When I first started blogging in the summer of 2005, I never knew where it would lead and how long I would blog.
I want to thank everyone that has come here over the years and read my posts and left comments and thoughts and insights.
I am very grateful for your wisdom and thoughtful support and amazing humor.I have blogged a wide range of things...Politics to Everyday Life to Journaling Our Times (Katrina, Plamegate, Gonzogate,Fires,Burma, Tibet,Dead heroes, soup and pie, and Iraq and the cost of food to PTSD...). You have let me rant about Bushco to share pieces of my life. I started the Blog the Summer of 2005 thinking that Bush and his Cronies would at some point face Scrutiny and Justice for their criminal activities.....I am still waiting.
I grew up during the Nixon years, hooked on the Wapo story of Crime and Conspiracy, convinced that Real Journalists can change the Course of History by Investigating and Writing the Truth. I was fascinated that a Leader could get caught in his own lies. I grew up thinking that another Watergate Summer would come and bring Justice. I have included a photo here of the Watergate...hideous Landmark that it is.
I lifeguarded there one summer,as a sub, it is Moldy disgusting building, it has a certain kind of Smell. For years I had saved my Towels from there.The Events of the Nixon years shaped me...and yes in many ways made me an Enigma.

I have tried to serve Soulfood and things to sooth the soul....Whether it be Music or Art or lovely photos ( that I did not take...but I still want to share). I have been worried that if we survive the Dark Times ( Our Own 1930's Germany) that we would lose Our Humanity, Our Empathy. That an Empathy Deficit would leave us crippled to move forward....and face Our Future. So I have tried to give Something back everyday.

I have been inspired by the BIG blogs, from Crooks&Liars to Skippy to Huffington Post to Dkos to Raw Story to Truthout. And then I have been inspired along the way by all the blogs like me that day in and out keep going. I like to think that we are the Resistance, the Midnight Bloggers blogging the Truth like Paul Revere and spreading what needs to be shared far and wide.I truly believe that WHAT we do Matters greatly. I am blogging from now until Eternity...I am committed Blogging this Time and Our History until we reach Change.....I am not giving up. Ever. We have a Country to Save...and we are the Butterfly Wings of Change.....and as more and more of us Flutter, The Change Will Come.
Ornery Bastard asked me awhile ago to use 6 Words Meme that describe me.....It has left me boggled now for weeks. I am Many things : I am also a Mom...a Nurse....Peaceful Warrior....Scribe....Lady in Bluejeans...and maybe an Enigma.....But I am HERE....Namaste.

