Monday May 31st Updates 3PM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Update From Late last Night MUST SEE VIDEO::: Tony Hayward was Questioned on CNN regarding Sick Clean Up Workers Workers: here is the Video of him saying that they possibly have "Food Poisoning" .(On Friday Presser Suttles in Presser with Coast Guard tried to blame "Heat " for their illness, although we all know Heat does not cause Chest Pain and trouble breathing.)Please see more in Dispersant Post below.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile here is the Local Media of NOLA reporting that the Shrimpers were out working on Clean Up and were sprayed by Low flying Planes with COREXIT, and they got sick. From a medical stand point it is doubtful that they got Sprayed with Food Poisoning. This links is a must read found by a Gulf resident.Please do read. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10 AM Post for day 42.....Updates Above I think none of us at this point can look at the Gushercam or the photos from the Marshes and not have some level of Anger...and distrust...The bigger question is How do we channel that anger into something contructive...something that will help the Gulf ? I don't have the answer....but the photos below are to remind us that the Gulf is a part of us, our history , Our Culture as a country...of WHO we are's worth fighting for....After 911 many of us said we are all New Yorkers now...and in a way , a different way, but still a very palpable way...we are all the Gulf now, because what happened in the Gulf could have happened anywhere....a Corporate Ecological Disaster on a mammoth scale...It is up to us to help Our Neighbors and do what is needed to help them, it is the One Right Thing we can do after such a Series of Massive Wrongs...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First off Some Information from MSNBC this am : (1) New Government Estimate OIlspill gushing daily :12-19KBarrels/day=510,000-807,500 gallons/Day....(may3st,Day 42) (2) MSNBC via NOAA Hurricanes perdictions this year Total storms= 12-23/8-14 hurricanes/7 major||El Nino effect worsens it,Highest Atlantic Basin temps EVER on record this year. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I will post more updates later today....please do scroll down below for more information.....plenty there...take your time.
Original Post on Dispersant COREXIT posted May14th, EPA,CDC,DHHS and OSHA have all been written regarding concerns about this Chemical Compound (both forms). BP is blaming Heat and Food Poisoning for workers illnesses and complaints. Yet the Illness complaints range from chest pain to nausea,vomiting,trouble breathing,rashes,headaches and dizzyness.BP has also not been allowing Workers to wear Respiratory Protection masks. BP has threatened the workers who complain of health issues or and has threatened to FIRE workers who want to wear masks. Workers, worker families, and residents of the Gulf have been having a variety of health complaints.
{ May29 Advoacy Update:::I have gotten NO response back from EPA or OSHA or DHHS.CDC did send me a Flu Shot update letter, and no other contacts or information to follow up with. When I called on the phone I got a Answering Service in India.}
EPA Water Sampling Results up to May 7th ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
EPA Sediment Samplings to May 7th ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Please see Dispersant Ingredients Below-Heavy Metals and Cyanide are extremely toxic to Sea Life and are not being tested for in the EPA results of Sampling Reports above.Necropsy Reports should be done on the dead fish,turtles,dolphins for the dispersant ingredients. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
According to the DeepWater Horizon Response website that was posted by GOSHEP ( Louisanna Governor's Office Reponse Center) COREXIT is being used as a Dispersant sprayed over the Gulf by lowflying planes to break up the Oil. On Thursday May 13th they posted they have used 476,000 gallons so far , with 275,000 gallons still available. Yet after reading the Literature from EPA this raises some concerning questions. ( Approximately 300 dead fish showed up at Dauphin Island,some of the fish were quite large, fullgrown adult fish, as they did not appear oily in appearance, it raised the question could the Dispersant have harmed them ? Could they be tested for the dispersants or their stomach contents, now we know they could be tested for Heavy Metals).
(1) The EPA literature says that the mixture has Solvents,Heavy Metals (arsenic,mercury in PPM that would be toxic to fish)and cyanide.
