Senator Obama's Race for the Whitehouse is entering a Different phase, he will reach the Nominee threshold this week.....He will reach the new number needed, 2118.....it is Within Reach.
After Storms and heavy rains and much thunder....when you least expect it, the skies clear... and there is a Rainbow....I know many are on pins and needles...is this the week that this is going to End ? Is the Magic Number going to be reached in the next two days?...This weekend watching the Rules Committee, it was made pretty clear that the Voters that have voted and caucused are to be respected....The fact that this meeting was held , and that it was televised, that is more transparency than we have ever had. The only people that have not acknowlesged the Rules Meeting , the Clintons. Which is odd, considering how for monthes she was so focused on making sure their Votes Count, yet today the Voters of Michigan and Florida were barely mentioned by her. The Rules Committee made an announcement, and she did not acknowledge it or announce it. In a way it reminded me of how she has disenfranchised the caucus states one by one.
Obama is 46.5 away from the winning number....it has been a Marathon....with Many Hurdles...But we are with him on this Path...Millions of us...This is a Movement.
Hillary is still hoping to Change the rules, or for some glorious backroom deal....I think Change has arrived.....I have Hope....
{ Music is "Beautiful Day" Live by U2, I look at these thousands of souls at Wembley, and think of all of us,WE THE PEOPLE, the phone calls we made, the canvassing, the Rallies and the Hours and Lines to get in, the Midnight Bloggers, and I also think of my friends so far away rooting for Obama, rooting for us to Save Our Country ...or you can click the title and once again watch "YES WE CAN" and down below..."We are all in this together" by Ben Lee }}
While we are thinking positive and keeping Hope in our Hearts....Please also keep Senator Ted Kennedy in your thoughts and prayers, as he is having very delicate surgery on his Brain for his cancer today at 9am, it is atleast a 6 hour surgery. Namaste.
Another Update:::
Robert Byrd is hospitalized tonight with a High fever and lethargy....prayers and light to this other Party elder...
*** Footnote::: MSNBC is saying that Obama is only 39.5 to the Nomination, but Obama's website says 41.5, sorry, I really do not know which number is right..I will double check in AM
I am thinking good thoughts & looking forward to that beautiful day.
me2 Fran...me2....E.Pluribus Unum.....
Yes indeed.
We're almost there. The Clintons have ramped up their efforts to get the Borg Queen on the ticket with Obama again.
I hope he doesn't give in.
come on fat lady, sing already!
I'm betting Barack announces his "win", after enough Supers step-up, on Thursday.
thursday...ahhh..I hope so....
I think he will make the right decision...and weigh everything out...and talk to his advisors...after hearing Donna Brazille and how his team's olive branch was turned down by her people...I have faith in him...
I am listening ;-P
and waiting.....
it is down to 44 dels...
You can file her latest whopper right up there with her yarn about dodging sniper fire at the airport in Bosnia and claiming she never supported NAFTA.
With less than 36 hours left before she suspends her pathetic campaign, Hillary Clinton, in a telephone interview on Sunday told the New York Times she’s won more states than Barack Obama:
"I have won more votes and won more states than Senator Obama. All the independent analyses break in my direction. A lot of the key states that we have to win, I win those states."
Sorry babe, Obama's won 33 of 50 state races to date. Not you.
CNN this am is saying she is denial _ IN Big Letters n the screen- ouch...
States- this past week down in Puerto Rico it turns out that she started saying that- and it is based on her NEW math- that ONLY Voting states count NOT Caucus states...( she has decided that they don't count as much as Primary states...)
That's really sumpin' coming from the AIPAC-approved CNN. Hillary's their girl.
One of my readers thinks she's hitting the sauce. I don't think Hillary will be awake at 3a.m. to answer any call. *wink*
Do watch Morning Joe..from this AM...and Terry McCauliffe - he is I swear on the sauce...talkin about tuesday night she is going to crown herself as the Nomineee on tues nite- look at mika's face....( the clip is over on Morning Joe)....
43 to go as of 2pm...another Super Del came forward- I think that is 3 or 4 today....
