Friday, February 13, 2009

Stimulus Plan Passes....House and Senate...Los Angeles Times | February 13, 2009 | 7:54 p.m. PT

Los Angeles Times | February 13, 2009 | 7:54 p.m. PT::::
U.S. Senate passes $787 billion stimulus plan
In a major victory for President Barack Obama, Democrats pass a huge, $787 billion stimulus bill tonight, 60-38. Republican opposition was nearly unanimous, with only 3 senators voting in favor of the package. They were Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, and Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine.Earlier today the House passed the bill 246-183.Obama made the package of tax cuts and federal spending the centerpiece of his plan for economic recovery. He is expected to sign the bill soon. Roll call in the Senate was extended into the night to allow time for Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown to fly back from Ohio, where his mother died earlier in the week. His was the decisive 60th vote for the bill.


Gryphen said...

Whoo Hoo!

Time to start fixing the country.

neonprimetime said...

I have posted the full text of the 02/13/09 stimulus bill in searchable text documents and html here ... please note it may take a while for you to read this, considering it's over 1000 pages!!! I can't imagine ANY senator or representative, or even the president reviewed even a 5% of this document. But enjoy!

enigma4ever said...

thanks Neon...
I actually made it through,....suffered through the "shorter" versions, when it was 400 pages...then 700...but now that it is 1100 pages...oye...see- I dont get it - they took STUFF OUT - how did it get THIS long????

yes, indeedy time to get things cracking....

tom said...

This bill is a start, not an end point, we must remember that all the IMMEDIATE stimulus that was taken out of the bill to placate our 3 *count em 3 regurgitan votes will haunt us until we can replace those cuts, for it is the immediate stims that were the enemy of the Regurgitans, they purpopsely had the most effective items shit canned to hobble the stim, THAT way the stim takes LONGER to kick in, WE know this because they are planning THEIR strategy for a comeback in the next election cycle, because the stim can't possibly begin pulling us out for at least a year, 8 months at a fuck Susan Collins and Olympia Snow and that prick from Philly Spector, OH and thanks for nothing for the 12 dollars a month in tax rebates.......stimulus indeed, The Japanese tried a trickle down stim and got ten years of economic
1) KILL the filibuster OR MAKE the regurgitans actuall take out the cots and stand up and speak for 24/7
2)Find a replacement for HARRY REED
3) TAKE YOUR MONEY OUT of the FAILED BANKS and put it into GOOD banks

Fran said...

Tom~ I like your 3 recommendations to fix this problem- might I add an addendum to #2?
Find replacements for Harry Reid AND Nancy Pelosi.

I also think a moratorium on ARM & Variable rate mortgages, with no early payment penalty. So if someone wants to make a balloon payment, or larger payments they can, but are not contractually obliged to.

I just read an article from a foreclosure lawyer saying so many of those going into foreclosure were sold ARM or Adjustable rate mortgages-- when they adjust up, people are not able to pay the higher monthly payment. Cut those 2 items out & put a serious damper on further foreclosures & defaults.

As for intellectual redneck-- It's easy to be an armchair critic. A bunch of the stimulus package brings immediate jobs & fixes ailing infrastructure.
This plan as opposed to the *Ignore the economy & it will go away* plan, of the last 8 years???

You have to start fixing this mess the elephants left for 8 years somehow.!

NEWSGUY said...

I am hoping President Obama learned a lesson from his venture into bipartisanship. He served cookies and milk to these GOP criminals and got zero votes in the House and only three in the Senate.

Meanwhile, the stimulus bill contained billions in Republican tax breaks that will not stimulate the economy but was intended to attract Republican votes. It did not.

The stimulus bill should have contained a severe cap on credit card interest rates. That would have stimulated the economy big time. As millions of Americans struggle with credit card debt, this was never even discussed

Meanwhile, Obama got blindsided by his Republican appointment as Commerce Secretary, Sen. Judd Gregg of New Hampshire, who withdrew his nomination, saying he couldn't believe in Democratic efforts at economic recovery.

Will Obama finally learn that you cannot deal with these political Jihadists?

Annette said...

I hate to burst all your bubbles but the President is not going to stop reaching out to the other side. So you might as well get used to that. He wouldn't be him if he didn't do it.

And don't you all remember.. he promised most of these tax cuts to us when he was running for why are you surprized they are in this recovery plan??

Besides... I look at it this way.. the rethuglicans are playing right into his hands. He is reaching out, making all the moves to them, being kind, inviting them over for milk and cookies, drinks and dinner and they are souring the milk and crapping on the floor, then leaving the mess for him to clean up.

And who looks bad?? They do..the rethuglicans. While the President looks like the great guy that he is. I call that a win win..

NEWSGUY said...

The Republicans are murderous thugs. You can't be nice to these people and win.

tom said...

I certainly agree to adding Pelosi to #2, as for the ARMS, I think that is the real nut which I hear we the good guys are working on a fix, where the contracts are renegotiated and the folks get to keep their homes espeially the folk that are still paying the mortgages... it seems the ARMS are pushing folk out of their homes, ... now if we fix this we stop many foreclosures
but can SOMEBODY tell me HOW to STOP the freaking banks from charging us 30% on credit card debt

Fran said...

Tom: We refuse to take 30% credit cards?

Distributorcap said...

i dont have any hope for the GOP to do anything to support Obama - they wont. they have nothing other than obstruction and hate left in their back of tricks.

oh - and tax cuts for rich white people

Fran said...

But I agree w what annette said- of course Obama is going to keep reaching across the aisle.... because it is the beginning of his administration & if he keeps reaching & they keep burning it makes THEM look bad.

It's not because he has not learned, but because it is his strategy. As the economy worsens & the elephants essentially do nothing, they are the ones in the hot seat. Let them take themselves down.
Obama stays on the high road.

enigma4ever said...

I was at work this I did not get to be part of this discussion....but you all really did have an amazing discussion....I sat here nodded...laughed and yes, it made me think....

...I do think Obama is using strategy...that his reaching out is part of making them show WHO they really are...He will attempt to teach them a funny way they are showing how obstoruction oriented they are, but in 2010- it will catch up with them- because with their actions they show they are unwilling to do anything to help The People....

Also there are Repug People out here suffering....really suffering...and they will always remember that Obama came to see them, and listened and did TRY to reach out to the Repug part of DC....they are watching....

It is Only Step One of his plan...there is much more to come to Reform 8 years of Bush, and 16 years of Newt Crapola....The first piece was JOBS, the Housing Mess..( that will be a much nastier battle...) and then finally Healthcare...and Education at some point will have to be reintroduced as the Repugs cut alot....and finally Pentagon and Military Spending will be overhauled- as it is totally corrupted and wasteful....

The amazing thing about Bush and his cronies- there is NO piece of our Infrastructure that is not broken from Justice to Energy to Finance....and Obama will definently need 8 years to fix all of this mess,....or even part of it...

waynebollman said...

I'm confused as all hell. Is the final bill that was signed into law 1100 pages (as the MSM says) or only 400 pages (as it appears on and other sites)? And if it's 1100 pages why isn't showing the whole bill?

enigma4ever said...

I just noticed that too- and got some other emails on it-
I too am very confused...
we need to figure this out...
I will work in unraveling it this weekend....
