Sunday, February 22, 2009

Early Sunday Morning....A New Video, and 3 AM thoughts...

This is Not America...or is it ? ( David Bowie's song)..(" America and the New Depression" how it is named on Youtube.)
Mandt and I made this video together, and it is explained in more detail below....

This Song has been stuck in my head as I listen to the Repug Governors talk about NOT taking the Money, because of " Principle". What "Principle" is that ? Letting People starve and live on the street ?Have they NO shame ?

Mandt and I collaborated again on the above Video, he is so talented.....The photos are from around the Country, addressing the New Depression, photos of job lines, foreclosed homes,Job Lines- the photo of thousands that lined up for 35 fFD jobs in Florida, and yes boarded up homes from all over, not just CTown.... and yes, there is a photo of President Obama hugging Henrietta Hughes, she is the woman from the Fort Myers Rally who had been living in her car for over a year with her son....( thanks to that rally she connected with a family that did "lend" her a home....but grief and sorrow and worry brought her to the rally that was held not far from where she slept with her son). There is also a photo of a woman that lost her home in Galveston during IKE, and there are Train Photos from Obama's Trainride InAugural Weekend of What he and Michelle saw as they traveled on that Track, the huddled masses and boarded up foreclosed homes....and yes at the very end there is a VET....One In Three Homeless are VETS...( and No One has investigated HOW MANY VETS and VET families have been foreclosed....or how many return home to be Jobless ?).

Interspersed with Current Photos are photos from the 1930's taken by Dorothea Lange when she took photos for the Public Works Project. I chose them because they truly show the Plight of the Times etched in Folks' Faces....and if you look around, the faces look much the same....the Only difference is her photos are Black and White ?
About the Stimulus Package, All States receive Some Aid of some sort,but more importantly it is about acknowledging the Reality that We ALL are in for some Hard is better to admit it and work together on facing it and finding Solutions. we are out of time for Deluded Republicans and their Principled Stands that will harm more people and starve folks.

I try everyday that I work to go to work to be very grateful that I have some kind of work...any work.....but I also take something with me....a Bit of Hope and I try to spread that...I remind people that a year ago we had a Delusional King at the Helm of his Titannical Administration that could not say the "R" word....much less look out his window or hell even do a Flyover of the Economic Terrorism that he has wreaked upon this Country....for yes, we have been raped and pillaged economically by the corporotized Neocons.....and I have seen estimated that the Iraq War actually has caused over 1 trillion dollars in economic damage in our economy.....I remind folks that atleast NOW we have a President that gets up Every day and Works on this Mess for us...ALL of us and he is willing and able to talk Reality to us...We The People needed that. We will get through this together, but atleast now we have a President that is awake at 3am, just like us...we all are truly in this Together.

And if you run into Repugs who say Obama is "spending Too much Money", remind them that Bush spent Nothing on US, Nothing on WE THE PEOPLE...that Obama is Investing In Us, We the People , and Our Children and Our Needs and Our Future....and it is about damned time.
Housing Update from my area. Here in C-town by the Lake, on the East Side I learned this week that Our Foreclosure Rate is FORTY ONE TIMES the National Average....which would certainly explain the number of empty houses in my hood.The Main Banks here Charter One, Wells Fargo and PNC of Pittsburgh ( that was National City) have put Foreclosures on hold while Obama's Housing Program is being structured and implemented, ( atleast until March). And according to Economists his Plan does address housing needs and problems, and that includes for Renters. ( I do wonder if it has funds for Shelters and Food Banks and Vet Programs as well, but I have not found it on the Internet yet.)
(About the Foreclosure Hold here.....hopefully for 6-6 and I that will mean that our spot is safe for now... we already moved once due to having a foreclosed landlord back in 2007...and we are hoping that we don't have to do it again...)

Be good to each other....we all need to take care of each other....
Sunday Updates:
20 % in LA County recieving Assistance and Aid.... ( gee good their Repug Governor KNOWS that times are hard..)

