Saturday, May 31, 2008

Liveblogging the RULES Meeting in DC...


Here I sit......typing away...and watching as usual...feel free to join me, this is my way to document this whole process...


enigma4ever said...

Dean gave a rousing speech explaining that it is important that the Party come together...

Alexis Hermann explained how Nevada and South Carolina were added, and that they actually presented and competed to an early part of the process. But that how 3 years ago rules were set up and worked on during this time...and reviewed and worked on and agreed on...

First Florida will be addressed and then Michigan.

Background on Florida Situation:
James Roosevelt is explaining that Florida was found to be in non compliance, and he is explaining that they have been in non compiance since last August. At one point even it was offered to have an alternative event. In March of this year again alternative events were altered.

MrOsmond has filed his challenge Mar17th. His Challenge has been offered to the full Committee...
And she is explaining that his challenge is requesting 50% of delegates be recognized.

MrOsmond is smiling like a game show host...cheerful and perky...Now he is going on about his special relationships...and pandering to the audience to the Floridians...even his wife ( lordy Do I need TUMS already...) He is going to Offer a "different interpretation of the rules" ( that makes me uncomfortable...and ill, sounds like the Hillary Emails that were sent out).He states he is NOT offering 100% Delegates be counted ( he is asking for 50% ). He is acknowledging that Florida did break the rules.

enigma4ever said...

MrOsmond is explaining about their Charter, and that their Charter is all important and somehow their Charter is more important than the Rules of the Committee. Now he is going on and on about the WORD "Shall" as a part of their Charter and that the DNC rules violates the "SHALL" of their Charter ( I have NO idea what the hell he is talking about ??? )

Now he is talking about the words "process" and "chosen" ( what the hell is he doing and WHY the nitpicking over certain words...and he is sitting there kind of smirking about this, ( this is reminding me of Bill Clinton and the "IS" argument...) What does this guy do, study English? And about this "DNC Charter and Constitution " WHO the hell has ever seen that ? And he keeps talking about Bill Nelson and the "processes"

((( If he spends more time on "Shalll" and "process" I am going to need Coffee IV...and to be honest, he is putting the audience to sleep too).

He says he sent 84 pages of emails to 6000 Floridians and he is saying he wants his full vote...he is beat red and smirky, I don't get what he is asking for, NOW he says he wants a FULL vote....

And now he is asking for 185 FULL delegates , and he says that Florida did violate the RULE about Feb5th...Now he is saying the "Quote " thing about the Date....the timing ( again I am lost...oh crikey he is focusing on "SHALL " again....and he says there is "cherry picking " about the "SHALL"..??? )

( Okay, I don't know what the hell he is talking about and he has already used his 15 minutes of challenge and keeps doing this Quote thing with his hands...and smirking...I have no idea what the hell he is talking, and oh, and now he is given a 2 minute warning...)

Oh shit NOW he will Interept..based on Robert's Rules of Order .....? So that SUPERCEDES the DNC rules ?

((( I don't think ANYONE really knows where he is going with let me get this straight- he is sitting there siting Roberts rules ??? after Millions have voted BY THE RULES... and this guy is sitting there defending his challenge with Roberts Rules ??? ))

enigma4ever said...

Phew MrOsmond has finished his "challenge"...

Now they are going to "discuss" MrOsmonds Challenge....

oh there is going to be a discussion of the word "Shall"...

Don Fowler is explaining that MrOsmonds "interpretation" of the Language, and the role of SuperDelegates and Delegates has nothing to do with this situation...((Mr Osmond , brought up something about the Delegates and HOW they are counted- vs a half a delegate vs the FULL delegate)

MrKatz is trying to find out WHAT he is asking...MrKatz is explaining that the ultimate determination is HOW the rules will be implicated...

