Randy Newman Singing What he Knows and loves best..."Louisiana~1927"...
Many of the Parrishes have started evacuations....See the post down below about the Coming Storm...I will be blogging about Katrina this weekend, since Nothing has really changed in three years, and there has been minimal healing and Truth Realized about This Precious Area of the Country. Obama got it right, NO Leader should ever sit on his hands while a City Drowns.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
MN Viewing of the Storm1.9 Million have fled the region, 90% of NOLA gone ( that we have been told).Still CAT 3.

12 NOON SUNDAY: Dropped to CAT3 ( for now), Sustained Winds of 120-140MPH, Still expected to be CAT4 By the time it hits.
400 Miles Wide.Heavy Flooding Expected throughout Gulf and Texas.People Still Fleeing.As of 3PM Sunday, there are still only 400 Guard in NOLA, Jundal asked for 2000. Please while watching the Coverage- SEE How Many Guard you actually seeing Helping ? It is NOT many. ( I do NOT see Our Guard being used for Our People).

Weather Underground
Weather Underground Hurricane Updates
Best NOLA Radio With Hurricane Updates
Official Gustav Orders
12 NOON SUNDAY .....( updates in Comment Thread and Scroll to Radio Resources and Weather Maps of Weather Underground links above). Click the title ( Majorie and Mike 's HT) great station with updates.Also Scroll Down,Shelter Information linked as well as the latest information on the RNC Police Actions in St.Paul and also some VP stories that are breaking......More Later, for now my focus is on the Hurricane Situation....Mandatory EVAC orders have been given for all of NOLA...More details about that is in the Comment thread. ( Surges are expected to be 18-20 feet high, this does not count waves of 30-40 Ft. off shore.) There are 2 issues that are barely being discussed- levees can sustain would even sustain a CAT 3, or worse, and the pumping stations have to be manned- but at a certain point - the workers themselves have to evacuate. In the Comment thread, I do raise questions about the Elderly and Impoverished, and whether they have been removed and sheltered.( I will blog about this more later). RED CROSS 1-800-HELP- NOW (Please give, hundreds of Emergency Shelters are opening NOW through the South).
1AM Late Saturday Update:

Please see Post below with Maps and Updates....rechecked the Maps at 11PM, MN, and 1am- all unchanged winds, 140 MPH, still moving....due to hit Gulf Shores Monday 6am to Noon.

12 NOON SUNDAY: Dropped to CAT3 ( for now), Sustained Winds of 120-140MPH, Still expected to be CAT4 By the time it hits.
400 Miles Wide.Heavy Flooding Expected throughout Gulf and Texas.People Still Fleeing.As of 3PM Sunday, there are still only 400 Guard in NOLA, Jundal asked for 2000. Please while watching the Coverage- SEE How Many Guard you actually seeing Helping ? It is NOT many. ( I do NOT see Our Guard being used for Our People).

12 NOON SUNDAY .....( updates in Comment Thread and Scroll to Radio Resources and Weather Maps of Weather Underground links above). Click the title ( Majorie and Mike 's HT) great station with updates.Also Scroll Down,Shelter Information linked as well as the latest information on the RNC Police Actions in St.Paul and also some VP stories that are breaking......More Later, for now my focus is on the Hurricane Situation....Mandatory EVAC orders have been given for all of NOLA...More details about that is in the Comment thread. ( Surges are expected to be 18-20 feet high, this does not count waves of 30-40 Ft. off shore.) There are 2 issues that are barely being discussed- levees can sustain would even sustain a CAT 3, or worse, and the pumping stations have to be manned- but at a certain point - the workers themselves have to evacuate. In the Comment thread, I do raise questions about the Elderly and Impoverished, and whether they have been removed and sheltered.( I will blog about this more later). RED CROSS 1-800-HELP- NOW (Please give, hundreds of Emergency Shelters are opening NOW through the South).
1AM Late Saturday Update:

Please see Post below with Maps and Updates....rechecked the Maps at 11PM, MN, and 1am- all unchanged winds, 140 MPH, still moving....due to hit Gulf Shores Monday 6am to Noon.
People had horror stories about the BlackWater boys terrifying folks in 2005 and cutting off communications etc.They currently have a 75 Million Dollar Contract with FEMA/HLS.Watch them closely. Watch the Video to learn more ( amy goodman interviews the person who knows best).
Or head over to Questions Blog and think about what is on fire on the Internets.....( Gustav is not the Only Storm that McCrusty is facing.... I have ALL Links and Photos, and Investigative Bloggers posted over at Questions...Share far and wide....We need to get MSM to cover this).
Questions in the Middle of the Night
Cyndi Lauper's Article on HOPE....a Must Read ( Click the title)
She is amazing..and has something to share...it will soothe your heart...
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Monitoring Gustav : Updated Throughout Saturday
10PM Hurricane Maps: Gustav is a CAT 5 now, will be CAT4 when hits Coast. Winds over 150 MPH, and Surge expected to atleast 20 Feet. ALL Evac Orders are in Place.

Scroll Down and read the ReSource Links to learn more....Excellent TV Station is linked to the Title for Updates
7PM EST MAP.....Note on this Map: Over Open Waters it will reach CAT 5, it is Now a CAT 4.

7PM EST ( Map is 5PM EST)....Evacuations continuing...CAT 4 on Cuba, People are being taken on buses and flown all over,
people are upset, worried where they are being sent- there are some communications issues.Jindal says "It is Bad as it is gets".
CNN of course is playing Katrina "music", which does not help nerves.Yes, it is looking so grim that they have started flying People out of state. The people who are brave enough to get on a plane and leave, or a bus - we need to pray for them. Sadly again the Pet Issue is unresolved. ( Sorry but would any of us leave our pets behind ???). Governors Perry and Jindal are getting their States ready- and I am waiting for the Mississippi Presser with their Gov. ALL have called the Prez and spoke with him today. I will update again at 9 PM. Again the Latest Information will always be at the Top of this Post.
2PM Saturday Graphics Update, Gustav up to Cat4 off Cuba...( I will put the Latest update at the top of the post)

Winds are over 150 MPH, Western Part of Cuba 30,000 have been evacuated, and Havana is being evacuated.When it hits the waters in the Central Gulf, that are warm, it could lull or increase strength, to a CAT 5 ( especially if temps are above 85 degrees).
8am Saturday Graphics...CAT2 gaining strength, speed and increased winds.

Friday Update:::: Note it is increasing speed,and should hit by Late Sunday Night Early Monday, please note the Cone of Uncertainity- has now sadly become the Cone of Irony....on the anniversary of Katrina...It is Most Likely going to be a CAT3...It hit the Cayman Islands over night ....Winds are 100-130 PMH now.
I will update in this thread over the next 24 Hours.
Weather Underground
Weather Underground Hurricane Updates
2PM Update Friday:::
Jindal has ordered Guard up- atleast 2000 to be there today. ( Footnote- NOLA was given 400 the first 5 Days of Katrina).
Evacuation Orders have begun.
Thom over at the blog linked below was living in NOLA during Katrina, he has an interesting story...and Updates this week about the Situation there. He sent me a really great up to date link from a radio station in New Orleans.
QuickSilver Amusements
Best NOLA Radio With Hurricane Updates
**((( For any that don't know me, I have to warn you - I blogged the hell out of Katrina- I worked Red Cross- disaster preparedness, and had FEMA training..I take Disasters very seriously.....so I will be blogging this ALL weekend...but Gustav is trouble- esp with Hannah behind it building pressure.)))***

Scroll Down and read the ReSource Links to learn more....Excellent TV Station is linked to the Title for Updates
7PM EST MAP.....Note on this Map: Over Open Waters it will reach CAT 5, it is Now a CAT 4.

