I will try to blog this as results come in, I can not promise that I will not yell at the punditheads....but I really don't want any battles here tonight...the comments thread is just where some of us talk...I am not really wanting any kind of "discussion"...last tuesday was kind of really ugly....and I can not do that again...I just want a place to log it while results come in...and also monitor the numbers...and talk to each other...
I will be back at 9pm....
Is today Tuesday? When did that happen? Seriously, some news forecasts predict Obama clinching the title and going on to the World Series today. Sorry, baseball brain.
Trolls will be thrown out. Hooray! Sometimes the *delete* key simply says it all.
It's YOUR blog & you can delete if you want to-- just don't delete me (grin).
Anyway looking for some serious Blue State action in my home state today.
Because I am signed up with the Obama campaign, I am getting these occasional mass e mails from Barack & Michelle. It's cool- they are thankful, and hopeful. When you think about it, they have chosen to sacrifice so much- being a married couple with 2 young kids.
I was reminiscing about what it was like to have little kids in the White House. I remember a picture of John Kennedy sitting at a desk in the White House with Jon jon crouched & hiding & smiling under the desk. This playful exchange provided balance to the serious job of the presidency.
Thank you...one and all...
will see you in a little while!
Hillary is running her piehole now...yuck!!!!
10 PM here...
Got here late...had to watch Frontline with 6-6- it was important ....about Internet and Teens...so we skipped the Hillary's Kentucky thing ( I have said this before NOT everyone there voted for her...I know my kind didn't.....or not all of them)....
Obama Speaking..Lovely to see him with his beautiful young family on the stage...the Crowd is huge....a sea of people...it is a beautiful night...in Illinois..he honored Senator Kennedy so nicely....
((( So the Results from Kentucky are in...but Oregon isn't....))
Let's Listen to him....it is another Speech like NH...
Why do we have to listen to Russert and Buchanan through this?
They make me sick.
Darn, I missed his speech. I tuned in too late (I think he had just finished when I started watching).
Now lots of discussion since Oregon hasn't reported yet. Will they not report until 1 a.m.? It's mail-in, isn't it? So it could be sooner?
I am so sorry...I think cspan will have it on again..Fran said they start counting at 11PM our time, and so it should be done about ???? 1am or 2am?
I have no idea WHY oh WHY we have to listen to Buchannon....and Tweety...oye....and Russert...or punkin head as we call him...I am ready for Regime Change on the Tube too...TIME FOR CHANGE...
Wow! The frickin media threw in this piece of late breaking news:
"The exit polls from Kentucky also suggest a deep division among Democrats. "
Well Duh! They just now noticed???????
Is there an award we can give here?
Delivering 5 months old news as new award?
Oregon: It's 7:57 pm here now, they can;t release count #'s until after 8 pm when the election returns time ends.
One minute to go till Oregon polls close...
Not one vote is yet counted, yet NBC is calling Oregon for Obama,
Really! CNN is saying they only can say he's ahead but won't declare it for him yet.
Maybe NBC has a crystal ball?
11% counted
O 63%
C 37%
11:03 PM
MSNBC just declared Oregon...I think Fran is right Crystal ball..
( CNN has THE MAP...oooohhhhhahhhh)
Fran: yeah, the "polls suggest a division" , yeah like they the media didnt do ALOT to help feed that Polarization and division......yeah, they were jus innocent bystanders...oye...
Looking good!
15% counted
O 61%
C 39%
CNN is projecting now.
Some other thoughts..
Okay Another thing that really needs noting take a look at McSame Numbers...omg...
Kentucky- only 142,000 ( 40 ,000 went to Huck and RON)....I think that Hill did get some Repug votes...( I hate to bring it up- but right wing radio is big there..)
So my other point is that Obama got 209,000- so he can still even beat McCain WHEN he has lost...so there Hillary...( and he didn't pander or lie..)
25% counted
O 60%
C 40%
Kentucky numbers:
Obama ..........209,771....65%
REPUKE total....183,189
****************11% Counted...
51,852 ,,,,..Hill
repukes...only 5%counted...35,000
OHHHHHlordy Pat Buchanon is hyping that Bobby Kennedy lost oregon in 1968.....lord have mercy...
WHY don't they bring up the Numbers about How Obama WOULD still beat McCain even when losing....
Are those kentucky numbers reversed???
You know what really sucks...we are stuck with ONLY these 2 medias...MSNBC and CNN...and neither does a good job....
Buchanon- is talking about how the Obama wave is waning- so what do we call 75,000 people in Oregon on Sunday night...???? a Fluke??? a Mistake ???
