"The time is always right to do the right thing" Martin Luther King
We all know I have been wanting a Watergate Summer, I don't know if that will ever happen, but I really feel like we are having a Bobby Kennedy Spring of 1968. We have Excitement, Fire flowing across the Country as People watch and listen to this Man of Substance. Since Last Summer we all have wondered does Obama have what it takes reach people......Now We Know.
12 Noon.Today is the Primary in New Hampshire, Voters are at the Polls. I will do More Round Up in the thread later tonight. Obama's Crowds have been phenomenal, people waiting in long lines to see him speak and hear his messege. The press and MSM remains slackjawed at the Outpouring of Enthusiasm. They are off their game. Today it is warm at the polls, in the fifties. This will mean even more come out to vote. Small Towns are calling and requesting More Ballots. Turnout can not even be forecast at this point.
Polls coming in From Nevada and South Carolina are indeed verifying that Obama was NOT a Iowa Fluke.....far from it.Obama continues to gain Votes in Elderly, Youth, VETS, and Women.
The Clintons have decided to attack him , that he is "offering false Hope", and that he should not compare himself to MLK, RFK and JFK. The Error in that is, that Obama mentioned JFK and MLK reminding people that they too brought Hope, people were encouraged to Dream. The Clintons are flawed in their thinking, and it is Shameful they do not remember that they too ran in 1992 with the HOPE Platform. Bill Clinton was walked out on and met with Stone Cold Silence in his attacks today, people have had enough of Hate and Fear Mongering....and they indeed Want Hope. Need Hope.He made a mistake when he called Obama a FairyTale, he should not an attack a man of Integrity, that is shameful.
At an Event today for College Students a young woman passed out, and Obama did something that was so touching, he stopped speaking and asked for help for her. He said "Can we get her some water, anyone have water for her." Then when it was happening fast enough, he reached under the Podium and pulled out HIS water and said,"Here give her mine" ( I may the exact words wrong...)That one moment showed me that yes indeed he is Here For the People.
I talked with 6-6, and he said, "Of course the Young People are out in Force. They KNOW WHO he is, and what he means. you taught me all about Hope, and MLK, and JFK, and RFK. You talked about the Sixties, What they meant. Don't you get it ? This is OUR Sixties. We are trying to SAVE Our Country."
The Torch has been passed.....and we as Bloggers helped Light the Flame.
And yes, Obama is The Hope.
Click the Title : Something is Happening Here....Buffalo Springfield
You can write on thread below or here, or email me enigma4ever AT earthlink DOT net.
I like your blog. Informed, well-written; keep it coming
I just went over to your blog- really wonderful, you are really following the issues closely and are very observant...Keep Blogging it...
This is a very exciting time to be alive and to follow the changing winds of American politics.
Go, Obama, Go!
The turnouts in NH have been so huge that the Secretary of State is scrambling to get more ballots made. Democrats, Independents, and especially young people are voting in mass. That bodes ill for Hillary.
Hillary is at least 10 points behind in New Hampshire.
Hillary is now 20 points behind in South Carolina.
My sources reported to me today that the 60,000 member Culinary Union of Nevada is endorsing Obama and not Hillary or Edwards.
Also, as a New York resident, I am hearing that internal polling shows Hillary's lead here is starting to slip and Obama's numbers are gaining. If Hillary can't carry New York, she's so totally toast.
Christopher :
WOW...NY ???? wow...and the Culinary Union is a huge deal, and amazing.....I think the Obama Wave is Real, and Bill calling it a FairyTale is a fatal blow for Hill.....This is a man of Intergrity with a messege of Hope...This is an Amazing Historical Event...a Movement....
If she is slipping in NY...of all places...you are right she is indeed Toast, if Bill keeps speaking ....oye...
If she skips SC, it will be a huge mistake....
I too saw that about the Ballots, wow...NH ??? Unreal.....This is Bigger than we think...and Bigger than any of us would have ever dreamed...