7PM EST ( Map is 5PM EST)....Evacuations continuing...CAT 4 on Cuba, People are being taken on buses and flown all over,
people are upset, worried where they are being sent- there are some communications issues.Jindal says "It is Bad as it is gets".
CNN of course is playing Katrina "music", which does not help nerves.Yes, it is looking so grim that they have started flying People out of state. The people who are brave enough to get on a plane and leave, or a bus - we need to pray for them. Sadly again the Pet Issue is unresolved. ( Sorry but would any of us leave our pets behind ???). Governors Perry and Jindal are getting their States ready- and I am waiting for the Mississippi Presser with their Gov. ALL have called the Prez and spoke with him today. I will update again at 9 PM. Again the Latest Information will always be at the Top of this Post.
2PM Saturday Graphics Update, Gustav up to Cat4 off Cuba...( I will put the Latest update at the top of the post)

Winds are over 150 MPH, Western Part of Cuba 30,000 have been evacuated, and Havana is being evacuated.When it hits the waters in the Central Gulf, that are warm, it could lull or increase strength, to a CAT 5 ( especially if temps are above 85 degrees).
8am Saturday Graphics...CAT2 gaining strength, speed and increased winds.

Friday Update:::: Note it is increasing speed,and should hit by Late Sunday Night Early Monday, please note the Cone of Uncertainity- has now sadly become the Cone of Irony....on the anniversary of Katrina...It is Most Likely going to be a CAT3...It hit the Cayman Islands over night ....Winds are 100-130 PMH now.
I will update in this thread over the next 24 Hours.
2PM Update Friday:::
Jindal has ordered Guard up- atleast 2000 to be there today. ( Footnote- NOLA was given 400 the first 5 Days of Katrina).
Evacuation Orders have begun.
Thom over at the blog linked below was living in NOLA during Katrina, he has an interesting story...and Updates this week about the Situation there. He sent me a really great up to date link from a radio station in New Orleans.
**((( For any that don't know me, I have to warn you - I blogged the hell out of Katrina- I worked Red Cross- disaster preparedness, and had FEMA training..I take Disasters very seriously.....so I will be blogging this ALL weekend...but Gustav is trouble- esp with Hannah behind it building pressure.)))***
Bloggers and Underground Internet Newspapers have been working a story that Alaskans had been voicing concerns about....All of us want the Truth. All of us are sick of being lied to and preached to by the Repugs...Click the Title....
The Repugs will lie to us about WMD's....well, what else will they lie about .....and use to manipulate to win an Election ?
As a Mom and a Nurse, there are Certain things that the Truth Must be told, and we have Questions they must be answered. We need to end this Era of Propaganda.
Read the Article , it raises some very Interesting Questions and Issues that some of us were already pondering...
The Repugs will lie to us about WMD's....well, what else will they lie about .....and use to manipulate to win an Election ?
As a Mom and a Nurse, there are Certain things that the Truth Must be told, and we have Questions they must be answered. We need to end this Era of Propaganda.
Read the Article , it raises some very Interesting Questions and Issues that some of us were already pondering...
I have some questions about VP Choice...BIG Questions...Please read..
For Reasons that I can not disclose here....I have some questions as a woman, a mom...a nurse about Palin..Come to the other site and see if I am wrong....Click the Title.
Questions in the Middle of the Night
{{{ Originally posted 8.29.08 afternoon}}}
{{{ Originally posted 8.29.08 afternoon}}}
CNN is Still pumping the McCandy Story - now over 30 hours and showing his rally today, NO showing of Obama/Biden together AT ALL,...Trouble.
SO what are we going to do folks? Are we going to let the EVANGELICALS control ANOTHER Election???? Shit Now MSNBC and FOX within minutes ALL jumped on the wagon....HOW do we get EQUAL Converage???
Honoring Katrina....All Weekend.. And Monitoring Gustav)

I am blogging this weekend to Honor Katrina.I originally blogged Katrina in 2005 ( and there is more to that story I will post later this weekend.) So there will be numerous posts Honoring what was Lost. I also will be blogging Gustav, as he bears Down on the Gulf Coast, and Lousianna and NOLA....as the RNC plans their big party. It is worth Watching and Monitoring Closely. So there are Gustav Updates below, and links to critical articles. Mistakes have been made- in the planning.
My other posts are over at Peace Tree today.
***{{ CRITICAL:::THINK on this THIS....Last time people had designated shelters to go to;....this time they are supposed to just GET OUT, Get on a Bus...BUT there are no shelters or MASS shelters planned for 1000's of people. Think about all the people you know- do they have money to STAY somewhere, like a hotel ? Do they have a Way Out ? Under the Old FEMA: there was a Dsaster Preparedness Plan for Organizing Mass Shelter to go with the Mass Evac Orders. ( I know I trained with the Red Cross. Most Working Class Families and Elderly have NO Where to go, and no money to find new shelter....And yes, Again I say that Chertoff is a Criminal).}}****
SNIPPET of article Explaining this Horrendous Error::::
"NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- Police with bullhorns plan to go street to street this weekend with a tough message about getting out ahead of Hurricane Gustav: This time there will be no shelter of last resort. The doors to the Superdome will be locked. Those who stay will be on their own.
New forecasts Friday made it increasingly clear that New Orleans will get some kind of hit - direct or indirect - by early next week. That raised the likelihood people would have to flee, and the city suggested a full-scale evacuation call could come as soon as Sunday.
Those among New Orleans' estimated 310,000 to 340,000 residents who ignore orders to leave accept "all responsibility for themselves and their loved ones," the city's emergency preparedness director, Jerry Sneed, has warned.
As Katrina approached in 2005, as many as 30,000 people who either could not or would not evacuate jammed the Louisiana Superdome and the riverfront convention center. They spent days waiting for rescue in squalid conditions. Some died."
SNIPPET of article Explaining this Horrendous Error::::
"NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- Police with bullhorns plan to go street to street this weekend with a tough message about getting out ahead of Hurricane Gustav: This time there will be no shelter of last resort. The doors to the Superdome will be locked. Those who stay will be on their own.
New forecasts Friday made it increasingly clear that New Orleans will get some kind of hit - direct or indirect - by early next week. That raised the likelihood people would have to flee, and the city suggested a full-scale evacuation call could come as soon as Sunday.
Those among New Orleans' estimated 310,000 to 340,000 residents who ignore orders to leave accept "all responsibility for themselves and their loved ones," the city's emergency preparedness director, Jerry Sneed, has warned.
As Katrina approached in 2005, as many as 30,000 people who either could not or would not evacuate jammed the Louisiana Superdome and the riverfront convention center. They spent days waiting for rescue in squalid conditions. Some died."

It is a Way of Life,
It is deep hearted Blues,
It is gin soaked Jazz,
and grits,hushpuppies,and
fresh cornbread.
It is panfried shrimp with limes and hot sauce.
It is three day Gumbo that leaves you sweating and
It is Sunday Church where the buildings rock and
seismic sway.
It is the slideguitar pleading in the still of the night.
It is another Lonely Crooner sending shockwaves in an old
riverfront garage.
It is women swaying in gauzy dresses and men in
timeless suits.
It is granmommies lullabying babes, and singing
This Ol'Man with a hum and a roll.
It is where old folks are tended with loving gentle hands
and Respect.
It is where Family is a Way of Life.
In New Orleans a clock is merely an instrument,
But Time is a Place to be.
The Day the Music Died....
[ I originally posted this October 20th,2005, mere weeks after Katrina...after I had blogged all of the Katrian Devastation. It was reposted in January 10th,2006 after one of the King's shameless Jim Beam swaggered Visit. Impeach and Imprison remains my solution...]
I wrote this and called it" Why NOLA has to be Rebuilt". At the time on TV there were lots of Experts arguing about rebuilding NOLA, mostly the Business Sector. But I was concerned about it's Heart& Soul.....it's Culture, it's Way of Life. Now I just call it remembering NOLA, that is all I can call it. It is about What Katrina did to this country, it reminded us that Racism alive and well.
And that Poverty is not hidden, it next door, it is young and old, Black and White.It is about People, our People being Abandoned. We have been given a Wake Up Call.
Lessons Unlearned....
It is now August 2008, and yet another Hurricane bears down on Louisianna, and this time there is more trouble on the Horizon. This time there is NO Dome of Horror to shelter 1000's, there is NO Shelter at all set up to shelter the People. The "Evacuation Orders" have been given, but this time the People have NoWhere To Go.....There are not enough Prayers.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Obama's DNC Convention Speech ( Youtube)
MSNBC has been jammed all day....so here you go.ALL of it 45 minutes.( over 200,000 views in hours)
MUST READ BLOG.....Go read MUDFLATS.....He has a great Story about going to a Obama Watch Party last night and also more on Palin...