*{Click the Title...there is Music...as always}*
oh dear...
I already got 2 emails- people thought I was quitting.....NOPE.....NO WAY...
you kiddin???
not while this assholes are still ruining our country- okay?
Bravo enigma !
thanks Marjorie...
glad to have you here too ;-)
Happy 1,000th, Enigma! I am looking forward to saying this many more times in the future! I remember when I first found your blog and how obvious it was that you are a real person who cares. You definitely feed our minds & souls.
Congrats on the 1,000.
Now onward to 10,000. Can you imagine all of us in 40 years, old, gray, arthritic hands, hammering away out out keyboards?
I think and I believe they are on the run because of the power of the blogs to speak truth to power.
As a send up to what Charlton Heston said, "Take this keyboard from my cold, dead hands!"
Happy happy! 1000 posts! I can't imagine!
Never forget, we are a force to be reckoned with.
Five years ago the word Blogger had never been heard on the National News.
Now they fear us.
Well done!
Mayday Greetings
Congratulations. I'm nowhere near 1,000 posts at my blog.
Touching post.
Beautiful enigma!
We are very lucky to be a part of your world every day. That is why we stop by. No Meme necessary. You exude it every day. You are you. Namaste!
You're wonderful! "Midnight bloggers" I love it! Paul Revere was a big hero of mine when I was growing up.
thank you for that....namaste to you too...
thank you for the greetings...( I never thought I would write a 1000.....)
always good to see you....
ahhh I think they do fear and loathe us....good...and yes, may we always be a Force to reckon with .....
thanks....may it not take another 1000 to bring Change....
on to 10,000...oye I hope not..I mean I don't mind blogging...But I have been blogging to Something better- so it better not take 10,000 to get there...
oh thanks...I remember when you first came to my blog too...I remember those early days well...( and I had a handful of readers that I looked forward to every day...I am glad that a wonderful circle has grown and flourished over the years...I am very lucky ....)
Paul Revere Fan eh? Me 2....I read everything I could find on him growing up....You are wonderful too...got our eyes and hopes on Indiana..Hope you all are doing okay there....
Where you tryin' to go, girl?
Oh, I am not going to Indiana Chris.....I was just letting Angie know that we were rooting for her- she has been working hard there in Indiana for Obama....
((( for now here I sit by Lake Erie....for now...)
You sound restless.
So are we. We're here and employment is Jim's if stay but we want to go back to California.
But the thought of packing and driving across country and incurring the expense makes us both physically ill.
I'm pretty sure we're going to Palm Springs but the thought of moving all that we've acquired in 15 years is daunting.
Bohemian gal that I am ....I am always ALWAYS restless ;-)
(Moving is a bitch ain't it????.....it's hard to decide WHAT to do....I have no wisdom friend....)
I have been soooo busy lately, I haven't been visiting many blogs, et voila! I visit yours on your 1,000th post.
Congratulations! My gosh! Yours is not a "little" blog by any means!!!
Yay, Enigma. Don't give up. You do indeed have a country to save!
thank you....and thank you for being a part of my blog.....so many wonderful people...
10Pm Friday Night....
Obama is on TV right now....cspan live.....NC...Jeffereson Jackson Dinner ? that is what it says- but it looks like a very large rally...great response....and he is talking very honestly....
HUGE Rally......
the Pastor to the Flag Pin...Crowd is yelling back....he is talking about himself...his life and his values...and his mom and his grandparents....Kansas...really telling his story...WHO he is .....passionately.....( I wish to hell John and Elizabeth would DO the Right Thing and Endorse this man...damnit..)
He is explaining WHO he is and WHY he is Patriotic...I have never heard him like this- he is on Fire....Crowd is on Fire....cameras shaking....massive crowd....very diverse...all colors...all ages...young and old...packed...It always warms my heart to hear crowds like this responding to him and his messege...
Now they are chanting OBAMA ..OBAMA....they are not leaving.....very interesting....beautiful....
Blog On Sistah!
You have a great writing style & character, as well as being a character. You are sweet & firey all together. A no BS gal, with heart.
Why I might go as far as saying you are better than the evening news when it come to keeping up with important news. It is clear you are a news junkie (like me), but also seek to find the balance to turn off all the chatter & chill out as well.
Thanks for blogging.... & thanks for you
Now I've got this song in my head--
to the tune of the Rolling Stone's Midnight rambler ~ revised ~
Did you hear about the midnight blogger
Everybody got to go
Did you hear about the midnight blogger
The one that shut the kitchen door
She dont give a hoot of a warning
Wrapped up in a cloak of truth
Saint Elizabeth Edwards has all but endorsed the Borg Queen and my guess is, her pussy husband will do the same.
I have no use for them. Flush.
That was truly great 1000th post. You speak for many of us. I'm so glad there are people like you out there.
Excellent post Enigma!
You have been a powerful voice for change and a very good friend.
I don't think this blogging thing would be nearly as enjoyable and compelling without getting such wonderful feedback from you and others.
It is nice to know that we are not alone out here in the wilds of "Blogotopia". (You can tell Skippy I used his damn word now.)
yeah ...blogging is so much better when there is good company ;-) {{ back at you friend....}}....We all are Voices for Change...and when it comes we can share that together.....
I am glad that there are people like you out there too....just knowing none of us is alone....and that we speak....and that it still matters....it leads to Something Better...
She has been duped by that wretched woman....I am so sad...I will write her a letter...because it makes me sad that Hillary fooled her with her damned Mandatory Insurance....I think actually Edwards wants Obama....and that Elizabeth might want Obama- I saw her on an interview and if you listen carefully she says that she ONLY supports Hill's Healthcare Plan...my worry is that people did not listen close enough- and such it is an issue close to Elzabeth's heart- that will be ALL that people weigh.....I don't know at this point...
I love that you used the STONEs.....yahooooo....made me laugh...and hum...I will always be grateful for all the wonderul bloggers I have met and blogged with- you are one of them.....
Congratulations. That's quite a milestone. I made a big deal over my 300th. Geez.
I have enjoyed your blog and wish you many more milestones.
Onya enigma, keep up the good work
thank you...I will indeed...
I think 300 is a huge milestone too ;-)
we all must keep at it...thank you....
Congrats! mama! here's to another 1000 posts!
thanks Hope...may we all have many many more ...good to see you...
Hey... Congrats on the 1000th post!
Interesting isn't it how after reaching a milestone--500 or 1000--one looks back realizes that they've produced what used to be called, "a body of work".
Give us a thousand more!
thanks Kvatch....
hmm...you are right...it is a body of work...just have to keep at it...
e4e, very nice to have you here.
(I sailed right past my own 1000th post without noticing... )
Congrats dear friend..and I am sure you know you are loved by many :)
The last pic in this post..its the Watergate?
Felicitations to you, and thanks too, you are a great encouragement.
Peace/best wishes.
thank you....namaste...
thanks muchly....and yup the ugly building is indeed the Watergate....( I have more if you want to see them ;0)
You are such a pro....I am sure the next one will pass me by.....way down the road...thank you....
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