I’ve been trying to get a sense of the national mood. Very little being reported here while the cricket crisis dominates our holiday news. Dig deep enough and the stories are about Hill’s emotional state.
Apart from that I’m getting an impression of some sort of national hysteria as the Obama snowball picks up bulk and speed. He certainly has traction and now momentum, but how powerful is it in reality?
It is HUGE....I will send you more Videos from the NH events- the lines.... the crowds. Christopher is reporting about SC and Nevada , these also show that The Wave is spreading.....and Tomcat reported how some prescints called the State offices in NH asking or MORE Ballots...this is huge..
Newpapers are selling out here-and that does not happen...and I heard it is happening other places....Obama is the lead story in over 2000 Papers...
YouTube and Obama's website both have video of the Turnouts at Events in NH...
So Our Down Under Friend...please do Ride the Wave with us....it's gonna be a Helluva Ride....
BTW Cart:
Media People are finally starting to recognize WHO Obama is and what he means to this Country- he has been compared to RFK quite a few times today....and that he has inspired and brought hope much like the Greats of MLK and JFK...
He is indeed a Man of Substance...
Hey just dropping by. Not to sure on the election thing cause lately it seems like we dont have a choice even if we do vote. I know I know I should still vote. But just dont feel like it makes a difference. Glad you pay attention though because too few do and that really puts this country in a mess. Keep on blogging. God Bless
I'm very much in the Hillary camp, but if Obama is the nominee I will vote for him ... just not real, real happy about it.
TY enigma. I have been listening to some ‘informed’ comment here this morning. Frankly they were talking a crock, which probably reflects to poor coverage here. I can go to youtube, but it’s not the images I want as much as the broad feeling.
One thing that did catch my attention were comments to the effect that the bounce of bush is so strong it is leap frogging the more conservative candidates in favour of real change. I’ll keep listening to you and your friends and do the media sweeps. I can see the whats in all this, but the whys and hows, the dynamics behind it are the issues I’m looking for. I can afford to be dispassionate ;)
I'm sensing a bit of a blogger backlash against Obama.
Not that it matters anyway.
It seems what is going on is out of everyone's hands and firmly in the hands of The People.
I'm hearing of record breaking voter turnout in New Hampshire...a Republican's worst nightmare...people actually voting.
Hay Cart:
You can go to Obama's site ( over on my blogroll) and see the Youtubes he has up, and then you see how intense this is...Huff Post and Crooks&Liars has all the intricacies that you seeek ( eps Huff Post)- again both on Blog roll- in particular read Ariana Huffingtons Post today. The other blog that is really covering things nicely is FROM THE LEFT...and also Tomcat over at Politics Plus....
Jamie: I understand.....I really do...but I think we are witnessing history....but I also have been very dissapoointed in how Hillary and Bill have been conducting themselves...It does not look Presidential...
SweetOne: You have to have hope...you can;t ever ever give up...if we all gave up....well, in 1776 if the Founding Fathers had said oh, well, let's just go home and pay the taxes and stop trying to fight back...it 's just too much work...not worth my time...Wow..we would not have a country would we?
But thank you for coming by and for caring, if you have time, please do Listen and watch the Video linked to the Title of Jan7th post.
If HRC has shot through $72 million of the $100 million she had in the bank to mount races in tiny Iowa and New Hamshire, what the hell is she going to do when she reaches large states like California, New York and Florida, who have multiple media markets?
If donors begin to perceive her as unelectable against Barack Obama, then her deep pocket donors will dry up faster than you can say "Bill Clinton."
Terry said they HAD 28 MILLION AFTER IOWA......AFTER....?????
Yeah, I thought the same thing....omg , they are spending as they go, there is really NOT enough money in the bank, and NY and Ca. , you need to have BIG money....they spent over 75 Million in JUST ONE State ????what the hell ......
yeah....there is trouble in Hillary Land....
I am so sorry- I missed your comment- I agree with you...