Do Skip up and read his fine write up explaining Who the Hell Palin is....

Do Skip up and read his fine write up explaining Who the Hell Palin is....

So this has been bugging me ALL day..Something Stinks really really Stinks about the Choosing of Sarah Palin for VP...So here is the thing....the McCoot has only met her ONCE and spoken with her on the phone..and then thursday he met with her in Arizona and let her know she was "CHOSEN".....NOW I am going to point something strange out ....THE LAST Person to visit Alaska this month was NOT McCain it was BUSH....yes, it was his last stop before heading to Asia for the Olympics....NOW call me a suspicious person at this point ( aren't we all????).
WHY would he stop in Alaska ??? and WHY right before the Olympics..right before the little Georgia Wag the Dog Moment....the OMG the Return of the Cold War Moment...and then picks Ms Alaska gets selected...for VP- though NO ONE has vetted her or met her...this woman would be mere feet from the Power of Our Country....( It kind of reminds me of Harriet Miers and the Supreme Court Debacle).
Old McCoot picked a sweet young thing.....Sarah Palin????( you gotta wonder, how many said NO)

This is such blatant Bad judgement, Is McCoot Insane ? So Much for the Maverick...this is as bad as when he offered his wife up at the Biker Rally.... I will liveblog the announcement in the thread? She has only been Governor 18 Monthes ? What the hell?? Former Beauty Queen ?? Mom of five- she just had a Down Syndrome Baby 5 monthes ago- WHO will be caring for the Special Needs Baby ? Should this Woman be the VP choice- she has NO Appropriate Experience for Leading Our Country. Think about this Folks, she would be responsible for our safety ??? Folks this is a Train Wreck ?
Can she carry the Gun Toting Christian Women ? ( Cuz sorry- the Military Repugs and the Redneck Repugs, even the Conservative Repugs are not going to support this ...)
And by the way she is being investigated for Possible Violations of her Position as Governor,before that she was a mayor of a small town of less than 9000 people ( yes, seriously). She belongs to the NRA, was a Beauty Queen ( who was disqualified for cheating) and then she also has been on the PTA, and is a mother of 5. ( Including a 5 month old Special Needs Baby with Downs Syndrome).I am sorry but she is not qualified for Head Dog Catcher, much less VEEP.
Bill Burton Issued a Statement from the Obama Campaign:
Barack Obama Campaign Spokesman Bill Burton responds to John McCain's choice of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate:
"Today, John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency. Governor Palin shares John McCain's commitment to overturning Roe v. Wade, the agenda of Big Oil and continuing George Bush's failed economic policies -- that's not the change we need, it's just more of the same."
Blogs with More On Sarah Palin some from NW and Alaska:
Monitoring Gustav Updated at 2PM Friday

Note it is increasing speed,and should not hit by Late Sunday Night Early Monday, please note the Cone of Uncertainity- has now sadly become the Cone of Irony....on the anniversary of Katrina.
I will update in this thread over the next 24 Hours.
2PM Update:::
Jindal has ordered Guard up- atleast 2000 to be there today. ( Footnote- NOLA was given 400 the first 5 Days of Katrina).
Evacuation Orders have begun.
Thom over at the blog linked below was living in NOLA during Katrina, he has an interesting story...and Updates this week about the Situation there. He sent me a really great up to date link from a radio station in New Orleans.
**((( For any that don't know me, I have to warn you - I blogged the hell out of Katrina- I worked Red Cross- disaster preparedness, and had FEMA training..I take Disasters very seriously.....so I will be blogging this ALL weekend...but Gustav is trouble- esp with Hannah behind it building pressure.)))***
Hurricane Gustav Gaining Speed and Strength, Click the Title, Weather Underground, Best Weather Updates Available

We should keep an eye on Gustav- it is headed towards NOLA and the Gulf Coast according to the trajectory...And Ironically it is headed there right when the REPUGS have their Convention, I mention this because it will be hard for any of us or them to Forget Bush and the Katrina Failure if it hits next week at the Same Time.....and once again Bush and McCain would be Eating Cake Together?
(For three years I have used the Weather Underground Site to track ALL storms and weather. This site combines ALL data with Aerial and Sattelite imaging.By Sunday this storm should reach the Gulf....Guard in the Gulf are preparing and looking at Evacutations...or so we are told. Click the title or go to the Blogroll to see the Weather Underground...for more info).
Originally posted 8.28.08
UPDATE::: 2 PM Friday 8.29.08
It is still headed to the Gulf Coast, it should be a Cat3 by the time it hits the Gulf, this is so worrisome, the Levees have ONLY been upgraded to Cat 3 protection ( so they are not even tested or sure if the upgrades will hold under these kinds of Surges.)
It is now off Jamica, it is moving at 70MPH, there was damage in Jamica. Should be a CAT 2 when it hits Cayman Islands. Still a very wide Cone.
Thursday, August 28, 2008

This is the Schedule, as of this afternoon, but this does not have all the details. Al Gore is scheduled to speak, as is Governor Richardson. Music includes Cheryl Crowe,Stevie Wonder and The YES WE CAN Song , so I have included the Lyrics below. Obama's speech is 50 minutes starts at about 8:15 PM Colorado Time ( 8:15 PM EST).( Transcript has not been released.) I will post more when I have it. Most of the Inspiring DNC Videos this week are down below- just scroll. Be sure to see Kerry, Biden, Michelle Obama,Clintons and Kucinich "Wake Up America".
Pelosi Opens the 4th Session
7:00PM EDT
Rep. John Lewis, GA introduces Martin Luther King Tribute Video and Martin Luther King III
8:00PM EDT
Musical Performance
Governor Richardson....
9:55PM EDT
Sen. Dick Durbin, IL introduces Obama’s Video
10:00PM EDT
Obama Video
Obama Acceptance Speech (35 -40 minutes)
Barack, Michelle, VP, Mrs. VP all at podium
Music on CSPAN great tonight ...
YES WE CAN....( because This Song will be Sung by 80,000 tonight at Mile High Stadium)
This song came out in the deepest of Winter, on a snowy February Morning...WillIAm wrote this song, but actually the words are Barack Obama, because the song is the Speech that was given in New Hampshire....it was a Speech that Changed Everything...it stirred minds and souls and Opened Hearts to the Possibility of a New Future...It is an Anthem for Change.
LYRICS.............. ( which is the NH Obama Speech set to Music by WillI.Am...took all of 3 days to put together)
"It was a creed written into the founding documents that declared the destiny of a nation.
~~Yes we can~~
It was whispered by slaves and abolitionists as they blazed a trail toward freedom.
~~Yes we can~
It was sung by immigrants as they struck out from distant shores and pioneers who pushed westward against an unforgiving wilderness.
~~Yes we can.~~
It was the call of workers who organized; women who reached for the ballots; a President who chose the moon as our new frontier; and a King who took us to the mountaintop and pointed the way to the Promised Land.
~~~~~~~Yes we can to justice and equality.
~~~~~~~Yes we can to opportunity and prosperity.
~~~~~~~Yes we can heal this nation.
~~~~~~~Yes we can repair this world.
~~~~~~~Yes we can.
We know the battle ahead will be long, but always remember that no matter what obstacles stand in our way, nothing can stand in the way of the power of millions of voices calling for change.
We have been told we cannot do this by a chorus of cynics...they will only grow louder and more dissonant ........... We've been asked to pause for a reality check. We've been warned against offering the people of this nation false hope.
But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about Hope.
Now the hopes of the little girl who goes to a crumbling school in Dillon are the same as the dreams of the boy who learns on the streets of LA; we will remember that there is something happening in America; that we are not as divided as our politics suggests; that we are one people; we are one nation; and together, we will begin the next great chapter in the American story with three words that will ring from coast to coast; from sea to shining sea --
~~~Yes. We. Can.~~~"
LYRICS.............. ( which is the NH Obama Speech set to Music by WillI.Am...took all of 3 days to put together)
"It was a creed written into the founding documents that declared the destiny of a nation.
~~Yes we can~~
It was whispered by slaves and abolitionists as they blazed a trail toward freedom.
~~Yes we can~
It was sung by immigrants as they struck out from distant shores and pioneers who pushed westward against an unforgiving wilderness.
~~Yes we can.~~
It was the call of workers who organized; women who reached for the ballots; a President who chose the moon as our new frontier; and a King who took us to the mountaintop and pointed the way to the Promised Land.
~~~~~~~Yes we can to justice and equality.
~~~~~~~Yes we can to opportunity and prosperity.
~~~~~~~Yes we can heal this nation.
~~~~~~~Yes we can repair this world.
~~~~~~~Yes we can.
We know the battle ahead will be long, but always remember that no matter what obstacles stand in our way, nothing can stand in the way of the power of millions of voices calling for change.
We have been told we cannot do this by a chorus of cynics...they will only grow louder and more dissonant ........... We've been asked to pause for a reality check. We've been warned against offering the people of this nation false hope.
But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about Hope.
Now the hopes of the little girl who goes to a crumbling school in Dillon are the same as the dreams of the boy who learns on the streets of LA; we will remember that there is something happening in America; that we are not as divided as our politics suggests; that we are one people; we are one nation; and together, we will begin the next great chapter in the American story with three words that will ring from coast to coast; from sea to shining sea --
~~~Yes. We. Can.~~~"

Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream " Speech (below the full 17 Minute version), and Linked to the Title the short version.
"When you come to the Edge of All that you Know,
You must believe in one of two things,
there will be Earth upon which to stand,
or you will be given Wings."

Another Manifest Hope Entry in the Contest by MoveOn.
By Phil Fung from Miami, FL
All of our Great Leaders have dared to Dream....to Hope. They taught us that Courage in the face of all odds is what makes the difference, that unfathomable Strength is within each of us...Today is dedicated to That Courage Within.
Below are all Most of the Speeches from the Convention this week ( the ones that I could find I am still looking for others). And yes, the Martin Luther King Speech is posted- ALL of it. (And yes, I will be here tonight Liveblogging if you want to Come by...you are more than welcome).
I have Faith In Us, WE THE PEOPLE , to take back this Country from the Neocon Warmongers...Now is Our Time.
[SPEECHES POSTED BELOW::: Dennis Kucinich" Wake Up America!!!"-Must See, John Kicking Some Ass Kerry, Michelle Obama,Ted Kennedy and His Tribute, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Patrick Murphy ( Iraq Vet/now elected), Joe and Beau Biden Speeches, and Barack Obama's Arrival at the Convention Wed Nite, and more... I am looking for Rear Admiral Hudson, and also Tammy Duckworth- if anyone finds them please let me know- I would love to post}
*** Do See the Richard Dreyfuss Interview Yesterday- Amazing Interview where he blasts the Bush Regime- MUST SEE...
So Norah O'Donnell was interviewing Richard Dreyfuss yesterday afternoon, and it was supposed to be a chance to interact with a Star....she got more than she bargained for...Richard Spoke up and Spoke out about the Bush Administration Calling the Government as Exactly WHO and What they are- MUST SEE......4 Minutes of Smoking TRUTH....( video has been sputtery- try clicking the title or watching below).
Hillary's Big Moment when she came to the Floor to Suspend the Voting- very dramatic, and all class....and guts.
This was the moment when Hillary came to the Floor to suspend the Voting, to acclaim Obama the Nominee, she did this with great courage and strength, because we all know that this is the moment where she set her dream aside....I was very moved watching this...and she needed to do this for herself and for her supporters and for the party...
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
DNC Schedule ( Click the title)::: OPEN THREAD FOR TONIGHT

"Obama Entrances The Crowd" by Ocean Clark of Hoboken, NJ
This is one of the Finalists in MoveOn's Manifest Hope Art Contest ( you can still go to their site and Vote).
Today is the 3rd Day and I will post Highlights to watch for here during the Day, ( whether it be CSPAN of MSNBC, mostly CSPAN....OPEN THREAD IN THE COMMENTS..
6:48 PM Obama is Officially the Presidential Candidate..
3:30PM ::::
Tonight starting at 7PM EST:::
5:30PM EDT
Roll Call (6:30-7:30PM EDT Obama Named Nominee)
7:30PM EDT
Presentation of Women of the House
Mayor Richard Daly, Chicago
8:00PM EDT Strong National Security Theme
Foreign Policy
9:00PM EDT
Fmr. Sen. Tom Daschle, SD
Sen. Joe Biden, MD
Gov. Bill Richardson, NM
President Bill Clinton
10:00PM EDT
Video on Veterans –
Sen. Jim Webb, VA
Tammy Duckworth, IL Dept of Veterans Affairs
VP Candidate
Obama remote live into convention
Really beautiful introduction 5 minutes...Click the title
For Some reason I can not find the Full speech- this is Part One, and you can click to the other two parts when this ends, total time for speech is over 15 minutes, this part is 7 minutes, when I have the Full Version, I will post ALL of it, and embed it. ( I had problems embedding this one and Bill Clinton, but later today they both should be up.) Be sure to see Beau Biden's Introduction for his Dad- beautiful.
JOHN KERRY'S SPEECH AT THE DNC 8.27.08 ( Click the Title)
It rocked. He had fire and was really ON IT...THIS is a NEW Kerry- I was blown away.
Bill Clinton did a great job...really made the case against Bush and For Obama...excellent.
Wednesday , after Watching 2 Days of the Convention, Here are my Thoughts and it ain't so pretty.

