Summer has landed in all its Humid glory....So before I go find a Green Tea Frappacino and walk the dog, and water the plants or curl up on the porch with the morning papers, or check on that Jar of Peach Sun Tea...I wanted to put this post up....It has been a really long week...I don't have alot to say...but I did want to share these two videos....they are beautiful and inspiring...Have a good Saturday...I think we all are looking at things with New Eyes...Namaste.
"The real Voyage of Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having New Eyes." Marcel Proust
Si Se Puede....
There is Something in the Air......by Robert of Left of Centrist
it was already 84 at 8am...ouch...cancel the porch idea..I thought it was supposed to be cooler....( it was 95-97 here yesterday- with 105 Heat index...urgh...)
is this really JUST June???
( about the porch- that is my fantasy porch..I will post real photos later...ahh, it is not quite that nice..but it is pretty cozy....)
And I was going to ask you to save me a place on that porch.... I'll bring some cold Peach Chaardonnay- my favorite cheap wine. = )
You know we have to *Be Here Now*, The primary is over, and we can only move forward.
It's been rough, but that phase is over.
We have to pull ourselves together and out of the ashes of this regime we've been mired in.
I want our country to step up and, as the bumper sticker says:
Humankind ~ Be Both
We need to undo the wrongs, not only to care of our country & people, but to be a part of the global community, and restore our respect for, and adhering to, both domestic & international laws.
It is my hope & prayer that we can get past the primary, and become enlightened about moving forward with peace and integrity close to heart.
These 2 videos say it well. They are pieces of the puzzle as to highlighting the serious problems that transpired, and coming together for a solution. Rouse's video makes the statement that Obama's presidential aspirations are not self or ego centered- he wants to serve & facilitate & lead us down a path to save ourselves. Well done!
For me personally, I feel more hopeful than I have in a very long time.
Morn Fran...
Actually my porch is similiar, and in many ways it is my fantasy porch- but it is no way as tidy and clean as the one in this photo......full of puffy pillows and mismatched old wicker, and sun faded Adirondack chairs...( I tried to photo the porch with the cellphone camera- but it came out fuzzy... I will try later..)
I have your glass all chilled and I made Sun Tea ( with chunks of cantalope and Cucumber) ...Yellow Dog is sound asleep, too hot for her...and the cats are sprawled about too..I think we should honor their sleeplag efforts...
It is all about Be Here Now...and that we need to get ready to Battle for the White House....and keep our focus ...
I am going to watch Hillary's speech- hell it is KEITH :-)
[[ so would not miss that for anything... he is my cerebral fix for the day]]
I love what you said about showing the rest of the world what we are trying to embrace and achieve...
HumanKIND....that rocks...
Have a good day...On to Change....and Hope for a Better Future for all of us....
Actually Fran, the idea for my video came directly from Enigma. She deserves credit.
You were the one that really captured it ;-)
[[ me ? I just planted a seed of an idea...]]
...and did it great...I am so happy with that song ( I had no Idea that the Something Happening Here was being used by CNN and others...
It is a great video....I put it up over at Peace Tree too....
and it will be up here all weekend...and probally longer ...thank you again...it is beautiful...
Ten minutes into her endorsement speech and Hillary is still talking about herself.
And this after being 45 minutes late.
Anybody surprised?
She is only "suspending" her campaign.
I heard that it may be a strategic move to help her pay off her campaign debt. But I am of course suspicious.
Wow! She just said "Yes we can!", and I swear she almost choked on it.
She is clearly suffering up there.
She said what she had to say, but I could feel that they were just words to her and she did not believe them one little bit.
And I certainly noticed hat she slipped in the fact that she had believed that she would be the best choice for President.
Okay well now it is time to unite and move on. There is a country to rescue and our leader in that endeavor is Barack Obama. Is everybody clear on that now?
Oh....I did not know you were up here Gryphen..sorry....I blogged it down on the Hillary Supporter post below....but you summed it up as nicely possible....
so good that this part of the race is over...
and she did endorse him...phew....
I'm having green tea, too (one teaspoon honey, one teaspoon raw sugar, and an evaporated/soy milk blend). Delicious. Me, though, I'm listening to Patty Larkin's "Perishable Fruit". Excellent stuff. Are you familiar? Also, have you read my latest post? It's, shall we say, a tad irreverant.