They're saying 21% of Kentucky voters said race was a factor and 9 out of 10 voted for Clinton. Nice.
do they have Machines in Kentucky??? how do they vote....wouldn't that be something..I heard that her crowds there were tiny..no big rallies...
Kentucky, Pennsylvania and West Virginia are similar in their views on race.
It's stupid they're saying that this is a big problem for Obama in the fall - Kentucky is not typical of the whole country...
The commentator who is talking (who I'm not sure who he is) says Hillary should have said that if you're voting for me because of race I don't want your vote. I can't ever imagine her taking that high a road.
"Ism's" reared their ugly heads in this election.
21% said Race...omg...that is pitiful....what the hell...I still wonder how many were repugs...that voted for her ( and that race was a problem for them too)..
he even raised more than her in Pa, West Va, and Kentucky....how could that be...
Larry, agree - I never realized that Pennsylvania had such race issues but from some of the quotes I heard I was amazed.
yeah, 2 LITTLE redneck states where Hillbillies that are racist represent the Country ????
Boy is that insulting...
In other news.... Obama said a sweet thing re Kennedy
Sen. Barack Obama said Tuesday that it is "heartbreaking" to hear that Sen. Edward Kennedy is suffering from a brain tumor, crediting the ailing lawmaker with making it possible for him to run for president.
Sen. Ted Kennedy endorsed Sen. Barack Obama for president this year.
"I would not be sitting here as a presidential candidate were it not for some of the battles he fought as a senator: He battled for voting rights and civil rights when I was a child. I stand on his shoulders," Obama said.
Democrat Barack Obama won a U.S. presidential nominating contest in Oregon on Tuesday, NBC News projected, while rival Hillary Clinton cruised to a rout of the front-runner in Kentucky.
From NBC News.
I read that comment too - very well said and touching.
Obama's comment on Kennedy, that is, not NBC News's commentary!
I saw a news flash with Kentucky voters in actual polls.... so I think they do the physical go to the poll voting.
40% counted
O 59%
C 41%
Yes, Kentucky does...Oregon is by mail.
funny Maui-- clarifying the support.
I liked the 63/37 split earlier.
44% counted
O 58%
C 42%
Have they counted the major metro areas yet?
I know, I am a bit alarmed seeing Clinton winning some of those counties on the west coast. Most of the major metro areas have been counted.
Oh good, I see the upper lefthand corner county went to Obama.
CNN has the county map on their politics website.
Have the metro areas been counted....???Portland ? Eugene? Medford?
Eugene,Portland, Gresham, Salem. Not sure about Medford - where in the state is it?
The numbers of votes in the counties where Portland, Salem, etc. are in, are way higher than in many of the other counties.
Fred :
Where is Medford? and Roseburg ?
Am falling asleep...Tim Russert, Keith and the crew are signing off on MSNBC and I think I will too.
Thanks, Enigma, for hosting this!
Fran- not fred- Roseburg is about 1 hours drive south of Eugene... Medford about 150 miles further south of Eugen- both on I-5
Gresham is up in the Portland area.
51 % counted
O 58%
C 42 %
Nighty night Maui- sweet dreams
Gnite Maui;:::thanks for coming over....nice to see you...sleep tight..
Fran:::thanks for the Maps info and also for the Numbers...
Just a little something to cheer our souls...
Yesterday in Billings Montana Obama was given a warm welcome by the Crow Nation....and given a Crow Name....
AweKoota Bilxpaak KooxshllwiasH
" He who helps ALL people of the Land"
Nice.... sorry for my lapse, I was trying to get other State election results.... the State elections site keeps crashing.
Looks like a local race is bumping out a commissioner who was stagnant.... but it is close....
so far Novick is trailing the more run of the mill dem, but they are failry close....
I was going to ask you about Novick....hmmmmm...So how do these results look to you- what do you think?
Novick has 43%
Merkely has 46%
ut they have not declared a winner yet.... so they are still counting or that claose requires an automatic recount?? Not sure
Strange the Oregon State site says 60/40 split for Obama....
news says
55% counted
O 58%
C 42%
Hillary hit eastern Oregon hard-- musta rode in on a john deere tractor, with a rifle in hand.
Sorry eastern oregon..... but it is a different place than western Oregon
I have to ask...do you really think that Western Oregon is like Kentucky ? or west virginia ?
You know, it's hard to say-- eastern oregon is more an older population, lots of ranchers with livestock, many of them rednecks, mountain folks. If you are asking if they got hung up on the race card--I do not know. I would think really conservative folks would have as much a problem with a woman president as a black president. Hill probably came & told them whatever they wanted to hear.
Some recent rumblings from eastern oregon is they would like to split oregon in 2 because the needs & priorities are so very different.