"If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." Thomas Paine
This Convention needs to start remembering the Hardworking Hurting People of this Country are counting on them to Get this Right....There are alot of REAL People Issues I have barely heard Whispered, from 47 Million without Healthcare or Underinsured, to the Damn Illegal War, to the Broken Busted Economy , to Our Failed Schools to Crimes Committed in Our Name ( yes, GITMO and Torture)....and the Care of Our Elderly and Our Vets that is beyond Shame......AND Our Children's Futures Hang in the Balance....There are NO 2nd Chances....The Whole World is Watching.....
Okay ,so while the CottonCandied Brained Punditheads, handwring over the Clintons Dynasty and wax poetic clinging to a nostalgia in that delusional Get Granpa His slippers kind of way...we need to really Talk. ( And People ask WHY I watch so MUCH CSpan, I think this week proves WHY, if it was not for Keith and Rachel and the Daily Show I would have Elvised my TV by now ). I have spent the past two days watching this Convention, I watch it because We Got Trouble Folks BIG TROUBLE.....I don't watch because this is a DEM LoveFest or because we have a Damn Thing to Be Proud of Right Here Right Now...Sending anyone out in a $3000 Prada Suit is not going to Sooth my troubled Soul, I have watched a good bit of Bad Dancing to Bad Music from the Disco Era, and it occurs to me that maybe these Folks have Forgotten WHY they are there ? Have they actually forgotten about this Criminal Titannical Administration and the Hell they have Inflicted on Everyone in this Country and OTHER Countries ? Are they Dancing With Delusions Too ?
Have they Forgotten WHY we NEED Change ? Well, Here let me Tell You WHY we NEED Change...See the Punditheads keep saying well, "The Dems better define WHY we need Change and HOW they are going to Bring it about". That WHOLE Argument is Wrong.....ALL they have to do instead of Listening to Crappy 80's Music is Watch Videos ABOUT the 8 years of BUSH HELL....And then there would be NO Questions About WHY we need Obama. It ain't Rocket Science or any kind of PR Konodrum, unless you have Severe Memory Damage.....We don't Need any more Poetic Patriotic KumbaYa Pandering we NEED Reality- WE THE PEOPLE are running out of Time......
Okay....so that being said. I have some Important Videos below to Watch and review WHY we need CHANGE, do watch the Kucinich that the MSM did Not Show and also Cecile Richards....and then in the Posts below I have posted the MAIN Important Speeches from this Convention So Far (even Kucinich and Richards)..But here on this post I have posted Some Other Educational Videos that they should run at the Convention.....And it would not cost them a Cent...But it would Wake them up and give them a Reality Check....We need Change, because We Got Trouble...BIG TROUBLE and will only get worse under More McBush . Kucinich Got it Right WAKE UP AMERICA !!!
"If we do not hang together, we shall surely hang separately." Thomas Paine
PINK Sings " Dear Mr.President" ....the Best Anthem of the this Era....with Video
If you need Another Anthem, I have posted Dixie Chicks" Not Ready to Make Nice: linked to the title.
NO MORE WAR by Eddie Vedder 's song from "Body of War", the amazing Phil Donahue Documentary about VETS...
"The Drive" Documentary of NOLA"s 9th Ward....Bush's OTHER Great FUBAR....Another Reason for CHANGE....beautifully done and disturbing....Very....
I will be back later in the day....around 6pm , and yes I will Live Blog tonight, watch Cspan and a little of MSNBC...have a look below....Some of the Speeches are great....thank you for letting me Voice my concerns....
One of the Great Speeches at the DNC that got missed by MSM , Cecile Richards Speaks ( cspan )
Cecile Richards , President of Planned Parenthood, and yes, Ann Richards Daughter gave one of the Best Speeches at the DNC on Tuesday Night, and No One knew about it....From Cspan...She Rocks and tells WHY we don't need McCain..
originally posted August 26th Eve
Hillary's Speech:" No Way, No How, No McCain"......video below.
I know I have not always been kind to Hillary, and that my patience ran thin. I thought her speech was good, that it struck the right note and encouraged people to remember that they are Democrats...and that if they believed in her they need to believe now that we need a Democrat in the WhiteHouse again...To be honest it is the PUMA's that drive me up the wall- I mean she is basically begging them to do the right thing.....
She is a strong speaker and better than anyone else tonight,...( and yes Warner Sucked...really)....Maria also has Celine Richards speech - Ann Richards daughter- she really gave a good speech...

"We are the Ones that we have been Waiting for" Hopi Prayer
Native Americans were the first to send signals through the air if you think on it....Smoke Signals connecting people miles apart...sharing important information...and Connecting.....The First Internet...Smoke Signals....
Many New Blogs Went Up This Summer and Some were Reinvigorated....and restructured...Check them out...
POLITICS ....New Important Blogs & Resources:
Other Blogs: Thoughtfood, Lifeworks, Soulfood & Politics all woven together...
Video Linked to the Title is beautiful, the New Hopi Prayer.....Messege from the Elders...
originally posted 8.25.08 am
Gryphen has a Post up about the VETS and Our Serving Military...here and Iraq, it is a MUST READ.....( linked to the title)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Some of the Ladies of Blogatopia....( yes , a round up)
"A woman can say more in a sigh than a man can say in a sermon". ~Arnold Haultain

These women are just some of the Wonders out there, they are all blogging on different issues and are Voices that need to be heard.And no they did not pay me to say that.....Big Long Sigh......
Border Explorer
Dizzy Days
Pagan Sphinx
Redheaded Wisdom
Cozy Shack
Fat Lady Sings
Maui Girls' Meanderings
Lydia Cornell
[originally posted 8.24.08]

These women are just some of the Wonders out there, they are all blogging on different issues and are Voices that need to be heard.And no they did not pay me to say that.....Big Long Sigh......
[originally posted 8.24.08]

"Yearning" by Robyn Sand Anderson of Ulm,MN
Another Entry in the MoveOn Manifest Hope Contest
"We don't need more Heat in Washington, We need More Light"~ Barack Obama at Rally Feb.2008
Yeah..I will be Liveblogging in the Comment Thread...again...starting at 6:00 PM....I have CSPAN on already- because I can not take one more minute of Tom-Kinda-Retired-Brokaw....And they are showing the Music and yes....People that should not be dancing....( Sorry but Americans REALLY need dance classes...)
I have the speechs up from last night....Teddy and Michelle- HOW Could Anyone top that....???Seriously...I wrote them both Thank You Notes today....I had to....Both were So Inspiring and Beautiful....
Okay I am off to get Snacks...and TUMS....Be Back within the Hour...
6PM....Back.....snacks and Diet Pepsi ready....and Remote dusted...I will be surfing between MSNBC and CSPAN....( If someone else is watching MAPBOY and WOLF let me know how it goes...) Tune in during the Night..stop by ...be happy to see ya...
CSPAN schedule....
5:30 PM Leahy...
6PM really GOOD Obama video..
6:15 PM.... KUCINICH and Stephanie Tubbs Jones Tribute ( very sad....)
8 PM Mark Warner....the Hillary at 10:30PM....( I don't really know more I will check the schedule)
Possible Obama Assassination Plot Uncovered ( Huffpost article- click to read more, Please Note MSM did not report tonight)
This Explains why there is so much extra security in Denver- People there said that it really ramped up today. Click the Title to read more. ( A couple of people emailed me during the Event tonight that Internet news was going with the story). I hate to put this post up...but Obama's safety is Important..for ALL that go to Obama Events I can not say this enough- Carry Cellphone and Cameras...Always...it helps protect him...
{{{ THOUGHTS on this...Methheads are not known for carrying scopes, high powered rifles, hell they have hard enough time working a BIC lighter...and they had ammo, sniper rifles,walkie talkies and Bullet Proof Vests...So I am concerned after reading the articles that Nothing is wrong....Hopefully the press conference will be MUCH more substantial then these articles...}}}}
MSNBC, Chuck Todd is reporting" that they are all three Career Criminals ( one of the photos is with prison garb).And they also have White Supremicist Ties" ( a group that I don't think has been monitored Enough)." Also that there may be more arrests coming."
{{{ THOUGHTS on this...Methheads are not known for carrying scopes, high powered rifles, hell they have hard enough time working a BIC lighter...and they had ammo, sniper rifles,walkie talkies and Bullet Proof Vests...So I am concerned after reading the articles that Nothing is wrong....Hopefully the press conference will be MUCH more substantial then these articles...}}}}
MSNBC, Chuck Todd is reporting" that they are all three Career Criminals ( one of the photos is with prison garb).And they also have White Supremicist Ties" ( a group that I don't think has been monitored Enough)." Also that there may be more arrests coming."
Monday, August 25, 2008
DNC CONVENTION SCHEDULE [ Click the Title to link ]

(1)We have waited All Summer for this.... Let's hope the Focus is Obama.... Tonight is Michelle's Night....If you have not seen her speak before, she is a MUST SEE, very powerful...inspiring...( I saw her here in C-Town- she is riveting..)
(2) This Art is part of the MoveOn Contest, it is by Shel Starkman if you want to Vote For him at the site...
And yeah...I will be Liveblogging it in the Comment thread...