(2) 476,000 gallons have been used so far, was this amount diluted in any way or straight to surface of water ? The Literature states that small amounts are used per acres to be sprayed 2-10 gallons at a time within 24 hours of moderate spill. The Literature also does not say what happens with larger spill, it reads as though it has not been tested or used in this way before. ( See No5 below and ask has too much been used in the Gulf in a short time ?).
(4) Here is the information about the Heavy Metals concentrations ( from EPA info) ( which the fish should be tested)
(Please See Below the Toxins were measured in PPM:Parts per Million, yet for sensitive Aquatic Environments they should be measured in PPB-Parts Per Billion.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Compound Concentration (ppm)
Arsenic < 0.005
Cadmium < 0.01
Chromium < 1.0
Copper < 0.2
Lead < 0.1
Mercury < 0.003
Nickel < 0.1
Zinc 0.1
Cyanide < 0.01
Chlorinated Hydrocarbons < 0.01
*** HOW Dangerous is Cyanide to Birds,Mammals and fish Read THIS.
(5) The EPA info alson gives basic guidelines for Usage and Dispersal:
"2. Concentration/Application Rate:
A treatment rate of about 2 to 10 U.S. gallons per acre, or a dispersant to oil ratio of 1:50 to 1:10 is recommended. This rate varies depending on the type of oil, degree of weathering, temperature, and thickness of the slick.
3. Conditions for Use:
As with all dispersants, timely application ensures the highest degree of success. Early treatment with COREXIT® EC9500A, even at reduced treat rates, can also counter the "mousse" forming tendencies of the spilled oil. COREXIT® EC9500A is useful on oil spills in salt water."
People in the Gulf are NOW being told to call BP with their finds of Injured or Dead or oily creatures. My Question is shouldn't Federal Fish and Wildlife be collecting the dead and performing Necropsies ? And hopefully before any more of the 217,000 remaining gallons is used Federal Fish and Wildlife will be consulted. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ProRepbulica has a post up about the Concerns about the Gulf Dispersants ingredients and their effects. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Updated Post May 29th : EPA still not testing Waters for the Dispersant.No Tests have been done on the Dead Animals that were tested that were not oily, but still should be tested. (It could also be that Independent Scientists or groups are testing. Clean Up workers have gotten ill and OSHA precautions were issued for Oil Products and Fumes, we have not seen OSHA at Conferences or addressing these concerns. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dr.Nyman from LSU speaking to the Dispersant issue.
1:30 PM Saturday May29th The Suttles "Clean Up" Conference at the Beach Doug Suttles held a Press Conference on a Louisiana Beach yesterday , showing up looking casual in a loose button down shirt and ready to update the Press on the Clean Up efforts being deployed.It was one day after the Friday Staged Event in which the President was show a pristine Beach being cleaned by an army of 400 bused in Clean Up Workers. President Obama was steered around the Beach with no interaction with the Workers and one lonely Tarball was examined. Yet we all know that there are Marshes drenched in Oily Goo unprotected by Booms and unvisited by ANY Clean Up Crews. Suttles held the Saturday Presser to "reassure" the Press and the Public that the Obama Beach Tour was "legitimate and not staged". Yet the Presser was full of other pieces of information below that I live-tweeted. (I am still in pursuit of FULL tape of this -please email me link if you find full unedited tape).
This "Clip" was sent out to Business Journals to assure them the Cleanup was progressing well. It contains some interesting concerning Facts stated by Mr.Suttles : BP is "planning to create Tent Cities for the hired Cleanup Workers and also Floating Cleanup Camps". Yet anyone that works with Hazardous Clean up KNOWS that this is very dangerous to make the Workers WORK 12 Hour shifts with the Toxic Clean Up and then make they sleep at THE TOXIC SITE. Add to this Scenario the Floating Camps would be in harms way with Hurricane Season Fast Approaching. I have to wonder if OSHA or EPA or HLS or DHHS has heard of these Dangerous Plans.
