk in each other's shoes...and yet some act like they are being "walked on", yet....they don't see what is going on around them....
on another level I keep thinking that maybe we had to get this broke to start over...
Hi enigma...
Sorry for being away for so long, but I'm just to tired for this anymore.
Our Country is indeed broken and I'm very afraid that we will be in another War very soon.
Either Israel will attack Iran by proxy for us or we will cause a confrontation that they will respond to.
No matter how I look at it I do not see Der Fuhrer Bush stepping down.
If Obama is truly a agent of change which I believed he was, then he would have to have everyone in this administration arrested as Enemy Combatants under the MCA of 2006 so they can be held accountable for their acts of Treason and War Crimes.
I do not see Der Fuhrer Bush allowing this to happen and if he gets us involved in another War he can declare Martial Law, suspend the Constitution and use the Military against US Citizens under the DOD bill of 2007.
He also has the new NSPD-51 that has parts so secret that even those on the Intelligence Committee are not allowed to see.
Our Country is really in some deep shit and for once I'm beginning to think that it is now too late to change it.
We can thank Nancy {Impeachment is off the Table}Pelosi for betraying her oath to Uphold and Defend the Constitution from all Enemies both Foreign and Domestic. She is as far as I'm concerned a Enemy of the State and a Traitor along with most of the Democrats in both the House and Senate as is the Majority of Republican Fascists Nazi's for not removing these Traitors from office.
Sorry for the depressing comment, however I really feel this way after the FISA immunity deal that was passed in the House and Obama says he will vote for.
Take care my sweet rose and ...
God Bless.
Hey there Anon...
It was a sad comment..but I can see where you are worried..and concerned and I know the FISA issue has a lot of folks worried...but I saw John Dean this week, and also saw Obama's presser today- and I realized something- he said it is about Accountability- not with the Telecoms - WITH THE GOVT....that really struck me...because I don't care about the telecoms being sued- I do care about the Govt spying on all of us- Illegally..and then giving themselves permission to do that....
If you can watch that press conference again...
Bush wants out- he is done- he wants to get out and go sit on his ranch ( in South America) he could care less....he has short-timer syndrome....is the Bush Regime and McInsane scared of the DEMS , yes,. and are they scared of losing control...across the board- yes....There are other countries invoilved with the Iran /Isreal situation....don't underestimate that....also Obama will take an International tour this summer- and that will really help get a grip on diplomatic issues....( About the IRAN issue- remember that Bush has been humping this "threat" since 2006- it did not work then, and it is not going to work now).
So I say this...Do not lose Hope...we have come too far and are Change is WITHIN REACH....it is up to all of us....to not give up or give in....and to spread the truth...Remember that Bush and Cheney want us tired....and worn out...that is an important part of the Fearmongering and how to create a defeated loss of hope....I have talked to friends abroad- they have great Hope for us...and they are relieved that Hillary is not in the picture...they see us as BRAVE for embracing Change...and dumping the current warmongers....the Whole World is Watching....
I'm with you, E4E, as to the immunity thing. I'm less interested in the telecoms than I am the Government. 9/11 was a traumatic time for the US, and I can imagine many knee-jerked and went along because it was convenient to do so; they were told to do so from on high, were afraid of being labeled unpatriotic or soft on turrerism, and the costs of fighting an executive decree in Federal court could have cost millions -- or worse (for them) Federal power could have turned against their business interests. Still, as citizens they should have fought it and didn't. They already mine your personal data and any illusion as to online privacy is a bit of a joke. I'd let AT&T and Comcast go for the chance to see BushCo on trial in The Hague.
you and I will be watching those War Crimes Trials...yup...I hear you...I am not happy about how it went down- the first time or now...BUT if 18 monthes from now I could be watching these Criminals on trial on my little ol cspan...hmm...that would be something....thanks...
Man, I wish we were neighbors. At least we've got the blogosphere. I'd love to talk to your gentleman neighbor! I don't get this "I'm not going to vote" thing. Do the people that say this really care about the issues? I sure as hell would've been working and voting for Hillary had she gotten the nomination because I've had ENOUGH! The last seven and half years have been pure hell and I don't want anymore! Great video. My favorite band ever since I was bout 13. Peace!
People on the left seem in love with the concept of "change."
After 8 years of Bush/Cheney, I can understand why.