It is amazing that this many people are voting, and engaged in the process...
and the Repugs must be horrifed...they were counting on Apathy to win...
Obama, Obama, oh Mamma!
As a world citizen, could I ask why Americans persist in giving one person so much power?
After George, surely it's obvious that that is a very dangerous thing to do.
Have Americans not heard the saying that 'power corrupts' and 'absolute power corrupts absolutely'?
Just askin'.
Daniel: I don;t know what are you asking, are you asking if we have a President? a leader? yes, just like you....and this is the process we go to get there...Electons...we hope and pray that the Elections are not like those in Kenya...
In Australia, you have a Leader, so I think you can understand the Process...
I do think that the $$$$ part of the system needs to be totally redone..and relooked at...BUT I also have to say Daniel this is the most REAL exicting Election we have had in over 30 years...
and especially after having the last TWO elections STOLEN and having an Emperor in Theif these past 7 years and after being in Hell all of this time and all the mess that Bush has made...it is refreshing to have totally different type of Election on the Table....and the people able to look forward and have Some Hope...Finally...
About damn time ...
( and Daniel YOU KNOW after Bush we know ALL about Corruption and what it does..with power)
Daneil: please do read the post below- but I encourage you to watch the videos I have linked to the posts below- 1.7.07 in particular..and also his book the Audacity of Hope...and also go to his website ( over on blogroll) and read about him- he is a man of Integrity and substance.
Clinton has 40% right now to Obama's 36% with 13% reporting.
I still believe that Obama is going to take it, but I really want it to be huge.
I may have to have a glass of wine to take the edge off.
9:25Pm ( only 41% are counted)
Gryph:...well, get the wine, it is going to be a long , late night ....sorry....( I am hoping the Sympathy votes are not too many...)
Portsmouth, Pelham,Keene and Hudson all asked for More Ballots, DEM ballots....later in the day ( around 2-3 pm, so that means they were preparing for the after work DEMS, and they were running low, because UNDECLAREDS had already voted DEM)...
The numbers supposedly are huge...
So sit back....pour your glass...and watch Keith....we will get through this...
okay....9:45 PM...
48% counted...
Hill...... 39%
Big towns, and the College areas are not counted....
I have to say, I really don’t trust the balance in US media. Fine to know the partisan, or indeed sub-partisan leaning, but I can’t determine how much BS is loaded on top. The Obama thing has obviously caught everyone by surprise and even the polling has been rendered suspect.
However, watching paint dry in NH might well give me some of the answers I have been seeking. It is the depth of potential support, beyond the engaged and committed for these primaries.
I still find it strange to understand a public pre-selection process. It is not particularly representative, at least of party preferences. But it is fun to watch.
I make my decision by what I see, what I read, what I watch , and what I hear and what I listen to....I gave up on MSM a long time ago....
I don't know what will happen, it is too close to call right now...
But the Numbers out Voting are the most EVER...and DEMs out number the repugs more than 2:1....so that is good news....NO MORE BUSHCO...
I just wrote a piece for my blog I will post tomorrow if Hillary wins New Hampshire.
The pundits and pollsters may've gotten it wrong by underestimating one thing.
I'll be curious to hear what you think.
I will be right over
....the FOUR College areas are not counted yet...about 14,000 ( I think)....only 63 counted...3000 vote seperation, and 285,000 Votes today...DOUBLE 2000- do I have the numbers kind of right?
WHY is the MSM so frigging eager to call it ( Tweety), you WAIT for the NUMBERS to be counted MSNBC....
Hanover, Dartmouth, Durham, Pelham, those Areas are ALL the areas that had to request MORE ballots...DEM ballots....late in day...
( I sadly think that Hill might have gotten a Sympathy Vote...great she "choked up" and so she is going to get some votes for that ???please...that is awful...and the College Votes are still not counted)
Nice post, E~ @ 7:41 PST (10:41 EST) 68% of the vote has been counted Hill 39%, Obama 36%.