Other Facts from the First Presser Saturday May 29th Day 40 of the Oil Disaster Spoken by Mr.Suttles (1) When asked by a Reporter for the Exact amount spent on the Disaster Mr.Suttles stated that 940 Million Dollars have been spent by the Federal Government and that BP INTENDS to reimburse.THIS WAS THE FIRST TIME WE HAD BEEN TOLD THAT BP HAS NOT SPENT ANY FUNDS THAT OUR GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN FOOTING THE ENTIRE BILL WAITING FOR REIMBURSEMENT ? ( no reporter present followed up on this Question David Mattingly of CNN was present and did ask questions about dispersant. CNN was the only station that ran the Presser live).
(2) He stated that the Dispersants are working because their OWN tests say so, and that EPA has approved of their using the Dispersant currently being used. ( Yet we know as of 5 days ago EPA had ordered them to stop using, it was also concerning he said THEY meaning BP is doing the Testing,yet we had been told by EPA that they were doing the tests of air,water etc,.This issue needs to be clarified.
(3) The Floating Camps and the Tent Cities is an issue that must be addressed, as stated above. Again an issue that reporters did not follow up on or ask questions. OSHA issue and one Clean Up Worker Safety.
(4) Many of the reporters there were thinking it was an Update on the Topkill process, but he would not answer those questions and said that a New Presser set for 4PM would address those "concerns". ( Indeed the 6PM presser was held to address the Top KIll Failure, and that is posted in another post here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Enigma Followup Question/Concern: We the public learned this weekend that Prisoners are being used as part of the Clean Up Process hired by BP, no reporter asked regarding this situation, although we have been trying to get more information regarding ALL the Bused in Workers, and their status and care. Their Health is critical and Suttles did say the Clean Up workers are working 12 hour days, there are OSHA Laws to protect their safety and health and wellbeing. BP has NEVER run a Disaster and people's health should not be compromised in this cleanup. OSHA has not been present at any press Conferences that I have seen thus far.
11 Minute Press Conference held Explaining the TopKill Failure and What happens next. Presser held by BP and Coast Guard on Saturday Evening at 6PM EST.
NASA negative image really show the full extent of the Oil Disaster....(photo and diagram are from @Stallcop or Ron Stallcop) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PLUME diagram... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CNN reporter has come to report with NOAA, but this is one of his first photos. ( Rob Marciano ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Photo from the LiveCam , from Friday Eve, we are trying to ascertain if that is Mud or Mud and Oil coming out at high pressure. Unclear of the Junk Shot effectiveness... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @WWLTV raises questions about how our Nation is mesmerized by Top Kill video, but is it working? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Louisiana Marshes....the Booms are not working..5.28.10 President visited the Gulf, spending time in Grand Isle today, many there wish he had visited The People, the Fishermen and gone to the Marshes and really SEEN the Oil. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4PM UPDATES : Re: BP Press Conferences and has TOPKILL Failed ?? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Latest Attempt by BP to Plug Oil Leak Fails with the TOPKILL process has supposedly Failed. This Post came out this AM from the NYT and it is a MUSTREAD> At 1:30PM Suttles held press conference and did not discuss the Topkill process and said that More about it would be discussed at 4PM.I took notes during the Conference and I will post his words and the Video later this afternoon. The Press Conference and this Article are a turning point in the Events in the Gulf. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ says that TOPKILL has not stopped the oil leak and is examining other options. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From Kate Shepperd : Mother Jones" BP Admits Top-Kill Not Working " has more details. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4PM Press Conference DUE on TOPKILL....( I will report back after the Presser).
