So I have been cleaning, which is what I do every Sunday...and I thought I should check the Puerto Rico Results...Fox has results, but no one else does ( and oh my the thrill they have Karl Rove with a Dry Erase Board and Geraldo in Puerto Rico )...I am a bit confused...So I turned on MSNBC and Russert, Tweety and Keith are talking about how Obama is only 49.5 away from the Win. ( Clinton is 212 away...) So by Wednesday Morning THIS should be over...wow...wouldn't that be Something....So I will put the Numbers in the Comment Thread later.
Below is a Great Video....
Great post-- refreshing to hear someing different- positive.
Si se puede cambia!
Quiero la paz.
Barack Obama para el presidente de cambio.
Yes we can change
I want peace
Barack Obama for the president of change.
Su Amiga, Francisca
Yo hablo un pocito Espaniol, you soy gringo!
46.5 more delegates to go!
BTW. Obama just appeared in this place called Mitchell, SD.
Population? 15,000.
Crowd Obama drew in Mitchell? 8,000.
Half the population of the town!
The Corn Palace Speech- really great speech...and Huge crowd....wonderful...
I found this video last night- and some really nice video of Obama in Puerto Rico, he was glowing and the people were so warm and friendly...
I don't speak Spanish....but this video is beautiful and very poignant....as good as the Yes We Can song.....I was humming it all day....
49% of votes in
58,000 for Obama 32%
198,612 for Clinton...
Hillary 's people said that Over a Million would vote this weekend...and 500,000 would be for her...apparently CNN and MSNBC are both saying she will have between 150,000 and 200,000.
Well.....that's interesting...
There are a ton of Latino Obama videos on Youtube....I wonder how many there are online- maybe that was the issue....I think eventually someone needs to look at how many states and counties are on online...I wish they would include that in their canvassing...okay...done on my soapbox....
Saw the Corn Palace speech. Nice! Saw Rachel Maddow & Paul Buchanan dooking it out on MSNBC. Viva, La Rachel! Saw CNN Blitzer trying to analyze the numbers. Why don't they just shove a sock in his mouth, his analysis is ALWAYS worthless.
Not a bad Sunday to clean house. Loved the vid, thanks. I did a snarky Mars vote count post today.
just went and read the Snarky Mars post- very funny....
Puerto Rico:
results at 7:35pM
93% counted......
55 pledged/8 unpledged...
hmmm, wasn't she originally yakking about a million vote turnout? then yesterday they were saying 600K. Looks like it'll barely be 400K. Not too inspired, I guess.
100% counted:::
Really odd, they have 1 million registered voters, terry mac-crazy-culliffe said that Hill would have about 500,000 votes-which did not happen, but also they did not have the usual 80% of DEMS voting that they usually have....I find it hard to believe that so many stayed home...
DK- too funny you and I just posted on the same thing at the same time..lol
The election in Puerto Rico wasn't about the Presidency it was about the unions and the statehood status.Also Puerto Rico votes Democratic.They have a article on it at Democracy Now.
Thanks Kid...I will head there next...
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