He collapsed and died at work....this is truely sad...for him, his family and his co-workers. Gone too soon....
( I am really too stunned to write anything....but you are welcome to share thoughts in the Comment thread below...)
Senator Obama's statement on Russert's death,
( I will post others...but this one was so well spoken...and so heartfelt, truly a beautiful eulogy on the tarmac.)
Here is a video to provide a little comfort.....Tracy Chapman sings "The Promise", beautiful video.....Watching Keith tonight interview people about Tim's death, it was poignant, listening to the stories....and memories...In the end it is about what we Share that matters....and why it matters.....I thought about this song, because atleast he got to share time with his family, some time in the sun...and be with the people he loved....( on his vacation in Italy)...and then I was also struck he did die doing what he loved....and listening to these stories..I was stuck by how he nurtured so many people around him...and shared of himself...and he lived with passion and curiosity and heart....how can we not be moved and inspired by that ?
He made Promises and he kept them...he kept his focus, on his family and he got to see his son graduate from college, and helped care for his dad...and even wrote a book honoring his dad and all dads...and he tried to do his job with Integrity and great enthusiasm.....I like to think of him in Heaven , doing some more "great " interviews worth getting....Nixon, FDR, Ike, and maybe even Abe....And yes, sharing a cuppa coffee with Peter Jennings...and yes....he will be waiting there for Big Russ....
Namaste.....take care of each other friends, share extra hugs tonight....Time is a Gift....always.
Keith is on...somehow that makes this better...I Am stuinned....we really needed him this Election season....he asked the hard questions...and he was great during the debates...I know I also was deeply critical of him at times...but his show and his role was so important....and a real family man...great dad...really sad...
I'm actually too shocked right now to be sad - he was young. 58 is not an old man, and so I sort of half expect this to not be real. He was a class act, and will be sorely missed.
Very sad.
I am stunned too...
just can not believe it....
I am glad Keith is at the Desk now...somehow we needed a captain at this ship....
I'm very much shocked too.
What a shame he didn't live long enough to see Obama elected the next president. I think he would've enjoyed covering the story.
Believe it or not, I've already had to delete a number of replies to my post on Russert's untimely passing from various people using the event to diss Obama. People are beyond the pale.
I am so sorry..I think everyone is stunned...shocked...
I am sorry that he is gone...we needed him now more than ever- someone to ASK questions and that he would have loved to cover this Election more than ever....
....Obama's remarks were beautiful..." Fine analyst, so much seeking the truth....one of the finest men I knew"....
People are shameful....event like this bring out the best....and yes, the worst in people...
Keith manned the desk for a few hours...and I was grateful to see him....and sad for him....and all that he worked with....and his family....so sad..
many hugs...
58 is a shocker. I can't believe people would use his death to diss a presidential candidate. Russert worked hard, many long hours during this long primary season. Had to be a ton of stress. He did it without flinching & tried to provide realistic analysis.
so sad....( I took care of the comments- no worry)....Blogger is a bit bogged...Keith is doing his whole show about Russert tonight...
I talked to my EX, ( cardiac nurse) and he said he might have had a thrombosis or clot or PE , as he just flew a couple of days ago...from Italy....and I think that might be part of it....add to the stress of this election season....he worked too hard...
Keith's entire Countdown is dedicated to Russert....
Tim Russert was an anomoly, one of the very few down-the-middle/fair journalists out there. He went after both sides with equal vigor (something that I try to do on my blog). I just can't believe it, a real blow to unbiased journalism.
As I get older, I keep pushing back what age I think is "old". 58 seems young to me too.
Sorry to hear of his untimely death.
(In an unrelated topic-- christopher.... how does one get to your blog?) The linked one on this e mail is not happening.)
so sorry friend...
yeah....58 is so young...
Chris's blog is "From the Left over on the Blogroll"....
I am adding you to the blogroll this weekend- I thought I had you on there- I need to fix that...
and yeah....really real journalism...he asked questions...we need that...badly..especially now...so sad.....
Keith is so choked up...I really feel bad for him...and watching him and Chuck Todd talk about this...really sad....
I was totally shocked when I happened to go on CNN.com to see what was going on after being away for 2 days on a business trip. I couldn't believe it said Tim Russert was dead. And Fran, yes, at my age I consider 58 to be young middle age...certainly in this day and age, way too young for someone to die. It may indeed be connected to his trip to Italy; I know altitude can affect clots, etc. No matter what the cause, it is tragic for him and his family and a loss for the election coverage.