Saw Obama's speech in Iowa tonight. Wow! He is the best! Missed Hillary (boo-hoo). Now about KY, I don't know if this is true, but UT Savage says they are even more conservative than Utah. Says a lot!
E, I think you meant EASTERN OR? Which is like Eastern Washington, if you know what I mean (aryan nations BS).
I crossed with Fran! so now I'm unsure, maybe the supremecists aren't as supreme in Eastern OR as Eastern WA?
I meant Eastern...I only only ask because Obama has gotten support from Utah, Idaho and Western Wash...and yes I did mean West Wash..sorry bout that...
I am also asking because we do need to know if he is able to get the COWBOY vote- Montana, South Dakota....I guess we will all work this summer and figure that out...silly me...obsessing as usual...
she only has 147,000 so far and he has almost 260,000 for oregon...he looks to be doing okay....I was trying to figure out if Portland has been counted...
TOOO funny- FOCKS got themselve a fancy dancy map too....
omg Larry King is interviewing REED DICKENS on cnn and he is saying that NOW Puerto Rico is on play for her and we need to watch...please just stfu.....
Eastern Oregon is older population ranchers, with land rights, grazing, & water rights issues.
I'm not well versed on their total demographic breakdown...
don;t hear of supremacists there.
BY the way I have to take off to pick up my kid from work.
thanks for hosting...
maybe you'll be here when i get back?
Hey there..
thank you....on CNN they are comparing the Voters of Oregon and Ky...very odd...
Yes I will be up for a while....but whatever you need to do.....
Thanks again..;-)
Hey DK...did you go to bed ? are you out there..thanks to you too for all of your help and insight.
Not yet, but soon. Guests arrive tomorrow & I need to look 10-yrs younger, HAH! Do you have any miracle cream?
I did not see Reed Dickens, but did catch more McAuliffe cheerleading tonight. Rah-rah-sis-boom-bah, Hill's gonna give us all the blahs! But you know, I am also sick of the people being polling on both sides who say they will vote for McCain if the other candidate is nominated. C'mon, McCain?!?! Why don't they just leave the party now & quit pretending to be democrats?
Now as far as the cowboy vote, good question. Guess it depends on how fed up they are with things. They are quiet-spoken, yes, but they are no idiots. Guess we will see.
Back! Ha DK hi & you make a good point.... how could a dem vote for McSame?
Oregon vote site says Obama gets 25 delegates & hilzilla 17
Miracle Cream- Oil of Olay- seriously I have used that and caress soap since my teens- I am convinced that it is good on the resurfacing of my facial landscape....hehe..
How Could a Dem vote for a McSame- really good question....
Also, while I was gone, they declared Merkley the Senate race winner. Novick lost by a 46/41 split.
I gues Merkley has a decent resume, just he had a wishy washy stance on war.
Ron Paul got 15% of the repub vote.
So Ron Paul is still reeling 'em in, huh? And yet, curiously, we never hear anything about that from the McCain happy campers.
Oil of Olay?
Olé ! I think a good night's sleep will do the trick. That and smiling a lot. Ever notice how much younger people look when they are smiling? unless it's that laura bush frozen stepford smile ...
Fran, I am so glad OR waited their place in line so that you got bonus delegates! And you DID make a difference tonight! That's gotta feel good.
You did indeed make a Difference and thank you and ALL of Oregon...really did make a difference- and psychologically the Rally sunday was beautiful to see too....
So Novick was waffling on the war...oh that is a problem...
DK....I don't know if Oil of Olay or caress make a difference...I think it is all in my head ;-)
so silly of me....
get lots of sleep before your company comes ;-)
No! Merkley (the guy who won) was waffling on the war-- Novick put it right there in the voters guidebook that he is opposed.
So the Waffler won ( I was wondering- cuz I thought I had that wrong..) I think I am fading...tired...damn so the waffler got in..lovely..
I am going to bed fran- is that okay...?
( I hate to see you ride the results alone...)
Thanks, E, I'll be asleep soon. All I have to do tomorrow is clean up the kitchen. Where my Cooking with Obama poster is!
Hey, soothing oil and gentle soaps are always good for the face. I got a little too much sun today, tidying up the yard, so I'm afraid there'll be no hiding the crow's feet.
I don't think Novick was waffling. I think it was the other guy, not-novick.
Thanks for covering this tonight. I wish KY had not been so KY. But still, OR was wondORful! G'night!
once again, I type too slow. Fran & E crossed with me AGAIN. Sleep well, everyone!
G'night friends.... sweet dreams- we are a step closer to getting this wrapped up.
nitey night folks...sleep tight...sweet dreams...dream about watching President Obama getting sworn in on 1.20.09......
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