This Summer again has proven that at this rate as we all have known since 2005, we should all keep an Ax and blow up rowboat in the attic. The Current Flooding in the Midwest is one example of Disaster Unpreparedness at it's absolute worst ( and I say that with no disrespect to the thousands working to sandbag and people there working to save their homes, farms and communities and businesses).
People say that the Flooding in the Midwest is not as bad Katrina.I have to disagree. There are hundreds of miles and thousands of acres effected in 6 states.Where you really see the scope of this is looking at aerials ( photos and video). I find it interesting the MSM has shown very little of these aerials, if they did people would realize the staggering enormity of this situation.The Heartland is in some ways like Katrina, this is not a wealthy region, this is Middle America at it's finest, small towns and rural farms. King George should not have been on his "Farewell to Europe" tour, he should have come home and been monitoring this devastation. He should have for once been doing Flyovers and inspecting damage and Potential Damage. He should have ordered Branches of the Military to assist, including Coast Guard and even Airforce could have done aerial assessments.Mulitple crops will be effected, from soybean to corn to basic vegetables.So again Food Prices will suffer.
We have seen very little of FEMA or Chertoff ( which in some ways is fine, we do not really need more Brownie Moments).We have not even seen interviews of Red Cross Administration with updates regarding sheltering needs and reports, and really not even any ads. So I am encouraging people to write to the Red Cross, if you donate Specify on your check WHERE you want it to go.Now some of the reporting that has been insufficient might just be a matter of the MSM journlistic inablility to properly report other than Propaganda. I also think some of the Media, like CNN worries what Foreigners see and only show what they see fit. ( You do have to admit that Katrina atleast they did show the aerials with great concern, and actually embarrassed the president to do his famous "Flyover".)
And finally National Guard and Civil Defense Management should all be in place, as ALL aspects of life there are going to be impacted for thousands of people, from the transportation issues ( roads and bridge and raliway damage), to basic needs of living from sheltering to food. It is also important to note that many will be trapped inland with these massive problems. I have seen very few guard at the sandbag line photos. Another question or concern that we should all be asking, do they have enough Guard and Equipment ? Or is it all over in Iraq, this is the time to ask. ( Please also note that we have seen very few interviews with Governors on TV). And another thing that we can do to help our neighbors in the Midwest is to write and call the MSM and demand better coverage of this event that is not just a "weather phenom" it will impact this entire Country for many monthes to come and thousands of lives are effected.
Some of the other issues to come will be the lack of Fresh Potable water, disease risk from the muddy sewage ridden waters, and insects, as well as other contamination concerns.This also raises Medical Concerns for those in the region, during the clean up process, as well has many that are elderly and not physically up to the clean up challenge.Nothing has been said about Aid that will be there to assist these people ,whether it be economic or phyiscal assistance.So once you think on this you can see that Multiple Agencies should have feet on the ground there already, CDC, NOAA, and USGS and Army Corp of Engineers.
When the Bush Regime faces justice for the War Crimes of this Regime, I do hope that one of the aspects they closely examine is the Presidents inablilty to care of Refugees within his own country. His ignorance and incompetent neglect has damaged the lives of thousands, and not all of it can be blamed on the Natural Disasters.Do what you can to help Our Neighbors in the Midwest, be creative and resourceful, they depend on us.Sadly the Sandbags will provide some protection from the waters magnitude, but it will not protect these good people from the Dangerous Incompetence of the Bush Regime.
{{{ Please see Aerial Video Footage below, about one week old. I will post newer footage over at Watergate Summer as I find it. Please know that has a Nurse that has worked Disasters with the Red Cross and had FEMA training, that this post is written with great concern,}}}
"We would never learn to be brave and patient if there were only Joy in the World".....Helen Keller
Ain't it the truth my friend! We are quiet lately, but want to say hello and let you know how much we appreciate your excellent posts! Peace MandT & Bo Dog
Hey there friends...
thank you....I know you are quiet lately, but I also know how beautiful there it is in the Summer....
take care...
( hugs to that beautiful dog...)
Katrina of the Midwest.