The "Water" in Louisiana Marshlands : This precious ecosystem is where so many creatures make their home , there is no way to survive with water that looks like chocolate pudding. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "We are all in the same boat in a stormy sea, and we owe each other a terrible loyalty.”~ G. K. Chesterton Gov. Jindal Boat Tour took a tour on Wednesday with Anderson Cooper,Mary Matlin and James Carville, the disgust on their faces is palpable as they look at the Goo That Gov. Jindal has "Netted". (@GOSEP the Governor's twitter account posted the photos of the tragic tour. Louisiana is now struggling with almost 100 contaminated miles of shoreland. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Updates Below on Dispersant Issues,Hurricane Issues,Wildlife Issues and BP Problems. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ( NASA photo of Hurricane IKE of 2009) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As of Thursday Day 38 we know that 29,000 Miles have been contaminated in the Gulf ( as measured by NASA imaging ) and that a 2nd plume has been found moving towards Mobile Bay. The Gusher figures have been revised from the mere 1000 Barrels/day to 5000 barrels a day by BP, NOW Independent Scientists and experts are estimating that the most conservative figure is 12,000 barrels /day. That number changes the scope of this disaster to a starting point of 510,000gallons/day that were spewing for 38 days, that brings the total to over 19 Million gallons. At this point this is the Worst Environmental Disaster that surpasses the Exxon Valdez disaster. ( Please see below as their is a Topkill Update and Post on the latest in attempting to kill the Well.) ( For direct information related to Louisiana do see @GOHSEP on Twitter and read latest update that was sent out yesterday This is the update from the Governor's office and is organized and comprehensive. Officially having Scientists recognize the severity of this Disaster was important after BP had downplayed it for weeks and mislead us about the actual Volume being spewed into the Gulf. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ********************************** NOAA released Hurricane Reports and Scientists began Hurricane Preparation related to the Oil Disaster.
EPA had ordered that BP not use the Dispersant any longer,but BP has kept on using the toxic dispersant even though there are cheaper, less toxic solutions that could be used. (here is another article about the risks of kidney, liver, respiratory damage that is risk of the COREXIT which is also severely toxic to marine life. It is also unclear if the Clean up workers were being checked for both Dispersant and Oil related ailments. As of 5:30PM conference there was NO EPA or OSHA present, but Mr.Suttles was trying to blame their health issues on the "HEAT".
(3) BP's Criminal Past: Those who have investigated BP in the past see a familiar pattern... of problems and issues that could also foreshadow this very disaster. ( Click the Link here to see the CBS eveNews Story.)
TOPKILL Update 2PM Wednesday May 26th to 1AM May 28th ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Wed.Night :The Topkill had started at 2PM and by MN, it was hour 10 of the TOPKILL and so we were all watching the LIVECAMS and we could still see much billowing brownish clouds, so we were trying to figure out if the Mud was filling the Lines, the Well, was the Pressure being matched to the Oil. (If you read the post below it explains what is supposed to happen with the TOPKILL). So last night a bunch of us were monitoring the LIVE CAMS of the Topkill operation, especially after midnight and we were trying to figure out if something was wrong, or was the BP CAM looped ? By 3AM a bunch of the feeds were dark and we could not figure out why. At the time we thought it was camera malfunction.
So today, there was no updates by BP on their Twitter page or website or at their LIVECAM page, but the same Camera feed continued all morning. 12:45 PM President Obama gave his presser on the Gulf Situation and through the afternoon we all kept wondering HOW LONG will it take for the MUD to flow, before the Pressure is reached, the oil is stopped and then we can await an announcement from BP saying it was the Cement time.
At 5:30PM CNN took us LIVE to Gulf Press Conference with Coast Guard and BP and MMS. And then Mr Suttles from BP came to the podium and explained that the Mud Part of the TOPKILL Process had been halted at MN ( Hour 10 of the Topkill). Mind you this press conference was Hour 27 of the Topkill and he informed us that the TOPKILL Process had been halted for the past 16 hours and yet NO ONE had been told that ? Not the Media ? Did the Coast Guard know that whole time ? Did BP tell the President before his own Press Conference in the afternoon ? WHO did know ? And why did they wait 16 hours to tell the Public. AND the bigger Question WHAT had all of us been watching on the Cameras for 16 hours ? LOOPED VIDEO ?
