"If you have Light, you have Hope"
I wanted to apologize....I am having huge Blogger woes. I am not getting comments forwarded from any of my blogs, and I have no idea why. So Silent Fallout Book chapters are on Hold this week , while this is remedied. And please do email me if you want to talk, enigma4ever@earthlink.net. I am dealing with a Broken Furnace and a Broken Car, so apparently I did need ONE More thing to break after losing Power the other night.
As I sat in the Dark and the Cold the other night , it occurred to me, that I am not always a patient woman, and that I am tired of the Broken State of Our Country.....and I would love to Have Hope again and Believe in Something again. I need Light and I need it now. But to be honest I am as cynical and skeptical as anyone......I just don't want to see all of us fighting amoungst ourselves, because that is what the Bushco Machine wants...
I will come back and check the comments....
Have a Good Friday Night....Namaste.
Don't worry just relax. Things will work out. I have to tell you, I have started commenting on a sit because of you. I saw it on the WBR and had to check it out. I think you may like it. The title is Namaste
Just why do bad things happen to good people? I have never understood that. Which is why I am just terrible!
I am sorry to hear about your difficulties Enigma. But remember:
That which does not kill us, only serves to make us stronger.
It is always darkest before the dawn.
Every cloud has a silver lining.
If life gives you lemons make lemonade.
Okay I think I have run out of stale, overused, hackneyed, phrases to send your direction.
Let me know if any of them worked.
Take care darling, I really DO believe that 2008 is going to be your year.
"Paradise is here or nowhere: You must take your joy with you, or you will never find it."
O.S. Marden
Hi Enigma ... sending a test post.
Don't worry, gorgeous lady. Everything will resolve itself favorably for you.
It's part of the Cosmic order of the universe. Nothing can disrupt the positive flow of energy you put forth daily.
Beides, I'm encouraging all your visitors to link minds and meditate on a succesful outcome for you.
Contact me and let me know if this comment went through.
Well...the good news is that .....
Your Comments are atleast up here and cheering everybody up...
including me...
Blogger be damned...
I wonder if it is because I never chose a Blogger idenity...or Google idenity ?
Who knows...
it is out of my Geek Realm...
I will wait it out and hope and pray that it is resolved by the end of the weekend...
In the meantime...
I had my car towed to the car hospital...
so I will be blogging all weekend while I wait for my new furnace.....
But thank you all Larry, Gryphen and Cosmic...
you all always cheer me up...
Life is not too bad I have BONES and a batch of fresh Cookie Dough....Namaste...
Try getting a Blogger/Google ID and see if that helps.
Since you haven't had one before and Enigma Cafe gets the comments I don'y know if that would help.
NOW Enigma Cafe is not geting comments...so that is all of them ....
hmm...okay ...
that will be my next idea to try,,,,
( oh, jim , I meant to say thank you too..sorry)
Hmmm I sent a post & it did not show up. Hrumph!
Sorry to hear things are acting up.
Hang in there.
And don't be shy to try to negotiate with the mechanic people-- I did it the other day-- told the tire guy the cost is a hardship & he knocked off $60 bucks. Couldn't hurt to ask.
My fridge (less than 1 year old) half went kaput this week so we are using a cooler & ice.
I called on Wednesday for a repair person & they won't get here till tuesday.
La la la la life goes on.....
I am hanging....sorry about your comment Fran....Blogger is really being obnoxious...so I am in the process setting up some other email accounts and a NEW blog...( what the hell)....
car is going to be fixed next ...I am praying to the battery gods...and the furnace well see how that goes...that is tomorrow...
So one thing at a time...I will get caught up ...hopefully...soon...
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