What we HAVE to remember, the election year is young. I know some of us would love to see Obama vastly ahead at the front, and some of us feel that we really CAN'T vote for Hillary.
The other thing, to add perspective, is New Hampshire is a traditionally conservative state... after all McCain won the repug vote. The old coot is a war monger. So I'm not willing to give NH a whole lot of creedence as a litmus test of the general population. One pundit on PBS is saying this just means the race is *wide open*.
So we have to pace ourselves-- I'll take a glass of that wine, please.
How strange is this?
this election result page:
72% reporting:
Shows voters voted today for Biden, Gravel & Dodd & they are officially out of the race!
Kucinich got 1% of the vote
Richardson 5%
Edwards 17%
Obama 36%
Hill 39%
AP called it, CNN says it is still too close to call.
11:30 Pm...
Well, I don't know...I don;t know if the Crying won some last women votes, I don't know if the College Votes were all in, Hnaover, Dartmouthe etc.....
But Supposedly it has been called...and Hill won by 6000...I don't know what to make of it...
Obama gave a great speech very presidential..
and Edwards did great...strong three...so it is on to South Carolina....
I don't know what to think, But I don't know NH very well...but I will want to look at all the Numbers and the Breakdowns...
The Good news....Dems showed up and voted in Huge Numbers..Hill had a 6000 lead..( down to 3000 off and on) and also it is still less than 2% of the Vote...
Fran :
thanks for coming by and hanging out...It was and is nailbiter...and definently a RACE....
Christopher: I will for sure read your blog and be up for awhile- I have not been able to get on to Lydia's for some reason....but I will check back..or you can email me...
( to be honest I am still wondering what happened....)
Now it may be the wine talking (Gryphen sure had a large bottle to share), but my feeling is in a state with 45% Independents, the independents voted for McCain. case over. more wine, please.
oh & don't forget RFK lost in Oregon before he won in Calif. Keep your eyes on the big-delegate states prize. Jeez, I just had to hear a talking head say this is good for Obama as it keeps him grounded so he doesn't take it for granted & does not feel entitled. AAAACK!
Sadly it confirmed that the detail I was seeking is not available, at least not outside some of the better run campaign teams.
I probably mis-worded my little rant against US media earlier. but media cheer leading does not inform.
The actual breakdowns will be interesting, but I can't see how they will reflect across the country :(
Chin up, it's early days. And if my as yet unexpressed theory is correct todays result might be for the best.
I am a bit disappointed that Obama didn't win but we have to remember that Hill only won by a few percentage points in a very small state. And Obama's speech was great - so much more compelling than Hillary's. All this shows is it's going to be a fight. And Obama knew it would be from the beginning and I think he has it in him to keep it up.
His speech was like NOTHING I have ever ever seen,...and he and Michelle were glowing- they Know that Something Is Happening Here...and it is just beginning...He has it in him...He has the Fire...
The truth is that the Counts are still being counted , it is 1am, and Obama is >101,000 and Hill 109,000, but she only won by less than 2%.....and those 8000 were they from TEARS :Sympathy Vote- well, that is not about being presidential....
Well, I can tell you this Scottish woman will need something a might stronger than wine....sigh...I am still ready to get him elected- did you see that speech..WOW....He was amazing...I think you are right.....I think McCain and Romney got more votes then they were perdicted- and The Repugs did get more votes then was perdicted- WHY no one rememebers that ???? and Edwards and Richardson did more then was perdicted too....this thing is JUST starting- and I can tell you this- TWO weeks ago- NO ONE would have perdicted OBAMA to get 101,000 in NH.....the Fire has been lit....let's keep it going....
The Obama Wave will just have to go across the Country.........
Everyone Have Hope.....
We Can Do This....
We Can...
It is exciting.
Interesting quote- my son said I hope the repubs DO elect McCain because he is so very unwinnable.
2% is a very small margin & clearly NH is whacked.
