We All Have a Dream Now....Let's Honor This Moment....Let's Work Together and Take back the White House....
This Little Boy is Our Future, and now as History was made on Tuesday Night, he can grow up to be Whatever he wants. I rewatched the Obama Nominee Speech on CSpan ( because YouTube was jammed, I did finally find it, thank you TPM, it is posted below.). On Cspan, they panned the audience more and showed people's faces, and it was extraordinary. Those people waited in lines over a mile long, and stood for over 8 hours, and waited 3 hours in the auditoreum. There were 19,000 people in the auditoreum, and 15,000 outside listening to it, together. They all came to be a part of History. As the CSpan Camera panned the faces, I saw Children and young men and mamas with tears, and I realized I too was crying. But not because of a Hunger for the Sixties any longer, but because We are Marching Into a Very Different Future.....Together.We are going to save Our Country and end this Era of this Criminal Regime.....and bring back Our Bill of Rights and Our Constitution. And we are going to give this Little Boy a Better Future....where he can be Anything he wants to be.
Scroll down and I have the videos up from this week, including the beautiful speech by Senator Obama. I also have a tribute to Robert F.Kennedy . If you click the title, I have linked a beautiful video to the Song "Longer", by Dan Fogelberg, it was my favorite lullaby to sing to my son as a baby.....Have a good Friday, it has been a Historic Week.
On this Post I have added Robert Rouse's Video, he is so talented, but also insightful, It is amazing,it captures the Energy and Momentum of this Moment....He also has a wonderful post over at Left Of Centrist about Bobby Kennedy that is beautiful.
What a great photo - and a great post. Thanks.
Yes, a terrific photo. That kid looks enthralled. He will grow up in a world where we won't have to qualify the word man, or woman, with color.
so true ;-)
it is a time for us all to celebrate...
I keep hearing how people are still just now completely understanding just how historic an event this truly has been.
Not me baby, I had my eyes wide open during the whole roller coaster ride.
Obama is already being polled at 48% approval against McCains' 42%. And this is just the beginning! Which puts to est the idea that Barack needs Hillary on the ticket to win. That was always bullshit.
I wrote about Bobby today as well. I also wrote about how Obama may well fulfill the promise of Bobby.
thanks...I will be right over...I too think Obama may indeed fulfill that promise....and even the Kennedys have spoke to that ....I am inspired and hopeful...and I know millions are...
yeah....EYES wide open ( btw that is the ONLY way to ride the Roller Coaster...my favorite ride....always ;-)
I don't think it has totally sunk in...I talked to a neighbor today while walking the dog- and she said that she thinks she is shock....She is a retired school teacher, and it is amazing...she used to support Hill, and now she supports Obama....( for her the Healthcare was the dealbreaker) BUT Hillary made more and more gaffes- really critical gaffes, and was "un-mannerly", but she said something really interesting...." I used to teach the children that they could be ANYTHING they wanted to be, even President, but I realize now- they never really believed me.I taught them history, and as a Black Woman, when I would show them the history books, I guess I did know that I was giving them a Dream, but History was not on my side. NOW they will believe..It is more than a Dream....." She cried...I cried...
The FIRST battle has just been won. The war is about to start in earnest. The dream won't happen if we let our guard down now.
Robert's post was lovely - I tried to comment, however, and the site won't let me. If you read this Robert - my comment to your post was going to be "From your Blog to the Goddess's Ears!!"
Let's make it so.
Take a look at yesterday's Left in Aboite, btw. Nothing succeeds like success - and it appears that McSame 'ol Same 'ol agrees.
I hear you...and yes, Battle I is almost complete ( she still has not conceded)....BUT he did reach that first Brass Ring....( Obama said on his plan flying back from St.Paul " It's like a Basketball Championship, too soon to celebrate, We are still at the SemiFinals of this ...Have to keep working"....) {{ I was really impressed that at 2am on a plane after that Huge Rally in St.Paul...there he was ready for the next round ;-)
We MUST keep McSame out of the White House.....MUST....
I sent your comment over to Robert :-)
Robert cut himself short. Go by his site. You will Love his latest video and I bet as I did want it on the head of your post. It is the best. He did a heck of a job!
I am putting his Video up tonight- for Thursday Music- I wrote him last night and asked him if I could use it- I was just waiting for his OKAY....( see great minds do think alike ;-)
( Sadly Robert's comments are problematic today- Sewmouse and I both tried to leave a comment...)
I am also looking on the Blogroll for RFK posts to link/ mini round up on this post..so if there are others let me know...okay ;-)
I don't know where that video went but I put it on my site and I know you will love it. He nailed it!