But let's be perfectly clear about the FISA bill. This legislation is an evisceration of the Fourth Amendment. The Fourth Amendment reads:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
If the FISA bill passes intact, the result will be a staggering assault on the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the rule of law in this country.
The government and its agents will for the first time, be able to ignore the Fourth Amendment and enter your home, listen to you phone calls, read your email, read your regular mail and rifle through your papers, all without just cause and a court order.
Obama is a Constitutional lawyer and he understands the grave consequences of throwing out the Fourth Amendment. Obama is on very shaky ground with the netroots, civil libertarians and all people who cherish the Constitution and the rule of law, after ssaying he supports this legislation. We -- the netroots, are largely responsible for helping him get this far. But the netroots will not support him if he turns his back on the Constitution and embraces the worst elements of the lawless rightwing, just in order to win the election in November.
Such behavior is not "change" we can believe in.
Obama has said he supports the FISA bill but will work with Dodd and Feingold to remove the retroactive immunity portion of the legislation. Let's hope he means it.
Otherwise, if Obama joins with the DINO wing of the Democratic party for political expediency, I will pull my support and not vote for him in November.
I hear you...and I remain in the Dodd /Feingold camp on this...matter of fact Dodd is the only one that has shown real guts on this since day one....the Govt has been illegallly spying on thousands of us for almost 8 years now, and it was never about Terra or "protecting us"...to be honest...Bush is like Hitler in that respect- trying to manipulate and rewrite laws with his Minions in the halls of Justice.....Our JD is beyond broken and I could care less about Immunity for the Telecom- I want to see the War Criminals tried for their Crimes...that is what matters and makes certain that this Never happens again....
I fully believe that Obama will pick a real AG to fix the JD- and that might be even more important in the end.....
I am dissappointed right now, but I am also trying to see the bigger picture...and try to see if there is a reason that he is handling this in this way...
we'll see....
I am fed up too..had enough...and I have said that I would not have been able to vote for Hillary..I don
t know though- now that we have seen McCain in action - I do think he is nuts...worse than bush even....I would do whatever to get this regime out....and I have to say I have never ever skipped an election...so I would vote - always.....about Duran Duran...they are amazing...still tour and do concerts too....( their newer music is a bit darker...)
but this song, Save a Prayer and Ordinary World are beautiful...haunting...( I wish we were neighbors too).....
I need your neighbor to come talk to my neighbors! I've given up on them.
And I have to say, in defense of Obama, I think everyone is too quick to try & label him. The repugs say he is "the most liberal ever". Then some dems say, "he's acting repug". This has happened to him on so many issues. It is my belief he simply cannot be labeled. That is why he represents CHANGE.
Many dems are disenchanted with the dem party, but realistically know that 3rd parties are game spoilers. To me, his positions that are not totally Dem are indicative of CHANGE. It's a gamble to work to push the Dems to become a different party -- a gamble that he is taking on all our behalfs. I don't have to support him on every single issue -- why would I apply standards to my political support that can never be met?
To me, the biggest fear I have for the next president is the incredibly powerful precedent set by Bush for the executive branch. My fear is how hard it will be to keep from using that tool kit. The best thing Congress could do this year would be to formally repudiate the whole concept of "unitary presidential powers" and "executive immunity" -- and shame on them for EVER letting it get this far. This is EXACTLY what our constituion is supposed to prevent -- a power grab by the executive office. This is what the congress & the supremes were supposed to counterbalance. They have a lot to answer for before they slink off.
My neighbor are worse. They don't vote and don't care! We have to make everyone realize the danger of not uniting and allowing a 3rd Bush term. I heard the chief idiot yesterday say how Obama would endanger his great work. What? He said McCain has to be elected to keep everything on track. What? McCain's people said Obama would destroy the economy. What? AAARRRGGGHHH! I'm going to watch that video now. Take care!
Our JD is beyond broken and I could care less about Immunity for the Telecom...
Maybe you don't get the import of what retroactive telecom immunity means.
By giving the telcoms retroactive immunity, it inoculates them from legal redress and remedy for lawbreaking.
You should care and deeply.
If the Dumbocrats and the DINO Dems give the telecoms retroactive immunity for spying, what's next?
Maybe retroactive immunity for Big Pharma when they knowingly put a drug on the market that is shown to cause birth defects or cancer.