I understand Obama will be declaring the nomination his after Tuesday. I am afraid Hillary through Ickes and Bill will give Limbaugh his wish and create mayhem for us at the DNC and into the future. She will not relent period. We and the party are not her concern she is! Obama will persevere but Hillary will not stop kicking and screaming.
there are some other factors that might put some reality of her- the $$$ Picture for May was and is grim...and also that many people are defecting....ie Vlsack....etc.....Also I think the Vanity Fair article has Bill very pissed today....( alot of women will read it though..)
I think if she is offered Something as a concillatory measure that might help..some sort of position..etc....
I think if she is offered Something as a concillatory measure that might help..some sort of position..
Like a spoiled child who is bribed with a lollipop to shut the fuck up in a restaurant so the rest of the adults can eat their meal in peace.
I hope they "offer" her something alright. Like losing her seats on all the committees she sits on as punishment for her antics.
Well, I did not say I would offer her anything...I am saying it is good strategy...and I don't mean VP...I mean something else...even Gov of NY...( oh, maybe ny'rs would not want that)....
okay so 6-6 and I went out and now we are back....and 39.5 is now the magic number....
i wouldn't be dissing hillary quite so nastily. he's going to get the delegate count - but she's going to have maybe just 150 less. and the popular vote is incredibly close. he will need her mightily, and if you truly support him, the goal should be unity above all. I highly doubt Obama will make the same mistake many of you may be making - dishonoring her own fight, her hundreds of millions of followers. must you be so petty in victory? for each of you so passionate abt obama, there is someone equally passionate abt hillary - do you really want to alienate that passion, or have it turn against you?
"....dishonoring her own fight, her hundreds of millions of followers.
Her "hundreds of millions of followers?"
There are only 304 million people in the USA. Where are you drawing from?
I don't think I have been nasty or petty...I was being honest- it is not always required that she be offered Something..( in the race, the 2 nd person is not always offered something). I support Unity, and I support that it has been a long hard fight...I also think that she has people that have followed her that are hostile, truly hostile and rude ( not you weezie) But my point is there is a big difference between Hostile and Angry and Rude, you have seen the Harriet Christin Video....Someone like her- there is no way that I can support her Anger or vitriol comments....I don't wish to alienate anyone...and I think I have been fair and pretty kind in the past few posts about her. I can not and will not tell people what to think or say- and yes some of the commenters here dislike her more than others.....BUT this I do know she and Bill did indeed play the Racism card- "Hard Working White People"... and can I "forgive" her that - or forget it ? I don;t think I should or could....She , SHE herself Drove deep divisions into this country....and I do hold her responsible....and Bill too....It is up to her to show some grace and some dignity, and some leadership, and help her followers and supporters ....And as a woman I am indeed embarrassed by her...and even sad that she let her followers down...I can not support or have sympathy for someone that has openly pandered to The Klan...and she did in Many states, Pa, Indiana, and West Va, and kentucky.....and how she has been saying that Caucus states don't "Count". She has alienated and disenfranchised many people....esp. Black and Minority people...and for that I am ashamed of her....and dissappointed...
I know you are sad about how things have gone Weeize...And I am sorry that it has been a long hard battle....she should be grateful for people like you support her.....
christopher - you're a perfect example of why many clintonites will not vote for obama - and it's this kind of polarizing shit that both sides have engendered that will bring us john mccain. obviously, i meant 10's of millions - but you just had to go for the easy cheap shot. that make you feel like a big boy?
Okay...Please both of you....stop...I actually care about Both of you...Weezie you are a nice person..and I think the world of you- you know that.....but I don't think
she has more than 18 million followers...and Obama also got 18 million....but he also was more inclusive and welcoming to One and All....there was no division strategy in place....
Christopher- I care about you too...and you know that....I don't want anyone fighting with anyone here....that is is not okay....
I don't want anyone attacking anyone here on my blog...
is that a fair request...
and neither of you read what I wrote- I was trying to offer some clear path....and perspective...
we need to be able to talk to each other...Please don't be hurtful to each other..
Cliburn endorsed Obama this afternoon. He now only needs 39.5 more delegates per CNN. I smell unity!
Hey DK...
39.5....I am still very confused....if that is with CLyborn or not ( he is endorsing officially tomorrow I thought?) I hate all this math...it is hurting my head....