Oh shit MrOsmond is Still Fixated on "SHALL" be a delegate....NOW he is presenting Charts about some Poll on WHAT Florida people want ( I am sorry- but WHAT is this...Anyone could crayon up a graph and bring it in..this is like Show and tell by a Used Car Salesman...)Now he is sitting there trying to say that Hillary will be penalized by the penalty ( lord have mercy....this was about rules...)

okay...NOW they are dissecting subsections and now they are asking him his interpretation of the words "Provide" and "permit"....He says there is a difference between "Charter" delegates vs "Pledged" delegates...( this is all sounding VERY Rovian)

( Osmond is NOW talking about how they have suffered since 1876....)

enigma4ever said...

Ben Nelson now up...
talking about Florida Votes...being disenfranchised...and how the Media told people not to vote....( I went to get a snack...I might have missed something-)Now he is giving Examples of REAL people blah blah..sorry ( but this is dragging)

Wants the VOTES counted...ALL the Votes counted...

( so I hate to say this ARE Votes Important ? or the delegates ? NOW he says this is NOT about a Candidate...really ? I think it is....I do feel bad for Florida...they have been through Hell for the past 8 years..)

enigma4ever said...

(( the thing is about Florida- I am really confused how Florida did end up getting moved up to January 29th ?)Now Nelson is saying that the Election was Certified, and that the votes from that should be counted....

NOW David McDonald is explaining that there was a different process in place...
Now he is saying something about Caucus would not and could not work...( that was offered and that was not a fair compromise) And he said that a Mail In Ballot was offered....

Nelson it seems like it was an adversarial Question...but Nelson was kind of grouchy about McDonald asking questions...

Now Athena Joiner is speaking on behalf of Hillary...

Gryphen said...

I just read on Huffington Post (and blogged it myself) that the decision regarding Florida may have already been made last night.

This circus today may be just for the MSM.

enigma4ever said...

oh...thanks...will be right over..

enigma4ever said...

Now for Obama Robert Wexler is speaking...

Gryphen said...

Go get them Wex!

Gryphen said...

I have made up a new term: "Wexing eloquent".

Look at Wexler go!

Fans and Friends of Lydia Cornell said...

Don't be worried, GOOD always wins sooner or later. We have to change our thought. Try the Seven Day Mental Diet of only thinking the most uplifting, visionary thoughts of a better world - Obama in power, his enemies falling by the wayside -- no lie has real power. Only the truth does. Our thoughts create our reality.

We attract what we fear. Do not worry about anything. Embrace the good that is coming.

Love you Enigma! (I will check out your Peace Tree Blogs (love that blog) and your YouTube videos when I figure out which name to register under. We are creating a You Tube channel for talk shows.)

Gryphen said...

Lydia I used to believe that good always overcame evil as well.

But that was BEFORE I saw our country poisoned by the Bush administration and the Republicans.

I hope this time we will see real justice, but I am not willing to simply assume it will happen. Not anymore.

Ingrid said...

I'm 'off' today. Not going to worry about it and relax 'sans' brood, husband and visiting mother. What 'we' want has been communicated strongly over the last several months. If it doesn't go the way we want it, remember, it's all about what goes on behind the scenes. And don't forget face-saving..
check out my Yes Prime Minister video post and chill. Politics is the same it was and as it always will be. The only difference will be how involved the electorate decides to be. They are the real watch dogs, not some fourth or fifth estate (which is it??)


enigma4ever said...

testing ..again..

enigma4ever said...

Okay...was having trouble posting there for a bit...

Definently be off :-) Good for you spend time with family ...wonderful...I really believe that We the People have taken huge steps to try to let the people be heard....( it is behind the scenes part that always makes me nervous....too many years of watching Bush and his cronies do horrible thing behind closed doors...)

thank you so much for being here today...I really thought I was going top blog this alone and talk to myself alone...because well, it is Saturday...and I think and know that everyone has much to do...Wexler was amazing..."Wexing Eloquent" that is a great expression...boy is he
I am grateful that we got to see this- and that it is not behind closed doors...

enigma4ever said...

Thank you for being here, good to see you and always good to hear your positive spirit and caring are a Voice for Change..I am looking forward to your new Blog and all....keep us posted...

Please understand...I's true...BUT it is because I am a postive person that I worry, it is actually exactly What makes me more is a part of paying attention, being vigilant, being mindful...paying close attention , it is a part of being knowledgeable and careful and appreciative of the whole process,,,,,bearing witness to Our History and appreciating it in full....but Blogatopia has empowered all of us to care and pay attention like nothing else....It is what connects us and keeps us focused....