Summer is here too! Yesterday it was still in the 50s today the 90s. I just put in the air conditioners.
I just listened to Hillary's speech and I thought it was very good. I believe we will unify and not lose Hillary voters.
I only wish she would have mentioned that McCain is trying to woo her supporters ans that they can not be misled into thinking McCain is their man. The son and grandson of war leaders a war monger himself promises more of Bush's mess and that is all!
It was a magnificent speech. The crowd was impressive and enthusiastic. She reminded everyone how important it is to elect a Democrat to the White House.
She also reminded everyone that subtle and not so subtle sexism was a factor in her loss. But she was upbeat and optimistic for the future. She is a very classy lady.
hey there,,,,it was a really good speech...and she did what needed to be done..I hope her supporters listened to her...
I will be over today...for sure and I am still updating my blogroll ....and I think some humor is in order- so I will be over for sure....and now we know how you like your tea ;-)
wow...she did not mention McInsane..BUT she did mend some fences and start the process of working for Obama...I am glad for that....and also glad that she could end with such a nice speech there in DC...
Good for us all...now we can move forward and work to get our WH back in November...
As for the video I am giving it a *Rouse-ing* positive review & thanks to the both of you for collaborating or brainstorming-ya know-- the creative effort- it is a sweet result.
And speaking of creative efforts.... you both probably got the e amail saying the Obama camp will NOT take lobby money for his campaign, which means it has to be alternatively funded. I'm all for it... the change is starting before his presidency even does.
I'm wowed.
I think the campaign would do well to have a compendium, consortium, a veritable musical cornicopia of Musicians do nationwide tours of concert fundraisers.
Just off the top of my head, I bet Joan Baez, Jackson Browne, Neil Young, & a shitload of progressive musicians to do some benefit concerts to make a lot of money for the campaign, out of the lobbiest loop, if you will.
OK I name for htis tour just came to mind--
the United States, We the People tour-- one concert in each state of the union.
In other news, kudos to Hillary for passing on the torch.... I am sooooo ready to move on.
Thank you for posting this great video and a perfect song to accompany it.
I do feel it, too.
My only regret is that Obama has not addressed the plight of queer Americans and their civil rights. Perhaps it is disadvantageous to his campaign to do so. I hope it is not due to his personal, religious feelings on the matter of equal rights for gays.
We'll see.
Ok- even if they could not do a concert in each & every state- although that would be cool, especially with a floating pool of musicians--- but if they did huge venues- stadiums that hold 60,000 x $60, or more to see a bunch of musicians for music & inspiration, they could yield some serious "change".
wow..wouldn't that be something..I know some musicians have come forward and performed for him....the DEAD ( did their own concert- and raised money)....but WILLiAM did do Philly before he spoke...but you are on to something- that would be amazing...( oh Dave Matthews also....)
Pagan Sphinx::
Good to see you...
He actually does embrace the issues Gay and Lesbian rights and also the problems they face- and he even speaks about it on the trail- and I know he did at the rally we went to - there are two problems- the MSM never shows his entire Rallies- they just post soundbites, and the soundbites seem to be either controversial or repug concerns ( sorry but it really irks me).... and also most of the Edwards staff on these issues were hired on board by him...From the Left blog has more and better info on this than me.....Obama's "ONE VOICE" ad- posted down below- on the forth post down- he actually says in that ad" I have some gay friends in some red states" ( that is a first for a democratic ad).....
Also there are groups on his site that are working on this- contact those groups on the site and offer to help him work on this issue or any issue or help get the messege out- I know he will also be expanding staff and workers in so many places and areas...He might need another great activist and writer like you ;-)
[[ the more the better ;-) ]]
There is a chance for all of us to work on Changing this country.....finally after so long..
I confess I am sending/taking your idea over to the Obama website tonight, the Open Comment Thread- you should too....WE THE PEOPLE Tour- you are right it would be a great way to raise money....
here are some more WHO I think would sign right on....( adding to your list)
John Mellencamp, the Boss, Bob Dylan, Coldplay, The Stones, Stevie Wonder,PINK, Dixie Chicks...
I'm sure lots of those *superstars* would be happy to put a little music gig together.
