"We don't need more Heat in DC, we need more Light " Obama in Feb 2008
Senator Obama is expected to reach Delegate Count today that puts him in position as the Democrat Nominee...We will update throughout the Day....YES WE CAN video posted below...On a cold winter morning Gryphen sent me this video, and at the time it had only been viewed 200 times, within hours that would all change....And within mere days ALL of us would know Obama 's NH speech by heart....This video and that speech has gotten many of us through some rough moments. Have Hope, this will be an amazing day ....All News and Numbers will be in the Comment Thread.
[Click the Title to see Obama 's BEST Ad..."ONE VOICE" ....and let's keep Senator Byrd and Senator Kennedy in our thoughts today as well....Namaste ]
{{Afternoon Extra Credit::: Do some homework about Hillary's Baggage aka. Bill- take a listen to the Huffpost Audio Tape of What Bill said about Obama to the reporters about the Vanity Fair Article, and he rants and raves about Obama, and actually blames Obama for the article, the Media has NOT played the Entire Tape.}}
I do like the new Obama poster - it's quite a beauty.
Hillary will tonight admit that Obama has the Nomination, and she will concede AP reported ( there is some confusion on this, AP reported this- and then Terry McCaulliffe said called the Media to say it is Wrong.)
Her campaign came out and said that was wrong. I hate her campaign!
By the way Obama only needs 35 more delegates at this post.
Is that...is that...is that some light at the end of this tunnel?
12 Noon:::
Okay- so the Count is at 40...
About the Concede Issue- the AP said that 2 staffers told them that Hillary will concede tonight...BUT then at 11:30am Terry McCaulliffe called all over and said that it was not true..so I don't have a clue what is going on..... CNN and MSNBC are both saying that she is in NY at her home calling Superdels. ( she would have to get 87% of All Votes and ALL Superdels to win at this point). Obama is probally only about 10-20 Superdels away from winning tonight (after numbers from Montana and SD are added).
there is Light- he is very close- there are about 30 he will get from the states tonight- and seriously he only needs less than 20 Superdels to come forward....
Terry McCauliffe is really whacked out on something- Hillary chose him and Mark Penn- it is really sad- because both of them are embarrassing in their behaviors...I can not imagine two worse people to have on a Campaign.( well, Bill has not actually been very helpful either...)
I guess we will have to watch the results tonight and listen to the speechs of both of them to try to figure this out...
Oooops Thanks Diva- yup it is my new fav....someday I hope to buy it...I really love the Tree....
33.5 now.
I think the word for today is "excruciating".
whoa..I went and walked the dog- and it is 33.5???what ???really...wow...
okay...so if he gets 20-25 from the two states tonight- that means he really just needs 10-15 more Superdels..right?
okay...so if he gets 20-25 from the two states tonight- that means he really just needs 10-15 more Superdels..right?
My sources tell me Hillary is trying to position herself to be Barack's veep.
In a soft way, twist his arm into asking her to be his running mate and her concession will be predicated on the offer.
Why doesn't she want to return to her day job, as a US Senator, representing the great state of New York? Is she embarrassed to return to the Congress after her appalling behavior during the campaign?
Sadly I think that Bill put the final nail in the VEEP coffin with his Statement to Vanity Fair- blaming him for ALL that has gone wrong- even that article....and for me- her chance at VEEP went out the window with the RFK statement....( and Ickies statement to the Rules Committee on Saturday was yet another disgraceful display...and add it to her race baiting and slurring, and inuendo, and her Obliterate Iran Comment- that to me shows she is not VICE presidential either...)
I think she may have had a hard time back in the Senate- she would have much repair work to do...
I do think there are options for her- I do think that she would be excellent on the Supreme Court...and also she would be good as Governor of NY ( maybe- again much MUCHO repair work on her Unity skills and many apologies to make..)
1:30 PM
Chuck Todd is now saying that it is 30.5 to go...
31.5 according to the Obama Blog..
They have been posting all the Endorsements, do read them they are beautiful....Many Women Superdels coming forward and expressing WHY they choose Obama....Eloquent Courage...
Gallup Poll On MSNBC:::
Obama 53%
Hillary 42%
I do think there are options for her - I do think that she would be excellent on the Supreme Court...
Even though she failed the Bar exam in New York state and had to retake it when she relocated to Arkansas to be with Bill.
