Tuesday, August 18, 2009

10 PM Breaking News on AndersonCooper 360 CNN Ed Henry is being Interviews, Whitehouse is saying that the DEMS will go Alone on the Health Care Reform

( My thought is that if Obama and his people saw that Grassley Town Hall From last Wed in Afton where he called Obama's Plan is "Dangerous", then they should stop compromising with these Obstructionists).


NEWSGUY said...

Of course, I expect anyone reading the Nurse's blog to have at least left support for the public option on the White House Web site. You can also leave a message of support at Health and Human Services, but there is no actual place to comment, only an indication of support by leaving name, address, etc. But here's a sneaky way of getting the message across. Where it says name, type in PUBLIC OPTION. Where it says address type in PUBLIC OPTION, etc. etc.

Remember it was Kathleen Sebelius who suggested the public option was no big deal and could be taken out with the trash. So go on over to: < http://www.healthreform.gov/support.html> and leave your comments. I finished by leaving my actual phone number and email address. Pass this on.

We're having a huge effect on the debate. We have to keep it up.

One more thing. The Senate Finance Committee is still in the 19th Century. No email address. Their phone number is (202) 224-4515

enigma4ever said...

ahhhh bless you newsguy....we are shaking things up....we have to keep at it..thanks for the great tips...hang in there..

50 Million People are counting on us..it is working..

Anonymous said...

Remember it was Kathleen Sebelius who suggested the public option was no big deal and could be taken out with the trash.

Yes, Newsguy, she did; but she would not have done it without Obama's approval.

And if you noticed, during the town hall meeting in CO last weekend, Obama said "whether or not we will have a public option" or something to that effect, signaling his own intent, I believe.

BTW, Jon Stewart has taken him up on this -- I have a clip on my blog.

enigma4ever said...

NOT Essential.,,,,well Someone can kiss my NON Essential ass...

WT ????

Keep at it..