Continuing on my Rodentia Week...I found this little Golfing Hamster...So all that is on TV is Golf....I am not a big Golf fan...it is a Vision thing...I can not see the little ball on my little TV...Why do I keep putting up the Rodent Photos....It is DK's fault - she started with a Lovely Molerat Photo that looked just like McCain...so I decided that it should be easy to find More to keep in stock to blog about McSame (it is either that or stockpile photos of Old Coots).....So I am now going to stumble down and get our eve snacks, Some Terra Donuts ( I wonder WHAT the FocksNuts will now find wrong with Crispy Cremes)....and I am jones-ing for a Green Tea Frappacino... okay , a quick glance at CNN John Roberts is getting all touchy with his Blue Map of Doom, CNN is still trying to figure out how to save this for Hillary, Anderson looks so sad.....Okay back to MSNBC, and Chuck Todd is already talking about the General Election, and that McCain can still beat Obama,....I really think that the MSM is still busy fawning over McBush, and has not recognized how fed up Americans are with Bush and His Criminal Regime....and THE War, which has run us all into the Poorhouse....
Anyways....I am stumbling off to find Evening Snacks...I will be back...Wanna See Obama 's Speech in South Dakota at the Corn Palace...
Do got read Distributorcap- over on the Blogroll, he has written a beautiful post honoring RFK, as the 40th anniversary of his death is approaching....please go give it a read....
I will have more Blogs up later....
( Song is "You Get What You Give".....New Radicals)
oooops 46.5 to go for Obama to win on Tuesday Night....( I said 49 earlier...I must have had my Math Wrong...)
72% Votes counted...
Hillary 173,000....68%
( Pat Buchanon is MSNBC still bleeding for Hillary...Eugene and Norah and Rachel are all trying to explain Reality to him....good luck...)
Hillary is supposed to speak in 10 minutes:
Key words to watch for:
Obama, Unity, Michigan, THE Convention, ALL Votes Count...how many minutes until fundraising Hillary.com....?
some grace ? some dignity ? ...
She is loved there...maybe she could move there and be Presidente....
Okay she is speaking ...there are people with Stickers on their heads....Ooooops she is mentioning Obama and his campaign....wow.....almost concillatory ?? "we have two contests" left- oh there it is the Hillary.com PLUG....less than 30 seconds in...ouch....they are chanting "yes she can" ( Stolen slogans- nice touch...) She cares about the people..blah blah...I don't know folks...I think she is still in this...she looks too happy cheerful...I did not see Bill or Chelsea....the people behind her look dazed- I don't think they all speak Engish...some look like they are trying to figure out where and when to clap....they erupt in midsentence.....More have Voted for us than any other candidate ever...( oh lordy...she is not letting this go...she is speaking about the popular vote again...)CRIKEY- She did indeed mention Michigan and Florida...NOW she is talking about her SECOND term...this woman is going to drive me to drink more Mylanta...and NOW she is saying that Obama will not reach the Magic Number- that it will fall to Superdels...ohhhh so the speech is for the Superdels- not Puerto Rico...well well....
She has NO grace...the Scorched Earth woman really is on a path...I hope she gets handed a Pounding in South Dakota and Montana.......
whelp...that is that....Woman with no grace...just alot of pantsuits...and alot of debt...and alot of fantasies...
( whether she likes it or not- Obama hits the Magic Number on Tuesday Night....right around 3am...)
I don't know what the "Blue Map of Doom" is, but I like the sound of it. Now here's the thing about the naked mole rats: they are so harmless & unlovely, they are cute. The hamster golfer is also cute ... whereas McCrazy is just plain dangerous. ps, I thought you were doing hamsters because of the one that Keith likes to show, the one who turns around and gives the camera a glaring stare!?!
Didn't see Hill's speech, but McAuliffe said today their campaign is STILL working on counting the MI & FL delegates @ 100% (yielding zero for Obama in MI). His eyes had the crazed look of an oxygen-deprived spelunker falling down a cave shaft.
CNN has turned into the Fox News Light division.
They are sickening.
Hey E~ I am trying to figure out the numbers-- please look @ my site & tell me if I need updating. You too number pro DK.
Check out the follow up tune from the New Radicals, "Someday We'll Know". It's pretty good too, but few people seem to be aware of it. . .
Good to see you...
I have to tell you I love love LOVE that song...BUT it is not embeddable ;-(
( hey if you find an Embeddable version let me know...)
I have linked to that song a bunch of times...and boy it sure is prophetic now...
SOMEDAY we will KNOW......
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