Neil Young came to mind because his tour bus is painted like a giant ear of corn-- runs on vegetable oil. But there are lots of musical artists who would totally be into such a thing- maybe even get Pete Seeger to do a tune or two? Certainly filling giant stadiums & making mass money for the effort would get some cash to flow. I know little local bands could cretainly do the same, but then it is possible the managing of the money could get sketchier... but it could be done on the honor system.
There could be an official web site where the We the People bands raise money.... ti could be coupled with vendors art & crafts & food & they give a portion of their profit to the cause.
the mega concerts could be a big fundraiser, if the big name bands were donating their time.
You'd need professional concert organizer to make it happen, one who knows the ins & out of pullong off said mega concerts.
I know I'd love to go to such an event.
I know they can have spendy luncheon/dinner gigs for the oober wealthy, but this kind of thing more reflects the grassroots element, and a great opportunity for folks to network & get together for a good cause.
I did e mail the idea to the Obama camp this morning. I think it would be fan-freaking-tastic.
awesome idea Fran for sure. Here in Austin, Obama mania was already in full force last summer. And since Austin is 'the music capital of the world' (yes yes) I have no doubt that someone could pull off one of those fundraiser concerts. I have to mention though that I am not sure what the official fundraising rules are but if you don't mind.. I'd like to forward this idea to the Texans for Obama group here in Austin, would that be alright? Full cred of course to Fran! Plus just think, if you have concerts around town, you can have Obama supporters going around registering people or engaging people in soap box debates, it can become a whole PR/outreach event at the same time..
ok.. I'm brainstorming now..(am tired, was at the pool with the kids all afternoon..)..
let me know if it is ok if I forward this idea Fran, I will not contact them until you give me the go ahead.
(are we getting excited yet??)
ps.. I have trouble accessing Roberts' site properly so I'm glad you're posting his stuff here.. sorry Robert, don't know why your blog does not show up completely when I enter the site..
Ingrid, there are generally two reasons why people have trouble with my site. Number one - and perhaps the foremost reason, is that it is designed to be seen by people using Mozilla Firefox as their browser. Number two is the screen resolution. BTW, I am also glad when anyone presents my videos. It especially helps people who can't access my site to see them. So once again, Thanks E4E. Always appreciated!
thanks....you know I love Any and All Creativity..and your videos are wonderful...and you have more musical talent...than anyone..Hey whatcha think of Frans idea ?
Glad that you can see them ......and that you to are caught up in this musical idea...it is a great idea...it really is...I think Fran is right- A Series of BIG ones with big people ( there would be more money to donate....)Ingrid- do you know Blueberry- she too is texas..I think near Austin...check on each other and introduce yourself...There is also Hope on the Blogroll....I hope I see Austin one day...it sounds very cool...
It really is an amazing idea...and I love it....and I agree Larger, with more bands...it would raise more money- but also be affordable to come...I know in the Kerry Year there were some large concerts...I don't know how they worked or if they raised money- it was RockThe Vote...it was on HBO? I think I don't remember- but I know we taped it that summer...( I might still have it..)I would love to see neil young...for sure....
( I hit publish when I meant to hit preview)....
Mostly I liked the idea of We The People coming together...to raise money...for Obama...but not have it be Corprotized, or media get their paws on it either...- there must be a way to do that......
Perhaps, in addition to the larger concerts at the larger venues, there could be a Rock for Barack day nationwide. Every medium to large city in the country could play host to a concert featuring local artists raising money to get Obama elected. I think I may send out a few emails to some people I know around the country tonight. It's one thing to give the campaign an idea, it's quite another to make a major artist "believe" they came up with the idea.
It is a great idea...that is wonderful or it could be Barack the Vote ? I think there should be way for all artists and musicians to be a part...there is an Artists for Obama group...I don't know enough about Artists and Musicians to know how they work...or how it worked....my only idea is to write to Obama's people and suggest it- If others have another way to procede...all the better- as I said above the 2004 campaign there was an event- but ROCKing event - for the life of me I can not remember if it was a fundraiser it was for Kerry/Edwards......
But I think you all are onto something....because we also can't really travel this summer- so events in different regions- a ONE day event , or even a weekend is a great idea....it is also a way to share information about DEMS running for office and Obama....especially Obama...
( but Fran is right..no more Lobbying or big corporate money)
We could write to David Plouffe or David Axelrod?
Excellent ideas...keep them flowing...this is a brainstorming thread ;-)
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