I am with Chris on this one.
According to many of his peers Russert was very excited about this election. It is truly sad he will not see it to its end.
I cannot imagine watching the election returns without Tim summing up their meaning for me.
And seeing the red eyes and quivering lips of these stoic newsmen all day was incredibly heartbreaking.
It's finally sinking in. I watched MSNBC off and on since I heard the news - actually had to stop watching when they showed clips of Russert in a Cubs jersey throwing out a first pitch.
Russert's eyes always shined with his enthusiasm for politics - his working class demeanor made him accessible and believable. I realized while watching I trusted Russert the same way I trusted Walter Cronkite. It's that unbiased approach to everyone he interviewed - he was tough, but fair.
He seemed full of life, and I can't imagine Meet the Press without him; I can't imagine the Convention coverage without him; I can't imagine election day without him.
My heart goes out to his family. I feel deeply for his son.
Thanks for posting this video.
I'll take it for my blog like you said, OK?
We just got back -- too much bad news and I needed to get out of the house for a while. Thunder and lightning and all.
( I was offline during the storms- sorry all)
hey there...by all means you take this video...I will post more through the weekend...but I thought this was well put....It continued to thunder and storm all night...I watched Keith all night...he really made it all okay, well, bearable...watching him and Bob Costa, Chuck Todd, Al Hunt....
He was excited...and illuminated and so excited about this election...I agree his working class demeanor...that he looked like one of my neighbors- not some pretty boy commentator...that he looked like a thinking man....and wow....he really was amazing to watch this elections season...it makes me so sad he won't be here to see Obama sworn in...he was the one that kept saying "this is history, this is Historic..." And
what will Sundays be like without him ? I can not even imagine...
and yes.....his son....thank heavens he got to see him graduate. and they got that vacation together....
still so sad....hugs friend...
I have been a political junkie for soooo long- and I can not remember not seeing Tim on an election night without his board....everytime that they showed that erasa board tonight - just choked me up....and you are right, watching all of those men and women remember him , even from other networks...( I watched Shep over on Fox- I have never seen him like that...he looked like he had been kicked...) and then watching Chuch and Keith talk....wow...they truly lost a brother, a mentor....
Must have been quite a shock to turn on tv and see that...so sorry....I am with you...58 is YOUNG....too young..he had so much left to live for...and do...and yes, like you , my first thought was WHEN did he fly...and yes, he flew last night....I remember when David Bloom died he was one of the people that I listened to...one of the Voices you listened too...and now it is Keith we turn to.....((I can not listen to CNN- they always shout the NEWS....I wanted calm...))) He will be so missed....his poor family.....and yeah, I do feel for his son...
Many hugs all....
Re: the Russert eulogies:
On a personal level Russert's untimely death was very sad for his father, his wife and his son.
But in the past few weeks we have begun a national conversation over the failure of the MSM in the runup to the Iraq war. The MSM was caught up in the "patriotic" fervor and Russert was no exception. He was an uncritical cheerleader in his choice of guests and in his softball questions.
Tim Russert was no Walter Cronkite. The White House knew that it could control the message by getting guests on Meet the Press.
Russert worked for one of the biggest defense contractors in the country--General Electric, owner of NBC. You never got any critical coverage of the military-industrial complex with Russert. He knew who buttered his bread.
You are entitled to your opinion....considering NONE of the media has done near a good enough job since 911 or even since the 2000 election.....we can't really blame one person....and to be honest he did ask hard questions, do I wish he asked more....and harder questions...yes.....But considering his body is barely cold....and he was only 58....I don't think we can discuss any buttering of bread...I keep thinking of his wife and son.....
OK, with all due respect for his wife and son...
How about the wives and sons of the 4400 Americans who have lost their lives in Iraq because Russert, a major opinion leader, didn't do nearly enough to question the rush to war?
this was a post quite simply about a man dying too soon...I have done alot of posts on the Propaganda and the War and getting them home...The Buscho Machine and their propaganda and how they used the Pentagon and yes, the media to go into war, it does not make sense to sit here and blame one man, who did try to ask questions...on this post I did not want a discussion about the war...or the propaganda...I was willing to let this man die in peace...and with some respect....
to be honest- I don't think he was an"opinion leader", I think he had weekend talk show where he asked questions....and maybe it more people watched it....and asked questions and made calls, and wrote letters - maybe that would have helped...personally I always thought it was so odd that it was on when most people are in Church...kind of unfortunate....NBC should have put it on a couple of times week....