Maureen Dowd kicks ass as always....Bubba won't like this post much......

Dean talking about the repug Gov's and their stupidity....


Annette said...

I think that is why they don't want to take the money.. it is not to do with anything to do with laws or figuring out how to deal is admitting they have a problem in their states and they need the federal government to help them. That's it is in a nutshell...admitting they have a problem. Because they are R's and the President is a D...that's the hold up right there.

Did you see the new video I have up at my have to see it.. I think it sums up the whole thing... one R who says vote us back in and we will give all the money back to you. That's the story right there.

enigma4ever said...

yup...DENIAL ....

and yes, Jindal and Palin are already getting ready to run....pathetic...egotistical as they are....willing to let their own people starve for their selfish narcisstic politcal aspirations....

Distributorcap said...

sometimes you just want to cry to see what has happened to this country because of "principles" --- i cannot tell you how much i hate and loath and despise people like sanford and palin and the rest of them. but most of all george w. bush - may he have the most miserable life full of pain and hardships that no one should endure

they STOLE from the american people in the name of helping the american people - when in reality they stole for themselves - and wrapped it up in religion and patriotism

and with 40years of a neglected education system - we became one of the stupidest nations in the west - and fell for their shit lock stock and barrel (well not all of us - but enough).

i have to stop writing before i either get so mad or so depressed.

enigma4ever said...

oh dcap...
I am so sorry...I hear you..I too HATE what Bush and His motherfuckeringCriminal Regime did to OUR Country......and you are right on so many fronts- from Education to Infrasturcture to JD we are in such trouble....and the repug governors that are following in his footsetps..and about Snaford and Maddoff ( and you and I Know there will be MORE.....) they got away with their Criminal Games and Robbery because Bush had ALL the Reources Diverted to "terra"- so now we have suffered Economic Havoc.....and yes, part of me wonders was it an accident or on purpose ? either way it was dangerous on so many fronts...and destructive....

but know this dcap...most people are smart and GET IT...and if worse comes to worse most people are not like Palin, Barbour and Jindal.....

I will keep sharing my crumbs with you...always...

( I had to make the video, because this is what I see...I can not just walk by....or pretend I don't I take phone phiotos and talk to people., listen to their stories..., esp at the market......what else can I do...)

NEWSGUY said...

Oh it was no accident that the Bush presidency damn near bankrupted the country.

Neocon Grover Glenn Norquist said the government should be shrunk so small it could be could drowned it in a bathtub. The Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld criminals had their own take on it: carry on an illegal $2 billion a week war for years. That accomplished essentially the same thing.

The idea was to starve essential services, and it worked out quite well for them except for one thing. It led to a Democratic presidency and Congress. Maybe that wasn't part of the plan, but maybe it was. Now the Dems have a horrific mess on their hands. And if they fail to bring us out of this, the Republicans are poised to benefit.

That's exactly why they are being so uncooperative. They want Obama to fail. They want the country to suffer.

Rush said as much.

D.K. Raed said...

that is a very affecting video you put together. really captures it.

I like your advice of what to tell repubs complaining that Obama is spending too much. I've been telling the complainers that we are NOT digging ourselves INTO a hole, we are trying to dig ourselves OUT of one!

the walking man said...

It is a good video E...very good.

If Michigan leads the nation in all the downward statistics then it stand to reason that there is still a long way to go. Things are still yet auguring in here, not at bottom yet but more and more are finding their personal financial bottoms.

The food banks and soup kitchens have seen a 35% increase in the request for services and foreclosures here are still continuing (at least those that were filed before the Obama plan).

People here are running if they can from the state and more importantly we are running out of hope, which in its turn is leading a violent desperate place to become more so.

There may be a turn around, God knows i hope so, but I don't see a swift recovery from the last decade of the spend at will doctrine. It is going to be painful but in the end pain has taught me that when it is over...relief is so much sweeter.

Keep the faith honey. All will be well.