So at 7:45 PM Suttles came out and held another Press Conference and announced that The Process was Staring again with the Junk Shot. And that was the last we heard. LINKS to both pressers will be put Below.
Please know I am just a nurse, a concerned citizen trying to pay attention and learn what I can and share with others...I have no oil history, I did live in a Place that survived a Pipeline Explosion, so I do appreciate how dangerous the Industry can be , and how dangerous it can be for the residents and the Clean Up workers...So I care and blog and hope that we can all learn more to help the Gulf with this Disaster.
A spokesman said engineers paused to assess the plumes, and company officials believed they made some progress, reports the Washington Post. "I think some people believe it has. Some people believe it's less obvious it has. What we do believe we've done is successfully pumped some mud, some of this drilling mud, into this wellbore," he said. "What we do know is that we have not yet stopped the flow." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (3) New York Times has update regarding Stage II of the Topkill Operation and what happens next. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Latest NASA SAT image shared by @CrisisMappers and @NASA ( This image clearly shows the size of the Slick and how it is still entering the SE LOOP which has Hurricane Season approaches with First storm in Atlantic, creates pressure for the TOPKILL to stop this Leak as soon as possible.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The TOPKILL BP Process is planned for today,and should take 48 hours, and PREP began last night during the night, this diagram was found on Internet, explains the process. It is unclear at this point if the Live Videocams will still allow us to watch this process. This is the first time EVER this process will be deployed in Deep Water and with the methane/hydrate issue.....(Stay tuned I will post more info on this later tonight). After looking at diagram above click to this diagram of Deepwater riser and other parts on seabed; pics will make Topkill lmuch clearer.H/T to Avivao on twitter for finding this. )
Snippet From LATimes Article : Here's how it will work:
Heavy mud will be forced into the well to counteract the upward pressure of the leaking oil and gas. Then cement will be poured in after the mud to seal the opening.
If for some reason the mud alone cannot push down the oil, BP officials said they might also try to stop the flow with a "junk shot" filled with golf balls, among other objects.
Snippet From LATimes Article : Here's how it will work:
Heavy mud will be forced into the well to counteract the upward pressure of the leaking oil and gas. Then cement will be poured in after the mud to seal the opening.
If for some reason the mud alone cannot push down the oil, BP officials said they might also try to stop the flow with a "junk shot" filled with golf balls, among other objects.
Success of the venture will depend on loading enough mud and cement into the well to stop the surge of oil and gas — a tricky proposition. Iraj Ershaghi, director of the petroleum engineering department at USC, estimated that the upward pressure was likely to be about 9,000 pounds per square inch. At a depth of 5,000 feet, the water pressure bearing down on the leak is about 2,500 pounds per square inch, he added. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ More updates later....Scroll down for more...
Scientists found this oil-coated adult loggerhead turtle Thursday off the coast of Venice after an aerial survey directed from Houma. ( From the HoumaNewsBlog, please see Turtle Update in the Wildlife Update Section below). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quick Enigma Note: This post was put together late last night, with many helping to gather information via Internet and Twitter of Weekend Gulf Updates as the Oil Slick hit the Shores and Marshlands. I am so grateful for the many helping hands and minds of Twitter.Thank you. I will try to not post Dead Oiled Animals, but I did want to post this Oiled Turtle being rescued and cared for. Do see More at Boston Globe's BIG PICTURE. *************************** ***WEEKEND UPDATES FROM THE GULF *************************** Saturday May 22nd Eve news: CBS More of the Slick moves on shore, Concerns about the Government's role continues...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "We are tied to the ocean and when we go back to the Sea, whether it is to sail or to watch, we are going back from whence we came."~ John F. Kennedy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ( Note to readers,friends: This letter was sent today, and posted over Enigma Cafe early this am, I have decided to move it here. I have tried to post unbiased reports and updates.But I need to post this.In my earlier post I encouraged that we all write and call President Obama. We all did write letters and call during the HCR debate and I think it helped the President to refocus.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear President Obama, Millions of us worked to get you elected. We worked for you because we believed that you were the kind of man that when Trouble came Knocking you would be up to the challenge. A man of wisdom, integrity,and a man wise enough to have the Integrity to listen to Wisdom. There is Trouble knocking, but there is also Wisdom knocking on your door, and I worry you are not listening. Millions of Americans are watching the Disaster in the Gulf unfold. Many are Scientists who are worried about the Situation because they have the Wisdom to see what is going on and what it holds in the Future.