No worries- I had him send it to me..and it is on this post now- it is Brilliant Video...One of My FAVS....( and I have alot ;-)
"released as a Statement that Hillary is NOT seeking the VP position....."
( Wolf read it aloud ....I am checking MSNBC now)
{{ Well, that is nice that she is no longer strong arming him...BUT she still has people out there like Lanny Davis going on Talk Shows every hour Encouraging people to sing the Hillary VP petition...and People like Andrea Mithcell on MSNBC every hour saying how She NEEDS to be on the ticket ....oye....BUT both MSNBC and CNN are pointing out that Bill Clintons Records would need to be seen to even be on the VP List...$$$ records from the Clinton Foundation and the Library }}}
Beautiful post. This is what I should be focusing on.
I have been too angry with HRC giving her victory speech when Obama had achieved this history making milestone. Then holding up her 18 million voters as her chip for cramming her Veephood status down our collective throats. Now she wants the Obama campaign to pay her fucking debts. If you are a multimillionaire running for President and you can't run your own campaign without going into such debt that you must beg for someone else to pay for your egomaniacal folly, you should gracefully bow out, and start working really hard to pay your own debts. She should join the white, the hard working, the hard working white voters of West Virginia, who have been hit so hard by the economic policies of the republicans, the republicans who will get the vote of those white, economically disadvantaged, undereducated, hard working white voters of Kentucky and West Virginia who voted for her in record numbers in their primaries. Maybe they'll pay down her campaign debts.
You always speak so clearly- and you say exactly what is on your mind...I love that..thank you...I think it is all really sad, she needs to find her dignity and pull herself together and LEAD her people to Unity and to Obama, and help them to have a REAL Future...Like the people in West Virginia and Kentucky....she should not have been asking for money that night, and WHY she would have such a huge Debt is beyond me..( she again lent her campaign $$$ in May- 11.6 Million)....I am mostly sad- that Incredible NIGHT when he hit the number 2118- and she did not congratulate...or even acknowledge the History of the Moment....Because she did not acknowledge his WIN, and Ignored it...it made a mess- the Foriegn Papers could not even Declare Obama the winner...
Another really good Post on this whole issue was Distributor Cap....
But Utah, or Madame Savage as I like to call you ;-)
We WILL Prevail and get through this..we will get over this bump in the road...we will come together....and Move Forward...She has really written herself an Obit on the VP job- Obama has three rules when he started this...
(1) CLEAN Campaigning...WIth respect and Dignity and ON the issues, No Personal Attacks and Integrity...
(3) DIfferent Politics , Change...
He will pick Someone Great to be his VP....Someone that he can trust and that he knows will have his back, stay on messege, and stay focused....
Keep the Faith ....we will get the White House back...
"The soft-minded man always fears change. He feels security in the status quo, and he has an almost morbid fear of the new. For him, the greatest pain is the pain of a new idea."
Martin Luther King Jr.
Bobby's spirit is alive and well in Barack. We are lucky to have him as our nominee!
I don't remember Teddy Kennedy getting this much guff when he refused to cry "uncle" in 1980. Hell, he even took it to the convention floor and never, NEVER, even shook poor Jimmy Carter's hand. As much as I particularly don't care for Hillary, I think she's getting a bum rap here.
I don't know about the Situation is exactly like 1980- I think there are some differences...mostly that it is alot more ugly/divisive ....and it should be resolved quickly and quietly so we can Fight McCain and get the WH back....To be honest what she did the other night not Acknowledging History and even saying "Congratulations" to him for reaching THE Number...it was important that she even do that...she as a leader has to bring her supporters over to Obama- that is what has always happened....( BTW Teddy and Jummy- that was an ugly mess- and there were unity problems...so in that sense there are some similiarities...) I think that it is also just about manners...and we need to restore some dignity to this whole situation....
Obama is now at her home in Va. having a meeting..I hope things get smoothed out and that he gets the time he needs to pick his OWN vp....it is time for the Clintons Dynasty to end- and they need to stop giving orders...
All in all as he said in his interview with Candy Crowly- they both need time to take a breath...and recover...and think...
( On another NOTE the MSM AGAIN is forcing the Hillary VP slot...it's wrong- I actually almost feel sorry for her- for years- the MSM said she would be pres- so NOW they are saying she must be VP- supose that is NOT what she wants...)
I believe that too..I know some do and some don't ...But we only get to see greatness a few times in our lives...I feel it, and I see it in people's eyes too...
We have nothing to fear...well except the Fearmongers...they worry me--- BUT I think we are on the brink of great change,....it is within reach...much work for the fall though....Wonderful Quote...