I learned the hard way to never take the Voting Process for granted ever, in 2004 I found out that I was part of Caged Voting /Purged Voting in Wash State in 2000, that my Gore vote was never then I was living in Ca...and I, like thousands of others was part of an Investigation that involved Senator's offices, Human Rights Watch and ACLU.....but it taught me a valuable lesson about What can be lost, and stolen and that Votes are very important...

But this I do know...In the NW , When a small group of people, tired, pissed off, disenfrnachised , and uninsured and sick fought back a Large Chemical Company......that had ruled their Country and dumped on them for 40 years....that people when they are connected , educated....they are Empowered....and their Hope has real depth.....I watched them win....they won their Struggle.....and the Dumping Stopped, and the Company had to shut down...but mostly I watched them regain their dignity and their belief in themselves and they could make Change....for themselves and their Future....

So please do know experiences only make me more passionate...and care more about the process and how the events are connected together...

But I have the greatest Faith in We the People...and what we can do...always....


Meeting Update::::
They have been working on the Michigan part this afternoon....I have not blogged most of it...just listened...( alot of positioning that I don't know enough of the I am just listening...)

Bonior is explaining why people took their names off the ballot....( Obama etc...he used to work for it is interesting to learn what and why people did take their names off).

MandT said...

--Can't stop laughing! I seldom use the word cute, but that pic is 'cute'! And, I would say that in the world of mice and men that is definitly a mighty mouse.

enigma4ever said...

he is kinda cute...yup....Battles of Mice and Men...( Mighty Mouse)

Ingrid said...

crap. I just wrote you a loong email and as I went to send it, it disappeared! Geesh, I'll try again later E, the natives are about to return home and gone 'll be by peace and quiet!



enigma4ever said...

thanks Ingrid...
no first ;-)
write me later..I will be here...I took some time off from the hearings...homefront I gotta go get caught up...

Fran said...

I don;t have cable or dish, so my choices are
2 statinos of golf
or baseball.
No fucking wonder people don't much give a shit about politics..... there is every distraction BUT what is going on.

Maybe they need to scroll death tolls along the bottom of sports braodcasts?

OK I am in a bit of a foul mood today.
Personal shit hitting the fan today.

enigma4ever said...

SOooooo around 3 or 3:30Pm they went on break for lunch- Whelp they have been behind Closed Doors SINCE then....( which is what all of us were dreading..) They were supposed to be back at 430pm....Also Huffpost and cspan and cnn are supposed to live stream - so you can try that if you don't have cable...I think....BUT they are not back yet.....

Chuck Todd is reporting that they are 95% there...
Michigan is 69 /59 divide...and Florida is almost totally resolved....Michigan is the sticky point- because obviously Obama was NOT even on the ballot...
Hey there...sorry about personal shit...hang in there...about people giving a shit ...whelp- we all could write whole papers on that...our TV sucks...
without cable we get nothing....( I am talking Snow...) But yeah...people are given absolute garbage on tv... email me if you want I am here...

enigma4ever said...

Also Crooks and Liars is streaming it live- though they are still on "lunch break"...I would bet good money that Hillarys people are putting up a stink...

enigma4ever said...

MSNBC says that there is a HUGE Unity Dinner planned for tonight in NYC....with Gore and Dean...well....I think Dinner is gonna be Late...

D.K. Raed said...

I'm DVRing it & watching bits & pieces. Once again, the Michigan position seems to be only votes for Hillary should be counted. Even though the only way to NOT vote for Hillary was to vote Uncommitted. But Ickes says Uncommitted delegates are just that, they can go either way. This is a real stalemate.

Did'cha catch when Ickes walked out on Wexler earlier? Asked him about the Fairness Doctrine & then picked up his papers & walked away. Donna Brazille gave a good comment to the Former MI Gov about her mother's advice to play by the rules. But I'm pissed at her, too, because she is STILL uncommitted. Please Donna & all you supers, get off your arses & commit already!