Her time as a "lawyer" for WalMart was unremarkable. Although she did play a role in blocking the minimum wage workers from organizing.
For a lawyer, she couldn't be bothered to slug through the NIE before casting her "YEA" vote to give Bush the authority to go to war against Iraq. Instead, she relied on crib notes and "briefing." But hey, Clarence Thomas is rather unremarkable too, so Hillary would stand in excellent company.
I'm afraid I see Hillary as a corporate lobbyist. Maybe for Big Pharma or oil.
damn I forgot about the Bar Exam ( I did read her books too- I should have remembered)....I agree that she has some problems- but she does seem to like to stick up for Women's Issues...( of course that may be more talk)..but I think she has the tenacity that would be needed for the Court....I think she could be as good as Sandra Day O Connor...
To be honest I think she will have trouble in the Senate...
About Lobbying- well, that is an option and after
what she has shown about herself- that might also be an option...
can this woman just go up in smoke? Like that witch from the East? (or was it west, don't remember)..
there will be hell to pay if she becomes Veep. No way no how. NO!
give me the heebyjeebies already..
good thing you're keeping track E..we have no cable and I can't be bothered to follow it. This woman and her campaign is giving me (more) grey hairs!
Hey Ingrid...
Me 2...me 2...she will have us all pulling our hair out at this rate......I took the dog out again..it is not 2:35Pm, I have not heard any new numbers...I will post...
Obama Website: 30.5 ....as of 3PM
Hill's speech will be before the polls close....
I am not sure of Obama's Speech time..
( and as I said above McInsane is some time tonight- also demanding Prime Time Slot)...
"...can this woman just go up in smoke?"
FOFLMAO! Jim said a variation of this over the weekend.
He said, "Maybe after she concedes she'll just catch fire -- self-immolation, like the priests do in India."
All I know is, there's a broom with her name on it ready to take off tonight at 9:30p.m. and it will take her wherever she wants to go.
Just as long as she's on it.
MSNBC is saying that Hillary speaking to NY Lawmakers that she would be "willing" to be Obama's VP- this reported by the AP....( it's kind of like someone offering to be Prom Queen at this point....I think it is up to Obama WHO and WHEN he will pick a VP....NOT her...or her"people" or Bill...and Bill after what he said yesterday - about Obama - the Media needs to play the WHOLE Huffpost tape- where Obama is torn to shreds by Bill about the Vanity Fair Post- Bill sounds nuts or drunk).
very funny.....omg.....I think at this point we would all offer her a hand to the Exit...or a ride on a bus,....this is unreal...
Senator Feinstein just released Statement that Hillary needs to Concede and Join the Obama Campaign....
I just heard Feinstein say Hillary should now step down and be given the VP.
Hillary just told New York lawmakers she would accept a Veep.
Thirdly Jimmy Carter just said he would endorse Obama tonight.
I hope this is a historic night in Minnesota right where Republicans will have their convention!
I don't think she said Hill should be given VP- what she said was that "Hillary should join the Obama Campaign", that is what I saw on MSNBC and also CNN.
Carter is endorsing tonight...after the Polls close...
Tonight should be very interesting...Obama's Speech ( I don't know what time)...then Hillary's speech in NYC..and then susposedly McSame is also requesting Prime Time for a Speech on "Change"...( and I am still laughing at that... a speech on change)...
Last Endorsement was at 2:30Pm....
and the Obama Blog/ Site is still reporting 30.5....
Feinstein needs to drink a big cup of STFU.
Obama SHOULD NOT offer the Borg Queen the vice president position.
If he does, his entire message will be weakened and he would unleash Bill Clinton on the Executive Branch and a bored Bill Clinton leads to Monicas and Jennifers. Nothing excites Bill Clinton as much as power.
We've moved on and past the Clintons and the circus that follows them everywhere they go.
I don't Feinstein said that- she said that Hillary should support and join Obama's Campaign-that is what I heard- on CNN and MSNBC...( let me know if you can find where Feinstein said the VP thing..)
I just heard it for the third time on CNN. She also said in the name of unity! If I can find it in writing I will send it to you!
Okay I feel better. I googled and found this! Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), a Clinton booster, told The Post, "I am one that believes that if it works out that Senator Obama is the nominee, the strongest ticket would be Senator Clinton as vice president. No question in my mind....
"The weight of the states he carried versus the states she carried. It's different. And, therefore, if you combine them both, you've got the best electoral path."
