Thursday, August 20, 2009



enigma4ever said...

2:45 Pm
Small Basement Setting- looks like a bunker- small little in the round crowd....

Obama is talking about the Public Option STRONGLY...explaining how it will be run, managed and participated in ...PHEW...( and the people clapped loudly)

( the banner behind him says " Health Insurance Reform" I was very worried....but he makes a point- that he can not offer the Public Option WITHOUT Insurance reform !!)

Now he is explaining HOW to talk to people explain to them about Medicare and that it is a govt program......

( this is the Obama we all knew on the trail- who explained how to talk to people and how to educate them...)

Now he is talking how Roosevelt was accused of being a Socialist....and then JFK the same thing..

These arguments allways have come up - we can over come these Scare tactics and yeah there is a lot of money at play but we can help explain and educate people and this is about Trust.

Let's go get them.....

NOW for the Questions...

enigma4ever said...

3 Questions:
One Online, One from email , One from Twitter::::

Most Compelling Argument that can be made for Health Reform::::

The Status Quo is not sustainable...if you like what you have now- then will be fine- BUT as more and more rises- eventually your paycheck more and more will be lost to other people. When wage increases are going to increased insurance costs- it does effect you...
If we just stand still- no we won't be okay..

If you don't have insurance - we are not forcing you- but you should have options- and one of those options should be a public option- it will force the costs to be more fair....competitive.

emphasize, remember that most people have insurance, this will be a set of protections that will provide you more security and protections that you need to....the house bill even has provisions such as cost control so that they are not allowed to make so much money and profit on your premiums....we are going to reduce cost over time- and that is what is needed.

We spend more than ANY advanced country and yet we are getting less care- other countries with universal care are getting more care but they are spending less per person.

enigma4ever said...

Connie Lind from florida has question:::

retired administrator for healthcare, "are we winning support from congress ?"

It still makes a difference whereever you are,because we know about what is playing on tv and what is on the airwaves, and especially the seniors are the ones more nervous and worried....and they are worried about their medicare is going to be changed or taken away...reassure them,,,but also let them know their kids and grandkids deserve access to care...

AZ Twitter question, Where are these Lies from?

I mean come on we know where they are coming from ,change the channel- you KNOW where they are coming from...there you know you will see who is propagating this...just to remember keep pushing the Truth....keep at it...

there is no plan about Immigrants...
there is no plan to change existing provisions about abortion ( Hyde amend)

there is NO Govt take over plan about getting between you and dr...and we don't want Insurance companies interfering either- Applause...
Death panel idea ( laughter)

Provision in house bill....people have not always prepared... repugs previosly supported this....
that people need counseling and chance to talk to the their doc about things like living will etc, about how to talk about it and hospice was never scary before- NOW how this is reported NOW- suddenly it is reported about Death panels...
that is how this happens and spreads....even though we said it isn't true- well no one reported it...or explained it- and then you have someone not even remotedly telling the Truth....

I have to have you also go out and explain all this and set the facts straight..

enigma4ever said...

there are some people that want 1993- want to see it fail and just don;t want it...

and then there are some people that just don't want the goivt involvd...period- I know that

we are trying to persuade..facts are on out side..

enigma4ever said...

NC man, thanks for carrying NC..

I am working for people like me and my grankids...I know you have been trying to get a bipartisian plan....
but if they don't come on board, you are still working for us ( I think that is what he asked)

I do give those repugs credit...for trying to work with the end I don't know if they can get there..but I don't some point there will be a conclusion that will include repug ideas, buit my obligation is the American people ONE way of Another....that is my obligation,......

Virginia Question:::
( she is so well spoken and polite about this..she says it all comes down to money...) who is going to pay for this that is the question I hear all the time?

enigma4ever said...

Trillian dollars a year, we are spending 8-9 Billion a month- same cost per YEAR is what are spending per month in Iraq....our costs - it will be paying for itself with taxpayer money that is already in the system and is not being used for the people or wisely....

incentivize the will be paid differently...comparing to auto care ( I think he kind of lost them on this) I think he is really smart- sadly I think this is a math issue- people have trouble with the numbers of it)

enigma4ever said...

he is explaining about how the costs brake down and you can tell people Prez is commited that I won't have this saddled on their backs, esp the tax burden of the middle class..

will my employer dump me into the public option..
but there is a provisions and firewalls that prevent this- but also the small businesses will be allowed to have their people go to the public option- that will be available to them- they need it- they are not being offered the chance to get those rates from big companies

enigma4ever said...

NC person- from Durham- his group has 10,000 members, and his question is about the Public Option- I do think it is important...the only thing we have said and I have said- Public Option is just one part of the plan- ONE part.

there are other parts that we need like insurance reform- we have to have insurance that does not exclude people with pre-existing conditions and we can not let them cap people and there have to be benchmarks set so that the insurance companies behave better...

he gave a Belt Suspender example ( I did not get it..sorry)

enigma4ever said...

We have to focus on all that they work together...

Question about Choice and Lifestyle::
what should we do to encourage this in young people,.....

Obesity rates...etc...DM and heart failure etc..
do explain about prevention and well ness etc. and businesses should be embracing this.....and teach our children- that is up to us...

enigma4ever said...

Sorry..ran to the Lou..

Okay he is explaining that some hardship exemptions will be given...
I did miss the question....

Closing statements::
It is easy to say and do nothing and have your poll numbers go up..BUT that is not what this is about- this is about why you wanted me here- that you wanted something done- that we can do things make our schools better and use our energy better..and that we can take care of people better...

Can we do this better...there are people that want us to fail...he is really talking it...explaining it that DC is a tough cynical town...nope there are people that want this to fail - they are rooting for it....and want it...they want that story....

we are not going to give up now we are going to get this done and make it happen people cheering and happy and doing the old Yes We Can chant- ( I love it when old people chant this- cheers me..)

good Obama now THAT was what we needed....

enigma4ever said...

Healthcare Hub,
is now on CSpan has links to all info and meetings ( that is new....)

And now Barney Franks town Hall is on ALL of it...hmm might have to watch this..