Enigma, I am very sad about this whole day. I feel like I'm watching first-hand how a party divides & becomes 2 parties. I think this is how it must've happened in the past, but we didn't have TV cameras there to witness. I hope I'm wrong. But if it wasn't for the periodic dividing of existing parties, we'd still have the Whigs and Tories. Please, please let me be wrong. Now is NOT the time to divide & hand the nuclear keys to McWarDog!

Well, just wanted you to know I'm around, though not near the computer. I think I'll go vacuum while the DVR gets ahead of live coverage.

Christopher said...

We were out looking at real estate all afternoon so I missed most of the circus but I see nothing has been resolved and MSNBC keeps showing endless loops of the Borg Queen greeting senior citizens and ignoring Barack Obama.

Racist fucktards.

enigma4ever said...

they are back...
let's see what happens.....they are coming back...People keep going up and shaking Osmonds hand...hmmm...People look tired...

69:59 Michigan
and Florida, half votes....she benifits in both places..but he should still maintain his lead according to Chuck Todd...

enigma4ever said...

Donna Brazelle looks really tired..she is talking to wexler...hmmm, not seated yet...

Chuck Todd:::

Florida nets her a MAX of 19...netting 13 to 19..

Michigan....69:59..half votes....they will get Both add on superdels...

( the goal was that she only net approx 20 on her net for the Obama campaign)

enigma4ever said...

The new number that Obama has to reach is...
only 20 Superdels away from crossing the line....and it would be good if ALL of the Florida and Mich issues are settled...

enigma4ever said...

Hi DK and Christopher...

They are seated...and should be giving an announcement of the results...

enigma4ever said...

Florida :::
they will discuss... and then debate .....and then vote...( 10 minute limits) 2 Motions...Automatic Penalty Challenge by Osmond...

Motion Proposed by Alice Huffman:
Full Florida delegation to be seated, and counted fully ( Not sure I actually heard her- there was too much noise)Now she says they were victims in the process...
they were just trying to do the right thing...etc etc..)
FULL vote she says ? and NO penalty...

David McDonald opposes the Motion...and explains WHY...I can't in good conscience that the documentation reflects what happened in relation to the rules...
Yvonne: I have to oppose , because when rules are violated, there is chaos.

Someone's name I could not see.

Alice: rules, principles still matter, they have to have some meat- they were set up before the campaign happened..the automatic sanctions were set up to protect against this kind of thing...she does not support this Motion...48 states should be respected for abiding by the rules....

enigma4ever said...

I want to associate my comments with Alice and Gina...

we all were taught to respect the rules...and they do have to be revisited..( audience cheers) we want the voters to know that they are heard...

12 in favor, 15 opposed...( Hillary people are rude, booing and loudly yelling)

NOW on to the Other Options related to the Sanctions presented by Ralph Dawson :::
Afford the Delegates to be seated all pledged be restored, each is able to caste one half vote, and in addition that all pledged should be allocated as follows for clinton 52.5, Ed 6.5, Obama 33.5 Votes

Christopher said...

The Hillbots are terribly mature.

When the full 100% seating vote failed, the interrupted the hearing and screamed "Denver, Denver, Denver," and you could hear hissing, just like the snakes Hillary's supporters are.

enigma4ever said...

Motion Passed...

enigma4ever said...

Michigan 69:59 proposed....

Discussion Ickes is speaking being imfllammatory :hijacking dels " away from Hillary ( he is a pig- did I mention that...NOW he is speaking unfavorabley of the Rules Committee right in front of them,.,Shame on him.....) Ickes is one of the people that helped WRITE these very rules,...NOW he is whining...NOW he finally getting booed ( his BIG beef is about 4 dels...he is making a stink about well, he definently is shitting on the Party Unity plan.....he is pathetic...)

enigma4ever said...

Ickes said" Mrs Clinton has reserved the right to take this to the Credential Committee" ( wow a threat...nice- way to go)

NOW MrHeinz..:
says it is fair....( audience still being rude) this shows that both Florida and Michigan have representation at the Convention...

enigma4ever said...

okay Vote done on Michigan 19 to 8...