Sunday, August 24, 2008
A Story and a Song....or How Randy Newman Stopped a Riot on a Snowy Night....
The Story Behind the Song....
I was telling my son about Baltimore, I have many stories from that era of my life....and I was telling him about my First Randy Newman Concert. It was winter,many years ago and it was bitter cold and snowing....It was in an old Dance Hall, and people showed up mostly for the Main Act which was the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. Now This was the same year that "Short People" came out and believe it or not Little People would come and protest at Randy's Concerts.
So outside waiting in the snowstorm was the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Fans ( alot of Bikers ) and then the Protesting Midgets and Dwarves. And I am not sure why, but they were not getting along.So then the Parrotheads arrived, somehow they were there to see both bands. So they were in their Full Margauritaville Gear with Hawaii Shirts and funny hats. So The Management let all of us in. I was with my sister who was in a DISCO phase and really pissed at me for dragging her to "this dumass circus of a concert". There I sat in my Hippy gear, patched jeans , Indian top, and 2nd hand coat and clogs smoking clove cigarettes. It was not a Sisterly loving event. ( I invited her because her date cancelled and I had an extra ticket.)
So the Dance Hall is packed every old battered wooden theater seat is full and Everyone has made their way in, the Pissed Off Little People, the Rowdy Bikers, and the Parrotheads.... So the waiting begins.
Well, it turns out that the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band was not coming...and would not be coming. And that supposedly their Bus had broken down somewhere. Now the Audience had to be told this....So there are Pissed off Little People marching up and down the aisles, and then now the Bikers were about to be given a bad blow. So a little tiny wisp of a man came out to deliver the bad news....
" I have some troubling news, I am not sure when or if the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band is coming. But if you want to wait for them, because they had some bus trouble, then I am sure they will be here when Randy Finishes playing, Maybe"
His voice cracked and rose off and on, sweat ran down his pinched little face. By the time he was done the Burly Bikers were on their feet yelling and fists waving " We want our Godamn Money Back NOW !!!!
Meanwhile the Parrotheads have all settled in to watch the show- and are getting stoned and blowing up HUGE Beachballs and bouncing them around the audience. Meanwhile the angry little people are still stomping around the aisles.And the Bikers are now stamping their feet and Yelling and getting ready to Break Something.
My sister sitting there in her leather pants and her Donna Summer tube top was looking disgusted, and " I wish I was anywhere else!!". Someone handed her a Flask and told her " Here Darlin' have some Courage", She mellowed considerably.
And while the Tension rose and the Noise got louder, the Little Man on the stage said, "Without Further ado- I give you Randy Newman".......
So out comes Randy, still putting on his jacket, looking a bit rumpled like he just fell off the bus....He quickly gauged the room... and came out on stage and sat at the Piano and started talking....as soothing as a Fine Southern Gentleman , telling the Bikers not to worry that he would keep them happy until The Band arrived, and apologizing to the Little People, and even making nice jokes about his gratitude to the Mysterious Parrotheads and their doobies and beach balls. ( No one was even sure why they were there...). He had a rambling style like a traveling Medicine Man offering some sweet bottled Sunshine and promises out the back of a wagon as he stroked the piano keys.
He sang it all Blues, Ray Charles, Some Jimmy Buffet, and some Willie Nelson.....all of it...He used his music to make peace that snowy night.....
And this Song was how he began his show....".Baltimore"....a much longer version....
And no the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band never showed....but 20 minutes into Randy telling stories and singing songs Something Wonderful happened.....
I am asking you to visit Utah Savage...bring flowers and hugs and good thoughts.....
Sunday::Checking the Papers, Burnt Pancakes, and Green Tea Frappacinos.....

I will do what I do every Sunday...Check the Papers, clean and sweep and change the kitty boxes.Except this Sunday I will be checking the Reaction to Biden being Chosen....And yes, I will be making some pancakes, and maybe get a Frappacino later ( after I pay Bills- the reward). It is too hot here to want to do much else., at this rate I could flip pancakes on my front walk..and later will be the Olympic Closing Ceremonies. ( I am glad that they are ending, and no I did not like how NBC did them, I love Bob Costas, but the sheer scheduling nightmare was ludicrous).
And down below...More snippets of news...and a Ladies Blog Round Up...and because we know the Fellas are Mad about us...
the music is Belinda Carlisle " Mad About You"....
Scroll Down....there is more to ponder....McMansion and more....and the DNC Convention Schedule....A Good Story..."Tank Man"...and odds and ends....
The Story of "TANK MAN" , When I see Bejjing I still remember this Courageous Man,....
Video made with the Stroy of the Tank Man , and the 1989 Uprising, The Peaceful Battle for Democracy that fateful June....If you click the title , that will take you to a full video series, a Documentary on the Uprising and explain in detail the Courage of the Students and Tank Man that Summer....and the Courage of Tank Man. It is disputed how many tanks there were that day 18-21....he indeed stood up to an Army.
Anthony Bourdain and the Egyptian Breakfast.....
This Monday Anthony Bourdain goes to Egypt, remember that this show weaves Culture and the Stories and the History with the Food. I have also noticed that Tony is also weaving social and cultural issues into the episodes ( do watch the Mexico Episode where immigration issues are explored). In even this Breakfast clip he explores the Cost of Food worldwide and the fallout effects that are happening.....Beans and Rice and Soybean and wheat and other grains are skyrocketing...and it is effecting all cultures...
( Most of his shows or parts of his shows are on Youtube, the Beirut Episode is also astounding and the entire episode is on Youtube).
( Most of his shows or parts of his shows are on Youtube, the Beirut Episode is also astounding and the entire episode is on Youtube).
US Forces FREE AP Camera Man in Iraq ( Held for 2 Monthes)
Freedom of Speech ???? WHY don't we get Good reporting from Iraq ? is this WHY? He was "detained" for 3 monthes with NO charges.....
From McCain's OWN website:::::
John McCain is committed to ensuring that the men and women of our military remain the best, most capable fighting force on Earth - and that our nation honors its promises to them for their service.
The global war on terrorism, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, threats from rogue states like Iran and North Korea, and the rise of potential strategic competitors like China and Russia mean that America requires a larger and more capable military to protect our country's vital interests and deter challenges to our security. America confronts a range of serious security challenges: Protecting our homeland in an age of global terrorism and Islamist extremism; working with friends and partners overseas, from Africa to Southeast Asia, to help them combat terrorism and violent insurgencies in their own countries; defending against missile and nuclear attack; maintaining the credibility of our defense commitments to our allies; and waging difficult counterinsurgency campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq.
John McCain understands national security and the threats facing our nation. He recognizes the dangers posed by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, violent Islamist extremists and their terrorist tactics, and the ever present threat of regional conflict that can spill into broader wars that endanger allies and destabilize areas of the world vital to American security. He knows that to protect our homeland, our interests, and our values - and to keep the peace - America must have the best-manned, best-equipped, and best-supported military in the world.
John McCain has been a tireless advocate of our military and ensuring that our forces are properly postured, funded, and ready to meet the nation's obligations both at home and abroad. He has fought to modernize our forces, to ensure that America maintains and expands its technological edge against any potential adversary, and to see that our forces are capable and ready to undertake the variety of missions necessary to meet national security objectives.
As President, John McCain will strengthen the military, shore up our alliances, and ensure that the nation is capable of protecting the homeland, deterring potential military challenges, responding to any crisis that endangers American security, and prevailing in any conflict we are forced to fight
John McCain is committed to ensuring that the men and women of our military remain the best, most capable fighting force on Earth - and that our nation honors its promises to them for their service.
The global war on terrorism, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, threats from rogue states like Iran and North Korea, and the rise of potential strategic competitors like China and Russia mean that America requires a larger and more capable military to protect our country's vital interests and deter challenges to our security. America confronts a range of serious security challenges: Protecting our homeland in an age of global terrorism and Islamist extremism; working with friends and partners overseas, from Africa to Southeast Asia, to help them combat terrorism and violent insurgencies in their own countries; defending against missile and nuclear attack; maintaining the credibility of our defense commitments to our allies; and waging difficult counterinsurgency campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq.
John McCain understands national security and the threats facing our nation. He recognizes the dangers posed by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, violent Islamist extremists and their terrorist tactics, and the ever present threat of regional conflict that can spill into broader wars that endanger allies and destabilize areas of the world vital to American security. He knows that to protect our homeland, our interests, and our values - and to keep the peace - America must have the best-manned, best-equipped, and best-supported military in the world.
John McCain has been a tireless advocate of our military and ensuring that our forces are properly postured, funded, and ready to meet the nation's obligations both at home and abroad. He has fought to modernize our forces, to ensure that America maintains and expands its technological edge against any potential adversary, and to see that our forces are capable and ready to undertake the variety of missions necessary to meet national security objectives.
As President, John McCain will strengthen the military, shore up our alliances, and ensure that the nation is capable of protecting the homeland, deterring potential military challenges, responding to any crisis that endangers American security, and prevailing in any conflict we are forced to fight
McMansion : His Updated $$$$ BIO Video....So much creativity since the Mansion Count began.....
Thank You Bluegal and C&L for posting this- it needs to be shared...
Saturday, August 23, 2008
[originally posted 8.23.08]