Tonight Obama met with Hillary- at her Home? or near her home for a couple of hours ....It was a private meeting....( I wonder did that mean Bill was not invited ? I sense it was just Barack and Hillary..)
Still very classy of Obama to go and meet with her....what a gentleman he is...
In his interview with Candy Crowley- he was very plain about that he needed time to look at everyone and VET the VP candidates...
( BIG day::: He also gave press announcment that NO MORE Lobby Money..and held rally with Webb, and Warner down in Virginia)
Kennedy's belligerance cost Carter the election (it was a contributing factor anyway). Hillary, she, on the other hand, seems to be reconciling. I'm ging to give the SOB a break on this one. Sorry.
I do think that she is coming round...and I think Obama is giving her every chance to be gracious and he is trying to smooth the troubled waters....I think they both need time...you can give her a break-that is fine...I think all of us are still kind of realing - it has been a helluva week...
I explained above why I was hard on her...but that is just me...no worries..
About Carter and Kennedy- maybe it was that bad- I honestly don't remember...it being this ugly- but maybe it was, I agree that the belligerance was part of it.....I also think that Reagon out FOLKSY'd him.......( that was an awful year all the way round...not so firey as this...was it ? geez- to be honest I think a part of my brain has blocked out the Reagon Years....that doesn't say much for me...)
Thanks for your thoughts...I know I am too passionate sometimes-you all are pretty patient to put up with me....
Actually, Eugene McCarthy (the anti-war Democrat of the 60s) ended up endorsing Reagan in '80 (something to do with Carter's inability to control inflation). Now THAT is some strange bedfellows! As for the Democratic race that year, I still remember poor Jimmy Carter literally chasing Kennedy around on the stage at the convention, hoping for some love and never getting it. Politics is brutal, huh? P.S. No problems with your passion. It's one of the things I like about you.
thanks for talking- I do remember that Carter really was in some ways splitting- i do remember DEMS either really liking him or NOT...I could never keep track of who was in his court and who wasn't ,...now yes, the Infamous CHASE scene - I do indeed remember that...sadly....brutal....that is a good word for it ;-) {{ I am glad that Obama went to Hill's home to meet with her tonight...we can not have another CHASE moment in Denver....( thanks for what you said...I really do appreciate that...)
2am Update...
Just finished the EVE papers and CNN and MSNBC...Obama had a HUGE day...47 DELS, including ALL the NY contigent......and he went to Va. and gave two huge speechs - one at noon and another at 6pm, and people lined up for hours again- the NOON speech people starting waiting in line at FOUR AM..holy cow... There was 10,000plus at each event, he also gave an address NO MORE Lobby Money, and he was endorsed by Carter today...officially, as well as Gov Strickland, Sherrod Brown, and Jay Inslee, and Webb and Warner...and Webb and Warner were at the Virgina events and we did not get to see on Main Cable or reg news...( his site needs to put the Youtubes up again MSM is not helping..)
Other News:
Michelle Obama is going to do Guest Host on the view- and get this they called and asked her to be a guest- and Nope- Michelle said- if you are going to invite Cindy McCain to Guest host- then you have to ask me too- go Michelle..
That's it for updates tonight....
7am Friday:::
Susposedly Obama and Clinton met on thursday night - at Diane Feinstein's house..and ironed out problems and concerns, and started working on details of this transition. ( per Morning Joe show- Billie Geist)
NOW on Hills web site- there is NO announcement- the last Announcement on the NEWSROOM section : is an announcement that the AP is wrong and there is NO Concession Speech Planned- that was put on the website June 3rd- AND there are NO Further Updates- so NO wonder her supporters are confused. Meanwhile they have been getting emails saying that the fight goes on and that there is a RALLY planned for Saturday ( but on her blog threads- it looks like The Rally was already planned earlier in the week- that is NOT the same as a Concession Speech..) On her site there are letters now posted that say she is supporting Obama- that is on another section, but the blog is still in turmoil and much talk of wanting to vote for mccain etc...leaving party etc etc...( about 400 total- 3 blog spots- the same people venting and raging- I don't think they have a moderator...)
The MAIn thing is they feel the RULES committee robbed her-that Obama was supposed to get ZERO from Michigan- which would have changed Everything according to them- and that Obama was given FOUR of her dels...NOW meanwhile it is also important to NOTE- on Tuesday the Mich Dels and Superdels endorsed him- so that must have also fueled the fire on this....BUT Nowhere on her site in the blog or the newsroom is it announced When she will give concession speech and that Obama Officially won...( Maybe DEAN and the DNC should make an annnouncement ???hello???)Now the two letters have been added that she wants to unite the party- so I truly hopes that she does that...there is no info on WHERE the rally is to be held- or When the announcement is to be made....
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