A couple more levees broke today and at last count there were 26 in jeopardy. Bush is going there to tour the damage tomorrow. I wish someone would tell him to stay the hell away.
The Government has not come through in one of the cries yet. They are just photo ops for Bush to make promises then he does nothing. If it was not for citizen volunteers there would be no help. We are on our own. I'll be quiet! i'll look at your video now.
Maybe it's my connection but I couldn't get that to work. I have one I got this morning if you want to go get it plus I saw a lot of them today. Good Luck!
Last Sunday, as Des Moines and other cities and towns in Iowa were submerged under 20 and 30 feet of toxic, human waste strewn river water leading to the evacuation of 38,000 Iowans from their homes, just where was the Motherfucker from Midland?
He was in England, having tea with his cousin, Queen Elizabeth II of Windsor.
This chumpass excuse for a president couldn't even bother to dispatch Dick "Fatty" Cheney to the state of Iowa with promises of Federal aid and maybe, just maybe a few words of encouragement. I have absolutely no idea where Cheney was last Sunday. Counting his million, I imagine.
The only good news is the sun is setting on the Bush/Cheney nightmare and they will be gone in 200 or so days. Relegated to history or Paraguay.
214 days....NOT soon enough....
yes, atleast 50,000 people displaced....thousands of homes and farms effected...and the little hogs sitting on roofs just about broke my heart....so sad..all of it....
( meanwhile MSNBC is continuing their Russert-a-thon....geesus..just let the poor man die....)
Russert-a-thon....geesus..just let the poor man die.
Well, at least it got MSNBC off Hillary's teat.
they said that McCain and Obama sat together...
I am sorry , no disrespect to the dead...pr his family but seriously.....I did peak over to listen to Keith interview people...
meanwhile CNN is interviewing and showing the Sandbagging....and trying to turn it into a Norman Rockwell moment...I was amazed at how many people showed up.....groups, churches, military units, and even golfers...and people on vacation.....
Indiana is also experiencing flooding. Not in the scale of Iowa but hundreds of homes were lost.
Indiana was told by Homeland Security (don't cha' just love that name???) that 80 Nat'l Guard would be made available to help with the mess, as 4,000 are "serving" in Iraq.
Serving in Iraq? The Nat'l Guard? Yeah, I hope George Bush and Hillary Clinton (she voted for the war authorization) are happy with the mess they've created. May they rot in hell.
I have been looking for number and info and I did look also on the HLS site and I have been challenged to find info....4000 In Iraq...this is crazy...and you know they are probally worried sick about their families...
( So meanwhile on MSNBC Mario Cuomo is on the Russerthon Funeral...and he is a hoot- so funny- but MSNBC keeps bleeping him- I guess they are uncomfortable with his humor- very sarcastic...WHY are they cutting him off...really low...pretty frigging uptight....it would surely piss Tim off they are EDITING and Censoring his own funeral...geezus tapdancing in a thong...HOW low can they go)
So far, we've been lucky in northeastern Indiana. I have to pray that we start doing something about Global Warming before it's too late.
I agree...and we have to take care of our Infrastructure and we have to get our troops home...
BTW...okay I feel terrible- the Funeral is a hoot...so many really good stories....( better funeral than the James Brown - which was one of my favs...and I reviewed it back in the day...)
I agree with you on Russert but I like what his son said to everyone and particularly to Obama and McCain. A model of his father. He is going to be good! I am listening to and watching the efforts with the levees as I type this. It really bothers me that Bush is going there. I wish someone would tell him to stay the hell out!
it is funny - I was very down on this funeral, but I have enjoyned watching every minute of it...- I have not watched ALL the coverage over the weekend- actually I cleaned my house on sunday and gardened because that there was this Hole in this Sunday...NOW I am watching Luke speaking at the Funeral...what a wonderful young man....kinda choked me up...really special guy.... he must have been a helluva dad...
Now about Bush and his planned photo op- don't worry about it Patriot- he is just going to try to get one last photo for his album...screw him....he will fill a bag with sand and smile in that drunken stupid insipid way....and then he will go back to the Whitehouse and order more Off Shore Drilling...or something just as absurd....214 days to go friend...214...214.....
we can get through this...