American Prayer - Dave Stewart, Forest Whitaker, Jason Alexander, Whoopi Goldberg, Cyndi Lauper, Barry Manilow, Joan Baez, Macy Gray and Joss Stone...Beautiful...it has alot of photos that we all have used on our blogs...wow...The song is breathtaking...and the MLK part at the end is very inspiring.....WOW....Click the Title to read WHY Dave Stewart wrote this song....
Soooooo sure enough THE TEXT MESSEGE did indeed come at 3am...it was awesome....and 6-6 and I laughed...and said we hoped it woke Hillary.....and yes indeed it is Biden....So Let's get this Battle Started...we are ALL ready....
"Barack has chosen Joe Biden to be his VP, Watch the Obama -Biden Rally live at 3PM Eastern. Spread the Word"
( Now don't forget Keith Olbermann is on a 1pm first.)
On another note, I have a new post up over at Peace Tree "Huddled Masses Yearning".....please come see this beautiful inspiring blog by PoetryMan,
Peace Tree
...and I will be around here and there today..... Also Please do stop over and give a warm welcome to a new blog
Inside Looking Out

I will be Liveblogging the Springfield Rally in the Comments thread....Please feel free to drop in....Robert Rouse started a new Blog this weekend, in time for the Convention,it is to honor Our Constitution, please go give it a Read and also a warm Welcome.
Uncommon Sense

American Prayer - Dave Stewart, Forest Whitaker, Jason Alexander, Whoopi Goldberg, Cyndi Lauper, Barry Manilow, Joan Baez, Macy Gray and Joss Stone...Beautiful...it has alot of photos that we all have used on our blogs...wow...The song is breathtaking...and the MLK part at the end is very inspiring.....WOW....Click the Title to read WHY Dave Stewart wrote this song....
Soooooo sure enough THE TEXT MESSEGE did indeed come at 3am...it was awesome....and 6-6 and I laughed...and said we hoped it woke Hillary.....and yes indeed it is Biden....So Let's get this Battle Started...we are ALL ready....
"Barack has chosen Joe Biden to be his VP, Watch the Obama -Biden Rally live at 3PM Eastern. Spread the Word"
( Now don't forget Keith Olbermann is on a 1pm first.)
On another note, I have a new post up over at Peace Tree "Huddled Masses Yearning".....please come see this beautiful inspiring blog by PoetryMan,
...and I will be around here and there today..... Also Please do stop over and give a warm welcome to a new blog

I will be Liveblogging the Springfield Rally in the Comments thread....Please feel free to drop in....Robert Rouse started a new Blog this weekend, in time for the Convention,it is to honor Our Constitution, please go give it a Read and also a warm Welcome.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Finally Friday....Finally.
"Not only is another world possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing."Arundhati Roy

~Yeah, My kitchen window....and yes, Note to self- Sun Catchers do indeed make great Kitty toys...so there are only 3 left out of about 8....Too bad the reflection blocks seeing the morning glories on the other side...
So I stayed up way too late working on Silent Fallout...I suck at editing, that is what I learned. Anyways, at 3am I hopped over to Huffpo to see if any good news or Mansions had fallen out of the sky...and VOILA....yup...See Below... So NOW things are about to get pretty damned interesting....Screw the Olympics, let's bring on those Debates, NOW I am ready.....
So Down below, there is a Trailer of Micheal Moore's latest Documentary, that comes out today Nationwide, " Trouble the Water"....it looks very very good. And then there is plenty about McMansion and his lovely week, and some great videos ( boy it's great that I can baptize him daily with new names.).
And if you get a chance do visit the Men of Blogatopia Blogs....the roundup this week...and then do go see Mandt he has a Post and a Video about our VETS he made that are astounding....haunting.
Music David Bowie " This is not America"
Friday Wisdom:
"The Grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for." ~Allan K.Chalmers
"If you want to build a ship, don't herd people together to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea."~Antoine De Saint- Exupery
NEW OBAMA AD From DNC in Florida- Excellent ad showing HOW McCain really LIVES- the Houses, expensive shoes and the Planes....Enjoy and share...

~Yeah, My kitchen window....and yes, Note to self- Sun Catchers do indeed make great Kitty toys...so there are only 3 left out of about 8....Too bad the reflection blocks seeing the morning glories on the other side...
So I stayed up way too late working on Silent Fallout...I suck at editing, that is what I learned. Anyways, at 3am I hopped over to Huffpo to see if any good news or Mansions had fallen out of the sky...and VOILA....yup...See Below... So NOW things are about to get pretty damned interesting....Screw the Olympics, let's bring on those Debates, NOW I am ready.....
So Down below, there is a Trailer of Micheal Moore's latest Documentary, that comes out today Nationwide, " Trouble the Water"....it looks very very good. And then there is plenty about McMansion and his lovely week, and some great videos ( boy it's great that I can baptize him daily with new names.).
And if you get a chance do visit the Men of Blogatopia Blogs....the roundup this week...and then do go see Mandt he has a Post and a Video about our VETS he made that are astounding....haunting.
Music David Bowie " This is not America"
Friday Wisdom:
"The Grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for." ~Allan K.Chalmers
"If you want to build a ship, don't herd people together to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea."~Antoine De Saint- Exupery
NEW OBAMA AD From DNC in Florida- Excellent ad showing HOW McCain really LIVES- the Houses, expensive shoes and the Planes....Enjoy and share...
It is Not Always Bad News At 3am, So in the Middle of the Night on the Internets the News is , yup.....it's Mitt

OMG......Really ??? But Rudy and Joey Lieberman must be crying somewhere...Two Close "Sources" leaked this Gem ( I guess they are not "close" friends anymore , eh?) So this will be The Ticket? Really ??? ( Click the title to read the Huffpo update).
So I told 6-6 , because he was still up ( hey ,it's hot here in Ctown tonight- not good sleep weather). And we both stayed up watching the Olympics....So he said " Nooooooo, Really ?!! Wow, this will be better than Christmas, they will be fighting like Cats and dogs- Willard and Granpa McMansion.....holy crap".....( Sorry but teens always get it right). I look at them together- and all I see is a pissed off Walmart Greeter and a used car Salesman....( and you all wonder why I have heartburn).So Willard and Granpa- Let's get those Damn Debates started and we can See WHO is More "Elite " Now.....

Micheal Moore's New Documentary "Trouble The Water" opens Today

Micheal Moore's New Documentary is not just about Katrina, it is about America.....It Opens today Nationwide, and if you click the Title, it takes you to the Nationwide Theater List.to say it looks haunting would be an understatement. Bloggers should promote this film, as most of us did cover and still cover this American Debacle.
( Book to read this month "The Great Deluge" by Douglas Brinkley gives a chilling History of that Disaster in 2005, and why Nothing has healed).
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Then It Was Thursday....
On the porch...Let's talk...I will share my Sun Tea...