Unity will happen...but I meant what I said...it is not all up to us...it is also up to Leaders to show good graces....Obama praised Hillary at Rally in Michigan- at first there was silence, and he kept them from Booing...and finally he got them to applaud- he complimented how hard she has fought, and how hard her supporters have worked...and how we all do want the same thing- no more War, No more Bush....and to get this regime out of the white house ( regime my word-I can not remember the word he used....)....
I was awestruck that he finally found the right words to help make some of her people feel better...
I think the Anger maybe is part of the greiving process...and we will have to help her supporters with that....after all these months I hope to see us all come together...we have to..McBush is scarier than Bush ...and dangerous..
8:45 PM Breaking News...
Senator Byrd hospitalized- with fever and sluggishness and lethargy...in Falls Church...I hope he is okay...( and I know how worried he also was about Ted Kennedy)....
I saw that video of McAuliffe on Morning Joe. . .WOW. . .the dude's got some serious issues!
Except for two posts I have done during the election race I have been fairly quiet.
I did one post on why I support Obama and had left Hillary alone.
I would argue with many Hillary supporters {at least thats who the said they supported} who constantly through innuendo and insinuation did all they could to destroy Obama.
And yes a few times I made disparaging remarks against Hillary because of this.
I also apologized for those really horrid remarks. No such apologizing from the Hillary supporters at all.
Then after her reason and path to the nomination invoking RFK I finally did a post on Hillary.
Only after I watched the RBC this past weekend and than saw the sick racist, bigoted and sexist remarks against Obama I finally commented that I could no longer comment on the site because it had turned into a site that was sick and toxic.
I for one will be glad that this primary season is over. I also still worry about Senator Obama and his family because a site link from Hillary's site links to a site pushing the so called Michelle tape.
This very same site from what some commenter's have said has some of its commenter's being investigated by the Secret Service for making deaths threats against Senator Obama.
Nothing better happen to him, because if it does Hillary will be directly responsible for it.
At least in my opinion and I would have to believe many others.
Anyway you have a good day and we'll see how this all ends in the next couple of days.
Take care and ...
God Bless.
I know you have been very respectful...and I know even about a Week ago I wrote an apology post-(( I forgot to send Weezie there , I need to do that)....
But I also know that there is has been some very angry rhetoric directed at Obama supporters ( I know this personally..) and that is not okay.....but I have tried to be fair to the Hillary supporters that had /have started to come back...Unity will come...but it is going to take time and negogiation .... alot of shifting of perspectives...
Thank you...and yes, I think that we all need to keep Obama in our prayers ...and there are a couple of Sites ( No Quarter is just one) where SOME Hillary Supporters that are indeed OVER the edge have said very hateful and disturbing things....and yes, it does make me worry for his safety....and his family....
hey there....yeah the Terry Video this am- I saw it- thought I must not have enuf coffee...but then I rewatched it over on Huff Post...ouch...My son is convinced that he has some sort of Problem???? like on Something???wow...so embarrassing ( the shirt alone was pathetic)....
I took the day off from political blogging(Okay I slipped up once!), and all I can say is that the air smelled sweeter, food tasted better, and the world seemed just a little bit more peaceful.
In other words, it sucked!
Tomorrow it is ALL POLITICS ALL DAY!
I think we are finally going to see the creature defeated and the and will just be time to mop up and repair the damage.
we missed you ;-)
terribly...I tried really hard to not say anything political over there...I think I slipped though....sorry...
39.5....almost there friend....
I see no know the site of which I speak.
Yes, there is one commenter who pushes both the site you mentioned and another one that sounds like Harsh.
I'm sure you can figure out of whom I speak.
They {the Hillary supporters} are still threatening to vote for McCain and leave the party.
For them I really believe it is all about them and not Our Country or Our Constitution.
To them I say good riddance and here's why.
If there so petty to place their feelings above country, constitution and party then the party don't really need them.
The three reasons I believe our the most important are stated above and when one believes its all about them then all three reasons above say that our country is better off without them.
Just my two cents worth for all it's worth.
Catch you again soon and ...
God Bless.
By the way I also removed both their links from my sidebar and have added a couple more instead.
Two under Political Links and the other under Blogs I Like.