Isn't it funny genes? Luke is a natural like his father I guess. He certainly impressed me. What stinks is yeah his fathers ties did it but he is going to intern and Tim was looking forward to working with him!
You make me laugh when I hear anger or something negative coming from you.
Interesting what's been happening in the commodities market, lately. You'd almost reckon that the administration's up to its collective neck in corn and soybean futures.
The first problem is the disaster itself. But as you point out, the big problem is the lack of response to it from FEMA. I've never seen a federal agency so helpless to perform its stated job. Of course, as you point out, a larger presence of the National Guard would help, something that we've had all of my lifetime in this nation until five years ago.
BTW, concerning the previous post, I've heard this from network news reporters before. They're often frustrated with what little of their efforts go onto the air, especially since they're fully aware that their networks are financially linked to defense contractors, who have little incentive to mute the armchair rah-rah supporting guns and battle.
In Holland or England, royalty would have visited any devastated area in no time.. it's kind of like someone who is going to leave work for another job..George is acting as if he's already 'checked out'.. I guess it's not HIS election year..
take two.. ( i just tried and it blogger couldn't process it..)
In Holland and England anyone from the royal family would have visited this area by now.. King George has already checked out getting ready for the next big (paying) 'thang'..
it does not matter to him...Caligula only concerned about his Empire....it's riches but not the people....but you are right....he has short timers syndrome....
sadly when FEMA was absorbed into HLS it basically did away with their Disaster Preparedness Dept, and all the plans that were in place, as well as the FEMA offices in each state that had plans in place for all this...it infuriates me....I worked Red Cross and took FEMA and disaster preparedness classes...that was back in 2000/2001, but by 2003- those offices and depts were all destroyed /dismantled....and became their own disaster....( and yeah, what Lara said is all true....I dealt with 60 Minutes back in 2004- and I was stunned at how they run things....and not in a good way)....
Long after the flood waters recede & the "clean up" is more or less done, there will be mold & mildew issues, health issues for a very long time. Many dead & displaced wildlife, farm animals & pets, too.
I saw those hogs stranded on a barn roof today. The TV voiceover said there were many dead farm animals floating around. Where? They don't show them & if we don't see them, it's like it's not happening. But those 3 hogs were precariously perched & I kept thinking people are buzzing around in boats, why can't they rescue them? I guess they might panic & drown. I did notice someone had delivered some green stuff for them to eat. And they were drinking the flood water. But pigs can sunburn very badly, just like humans, that's why they roll around in the mud so much, to give their skin some protection from the sun. Then the TV voiceover guy said there were more of them on that same barn roof before the water rose higher, that some had already slipped off & drown. These last 3 had about 10 feet of roof space.
Sorry to dwell on that one aspect, but it really upset me even though I know they were destined for eventual slaughter. And then Blitzer blabbed about a bunch of chickens drowning & that will increase our price of eggs. Jeezus, will someone please get that gleeful idiot off the air?!?
I feel as if this disaster has not gotten anywhere near the coverage Katrina did and I wonder why...maybe because we're in the middle of an election year? At any rate, the Bush administration has shown its usual lack of competence or interest in dealing with any of it, for sure.
Enigma, I feel a bit the way you have about the "Russert-a-thon." He apparently was a great guy and everyone loved him but he wasn't, say, Martin Luther King or Ghandi. I guess I wasn't as familiar with him as so many others; I confess, we never watched Meet the Press much. Sunday mornings for us are sitting around listening to music and reading the Sunday papers. So my main familiarity with him was in the debates. At any rate, now I wish I had been watching him, as the clips that are being shown of his interviews looked very well done...
To those in the midwest floods their lives are as devastated to them as those poor people hurt by Katrina and Bush's lack of action.
All I have to say is this.
Compare this Administration's response with 1993, or the Dakotas in 1998.
I know the media say everything is good because mid-westerners help each other out and come from good stock ,bull. It's the administration fault and if we weren't in the Mideast the dams and the levees would probably be in better condition.the media cheer leaded the war now the flooding is OK. We lost a lot of the corn crop.We use that on feed and for ethanol. the media is not going after the administration, it doesn't want to look bias.Maybe it was Rev.Wright's fault.OT , weren't you going to have a day to post recipes?Take care E.
