Sunday, February 22, 2009

Burris had to have a Little Chat with the FEDS on Saturday ...hmmm, sounds like Resignation might be on His Political Horizons....


Mauigirl said...

It won't be much longer now...

Distributorcap said...

good riddance to him --- this is just another step in the decline and perhaps collapse of the american system of govt - it is just not working anymore

Annette said...

I hope he does, but I am afraid he won't... he is just so stubborn I think he will hang in there and stay... at least until they just force him to go.

enigma4ever said...

sadly I think they will drag him out kicking and screaming and about that Change...hmm Dcap- we need it for sure...this kind of crap should not be so common or accepted ;-(

maui I sure hope it is sooooooon.....

D.K. Raed said...

wouldn't it be strange if Burris resigns and then the new Gov, Pat Quinn, reappoints him? not that I think that would happen. actually I blame Harry Reid for not sticking to his guns and waiting a couple weeks for Blago to get impeached.