Feinstein said she promotes an Obama-Clinton ticket with everyone she talks to.
Carter has said he will endorse after the voting stops in South Dakota and Montana - but that it will be for Obama. As for McAuliffe, he is denying he said anything about Hillary conceding - and yet, I posted a video of him saying exactly that this morning on the Today Show.
I found it too:
Senator Dianne Feinstein says that if Barack Obama becomes the Democratic nominee, he should select Hillary Rodham Clinton as his running mate.
Feinstein, a longtime friend and supporter of Clinton's, says Clinton and Obama have "garnered a different constituency and different states." The California senator says that combining them would form the strongest ticket.
CNN says Prez Carter just endorsed & now it's 30.5 to go -- guess that means they had already counted him? Donna Brazille says she'll endorse after the votes are counted.
A local CA friend says what Feinstein actually said was Hillary for the "bottom half of the ticket". Don't know if that is just a funny way to word it.
Obama Campaign says it is 29....
thanks for finding it...I see Patriot found it too....CNN and MSNBC were reporting it differently....
thanks for posting that....I will be over to see...I think terry is on something or drinks or something- and his Morning joe appearences have become a nightmare....
I don't know if she's conceding - ever. But in any case, it sure sounds like we have or will shortly have our presumptive nominee. Yeah!
CNN says Prez Carter just endorsed & now it's 30.5 to go...
DK, et al,
Where is Al Gore???
Where is Al Gore???
I want him to endorse my man, Barack!
Choosing Hillary for V.P. is like running a marathon and right before you cross the finish line deciding to put he guy who fell down beside you on your shoulders before finishing he race. Yeah the crowd might be impressed but you change a certain victory to a possible one.
Barack is going to be the next President of the United States if he does not:
1) Get caught smoking crack.
2) Make any whitey jokes.
3) Or choose Hillary "Damn I have a lot of baggage" Clinton as his V.P.!
You know, Hillary and Obama might be the best for us but Bill won't stay out of the way. I see a lot of nightmares!
I just see things differently.
I agree with that Bill Clinton would be a catastrophe for the fledgling Obama administration. He's already had to issue a fresh apology today to DeeDee Myer's husband for calling him a "scumbag" for the Vanity Fair article he penned.
But having Hillary on the ticket would present a whole different set of problems. For starters, I honestly think the Clintons' time is over. As Ted Sorensen said, the torch has been past to Obama.
Plus, Hillary's said some really appalling things in this campaign. The race baiting was one of the most offensive things I've ever seen. Especially, from a Democrat. I just can't forgive and forget and based on the opinions of my African American readers, they would really resent having Hillary in the background.
MSNBC says Obama only needs 23.5 delegates now. Hill needs 197. This is a done deal.
I'm not even entertaining Hill for VP. Let her make her case later & I will listen. For now, this is our victory moment!
I got bumped off twice...oppps..
MSNBC is saying 23.5 or 22...I have no idea WHAT is up......
You all have been carrying on just fine - you don't even need me...
Hill offering to be VP before she has even conceded- what an amazing little presumptive thing to do...Obama is is HIS own man, and he as the Presidential Nominee can make his own choice...he has a great staff and advisors...and he does not need Hill and Bill dicating his ticket..
BOTTEM line- Hill says the hispanics and women won't vote for Obama ( again how racist)....WHEN have those groups of people Voted Repug??? WHEN? never....and Obama just needs time for the Rest of the Country to get to know him....and he got 18 Million with NO help from Hill&Bill bashing him left and right and race baiting and Inuendo....
I think Gryphen's marathon description is Perfect....
19.5 On MSNBC..
Hillary is such a hog for attention.
She just can't step aside and let Barack have his moment in the sun and become the nominee.
I've never seen anything like the Clintons and their addiction to the camera.
Chuck Todd just said Obama only needed five more super delegates. This way the pledged delegates from South Dakota and Montana will put him over the top.
Hey all...Obama's site says 27.5....Chuck Todd has been amazing about the Numbers...he has been right all the way through....
This is actually very exciting...
NBC says 18.5.....
I don't know what the real number ...
Rachel says " Her Leverage is ZERO" thank you Rachel...thank you....