It really bothers me that Bush is now surveying the floods. I wish someone would tell him to stay out. That idiot is worthless!
DK, ask Barbara (Babs, not the twin) Bush why we don't see the dead carcasses of farm animals floating around. She'll say something about her beautiful mind.
incompetence is a disease
oh and chk this, i made a new word the blinded by the Obamafication of America
While I really feel for the inundated midwest, I have to apologize for the absence of your FEMA director Chertoff.
While the levees are surrendering to the rising waters of flooding creeks, streams and rivers, Chertoff is very, very occupied building the "levees" (aka THE WALL) to save us in the southern border states against the continuous flood of humanity pouring over our borders. (We're over our heads in 'em!)
Having just watched "La Misma Luna" ("Under the Same Moon") last eve, it's obvious, while folks all along the Mississippi basin are losing their homes, their property's underwater and the potential for disease is rising faster than multiplying colonies of bacteria, well, take heart. FEMA's busy containing another flood. So, try to understand why Chertoff may be scarce. "One disaster at a time, PLEEEZE!" as Chertoff might say.
But is there anything we private citizens can do for those of you in Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri and places downstream that our federal government can't at the moment? Anything we can provide? Like nose plugs, snorkels and Bactine?
The decay of the bridges and dams, are related to the drive for privatization of government resources.
well...I am sure Bush is kicking himself that he didn't think of Contracting them out too...more Blackwater projects or KBR....oh what a missed opportunity....
ahhhh good to see you, and I am sorry that Cherry-off has been sooooo busy with his Important ( cough) southern projects....Maybe he is hoping that the Mississippi will wash Everything down to the South and pile up on the border ??? But Bush is so proud- I mean it is like a Big Ol' Norman Rockwell Painting, with everyone bagging sand together....the Amish, the Prison Inmates...and omg..yesterday there was even GOLFERS!!!!! lol.....
( um, I think I will pass on the snorkels and bactine- for now....) They should make Bush and Cherry Off go fishing for Hogs...maybe that would tug at their damn heartless souls....
whelp you are on a creative roll- a new word- yahoooo ( don't let FOX see it- they are making up new words daily- piss me off...esp when they go picking on Michelle...) Incompetence is a disease...geeez I hope it isn't contagious....
he has to go there and pretend to look presidential...I mean all that water makes him remember Katrina- and NOW he has a chance to show he doesn't care for Anyone....
Babs would just call it a floating BBQ....( and swimming lessons for the pigs- they are so happy)...
* tomorrow will be reciepe day- promise....now about this Administration...this Godamn Administration....it will never ever cease to amaze me how incompetent they are on So Many fronts- staggers the mind...and yeah, bush is probally really puzzled about Where his ethanol will come from now...will we invade a Corn Country NOW????
sigh....okay enough being a total grouch....
I sit and hold my head....and yes I remember the floods and the Hurricanes that year..93..and no not all people were invisible back then...and gee we even had a working media- with real journalists....
as a homeless VET said to me back in Sept. of 2005- after Katrina..."We all been Katrinaed, just not everyboyd knows it...yet"...man that says it all....He was SOOOOooo right...
Hey there...yeah, I don't know why the coverage is lacking...because monthes from now aren't people going to want to know WHY their doritos cost more ???
About Russert....I think it is fine to greive- but really it was like for 5 days the world stopped for NBC..and I realized that for them....they have a hard time seeing outside their little DC- to NY corridor...it was eye opening...and sad....
and yes, those pigs caught on the roof...so so sad...I am like you animals suffering really gets me- and that they kept showing it over and over...maybe they should show the dead hogs so people get the gravity of the situation....and yeah, I was haunted by them all day...the MSM just doesn't know how to tell stories or film at all, or show the truth...they wanted to show the wonder of all those people bagging, note they didn't show anyone crying as they looked through the mud for their simplest of belongings...of those that had been told by FEMA in the past 5 years that they didn't need flood insurance because they were miles from any water.....okay I wills stop.....but seriously....
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