Good night my sweet rose...
God Bless.
Your two Cents are always Priceless...Like fine polished copper pennies...I understand..as always...
We will come together...because most of the people that I know are wise enough and fed up with Bush..
the Others...the Really wacky angry ones...I can not heal them...they will have to find their own way....we don't have time for people that are shortsighted or selfish...
Most women I know are much better than that...much...
I have hope we can get through this...I really do..
Good Nite Anonp...
thank you ...namaste..
I think no matter how many Superdelegates come forward for Obama this week, Hillary will not stop. She is that driven with power.
You're utterly illogical.
This election isn't about me or about you not knowing the difference between ten million and 100 million.
It's about who will lead us out of the darkness of the last 8 years.
If I was as powerful as you seem to think I am, I would just wave a wand and make Obama the president tomorrow.
The Election is about WHO can Lead us OUT of the Darkness...Thank you Christopher..so true..
((....weezie, will need to figure out where she stands on this...I hope in the end she does understand that all of us have worked hard to save OUR Country- we have had enough of Too Many people dividing us these past 8 years...it is time to move forward...we have alot to do ...we have a Country to save).
And We need Someone who can Unite us and bring us together to Fight McCain and Work Hard and clean up 8 years of Hell and Damage...we need TRUTH and Honesty and Justice and the Constitution returned to We the People....we are out of time...so many of us are suffering here and In Iraq....Obama can not Fix everything- he will need all of us working together....
I hope and pray that she comes to her senses and leads her followers to Unity- it is up to her..and up to her to stop the Scorched Earth path that she has been on- it is destructive and it needs to stop....we need to be Unified to fight McBush...period...
From what I've heard today, Super Delegates will be doled out to Obama five or six at a time all day long until he has enough to declare victory in St. Paul.
I can not wait...this should be very exciting...one thing that I don't get- or need to figure out WHEN is his speech and when is hers? I hope she doesn't try to time it so they are the same time....I guess we will have to see...
So I went to Hillary's site- and very interesting...she has posted that VOTES counted..and also that she is 200,000 more ( and that is counting Puerto Rico...., but that also means that she is counting the Florida and Michigan Numbers- which how would anyone really count them...)
the main point is 35 Million came out to vote during Primaries..and yes, 17.7 Million did indeed vote for Obama...she is NOT the only one that has millions of supporters...the Media and Others have lost sight of that.....
Let's hope that Hill does the right thing..I heard the Bill Clinton tape tonight- apparently EVERYTHING that happens is Obama's fault..everything- even the Vanity Fair article is HIS fault...unreal...( the audio is over at Huffpost)
This will be over on Wednesday.
Christopher-- Just for good measure- please! Wave the damned wand! I want this nightmare to end.
Whew! I dodged that earlier interchange. Hell we are all tired of this & a little punchy over having taken the high road against a constant stack of various cards played against Obama all along. People just want to be done & get real.
I made some last push calls to both S. Dakota & Montana tonight. S. Daoktans I spoke with had this "leave us alone, we're south dakotans, I'm not saying who I am voting for: kind of vibe going on.
BUt I remember how I felt that last stretch before our primary-- they had saturated the area on tv ads, appearances, and the calls...to the point I wrote a post saying I felt like I was being stalked by Cheklsea Clinton;s recorded voice messages....vote for my Mom.
Anyway, Montana seemed better but a relative there said her house was split.
She gave lots of reasons why she IS voting for Obama.....
She felt like Hillary & Bills Whitewatergate & other doings really were some kind of underhanded sketchy thing & after this admin, feels like she can't handle lies from a dem.
she can;t trust Hillary.
She feels Obama is an inspirational leader,
and that of the two, he is less corrupt.
she got a good laugh about my philosophy-- the experience factor.... because if what we are living under is teh face of experience right now, I'll take inexperience any day.
But the truth is if you take away the years of "first lady" experience, Clinton actually has less legislative experience.
In any case I think we are ready for all this madness to stop & move on to the the next phase.
me too ...me 2...
Thank you for making calls...I was too tired...sorry..and also did not have the minutes...( cell minutes)...anyways....
it's good to hear an another state and what is being said and thought....