( A Moment to say something about the Coverage- OMG....Chris Matthews corrected Pat Buchanon about WHAT and WHO is important...that tonight is Obama's Night - Period- that this is a Historic event...in OUR History and World History and we should not be giving ALL this attention to Hillary at Such a Moment- welll, thank you Chris...and nice that NO David Gregory and NO Tucker...wow...what a refreshing thing...meanwhile over on CNN Carville is still whining for Hillary- and saying " we should not be calling this over yet" and Bill Bennett is shaking his head mournfully - oh plllleezzzz)
Wooooo Hoooo Keith is here setting the Stage for this Event...WOW....Let's Go Folks....THIS IS IT....
WOW....Obama Site says it is DOWN to 12...WhoooooHooooo
Russert said it THIS Night is About Obama- period....
( Chuck Todd just said 14....oh there is a little Confusion...BUT it is ON folks )
When is HIS Speech..
Okay the Speech by Obama is after 10 Pm...Hillary's is ???? and McCain's ???
Clyburn looked choked up talk about Obama and his moment....
nice that NO David Gregory and NO Tucker...wow...what a refreshing thing
I. Heard. That!
David Gregory is a shameless Hill-Shill. I can't stand him.
Fucker Carlson, well he's not even worthy of a comment.
I wonder if Leslie Blitzer is suicide watch tonight??? AIPAC is gonna' be pissed.
Oh Spoke to soon Christopher;;;
Gregory will be there ( I did not see Tucker or Joe though - so that is good)
Switching to NBC to watch National News...
DOWN to 10.....
20,000 expected tonight at the StPaul Rally at 10PM....
Hey just read the post above and realized you gave a hat tip for the video. Gee thanks Enigma!
You know I have sent that video to a number of people, my daughter included, and every single one of them is now an Obama supporter.
My daughter went online and looked up the speech that is used in the video and started reading from his website.
If you think I am an ardent supporter you ought to spend five minutes talking to my kid. She will talk you into a coma.
Hey Gryphen:
She is great...and we would and could talk for hours;-)
That NH Speech was amazing..and it's funny , how that speech really carried many of us through those winter monthes...I will never forget when you sent it..it was a bitter cold Sunday Morning...and I watched it and was stunned to hear THOSE words to music..it just made sense....200 hits..and within 5 days it hit a Million...
So yeah- Big Hat Tip- because it was the first time I saw it...
Now back to this...so here we are on the edge of our seats...I can not wait to hear the speech tonight...and see the crowd and KNOW that WE did this...ALL of us...we helped Bring Change....and Obama Led the way...
Both the AP and ABC have called it for Obama!
Todd did say 14. But earlier he said he only need five more Super Delegates so the two states could put him over the top. Then the rest of the delegates will flood in over 24 hours - probably a lot sooner than that!
Hey there Robert and Jack..and everyone..Gryphen, Patriot, and Diva and Fran and Ingrid and Christopher, and DK, Wow...
and Amazing Night....I am not sure when and where it will be over the top, but here we are .....over on Google News....2,224 articales about Obama Winning the Nomination Tonight.....
Be sure to go to the Obama Site and read the Endorsements- there are so many beautiful letters...and many from women representives...really amazing..
MSNBC posting the Number of votes:
17,425,810 .....Obama...
SOOOO that means there is only a difference of 3000 votes different....
Breaking: Obama needs 10 Delegates to clinch, yahoo!
Thanks Patriot...
10 to go...WOW...( and yes, that is the Number on the Obama site ;-)
Callin’ out around the world
Are you ready for a brand new beat?
Summer’s here and the time is right
For dancin’ in the streets
They’re dancin’ in Chicago
Down in New Orleans
Up in New York City
All we need is music, sweet music
There’ll be music everywhere
There’ll be swingin’, swayin’ and records playin’
And dancin’ in the streets
*H*A*P*P*Y * *D*A*N*C*E*
Are we stoked or what?
FINALLY an end to all this crapola.... a fine & decent candidate- to send to the convention with a focused, centered agenda on how to turn this country around.
I feel like I can breathe again.
Blitzer says only 6 more delegates needed!
Dancin' in the street, damn right, Christopher!
Poor Leslie!
He looks like sheyat. All that Hillary worship and what did it amount to?
Not a damned thing!
CNN is reporting 2112-- 6 to go!
Okay Folks..
I am back....had to walk to the Store to Get CAKE...celebratory Cake....Yahoooooo...( I told 6-6 when it hit 10 I would go get Cake....)