I am working on Silent Fallout & Watery Lies today..sitting on the porch,...eat peaches and edit...and take a Break from the Other Research ( yeah the MOVE research)....because I have some Other Things on my mind...
I am also really thinking really hard about the Polls and Obama...I think Something Is Funny, like Cooked...I mean I do not know a soul that is voting for McCoot, and there are NO signs or stickers here.NONE ...and I am in the Heartland of Ohio...and also when he comes here ( which he does like every other week,they can barely fill his Invite ONLY Venues, less than 400 people at a time, and NO lines, and he limits and controls the Press coverage and interaction here.) And yeah..down below also some illuminating McCoot Information that the Media has failed AGAIN to report....
We Need to Fight Back Folks......
And yeah...6-6 is right Beatles knew how to fight back best...so the song today is " Revolution"...it is up to us as parents to join with our kids and stop McCoot the Warmonger and get the Whitehouse out of the Rethug hands once and for all....MSM won't help us, we as Bloggers have to do This OurSelves....We have Journalistic Integrity, we are Not Propaganda Tools with a McManCrush.....
Some Thursday Wisdom:
“I am not only a pacifist but a militant pacifist. I am willing to fight for peace. Nothing will end war unless the people themselves refuse to go to war.”
Albert Einstein quotes (German born American Physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity. Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921. 1879-1955
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
Mahatma Gandhi quotes (Indian Philosopher, internationally esteemed for his doctrine of nonviolent protest, 1869-1948)
OBAMA HITS BACK WITH NEW AD ABOUT McCoot's Elitism ( he can NOT remember HOW many houses ???What the ???)Check out the Video just out Folks.....Yeah....

I am working on Silent Fallout & Watery Lies today..sitting on the porch,...eat peaches and edit...and take a Break from the Other Research ( yeah the MOVE research)....because I have some Other Things on my mind...
I am also really thinking really hard about the Polls and Obama...I think Something Is Funny, like Cooked...I mean I do not know a soul that is voting for McCoot, and there are NO signs or stickers here.NONE ...and I am in the Heartland of Ohio...and also when he comes here ( which he does like every other week,they can barely fill his Invite ONLY Venues, less than 400 people at a time, and NO lines, and he limits and controls the Press coverage and interaction here.) And yeah..down below also some illuminating McCoot Information that the Media has failed AGAIN to report....
We Need to Fight Back Folks......
And yeah...6-6 is right Beatles knew how to fight back best...so the song today is " Revolution"...it is up to us as parents to join with our kids and stop McCoot the Warmonger and get the Whitehouse out of the Rethug hands once and for all....MSM won't help us, we as Bloggers have to do This OurSelves....We have Journalistic Integrity, we are Not Propaganda Tools with a McManCrush.....
Some Thursday Wisdom:
“I am not only a pacifist but a militant pacifist. I am willing to fight for peace. Nothing will end war unless the people themselves refuse to go to war.”
Albert Einstein quotes (German born American Physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity. Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921. 1879-1955
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
Mahatma Gandhi quotes (Indian Philosopher, internationally esteemed for his doctrine of nonviolent protest, 1869-1948)
OBAMA HITS BACK WITH NEW AD ABOUT McCoot's Elitism ( he can NOT remember HOW many houses ???What the ???)Check out the Video just out Folks.....Yeah....
Seriously Gramps McCoot ( AKA as McMansion) Can NOT remember HOW many Homes he has ??? He has to check with his staff ??? click the title
For the Record he has NINE Homes on SEVEN Properties ( although all of them are listed over at Huffpost with GPS and Photos...)
and as Tom Dem Friend Pointed out...gee it 's like Imelda Marcos how many shoes does she have ???? So did he lie or Forget ???? (And here's the thing what about the Florida home I don't see that listed ...hmm, maybe he does not own it anymore - a condo...)
Keith is doing it tonight on Countdown.....good...
and as Tom Dem Friend Pointed out...gee it 's like Imelda Marcos how many shoes does she have ???? So did he lie or Forget ???? (And here's the thing what about the Florida home I don't see that listed ...hmm, maybe he does not own it anymore - a condo...)
Keith is doing it tonight on Countdown.....good...
PASS THIS FAR AND WIDE, YES, McCoot the Warmonger does indeed support THE DRAFT, and he will send our kids WHO knows Where to fight Some Damned War...
I am encouraging ALL Parents GO to McCoot Events and ASK THIS QUESTION and GET IT ON FILM....This Warmonger will have our kids fighting and dying WHO knows where- he is NUTS...And DO Watch him talk about Georgia- HOW they as a "CHRISTIAN NATION NEED OUR HELP", watch those speechs on CNN and CSPAN ( yes, he says that just not on this snippet)...I repeat HE IS NUTS ....Lets END the MSM 's McManCrush - this Mad Man has to be stopped...
YOU ARE NOT EVER GETTING MY SON MCCAIN - GOT THAT ???!!! My son is NOT going to Fight your Insane "Christian " Wars !!! And Yes, I will raise Holy Hell if this damned Election is STOLEN AGAIN or You and your buddies Want a Draft......
( Please watch this video and NOTE the DARK room , with maybe 200 people....We NEED to confront the MSM that the events are Photo Ops- Invite ONLY.....stop the Propanda folks....)
YOU ARE NOT EVER GETTING MY SON MCCAIN - GOT THAT ???!!! My son is NOT going to Fight your Insane "Christian " Wars !!! And Yes, I will raise Holy Hell if this damned Election is STOLEN AGAIN or You and your buddies Want a Draft......
( Please watch this video and NOTE the DARK room , with maybe 200 people....We NEED to confront the MSM that the events are Photo Ops- Invite ONLY.....stop the Propanda folks....)
McMaverick's McMansions ( WHO is Elite Now ?must be nice to have a Sugar Mama) Click the Title to See
Originally posted 8.18.08...NOW McCain says he does NOT remember HOW MANY Homes he has ???So he is either a Liar or senile ????
( more spent on THE HELP than given to charities....lovely)
"McCain's Houses: The Gift that Keeps on Giving
The McCains spend more each year on house staff ($273,000), than the average American's home is worth ($266,000).
Update: McCain isn't commenting on this story. But that doesn't mean he's not out and about!
McCain, who huddled with advisors at his desert compound in Sedona, Ariz., said nothing in public. A nine-car motorcade took him to a nearby Starbucks early in the morning, where he ordered a large cappuccino. McCain otherwise avoided reporters.
Late update: The McCain's spent more on household help than they gave to charity."
( more spent on THE HELP than given to charities....lovely)
"McCain's Houses: The Gift that Keeps on Giving
The McCains spend more each year on house staff ($273,000), than the average American's home is worth ($266,000).
Update: McCain isn't commenting on this story. But that doesn't mean he's not out and about!
McCain, who huddled with advisors at his desert compound in Sedona, Ariz., said nothing in public. A nine-car motorcade took him to a nearby Starbucks early in the morning, where he ordered a large cappuccino. McCain otherwise avoided reporters.
Late update: The McCain's spent more on household help than they gave to charity."
Meet the Men of Blogatopia....( Well, Some of the Greatness- there is more to come )

So about a week ago I did a post dedicated to some of the great Women in Blogatopia and Today it is the Men...They all bring their own style , wisdom, humor and insight. So go visit some of the Men below...you are in for a treat. ( originally posted 8.20.08)
*[photo 1930's Grand Canyon by C.W.Cushman}*
Song for the Post...( yeah...I did Link "It's Raining Men " to the Title - ahhh Christopher- you should take a peak...)
yeah....."The Boxer"
Obama Outraising McMaverick in Utah, yeah , Utah...(click the title)
But he is outraising him in a WHOLE bunch of Red States....even Arizona folks...Look it up in your state and report back I will post....I am sorry but Polls mean LITTLE when all kinds of people are supporting Obama...that says More to me than some fake polls where ALL they do is Call Repugs...I am not buying it- nope.....
( WHY ? because I got Dropped from TWO polling services as soon as the Primary ended- YES Zogby Kiss my ass I know I was Dropped because I am a Woman for Obama.....)
( WHY ? because I got Dropped from TWO polling services as soon as the Primary ended- YES Zogby Kiss my ass I know I was Dropped because I am a Woman for Obama.....)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Rep.Stephanie Tubbs Jones died this evening from a Brain Aneurysm, The Music tonight is dedicated to her and her 28 years of Service

I have only been here for 2 years, and don't fully understand Ohio Politics ( which tends to be messy...and confusing). But I was very impressed with her and her 28 years of service to this State and this Community. She was too young, and died so fast from a massive Brain Aneurysm, she was on live support for about 18 hours and her organs were donated per her wishes. Condolences and prayers to her son, family and friends.
Whitney Houston sings "Amazing Grace" like no other...
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