Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Not Again!!!...Ohio does have Problems...Again...

I did not live here in 2004 or 2000, but in Ohio, there are Certain Counties that are known for Trouble for the Voters...Democrat Voters...And of course....it is not resolved. And please watch the ACLU case that has been filed- it may indeed be important...and sadly I have NO idea what it means as far as voting in March- but it is worrisome. ( It effects approximately ONE million Voters). Stay Posted, and Google AP press ACLU+ Cuyahoga + Voting. ( I will link in the title when I find the best info).

*{ I moved here spring of 2005...and have voted since...on a Diebold in November 2006....I don't know what machines are planned for use in March...I will try to learn more.}*


Fran said...

I came across this bumper sticker:

You don't count.
Neither does Diebold.

States with these unauditable machines need to make a ruckus & demand votes that can be recounted & audited. Diebold machines are clearly not to be trusted.

enigma4ever said...

To be honest I have read a bunch of posts- and they said conflicting things-
but the Optical Scanner is also made by Diebold- and there is suposedly a paper trail- but I don't know enough- partly because it is not explained well enough in the media here....

I need to learn more about the scanners- and definently want to...maybe I should work as a Poll worker..that might be educational...