Christopher said...

As much as I detest the cops, it's a shame they didn't have security to round up the Menopause Mob and toss them out on their asses for interrupting the hearing with their screaming and hissing.

All I know it, these are the same psychos who have promised to be in Denver in August and disrupt the convention.

I hope the Secret Service keeps Barack safe and protected. Remember Sarah Jane Moore -- she got within 8 feet of Gerald Ford with a gun.

enigma4ever said...

Well, I think Secret Service is aware of all the animousity...and rancor ( no one could miss it at this point)...I think it is a shame...BUT I think it is also noticeable- there were Some Loud People there- but it was not really as loud and disruptive as it could have been I watched CNN- and Suzanne Malveux explained to Campbell Brown that this is how hostile it has been..( which we all already knew).

I am proud of Obama Supporters for not being there or participating in the raucus...I do think that Ickes and the people there that were yelling - it was really childish and disrespectful...and now the Media saw it in full....

I do think that Hillary is to blame for this Drama and Anger- as a leader she needs to lead her followers to a Woman I am embarrassed when women act like this....

BUT I also need to say that the people that voted in a responsible manner respecting their rules that they also respects the Candidates and all the other voters in 48 other states...It means they can still be represented in Denver...And that now we are one step closer to Fight McCain....and get the White House back...

enigma4ever said...


Only Fox is running the Obama Press Conference about the Church withdrawl issue...he said he and Michelle, they have been talking about since the Press Club incident....

( CNN, MSNBC are not covering....odd)

( I don't know if I can keep watching it- the double ticker is giving me a headache..)

Gryphen said...

So do we really think she will take this to the convention?

Is even Hillary that self-destructive?

Gryphen said...

Hey I watched that too!

And you are right that ticker is gaudy as hell. And what is with all of the explosion sounds?

Is that what the Daily Show and Colbert report have been making fun of all of this time? I don't usually watch Fox and did not completely get the connection.

You know that whole ticker thing is completely an invention of Fox. They are the reason that we cannot watch the news without suffering a bout of epilepsy every few minutes.

The bastards!

D.K. Raed said...

That double flashing Fox ticker sucks. My dad told me he taped a piece of black cloth to the bottom few inches of the TV cuz he can't stand it. If he's watching Fox, he probably has to raise it a few inches. They are sick!

enigma4ever said...

Hey there DK and Gyrphen:::
omg the ticker...6-6" gee they took the TERRA ticker off- they will have to put that at the top....and then they will need another one since it is Hurricane season"....too funny - we should write and suggest atleast two more tickers for them to add- if they keep adding we won't have to look at ANY faces or "news"....

So I was reading over at Huffpost , Sam Stein talking about trying to eat a reuben at the hotel...and that they are Rabid...and the ONLY Media they watch and support yes, Fox- BEcause they are SOooo fair and balanced...oye

Fran said...

Dk- Very funny- when you said you r Dad needs to move the black cloth up a few inches- are you thinking total black out for FOX? Funny!

Sounds like the deal cutting is hot & heavy.

I think my heart skipped a beat earlier-- on CNN's website....

It had breaking news- a picture of Obamas face & the caption said
*Obama resigns* GASP!
as I scrolled down it continued-
from controversial church

Ugh-- whew... they had me panicked there for a minute.

enigma4ever said...

omg..that is would have given me a odd CNN leaked it..then they didn't run his press conference about it...he gave it and only FOX aired it...he did not want to release the info today while the rules committtee was meeting...he did not want attention diverted from their work...

Anonymous said...

I knew I could come here for a good rundown. Thanks you guys, been outside laying brick. Well, this is a bitch, and speaking of which the madwoman is going to drag this out all the way to the convention, all the way. I really hate her about as much as I hate Bush, well afterall, they are the same.

Have to run, talk later.

enigma4ever said...

Hay Marjorie....
yes...laying brick sounds like it was more fun ;-)

I don't know what will happen...I find it hard to believe that she would drag it out- BUT I don't know...she is broke though and in maybe that will help her make a more Rational Decision...