So time to get caught up....I see McSame is about to speak...urgh...
Let's Breath Deep..and yes , we can Finally Dance tonight....
Christopher What is the Name of that Song...Dancing in the Streets- it is a great Motown Song..( I still have Bo Diddley in my head from last night.....I love that song...)
Chuck Todd has figured out the map - WHY he does NOT need Hillary- interesting....
Someone pinch me- are we really really this close....wow..
CNN 2114 WOW
*** pinch***
MSNBC sayng NINE....( and their numbers match OBAMA:s site now...I don;t know about CNN ...oh well it does not matter- it is ALL within spitting distance....WhoooooHooooo)
Saw a CNN poll- (this will be the last time I mention the "C" word tonight!)
Should Obama take Clinton as his VP?
58% voted NO- myself included.
Dancing in the Streets.
A classic!
BTW, I have the advance copy of Obama's speech tonight. It's five pages so I provided a link.
Please feel free to grab it.
NO NO NO....you are right Fran...
MSNBC is saying that many People DONT want her ( or her debt- she needs him more than he needs her...Howard Fineman called her move- Kabuki Theater....)
ohhhh geez ....cat tried to sit on the cake box...see I am too exicted...
On another subject while we wait for the polls to close- McSame had to have a Camera Moment tonight- how Bushy of him.....
Gov.Jindel is bringing out Daddy McSame any minute for his speech, and I am sorry but this does not look good...see I think MCSame should pick Warner- then that would make McSame look a lot Younger...
Thanks for getting the Speech- Put the Video down below...
Thanks for sharing the poll....
Dancing in the Steets below.....
mcSame is "speaking..." oh gads we NEED Debates....
Speech Highlights...
Did I forget to mention that McSame is Batshit crazy ???? he said that Our leaders talking to OTHER Leaders will draw us into war ???
( His audience is having a hard time remembering their applause and BOO cues...very funny)
He stole the "Change we can Believe In"- what a loser....I guess Rudy's Writers are not real creative ?
WHY does he keep blinking???
"""""'''''"''''' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
"""""'''''"''''' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
"""""'''''"''''' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' (confetti)
[[[[[ ]]]]]
Confetti falling....
Have new post above to Honor 9 PM.....WOW...
I am so happy- I never thought this would really really happen..
the funniest moment-
so McSame's speech got interupted...and so then they go to Jeffry Toobin " God ,that was the WORST speech I have ever seen , ever, he could not read the prompter and there were only 200 people there"
Then Over to MSNBC...and Pat Still keeps trying to talk about Hillary- and that she is projected to win SD ( with only 11,000 counted ???what the hell) Pat of Course says that this means that Hill should be on the ticket....Eugene corrects him....and says the REAL number is about Obama the 2118...
Obama is winning 11, and Hill 5..Superdels endrosed him...from SD...
Hillary to speak any second- a crowd in a basement at the Bruiit College ( I think that this is the right place) in NY.....
Hillary is speaking....and it is the SAME old victory speech she ALWAYS gives...( these people in the basement don't know that she was just beaten by Obama)...THIS is her same OLD speech- this is not a Concession Speech....NOW she is talking about ALL the States that she has won...this is dangerous...she needs to start paving the UNITY path....now she is talking about each Vote is a Prayer for our nation...omg.....she needs to settle these people- comfort them, lead them to Unity...she is STILL claiming this as her OWN path, own Journey......UNITING THE PARTY- she finally said it...people are yelling in the audience- but we are unsure of WHAT they know and what they have been told....this is NOT the Time for her Stump Speech...she needs to lay the bricks....talk about HOW we come together and work together....
she is just giving her stump speech- she does not KNOW how to exit this...or lead them to Obama...THAT is her role now... "I will keep standing and fighting for you" ( Where is she going with this speech...she needs to just help these people)
"WHat does Hillary want ? What does she want to do"
And she goes right into her Stump Speech....this is confusing...what the hell is doing?
Hillary has said she does NOT , and has not decided WHAT to do...and that she has not made up her mind..she has not even Acknowledged that Obama has won...What the hell is this? THIS is not a Concession Speech....omg....Someone tell Hillary It is OVER...
What the hell was that????
but that was the worst thing I have ever seen..Hillary was delusional and lied to her people... I will never ever forget WHAT she did....
Let's just enjoy Obama and his crowd of 20,000 ...and his Words...
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