Have hope .....tomorrow is almost here....
there will be no unity until both sides decides the other is worthy of respect, until both sides realize they have at times both overreacted, until both sides can respect that each has done the best they could under very difficult circumstances. there will be no unity until both sides can appreciate what the other has brought to the table.
E4E - thanks for your efforts, but no need to defend me. i know this blog, as you know, and i knew exactly what i was getting into. it was kind of an experiment - how would those who drank the kool aid react to the other side. and it went exactly as i suspected. a word of supreme caution - if someone looks to good to be true, they probably are too good to be true. this president, like every other at varying times, will disappoint, withhold truth, make questionable nominations and so on. he's not the Messiah, he's a young man with talent - much of which has yet to be proven. but i'm showing up, eager to watch the ride. and yes, i want hillary to have a seat at the table. she has an impressive following that he needs, a following that deserves more respect than has been shown here.
how would those who drank the kool aid react to the other side. and it went exactly as i suspected.
So according to Weezielou, Obama supporters are under the influence of some sort of spiked drink?
But naturally supporters of Hillary (the "other side") are clear, and free of the influence of the koolaid?
Again, utterly and thoroughly illogical. Weezielou's premise is woefully flawed and without merit.
I wonder if Weezielou has children? Nieces, nephews or grandchildren? If she does, how does she square supporting Hillary Clinton, who voted for Bush's Iraq war? A war that has lead to the deaths of more than 4,000 Americans and at least 650,000 Iraqi civilians? These innocent victims are someone's children. They are sons, daughters, nieces, nephews and grandchildren.
Talk about compartmentalization.
I am disspointed in you- that you "chose" that this blog and me are some kind of Experiment for you....Shame on you, I have offered you kindness, I have even a friend....I am NOT an Experiment, and no one that comes here is either....I wrote a post to celebrate alot of hard work by alot of people, there was actually Nothing Negative in the post about Hillary , and I told you to read my May25th Post that I have tried hard to not write negative about her and even apologized if people had been hurt by my writings...And I have tried very hard to have compassion for Hillary supporters...and to have an open heart and mind....And I have said over and over that I don't want fights with Anyone- and YOU know that....well..very well.
You Came HERE to Judge, and pick a fight...I know you are hurting over Hillary- I have tried to be understanding of that...and that it has been a hard battle...But that being said, I support Obama as a Good Man, a Constitutional Lawyer, and as Someone that will bring back Justice, Honesty, and end the Criminal Regime we have.And yes that he was able to inspire Millions after 8 years of Dark hell is Amazing. And yes, he has Qualities of Greatness like RFK and JFK, and MLK, who by the way were also all flawed Human beings as well...but they were also Great Leaders....Millions have seen that quality in him, I have gotten emails and calls from abroad even...He Inspires and that is very much needed now, More than Ever.
( and 17.7 Million have voted for him - there is only 200,000 between him and Hillary- but he has won more states- 33 states total- and by tonight it might be 35).
Hillary may have run a long fight- but it was not dignifed or something that I as a woman am proud of- actually I am ashamed of her. Ashamed of her and Bill for being so willing to play the Race card- to even pander to the Klan in the South ( Ky and West Virginia). But mostly I am dissappointed with them for being so divisive all over this country and engaging in Splitting Negative behavior and blaming Obama for Everything that does not go their way ( Listen to Bill's Latest Vanity Fair Tirade).
Unity is about seeking a path that does not judge others, and about letting go of Bitterness. It will be up to Hillary to lead her Supporters to some kind of Grace with all of this.....We have had too many years, of Judgement and Division and Acrimony...we have a Country to save.....Unity is the Only way to get the Whitehouse back....
Your Experiment is over Weezie- Please write me offline...but don't come here spoiling for a fight, or to judge people or my blog. I would never do that to you, and I expect the same consideration. It is about Respect....Something I have given to so many for 3 years....and always in my life I try to honor and respect others...I do Try....and you do know that....
To others here , that have stayed quiet...I hope and pray that this episode is over....for now...I know that we all need to come together...and work on healing alot of wounds...many inflicted by the Clintons....but I do believe that there is a path...I hope we have strong Leadership ....and wisdom...
As Obama came to the Auditoreum tonight...
Beautiful Day was playing...
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