(sorry any NH progressives)
A small piece of the pie. The year is young.
Notice Ron Paul got more votes than Thompson.
Hope he drops out sooner than later.
Kudos to the Kucinich voters who voted for him even though he was cut out of the debate.
Now this thing wont be over until damn near March.
Sorry, guys, but Hillary won. It can be an evil conspiracy, or maybe just her time.
Now the media has reanointed Hillary as their candidate of choice.
Expect the piling on of Obama now.
they both got 9 delegates so how is that a win for HC
Hey there everyone, I need to catch up, with EVERYTHING...My Power went out at 1:30AM....here by the Great Lakes, we had a Massive storm with trees down and roaring winds and not far from me, even an Earthquake in the Lake...So I will read all of your emails and Comments and try to get caught up....
NOTE:Gryphen your email is not working....just letting you know...
okay on to read the latest...
Hi! Saw your request at C&L. I'm not sure these are the best sources for the numbers but seem as good a one as any. The Concord(NH) Monitor:
and some of the town by town numbers too:
The Concord Monitor was great early on, but once the counting started, I found more up to date results at cspan.org
I have some of the demographics up.
I guess the thing that is bothering me, is that all the results I see is when 96% of the Votes had been counted....I would really like to see the FINAL TOTAL results...
I am worried, concerned that the Diebold Scanners in the Big Towns are a problem ( I am just asking,,,,,)
Do go see Tomcats Post he did a great job putting the data up...
Okay....I will blog more later...I am curled up with a really bad cold..sorry..
Don't worry about Obama he will persevere. New Hampshire was no surprise. The come back kid in New Hampshire I found offensive but he and her crocodile tears gave her what she neded and the Repubs went just as expected. It just kills me that the so called experts continue to say they called it wrong and don't know why.
The time for the old school is over. We are the new experts. Those in the trenches of society. But they will never realize it or ask us our thoughts.
it's funny but yesterday I had a meeting with a Gentleman whose foundations has donated to all of them and he is personal friends with many, many, many. He is 90 now and when I got home Jerome's son wrote we and said remembger me I'm his son. He is 65.
Anyway Jerome is a grassroots organizer behind every single liberal success since 1940. He is unbelievable and we agreed on everything including that we are the experts today! We are in touch constantly and I have great hope now! Namaste
Thank you for what you said. It was funny, I was still watching the Results, and bashing numbers, when a huge Windstorm hit here, and we even had a quake in Lake Erie.....and there I sat in the Dark. Literally at 1:30am....and NO Answers....Sitting there in the Dark I lit a candle and reread the Inroduction of the Audacity of Hope, and WHY Obama is in this...and somehow that helped....BUT I still had no answers.
So today I have been reading everyone's blogs and editorials and the online papers and looking at the Numbers...and I think that you are right, because the Blogs are indeed THINKING this all through, analysing the events and the issues. I think that also there is a Huge Glory in what Obama accomplished in New hampshire, the sheer number of Voters that came out is staggering....
But Patriot, I really thank you for what you said and how you said it.....
Have Hope...
To ALL others...I am still weeding through the comments...sorry...I was without power all night from 1:30am until this afternoon..and I am still trying to get caught up on emails...yikes..
But thank everyone for coming and sharing in the moment....
Thank you! I know I missed Tuesday because I was down with Jerome the Relentless Liberal but I made the rounds yesterday and seemed to have missed you. Hmmm! I have great hope now that I know who we have on our side.
I was told he was impressed and we hit it off by his son Danny. Knowing his awesome history and drive I know this man and his foundations are not going to let America go.
It's funny, he sent me his take on the primaries in NH and I had to laugh. You would swear he is a young smart -ass joker instead of a 90 year old politically connected force for Our America. It was great talking to him.
He is the first one I have ever talked to that related to me saying this is my time I was born for this and I have not changed since day one. The time has merely evolved in my direction and I am prepared!
thanks , I had not idea you had been here Patriot..thank you
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