( Just to let you know I have two posts I am working on for Fathers Day- about how the troops should not be there...and how people should not be burying fathers and sons....and daughters....so come back tomorrow.....)
Do you have a blog ? I could put you on the Blogroll? ( I can't figure it out- otherwise there is no way to have a discussion...)
About Questioning the RUSH to war- there is plenty of Blame to go round- ALL the MEDIA- esp the Papers- NYT etc...and OUR elected reps. and the Criminlas in the WH..and US as a people....supposedly 90 % of the public supported the War- I didn't ...EVER...
So Sub teacher- instead of giving me a hard time- get your own blog, and write about it- write letters to NBC...or your reps....
As my grandmom said "You are barking up the wrong tree"....
I stand corrected- last time I checked - you did not have a blog- I see you do now- so I will add you to the blogroll....
OK, I respect your posts on the subject.
This war makes me cry. I mean really cry. The eulogies for Russert on the news channels are Reaganesque. Huge. Neverending. I think that is some indication of Russert's impact as a gatekeeper, as an opinion leader.
I promise this is the last I will write on the subject. I know I have left a cowpie in the punchbowl. But think back to Cronkite in 1968 when he called for an end to the Vietnam war. It went on for another seven years, but Cronkite stood up and made his voice heard.
I suppose this is not the right time for examining Russert's record on the Iraq war. But when will the right time come? I think his record, brilliant as it was, carried a huge hole about Iraq, and by extension, the rest of the news media is kind of giving itself a pass. After all, if Tim Russert could let Bush and company off the hook with the war, then his colleagues and lesser lights can by extension excuse themselves.
I promise no more. I have contributed too much bad karma already. Condolences go out to his family. And thank you for adding me to your list. I have no list. Maybe I should start one for you.
Sub Teacher::
(1) you have not left a cowpie...in the punch bowl- not that I can see...you are expressing yourself..that is fine...I think the Russert Death hit hard- I have so many friends this age...my son's dad etc..so it just hit hard...and on another level...I have not been watching TV this weekend...I have a hunch they ( the MSM ) have now crossed into the ridiculous&sublime in the hours of mourning,eh???....and are carrying on many hours later ? yes...I thought so...
(2)and yes, even NOW they rarely even discuss the War or WHAT is going on there- looking for any weather or missing blond to spend time on......They should be interviewing VETS and VET families...and reporting on the number of Iraqi dead...but no they don't....
(3) I have known too many who have gone over- 2nd and 3rd times and waiting to be called back...I am as sick as you over it...and yes, I too have a teenage son- who would be draftable......and has opposed this war as much as anybody...
(4) And look at our country- how broken we are on ALL levels- justice to education to health to infrastructure to economy.....ALL harmed by wasting Billions per month in Iraq- Senseless...Foolish....dangerous....and we are now hated worldwide for allowing Bush to do what he did.....
(5) and about the War- and the lead up- NO ONE questioned this stupid war..and no one even investigated 911 either...that is where the reporting really stank to high heaven.....and ALL our Journalism has been responsible and broken to some degreee....FOX entered "news" 1996- and I blame part of it on that....News became "entertaining" and all the Media jumped on- and fired and laid off Investigative staff...did NBC falter as much as anyone- YUP...and ABC ( disney) and of course....CBS...all of them were thinking of their bottem lines- not their duty to report the facts....and the PRINT news was even worse- NYT should get an award for their propaganda skills- esp Judy Miller....
okay...I am done grumbling...and see- there you go I was willing to commiserate with you.....so there you have it......just like any Good Wake- we ended up sitting on the back patio and sharing a good discussion...( and hopefully some well spiked punch.....)
( and yes I know that King George has been saber rattling through Europe on his frigging" farewell " trip....and eye-ing Iran as his next deluded conquest....and that his warlusting is not near complete...and that our reach for change is more than fragile....)
1.20.09....1.20.09.....please get us all there in one damn piece...
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