Millions of People need answers and assurances that your Leadership is committed to Them, but placing BP in charge of the Disaster the message to the People is that BP a Corporation is more important than them. For the Gulf residents that were abandoned, shunned, lied to, exploited and mistreated during and after Katrina, your Leadership is Critical at this time. Instead they have been given a BP hotline for everything for Dead Oiled Carcasses, Fume Reports and Questions about Seafood. And they have watched BP lie about the Gusher and yet they are supposed to call BP for wounded animals ? And they see that EPA is working with BP while hundreds of thousands of gallons of Toxic Dispersant are poured into their gulf. Yet has your administration reached out to the Fishermen , the Shrimpers, the Workers in the Gulf ? Have you offered them relief and Programs for this situation ? ( Again FEMA, National Guard, HLS have been sparingly sparsely committed and silently deployed) This is your moment to historically provide Aid and relief.
So far those Scientists have had no avenue to share their concerns and their skills. They have merely been tossed the BP phone number and told to leave a message. In this kind of Crisis Energy, Vision and Scientific Expertise should be harnessed and utilized. There are Scientists who have worked to protect the Gulf for years and now they would problem solve to save it or try to save what is left of it. ( Woodshole, Oceanography Programs across the Country, Engineering Programs ).Scientists who work with National Geographic and Sierra Club, NWF, NRDC etc all have people who have studied and prepared and protected Ecosystems for years they are not compromised by Greed of Oil Laden ambitions.
You have been given your first American Disaster of Epic Proportions and it was created by Corporate greed and mistakes.Yet the Company that is Responsible for the Disaster is still controlling the Crime Scene. 11 Good Men died in an Explosion and yet instead of hearing that the Justice Department is Investigating Americans are told that BP is now in charge of the Disaster. Can you see how unjust and corrupt that appears to Americans ? I have read the Justice Department is in NOLA,but you as President need to Announce that the Justice Department is investigating this Event and the Oil Slick.
Your Administration and even you should be giving Daily or bi-daily Briefings with NOAA, Coast Guard and EPA and DHHS issuing accurate Unbiased Uncompromised information regarding this Oil Slick. Hurricane Season is fast upon us, and this is your chance to help people prepare and work together to prevent panic and distress.
Mr.Gibbs has been mishandling the Pressers, mocking and dismissing Reporters concerns.Yet the Press Corps has been asking the same questions as millions of Americans have been asking. You need to acknowledge this anger, this frustration and angst. Americans watched on their TVs on May 18th when a CBS reporter was threatened with arrest for photographing Marshland Slime. The Reporter was told by a Coast Guard official that "BP is in charge". In that moment millions of Americans had their worst fear confirmed. BP not only owns the Disaster, they own the Gulf and Our Government Supports and Condones BP being in charge of this Disaster. The Message was that the Government has submitted Power to BP. And the Presser with Gibbs on the 20th and 21st confirmed this fear.
The Press needs to be able to report, interview Scientists, Fishermen, Residents and to take photos of the Dead Animals, the Damaged Gulf. This Crisis needs transparency and honesty and action. Silence will only be construed as part of the BP Coverup at this point. After numerous Coverups under the Bush Administration and 8 years of Lies, Americans are smart enough to KNOW they want Honesty and Leadership during this Disaster. We need you to do the Right Thing Now, Declare it a National Emergency.
Signed, Just a Mom, Nurse,..... Posted to the White House Website and mailed May 22, Day 32 of the Disaster in the Gulf