Or tiremakers that knowingly sell shabbily made tires that blow out when the car or truck is traveling at 65MPG.
I fully believe that Obama will pick a real AG to fix the JD
Are you kidding me with this?
An Attorney General doesn't make law -- an AG merely enforces existing law.
No wonder the Congress is willing and able to approve FISA and telecom immunity. They're banking on the American public being clueless about the legal implications of retroactive telecom immunity.
Wake up, people. They're destroying the US Constitution, bit by bit.
Obama is on the ropes. If the final Senate vote comes and he sides with Bush, the GOP, the Dumbocrats, and DINO Dems, he's as bad as they are and no fit to be president.
He will lose the support of the Netroots. He and Hillary will limp into the White House already damaged goods.
You need to take a deep breath...and don't lecture me...I know more about the Govt and their Illegal Criminal Spying on Citizens than anyone else here...and I value the Constitution more than you could possibly appreciate...
And So I will clarify for you again- about Immunity for the Telecoms- truthfully - they were already given Immunity and the ability to act illegally- and it started back in 2001...BEFORE 911....and the Spying also started before 911,....so here's a clue- the Criminal Regime was acting like Criminals before they changed any laws....so to be honest it does not matter that NOW the Senate and Congress are looking at the FISA laws- the EXISTING LAWS OF 2000/2001 WERE ALREADY VIOLATED SEVEN YEARS AGO....so re-writing laws now does not really change what has already happpend to our people,l our laws or our Constitution...the ONLY way to change it is to Clean House and get new leadership....and
Yeah, I am not concerned about the Telecoms - who are worried about being sued- that is NOT the Point- the REAL issue is that Criminals , pretending to be a Protective Govt spied on Citizens like YOU and ME....THAT is what concerns me much more than the telecoms worried about lawsuits....I want to see Bush and His Cronies be tried for War Crimes.....
As far as protecting our rights or the Constitution NOW under this Regime...it is too late....the Damage is DONE and it is Extensive....
Gonzales was dangerous and did extensive damage- you are wrong Chris- he dismantled cases, laws, and management and fired people illegally and yes, in a leadership role he did more damage than you can even begin to manage- and sorry- but yeah, it will take an incredible Bobby Kennedy Type to put it back together- it is beyond broken....don't kid yourself.....
And Chris- I KNOW way more about this than you can even dream- so have a little respect- I have been treated pretty badly by this Regime ....and so were the attorneys involved in my case.....so I fully understand the Damage to the JD....it put my life and my family's life in danger...1000's of people have been put in Harms way by the Criminals at the Helm......
Considering I have been involved with a very big Criminal Fed. Case don't ever come here and lecture me.......it's disrespectful and uncalled for......I understand this whole process better than anyone that comes here....and that I can say completely and honestly . ( Read my post of June 20,2007)
To folks that come here...I don't mind if we talk, I don't mind that we all care about issues....but here is the thing...this Regime has done things that hurt this country and it's people, as well as other countries......I agree with my neighbor- that we have Criminals at the Helm( I have been using his phrase because it is the truth)......
I know that FISA has been dissappointing, and frustating...but I also am watching to see what happens next..and what is the path to Change....
as far as Illegal Spying...I take it very seriously....so if I seem perturbed about it- I have good reason and strong feelings about it..and the need for Real Justice again....and yes, the Constitution is something I view as sacred...and I mourn it's loss daily....
I also know until the JD is swept clean, the Patriot Act overturned, and HLS dismantled....that we will have a very broken govt to fix.....
It is what this post was about...How Broken are we....
I hear you....alot of people have alot to answer for...will they? is this fixable? only time will tell...but we have to start somewhere...Obama represents Change- but what he really represents is that he is NOT perdictable- and maybe that is what frustates some people, and I am willing to see where he stands on issues.....I realize that he is not perfect .....but I also get that unuusal solutions will have to be examined...I am very frustated by the Congress and the Senate- I feel like they handed everything away...and like you said they are supposed to be there to set Power in Balance....
have hope....
oh how you make me laugh....bush worried about his godamned legacy....oh yeah...and maybe that 350 point dip today is part of his great legacy....
we will get through this...somehow...
This is a great post Enigma.
Thanks Lydia,....
it matters...but I believe in Healing...no matter how broken we are as a Country...I believe...
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